-- Data Indicator Graphics Element local util = require("scada-common.util") local element = require("graphics.element") -- format a number string with commas as the thousands separator -- -- subtracts from spaces at the start if present for each comma used ---@param num string number string ---@return string local function comma_format(num) local formatted = num local commas = 0 local i = 1 while i > 0 do formatted, i = formatted:gsub("^(%s-%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') if i > 0 then commas = commas + 1 end end local _, num_spaces = formatted:gsub(" %s-", "") local remove = math.min(num_spaces, commas) formatted = string.sub(formatted, remove + 1) return formatted end ---@class data_indicator_args ---@field label string indicator label ---@field unit? string indicator unit ---@field format string data format (lua string format) ---@field commas boolean whether to use commas if a number is given (default to false) ---@field lu_colors? cpair label foreground color (a), unit foreground color (b) ---@field value any default value ---@field parent graphics_element ---@field id? string element id ---@field x? integer 1 if omitted ---@field y? integer 1 if omitted ---@field width integer length ---@field fg_bg? cpair foreground/background colors -- new data indicator ---@param args data_indicator_args ---@return graphics_element element, element_id id local function data(args) assert(type(args.label) == "string", "graphics.elements.indicators.data: label is a required field") assert(type(args.format) == "string", "graphics.elements.indicators.data: format is a required field") assert(args.value ~= nil, "graphics.elements.indicators.data: value is a required field") assert(util.is_int(args.width), "graphics.elements.indicators.data: width is a required field") -- single line args.height = 1 -- create new graphics element base object local e = element.new(args) -- label color if args.lu_colors ~= nil then e.window.setTextColor(args.lu_colors.color_a) end -- write label e.window.setCursorPos(1, 1) e.window.write(args.label) local data_start = string.len(args.label) + 2 -- on state change ---@param value any new value function e.on_update(value) e.value = value local data_str = util.sprintf(args.format, value) -- write data e.window.setCursorPos(data_start, 1) e.window.setTextColor(e.fg_bg.fgd) if args.commas then e.window.write(comma_format(data_str)) else e.window.write(data_str) end -- write label if args.unit ~= nil then if args.lu_colors ~= nil then e.window.setTextColor(args.lu_colors.color_b) end e.window.write(" " .. args.unit) end end -- set the value ---@param val any new value function e.set_value(val) e.on_update(val) end -- initial value draw e.on_update(args.value) return e.get() end return data