local comms = require("scada-common.comms") local log = require("scada-common.log") local mqueue = require("scada-common.mqueue") local types = require("scada-common.types") local util = require("scada-common.util") local txnctrl = require("supervisor.session.rtu.txnctrl") local unit_session = {} local PROTOCOL = comms.PROTOCOL local MODBUS_FCODE = types.MODBUS_FCODE local MODBUS_EXCODE = types.MODBUS_EXCODE local RTU_US_CMDS = { } local RTU_US_DATA = { BUILD_CHANGED = 1 } unit_session.RTU_US_CMDS = RTU_US_CMDS unit_session.RTU_US_DATA = RTU_US_DATA -- create a new unit session runner ---@nodiscard ---@param session_id integer RTU gateway session ID ---@param unit_id integer MODBUS unit ID ---@param advert rtu_advertisement RTU advertisement for this unit ---@param out_queue mqueue send queue ---@param log_tag string logging tag ---@param txn_tags table transaction log tags function unit_session.new(session_id, unit_id, advert, out_queue, log_tag, txn_tags) local self = { device_index = advert.index, reactor = advert.reactor, transaction_controller = txnctrl.new(), connected = true, device_fail = false } ---@class _unit_session local protected = { in_q = mqueue.new() } ---@class unit_session local public = {} -- PROTECTED FUNCTIONS -- -- send a MODBUS message, creating a transaction in the process ---@param txn_type integer transaction type ---@param f_code MODBUS_FCODE function code ---@param register_param table register range or register and values ---@return integer txn_id transaction ID of this transaction function protected.send_request(txn_type, f_code, register_param) local m_pkt = comms.modbus_packet() local txn_id = self.transaction_controller.create(txn_type) m_pkt.make(txn_id, unit_id, f_code, register_param) out_queue.push_packet(m_pkt) return txn_id end -- try to resolve a MODBUS transaction ---@nodiscard ---@param m_pkt modbus_frame MODBUS packet ---@return integer|false txn_type, integer txn_id transaction type or false on error/busy, transaction ID function protected.try_resolve(m_pkt) if m_pkt.scada_frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.MODBUS_TCP then if m_pkt.unit_id == unit_id then local txn_type = self.transaction_controller.resolve(m_pkt.txn_id) local txn_tag = util.c(" (", txn_tags[txn_type], ")") if txn_type == nil then -- couldn't find this transaction log.debug(log_tag .. "MODBUS: expired or spurious transaction reply (txn_id " .. m_pkt.txn_id .. ")") return false, m_pkt.txn_id end if bit.band(m_pkt.func_code, MODBUS_FCODE.ERROR_FLAG) ~= 0 then -- transaction incomplete or failed local ex = m_pkt.data[1] if ex == MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_FUNCTION then log.error(log_tag .. "MODBUS: illegal function" .. txn_tag) elseif ex == MODBUS_EXCODE.ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR then log.error(log_tag .. "MODBUS: illegal data address" .. txn_tag) elseif ex == MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_FAIL then if self.device_fail then log.debug(log_tag .. "MODBUS: repeated device failure" .. txn_tag) else self.device_fail = true log.warning(log_tag .. "MODBUS: device failure" .. txn_tag) end elseif ex == MODBUS_EXCODE.ACKNOWLEDGE then -- will have to wait on reply, renew the transaction self.transaction_controller.renew(m_pkt.txn_id, txn_type) elseif ex == MODBUS_EXCODE.SERVER_DEVICE_BUSY then -- will have to wait on reply, renew the transaction self.transaction_controller.renew(m_pkt.txn_id, txn_type) log.debug(log_tag .. "MODBUS: device busy" .. txn_tag) elseif ex == MODBUS_EXCODE.NEG_ACKNOWLEDGE then -- general failure log.error(log_tag .. "MODBUS: negative acknowledge (bad request)" .. txn_tag) elseif ex == MODBUS_EXCODE.GATEWAY_PATH_UNAVAILABLE then -- RTU gateway has no known unit with the given ID log.error(log_tag .. "MODBUS: gateway path unavailable (unknown unit)" .. txn_tag) elseif ex ~= nil then -- unsupported exception code log.debug(log_tag .. "MODBUS: unsupported error " .. ex .. txn_tag) else -- nil exception code log.debug(log_tag .. "MODBUS: nil exception code" .. txn_tag) end else -- clear device fail flag self.device_fail = false -- no error, return the transaction type return txn_type, m_pkt.txn_id end else log.error(log_tag .. "wrong unit ID: " .. m_pkt.unit_id, true) end else log.error(log_tag .. "illegal packet type " .. m_pkt.scada_frame.protocol(), true) end -- error or transaction in progress, return false return false, m_pkt.txn_id end -- post update tasks function protected.post_update() self.transaction_controller.cleanup() end -- get the public interface ---@nodiscard function protected.get() return public end -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -- -- get the RTU gateway session ID ---@nodiscard function public.get_session_id() return session_id end -- get the unit ID ---@nodiscard function public.get_unit_id() return unit_id end -- get the device index ---@nodiscard function public.get_device_idx() return self.device_index or 0 end -- get the reactor ID ---@nodiscard function public.get_reactor() return self.reactor end -- get the command queue ---@nodiscard function public.get_cmd_queue() return protected.in_q end -- close this unit ---@nodiscard function public.close() self.connected = false end -- check if this unit is connected ---@nodiscard function public.is_connected() return self.connected end -- check if this unit is faulted ---@nodiscard function public.is_faulted() return self.device_fail end -- PUBLIC TEMPLATE FUNCTIONS -- -- luacheck: no unused args -- handle a packet ---@param m_pkt modbus_frame ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local function public.handle_packet(m_pkt) log.debug("template unit_session.handle_packet() called", true) end -- update this runner ---@param time_now integer milliseconds ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local function public.update(time_now) log.debug("template unit_session.update() called", true) end -- luacheck: unused args -- invalidate build cache function public.invalidate_cache() log.debug("template unit_session.invalidate_cache() called", true) end -- get the unit session database ---@nodiscard function public.get_db() log.debug("template unit_session.get_db() called", true) return {} end return protected end return unit_session