import json import os import sys # list files in a directory def list_files(path): list = [] for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path): for f in files: list.append((root[2:] + "/" + f).replace('\\','/')) return list # get size of all files in a directory def dir_size(path): total = 0 for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path): for f in files: total += os.path.getsize(root + "/" + f) return total # get the version of an application at the provided path def get_version(path, is_comms = False): ver = "" string = "comms.version = \"" if not is_comms: string = "_VERSION = \"" f = open(path, "r") for line in f: pos = line.find(string) if pos >= 0: ver = line[(pos + len(string)):(len(line) - 2)] break f.close() return ver # generate installation manifest object def make_manifest(size): manifest = { "versions" : { "installer" : get_version("./ccmsi.lua"), "bootloader" : get_version("./startup.lua"), "comms" : get_version("./scada-common/comms.lua", True), "reactor-plc" : get_version("./reactor-plc/startup.lua"), "rtu" : get_version("./rtu/startup.lua"), "supervisor" : get_version("./supervisor/startup.lua"), "coordinator" : get_version("./coordinator/startup.lua"), "pocket" : get_version("./pocket/startup.lua") }, "files" : { # common files "system" : [ "initenv.lua", "startup.lua" ], "common" : list_files("./scada-common"), "graphics" : list_files("./graphics"), "lockbox" : list_files("./lockbox"), # platform files "reactor-plc" : list_files("./reactor-plc"), "rtu" : list_files("./rtu"), "supervisor" : list_files("./supervisor"), "coordinator" : list_files("./coordinator"), "pocket" : list_files("./pocket"), }, "depends" : { "reactor-plc" : [ "system", "common", "graphics" ], "rtu" : [ "system", "common" ], "supervisor" : [ "system", "common" ], "coordinator" : [ "system", "common", "graphics" ], "pocket" : [ "system", "common", "graphics" ] }, "sizes" : { # manifest file estimate "manifest" : size, # common files "system" : os.path.getsize("initenv.lua") + os.path.getsize("startup.lua"), "common" : dir_size("./scada-common"), "graphics" : dir_size("./graphics"), "lockbox" : dir_size("./lockbox"), # platform files "reactor-plc" : dir_size("./reactor-plc"), "rtu" : dir_size("./rtu"), "supervisor" : dir_size("./supervisor"), "coordinator" : dir_size("./coordinator"), "pocket" : dir_size("./pocket"), } } return manifest # write initial manifest with placeholder size f = open("install_manifest.json", "w") json.dump(make_manifest("-----"), f) f.close() manifest_size = os.path.getsize("install_manifest.json") final_manifest = make_manifest(manifest_size) # calculate file size then regenerate with embedded size f = open("install_manifest.json", "w") json.dump(final_manifest, f) f.close() if sys.argv[1] == "shields": # write all the JSON files for for key, version in final_manifest["versions"].items(): f = open("./shields/" + key + ".json", "w") if version.find("alpha") >= 0: color = "yellow" elif version.find("beta") >= 0: color = "orange" else: color = "blue" json.dump({ "schemaVersion": 1, "label": key, "message": "" + version, "color": color }, f) f.close()