local comms = require("scada-common.comms") local log = require("scada-common.log") local util = require("scada-common.util") local iocontrol = require("pocket.iocontrol") local PROTOCOL = comms.PROTOCOL local DEVICE_TYPE = comms.DEVICE_TYPE local ESTABLISH_ACK = comms.ESTABLISH_ACK local MGMT_TYPE = comms.MGMT_TYPE local LINK_STATE = iocontrol.LINK_STATE local pocket = {} ---@type pkt_config local config = {} pocket.config = config -- load the pocket configuration function pocket.load_config() if not settings.load("/pocket.settings") then return false end config.SVR_Channel = settings.get("SVR_Channel") config.CRD_Channel = settings.get("CRD_Channel") config.PKT_Channel = settings.get("PKT_Channel") config.ConnTimeout = settings.get("ConnTimeout") config.TrustedRange = settings.get("TrustedRange") config.AuthKey = settings.get("AuthKey") config.LogMode = settings.get("LogMode") config.LogPath = settings.get("LogPath") config.LogDebug = settings.get("LogDebug") local cfv = util.new_validator() cfv.assert_channel(config.SVR_Channel) cfv.assert_channel(config.CRD_Channel) cfv.assert_channel(config.PKT_Channel) cfv.assert_type_num(config.ConnTimeout) cfv.assert_min(config.ConnTimeout, 2) cfv.assert_type_num(config.TrustedRange) cfv.assert_min(config.TrustedRange, 0) cfv.assert_type_str(config.AuthKey) if type(config.AuthKey) == "string" then local len = string.len(config.AuthKey) cfv.assert(len == 0 or len >= 8) end cfv.assert_type_int(config.LogMode) cfv.assert_range(config.LogMode, 0, 1) cfv.assert_type_str(config.LogPath) cfv.assert_type_bool(config.LogDebug) return cfv.valid() end -- pocket coordinator + supervisor communications ---@nodiscard ---@param version string pocket version ---@param nic nic network interface device ---@param sv_watchdog watchdog ---@param api_watchdog watchdog function pocket.comms(version, nic, sv_watchdog, api_watchdog) local self = { sv = { linked = false, addr = comms.BROADCAST, seq_num = 0, r_seq_num = nil, ---@type nil|integer last_est_ack = ESTABLISH_ACK.ALLOW }, api = { linked = false, addr = comms.BROADCAST, seq_num = 0, r_seq_num = nil, ---@type nil|integer last_est_ack = ESTABLISH_ACK.ALLOW }, establish_delay_counter = 0 } comms.set_trusted_range(config.TrustedRange) -- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS -- -- configure network channels nic.closeAll() nic.open(config.PKT_Channel) -- send a management packet to the supervisor ---@param msg_type MGMT_TYPE ---@param msg table local function _send_sv(msg_type, msg) local s_pkt = comms.scada_packet() local pkt = comms.mgmt_packet() pkt.make(msg_type, msg) s_pkt.make(self.sv.addr, self.sv.seq_num, PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT, pkt.raw_sendable()) nic.transmit(config.SVR_Channel, config.PKT_Channel, s_pkt) self.sv.seq_num = self.sv.seq_num + 1 end -- send a management packet to the coordinator ---@param msg_type MGMT_TYPE ---@param msg table local function _send_crd(msg_type, msg) local s_pkt = comms.scada_packet() local pkt = comms.mgmt_packet() pkt.make(msg_type, msg) s_pkt.make(self.api.addr, self.api.seq_num, PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT, pkt.raw_sendable()) nic.transmit(config.CRD_Channel, config.PKT_Channel, s_pkt) self.api.seq_num = self.api.seq_num + 1 end -- attempt supervisor connection establishment local function _send_sv_establish() _send_sv(MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH, { comms.version, version, DEVICE_TYPE.PKT }) end -- attempt coordinator API connection establishment local function _send_api_establish() _send_crd(MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH, { comms.version, version, DEVICE_TYPE.PKT }) end -- keep alive ack to supervisor ---@param srv_time integer local function _send_sv_keep_alive_ack(srv_time) _send_sv(MGMT_TYPE.KEEP_ALIVE, { srv_time, util.time() }) end -- keep alive ack to coordinator ---@param srv_time integer local function _send_api_keep_alive_ack(srv_time) _send_crd(MGMT_TYPE.KEEP_ALIVE, { srv_time, util.time() }) end -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -- ---@class pocket_comms local public = {} -- close connection to the supervisor function public.close_sv() sv_watchdog.cancel() self.sv.linked = false self.sv.r_seq_num = nil self.sv.addr = comms.BROADCAST _send_sv(MGMT_TYPE.CLOSE, {}) end -- close connection to coordinator API server function public.close_api() api_watchdog.cancel() self.api.linked = false self.api.r_seq_num = nil self.api.addr = comms.BROADCAST _send_crd(MGMT_TYPE.CLOSE, {}) end -- close the connections to the servers function public.close() public.close_sv() public.close_api() end -- attempt to re-link if any of the dependent links aren't active function public.link_update() if not self.sv.linked then iocontrol.report_link_state(util.trinary(self.api.linked, LINK_STATE.API_LINK_ONLY, LINK_STATE.UNLINKED)) if self.establish_delay_counter <= 0 then _send_sv_establish() self.establish_delay_counter = 4 else self.establish_delay_counter = self.establish_delay_counter - 1 end elseif not self.api.linked then iocontrol.report_link_state(LINK_STATE.SV_LINK_ONLY) if self.establish_delay_counter <= 0 then _send_api_establish() self.establish_delay_counter = 4 else self.establish_delay_counter = self.establish_delay_counter - 1 end else -- linked, all good! iocontrol.report_link_state(LINK_STATE.LINKED) end end -- supervisor get active alarm tones function public.diag__get_alarm_tones() if self.sv.linked then _send_sv(MGMT_TYPE.DIAG_TONE_GET, {}) end end -- supervisor test alarm tones by tone ---@param id TONE|0 tone ID, or 0 to stop all ---@param state boolean tone state function public.diag__set_alarm_tone(id, state) if self.sv.linked then _send_sv(MGMT_TYPE.DIAG_TONE_SET, { id, state }) end end -- supervisor test alarm tones by alarm ---@param id ALARM|0 alarm ID, 0 to stop all ---@param state boolean alarm state function public.diag__set_alarm(id, state) if self.sv.linked then _send_sv(MGMT_TYPE.DIAG_ALARM_SET, { id, state }) end end -- parse a packet ---@param side string ---@param sender integer ---@param reply_to integer ---@param message any ---@param distance integer ---@return mgmt_frame|crdn_frame|nil packet function public.parse_packet(side, sender, reply_to, message, distance) local s_pkt = nic.receive(side, sender, reply_to, message, distance) local pkt = nil if s_pkt then -- get as SCADA management packet if s_pkt.protocol() == PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT then local mgmt_pkt = comms.mgmt_packet() if mgmt_pkt.decode(s_pkt) then pkt = mgmt_pkt.get() end -- get as coordinator packet elseif s_pkt.protocol() == PROTOCOL.SCADA_CRDN then local crdn_pkt = comms.crdn_packet() if crdn_pkt.decode(s_pkt) then pkt = crdn_pkt.get() end else log.debug("attempted parse of illegal packet type " .. s_pkt.protocol(), true) end end return pkt end -- handle a packet ---@param packet mgmt_frame|crdn_frame|nil function public.handle_packet(packet) local diag = iocontrol.get_db().diag if packet ~= nil then local l_chan = packet.scada_frame.local_channel() local r_chan = packet.scada_frame.remote_channel() local protocol = packet.scada_frame.protocol() local src_addr = packet.scada_frame.src_addr() if l_chan ~= config.PKT_Channel then log.debug("received packet on unconfigured channel " .. l_chan, true) elseif r_chan == config.CRD_Channel then -- check sequence number if self.api.r_seq_num == nil then self.api.r_seq_num = packet.scada_frame.seq_num() elseif self.connected and ((self.api.r_seq_num + 1) ~= packet.scada_frame.seq_num()) then log.warning("sequence out-of-order (API): last = " .. self.api.r_seq_num .. ", new = " .. packet.scada_frame.seq_num()) return elseif self.api.linked and (src_addr ~= self.api.addr) then log.debug("received packet from unknown computer " .. src_addr .. " while linked (API expected " .. self.api.addr .. "); channel in use by another system?") return else self.api.r_seq_num = packet.scada_frame.seq_num() end -- feed watchdog on valid sequence number api_watchdog.feed() if protocol == PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT then ---@cast packet mgmt_frame if self.api.linked then if packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.KEEP_ALIVE then -- keep alive request received, echo back if packet.length == 1 then local timestamp = packet.data[1] local trip_time = util.time() - timestamp if trip_time > 750 then log.warning("pocket coordinator KEEP_ALIVE trip time > 750ms (" .. trip_time .. "ms)") end log.debug("pocket coordinator TT = " .. trip_time .. "ms") _send_api_keep_alive_ack(timestamp) iocontrol.report_crd_tt(trip_time) else log.debug("coordinator SCADA keep alive packet length mismatch") end elseif packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.CLOSE then -- handle session close api_watchdog.cancel() self.api.linked = false self.api.r_seq_num = nil self.api.addr = comms.BROADCAST log.info("coordinator server connection closed by remote host") else log.debug("received unknown SCADA_MGMT packet type " .. packet.type .. " from coordinator") end elseif packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH then -- connection with coordinator established if packet.length == 1 then local est_ack = packet.data[1] if est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.ALLOW then log.info("coordinator connection established") self.establish_delay_counter = 0 self.api.linked = true self.api.addr = src_addr if self.sv.linked then iocontrol.report_link_state(LINK_STATE.LINKED) else iocontrol.report_link_state(LINK_STATE.API_LINK_ONLY) end elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.DENY then if self.api.last_est_ack ~= est_ack then log.info("coordinator connection denied") end elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.COLLISION then if self.api.last_est_ack ~= est_ack then log.info("coordinator connection denied due to collision") end elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.BAD_VERSION then if self.api.last_est_ack ~= est_ack then log.info("coordinator comms version mismatch") end else log.debug("coordinator SCADA_MGMT establish packet reply unsupported") end self.api.last_est_ack = est_ack else log.debug("coordinator SCADA_MGMT establish packet length mismatch") end else log.debug("discarding coordinator non-link SCADA_MGMT packet before linked") end else log.debug("illegal packet type " .. protocol .. " from coordinator", true) end elseif r_chan == config.SVR_Channel then -- check sequence number if self.sv.r_seq_num == nil then self.sv.r_seq_num = packet.scada_frame.seq_num() elseif self.connected and ((self.sv.r_seq_num + 1) ~= packet.scada_frame.seq_num()) then log.warning("sequence out-of-order (SVR): last = " .. self.sv.r_seq_num .. ", new = " .. packet.scada_frame.seq_num()) return elseif self.sv.linked and (src_addr ~= self.sv.addr) then log.debug("received packet from unknown computer " .. src_addr .. " while linked (SVR expected " .. self.sv.addr .. "); channel in use by another system?") return else self.sv.r_seq_num = packet.scada_frame.seq_num() end -- feed watchdog on valid sequence number sv_watchdog.feed() -- handle packet if protocol == PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT then ---@cast packet mgmt_frame if self.sv.linked then if packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.KEEP_ALIVE then -- keep alive request received, echo back if packet.length == 1 then local timestamp = packet.data[1] local trip_time = util.time() - timestamp if trip_time > 750 then log.warning("pocket supervisor KEEP_ALIVE trip time > 750ms (" .. trip_time .. "ms)") end log.debug("pocket supervisor TT = " .. trip_time .. "ms") _send_sv_keep_alive_ack(timestamp) iocontrol.report_svr_tt(trip_time) else log.debug("supervisor SCADA keep alive packet length mismatch") end elseif packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.CLOSE then -- handle session close sv_watchdog.cancel() self.sv.linked = false self.sv.r_seq_num = nil self.sv.addr = comms.BROADCAST log.info("supervisor server connection closed by remote host") elseif packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.DIAG_TONE_GET then if packet.length == 8 then for i = 1, #packet.data do diag.tone_test.tone_indicators[i].update(packet.data[i] == true) end else log.debug("supervisor SCADA diag alarm states packet length mismatch") end elseif packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.DIAG_TONE_SET then if packet.length == 1 and packet.data[1] == false then diag.tone_test.ready_warn.set_value("testing denied") log.debug("supervisor SCADA diag tone set failed") elseif packet.length == 2 and type(packet.data[2]) == "table" then local ready = packet.data[1] local states = packet.data[2] diag.tone_test.ready_warn.set_value(util.trinary(ready, "", "system not ready")) for i = 1, #states do if diag.tone_test.tone_buttons[i] ~= nil then diag.tone_test.tone_buttons[i].set_value(states[i] == true) diag.tone_test.tone_indicators[i].update(states[i] == true) end end else log.debug("supervisor SCADA diag tone set packet length/type mismatch") end elseif packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.DIAG_ALARM_SET then if packet.length == 1 and packet.data[1] == false then diag.tone_test.ready_warn.set_value("testing denied") log.debug("supervisor SCADA diag alarm set failed") elseif packet.length == 2 and type(packet.data[2]) == "table" then local ready = packet.data[1] local states = packet.data[2] diag.tone_test.ready_warn.set_value(util.trinary(ready, "", "system not ready")) for i = 1, #states do if diag.tone_test.alarm_buttons[i] ~= nil then diag.tone_test.alarm_buttons[i].set_value(states[i] == true) end end else log.debug("supervisor SCADA diag alarm set packet length/type mismatch") end else log.debug("received unknown SCADA_MGMT packet type " .. packet.type .. " from supervisor") end elseif packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH then -- connection with supervisor established if packet.length == 1 then local est_ack = packet.data[1] if est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.ALLOW then log.info("supervisor connection established") self.establish_delay_counter = 0 self.sv.linked = true self.sv.addr = src_addr if self.api.linked then iocontrol.report_link_state(LINK_STATE.LINKED) else iocontrol.report_link_state(LINK_STATE.SV_LINK_ONLY) end elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.DENY then if self.sv.last_est_ack ~= est_ack then log.info("supervisor connection denied") end elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.COLLISION then if self.sv.last_est_ack ~= est_ack then log.info("supervisor connection denied due to collision") end elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.BAD_VERSION then if self.sv.last_est_ack ~= est_ack then log.info("supervisor comms version mismatch") end else log.debug("supervisor SCADA_MGMT establish packet reply unsupported") end self.sv.last_est_ack = est_ack else log.debug("supervisor SCADA_MGMT establish packet length mismatch") end else log.debug("discarding supervisor non-link SCADA_MGMT packet before linked") end else log.debug("illegal packet type " .. protocol .. " from supervisor", true) end else log.debug("received packet from unconfigured channel " .. r_chan, true) end end end -- check if we are still linked with the supervisor ---@nodiscard function public.is_sv_linked() return self.sv.linked end -- check if we are still linked with the coordinator ---@nodiscard function public.is_api_linked() return self.api.linked end return public end return pocket