-- Spinbox Numeric Graphics Element local util = require("scada-common.util") local element = require("graphics.element") ---@class spinbox_args ---@field default? number default value, defaults to 0.0 ---@field min? number default 0, currently must be 0 or greater ---@field max? number default max number that can be displayed with the digits configuration ---@field whole_num_precision integer number of whole number digits ---@field fractional_precision integer number of fractional digits ---@field arrow_fg_bg cpair arrow foreground/background colors ---@field arrow_disable? color color when disabled (default light gray) ---@field parent graphics_element ---@field id? string element id ---@field x? integer 1 if omitted ---@field y? integer 1 if omitted ---@field fg_bg? cpair foreground/background colors -- new spinbox control (minimum value is 0) ---@param args spinbox_args ---@return graphics_element element, element_id id local function spinbox(args) -- properties local digits = {} local wn_prec = args.whole_num_precision local fr_prec = args.fractional_precision assert(util.is_int(wn_prec), "graphics.element.controls.spinbox_numeric: whole number precision must be an integer") assert(util.is_int(fr_prec), "graphics.element.controls.spinbox_numeric: fractional precision must be an integer") local fmt = "" local fmt_init = "" if fr_prec > 0 then fmt = "%" .. (wn_prec + fr_prec + 1) .. "." .. fr_prec .. "f" fmt_init = "%0" .. (wn_prec + fr_prec + 1) .. "." .. fr_prec .. "f" else fmt = "%" .. wn_prec .. "d" fmt_init = "%0" .. wn_prec .. "d" end local dec_point_x = args.whole_num_precision + 1 assert(type(args.arrow_fg_bg) == "table", "graphics.element.spinbox_numeric: arrow_fg_bg is a required field") -- determine widths args.width = wn_prec + fr_prec + util.trinary(fr_prec > 0, 1, 0) args.height = 3 -- create new graphics element base object local e = element.new(args) -- set initial value e.value = args.default or 0 -- draw the arrows local function draw_arrows(color) e.window.setBackgroundColor(args.arrow_fg_bg.bkg) e.window.setTextColor(color) e.window.setCursorPos(1, 1) e.window.write(util.strrep("\x1e", wn_prec)) e.window.setCursorPos(1, 3) e.window.write(util.strrep("\x1f", wn_prec)) if fr_prec > 0 then e.window.setCursorPos(1 + wn_prec, 1) e.window.write(" " .. util.strrep("\x1e", fr_prec)) e.window.setCursorPos(1 + wn_prec, 3) e.window.write(" " .. util.strrep("\x1f", fr_prec)) end end draw_arrows(args.arrow_fg_bg.fgd) -- populate digits from current value local function set_digits() local initial_str = util.sprintf(fmt_init, e.value) digits = {} ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: discard-returns initial_str:gsub("%d", function (char) table.insert(digits, char) end) end -- update the value per digits table local function update_value() e.value = 0 for i = 1, #digits do local pow = math.abs(wn_prec - i) if i <= wn_prec then e.value = e.value + (digits[i] * (10 ^ pow)) else e.value = e.value + (digits[i] * (10 ^ -pow)) end end end -- print out the current value local function show_num() -- enforce limits if (type(args.min) == "number") and (e.value < args.min) then e.value = args.min set_digits() elseif e.value < 0 then e.value = 0 set_digits() else if string.len(util.sprintf(fmt, e.value)) > args.width then -- max printable exceeded, so max out to all 9s for i = 1, #digits do digits[i] = 9 end update_value() elseif (type(args.max) == "number") and (e.value > args.max) then e.value = args.max set_digits() else set_digits() end end -- draw e.window.setBackgroundColor(e.fg_bg.bkg) e.window.setTextColor(e.fg_bg.fgd) e.window.setCursorPos(1, 2) e.window.write(util.sprintf(fmt, e.value)) end -- init with the default value show_num() -- handle mouse interaction ---@param event mouse_interaction mouse event function e.handle_mouse(event) -- only handle if on an increment or decrement arrow if e.enabled and event.x ~= dec_point_x then local idx = util.trinary(event.x > dec_point_x, event.x - 1, event.x) if digits[idx] ~= nil then if event.y == 1 then -- increment digits[idx] = digits[idx] + 1 elseif event.y == 3 then -- decrement digits[idx] = digits[idx] - 1 end update_value() show_num() end end end -- set the value ---@param val number number to show function e.set_value(val) e.value = val show_num() end -- set minimum input value ---@param min integer minimum allowed value function e.set_min(min) if min >= 0 then args.min = min show_num() end end -- set maximum input value ---@param max integer maximum allowed value function e.set_max(max) args.max = max show_num() end -- enable this input function e.enable() draw_arrows(args.arrow_fg_bg.fgd) end -- disable this input function e.disable() draw_arrows(args.arrow_disable or colors.lightGray) end -- default to zero, init digits table e.value = 0 set_digits() return e.get() end return spinbox