-- -- Graphics Core Types, Checks, and Constructors -- local events = require("graphics.events") local flasher = require("graphics.flasher") local core = {} core.version = "2.0.0" core.flasher = flasher core.events = events -- Core Types ---@enum ALIGN core.ALIGN = { LEFT = 1, CENTER = 2, RIGHT = 3 } ---@class graphics_border ---@field width integer ---@field color color ---@field even boolean ---@alias element_id string|integer -- create a new border definition ---@nodiscard ---@param width integer border width ---@param color color border color ---@param even? boolean whether to pad width extra to account for rectangular pixels, defaults to false ---@return graphics_border function core.border(width, color, even) return { width = width, color = color, even = even or false } end ---@class graphics_frame ---@field x integer ---@field y integer ---@field w integer ---@field h integer -- create a new graphics frame definition ---@nodiscard ---@param x integer ---@param y integer ---@param w integer ---@param h integer ---@return graphics_frame function core.gframe(x, y, w, h) return { x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h } end ---@class cpair ---@field color_a color ---@field color_b color ---@field blit_a string ---@field blit_b string ---@field fgd color ---@field bkg color ---@field blit_fgd string ---@field blit_bkg string -- create a new color pair definition ---@nodiscard ---@param a color ---@param b color ---@return cpair function core.cpair(a, b) return { -- color pairs color_a = a, color_b = b, blit_a = colors.toBlit(a), blit_b = colors.toBlit(b), -- aliases fgd = a, bkg = b, blit_fgd = colors.toBlit(a), blit_bkg = colors.toBlit(b) } end ---@class pipe ---@field x1 integer starting x, origin is 0 ---@field y1 integer starting y, origin is 0 ---@field x2 integer ending x, origin is 0 ---@field y2 integer ending y, origin is 0 ---@field w integer width ---@field h integer height ---@field color color pipe color ---@field thin boolean true for 1 subpixel, false (default) for 2 ---@field align_tr boolean false to align bottom left (default), true to align top right -- create a new pipe
-- note: pipe coordinate origin is (0, 0) ---@nodiscard ---@param x1 integer starting x, origin is 0 ---@param y1 integer starting y, origin is 0 ---@param x2 integer ending x, origin is 0 ---@param y2 integer ending y, origin is 0 ---@param color color pipe color ---@param thin? boolean true for 1 subpixel, false (default) for 2 ---@param align_tr? boolean false to align bottom left (default), true to align top right ---@return pipe function core.pipe(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, thin, align_tr) return { x1 = x1, y1 = y1, x2 = x2, y2 = y2, w = math.abs(x2 - x1) + 1, h = math.abs(y2 - y1) + 1, color = color, thin = thin or false, align_tr = align_tr or false } end -- Assertion Handling -- extract the custom element assert message, dropping the path to the element file function core.extract_assert_msg(msg) return string.sub(msg, (string.find(msg, "@") + 1) or 1) end -- Interactive Field Manager ---@param e graphics_base ---@param max_len any ---@param fg_bg any ---@param dis_fg_bg any function core.new_ifield(e, max_len, fg_bg, dis_fg_bg) local self = { frame_start = 1, visible_text = e.value, cursor_pos = string.len(e.value) + 1, selected_all = false } -- update visible text local function _update_visible() self.visible_text = string.sub(e.value, self.frame_start, self.frame_start + math.min(string.len(e.value), e.frame.w) - 1) end -- try shifting frame left local function _try_lshift() if self.frame_start > 1 then self.frame_start = self.frame_start - 1 return true end end -- try shifting frame right local function _try_rshift() if (self.frame_start + e.frame.w - 1) <= string.len(e.value) then self.frame_start = self.frame_start + 1 return true end end ---@class ifield local public = {} -- censor the display (for private info, for example) with the provided character
-- disable by passing no argument ---@param censor string? character to hide data with function public.censor(censor) if type(censor) == "string" and string.len(censor) == 1 then self.censor = censor else self.censor = nil end public.show() end -- show the field function public.show() _update_visible() if e.enabled then e.w_set_bkg(fg_bg.bkg) e.w_set_fgd(fg_bg.fgd) else e.w_set_bkg(dis_fg_bg.bkg) e.w_set_fgd(dis_fg_bg.fgd) end -- clear and print e.w_set_cur(1, 1) e.w_write(string.rep(" ", e.frame.w)) e.w_set_cur(1, 1) local function _write() if self.censor then e.w_write(string.rep(self.censor, string.len(self.visible_text))) else e.w_write(self.visible_text) end end if e.is_focused() and e.enabled then -- write text with cursor if self.selected_all then e.w_set_bkg(fg_bg.fgd) e.w_set_fgd(fg_bg.bkg) _write() elseif self.cursor_pos >= (string.len(self.visible_text) + 1) then -- write text with cursor at the end, no need to blit _write() e.w_set_fgd(colors.lightGray) e.w_write("_") else local a, b = "", "" if self.cursor_pos <= string.len(self.visible_text) then a = fg_bg.blit_bkg b = fg_bg.blit_fgd end local b_fgd = string.rep(fg_bg.blit_fgd, self.cursor_pos - 1) .. a .. string.rep(fg_bg.blit_fgd, string.len(self.visible_text) - self.cursor_pos) local b_bkg = string.rep(fg_bg.blit_bkg, self.cursor_pos - 1) .. b .. string.rep(fg_bg.blit_bkg, string.len(self.visible_text) - self.cursor_pos) if self.censor then e.w_blit(string.rep(self.censor, string.len(self.visible_text)), b_fgd, b_bkg) else e.w_blit(self.visible_text, b_fgd, b_bkg) end end else self.selected_all = false -- write text without cursor _write() end end -- move cursor to x ---@param x integer function public.move_cursor(x) self.selected_all = false self.cursor_pos = math.min(x, string.len(self.visible_text) + 1) public.show() end -- select all text function public.select_all() self.selected_all = true public.show() end -- set field value ---@param val string function public.set_value(val) e.value = string.sub(val, 1, math.min(max_len, string.len(val))) public.nav_end() end -- try to insert a character if there is space ---@param char string function public.try_insert_char(char) -- limit length if string.len(e.value) >= max_len then return end -- replace if selected all, insert otherwise if self.selected_all then self.selected_all = false self.cursor_pos = 2 self.frame_start = 1 e.value = char public.show() else e.value = string.sub(e.value, 1, self.frame_start + self.cursor_pos - 2) .. char .. string.sub(e.value, self.frame_start + self.cursor_pos - 1, string.len(e.value)) _update_visible() public.nav_right() end end -- remove charcter before cursor if there is anything to remove, or delete all if selected all function public.backspace() if self.selected_all then self.selected_all = false e.value = "" self.cursor_pos = 1 self.frame_start = 1 public.show() else if self.frame_start + self.cursor_pos > 2 then e.value = string.sub(e.value, 1, self.frame_start + self.cursor_pos - 3) .. string.sub(e.value, self.frame_start + self.cursor_pos - 1, string.len(e.value)) if self.cursor_pos > 1 then self.cursor_pos = self.cursor_pos - 1 public.show() elseif _try_lshift() then public.show() end end end end -- move cursor left by one function public.nav_left() if self.cursor_pos > 1 then self.cursor_pos = self.cursor_pos - 1 public.show() elseif _try_lshift() then public.show() end end -- move cursor right by one function public.nav_right() if self.cursor_pos < math.min(string.len(self.visible_text) + 1, e.frame.w) then self.cursor_pos = self.cursor_pos + 1 public.show() elseif _try_rshift() then public.show() end end -- move cursor to the start function public.nav_start() self.cursor_pos = 1 self.frame_start = 1 public.show() end -- move cursor to the end function public.nav_end() self.frame_start = math.max(1, string.len(e.value) - e.frame.w + 2) _update_visible() self.cursor_pos = string.len(self.visible_text) + 1 public.show() end return public end return core