-- -- Configuration GUI -- local log = require("scada-common.log") local tcd = require("scada-common.tcd") local util = require("scada-common.util") local check = require("reactor-plc.config.check") local system = require("reactor-plc.config.system") local core = require("graphics.core") local themes = require("graphics.themes") local DisplayBox = require("graphics.elements.displaybox") local Div = require("graphics.elements.div") local ListBox = require("graphics.elements.listbox") local MultiPane = require("graphics.elements.multipane") local TextBox = require("graphics.elements.textbox") local PushButton = require("graphics.elements.controls.push_button") local println = util.println local tri = util.trinary local cpair = core.cpair local CENTER = core.ALIGN.CENTER -- changes to the config data/format to let the user know local changes = { { "v1.6.2", { "AuthKey minimum length is now 8 (if set)" } }, { "v1.6.8", { "ConnTimeout can now have a fractional part" } }, { "v1.6.15", { "Added front panel UI theme", "Added color accessibility modes" } }, { "v1.7.3", { "Added standard with black off state color mode", "Added blue indicator color modes" } } } ---@class plc_configurator local configurator = {} local style = {} style.root = cpair(colors.black, colors.lightGray) style.header = cpair(colors.white, colors.gray) style.colors = themes.smooth_stone.colors style.bw_fg_bg = cpair(colors.black, colors.white) style.g_lg_fg_bg = cpair(colors.gray, colors.lightGray) style.nav_fg_bg = style.bw_fg_bg style.btn_act_fg_bg = cpair(colors.white, colors.gray) style.btn_dis_fg_bg = cpair(colors.lightGray, colors.white) ---@class _plc_cfg_tool_ctl local tool_ctl = { ask_config = false, has_config = false, viewing_config = false, jumped_to_color = false, view_cfg = nil, ---@type graphics_element color_cfg = nil, ---@type graphics_element color_next = nil, ---@type graphics_element color_apply = nil, ---@type graphics_element settings_apply = nil, ---@type graphics_element gen_summary = nil, ---@type function load_legacy = nil, ---@type function } ---@class plc_config local tmp_cfg = { Networked = false, UnitID = 0, EmerCoolEnable = false, EmerCoolSide = nil, ---@type string|nil EmerCoolColor = nil, ---@type color|nil SVR_Channel = nil, ---@type integer PLC_Channel = nil, ---@type integer ConnTimeout = nil, ---@type number TrustedRange = nil, ---@type number AuthKey = nil, ---@type string|nil LogMode = 0, LogPath = "", LogDebug = false, FrontPanelTheme = 1, ColorMode = 1 } ---@class plc_config local ini_cfg = {} ---@class plc_config local settings_cfg = {} -- all settings fields, their nice names, and their default values local fields = { { "Networked", "Networked", false }, { "UnitID", "Unit ID", 1 }, { "EmerCoolEnable", "Emergency Coolant", false }, { "EmerCoolSide", "Emergency Coolant Side", nil }, { "EmerCoolColor", "Emergency Coolant Color", nil }, { "SVR_Channel", "SVR Channel", 16240 }, { "PLC_Channel", "PLC Channel", 16241 }, { "ConnTimeout", "Connection Timeout", 5 }, { "TrustedRange", "Trusted Range", 0 }, { "AuthKey", "Facility Auth Key" , ""}, { "LogMode", "Log Mode", log.MODE.APPEND }, { "LogPath", "Log Path", "/log.txt" }, { "LogDebug", "Log Debug Messages", false }, { "FrontPanelTheme", "Front Panel Theme", themes.FP_THEME.SANDSTONE }, { "ColorMode", "Color Mode", themes.COLOR_MODE.STANDARD } } -- load data from the settings file ---@param target plc_config ---@param raw boolean? true to not use default values local function load_settings(target, raw) for _, v in pairs(fields) do settings.unset(v[1]) end local loaded = settings.load("/reactor-plc.settings") for _, v in pairs(fields) do target[v[1]] = settings.get(v[1], tri(raw, nil, v[3])) end return loaded end -- create the config view ---@param display graphics_element local function config_view(display) local bw_fg_bg = style.bw_fg_bg local g_lg_fg_bg = style.g_lg_fg_bg local nav_fg_bg = style.nav_fg_bg local btn_act_fg_bg = style.btn_act_fg_bg local btn_dis_fg_bg = style.btn_dis_fg_bg ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field local function exit() os.queueEvent("terminate") end TextBox{parent=display,y=1,text="Reactor PLC Configurator",alignment=CENTER,fg_bg=style.header} local root_pane_div = Div{parent=display,x=1,y=2} local main_page = Div{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1} local plc_cfg = Div{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1} local net_cfg = Div{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1} local log_cfg = Div{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1} local clr_cfg = Div{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1} local summary = Div{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1} local changelog = Div{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1} local check_sys = Div{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1} local main_pane = MultiPane{parent=root_pane_div,x=1,y=1,panes={main_page,plc_cfg,net_cfg,log_cfg,clr_cfg,summary,changelog,check_sys}} --#region Main Page local y_start = 5 TextBox{parent=main_page,x=2,y=2,height=2,text="Welcome to the Reactor PLC configurator! Please select one of the following options."} if tool_ctl.ask_config then TextBox{parent=main_page,x=2,y=y_start,height=4,width=49,text="Notice: This device had no valid config so the configurator has been automatically started. If you previously had a valid config, you may want to check the Change Log to see what changed.",fg_bg=cpair(colors.red,colors.lightGray)} y_start = y_start + 5 end local function view_config() tool_ctl.viewing_config = true tool_ctl.gen_summary(settings_cfg) tool_ctl.settings_apply.hide(true) main_pane.set_value(6) end if fs.exists("/reactor-plc/config.lua") then PushButton{parent=main_page,x=2,y=y_start,min_width=28,text="Import Legacy 'config.lua'",callback=function()tool_ctl.load_legacy()end,fg_bg=cpair(colors.black,colors.cyan),active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg} y_start = y_start + 2 end PushButton{parent=main_page,x=2,y=y_start,min_width=18,text="Configure System",callback=function()main_pane.set_value(2)end,fg_bg=cpair(colors.black,colors.blue),active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg} tool_ctl.view_cfg = PushButton{parent=main_page,x=2,y=y_start+2,min_width=20,text="View Configuration",callback=view_config,fg_bg=cpair(colors.black,colors.blue),active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg,dis_fg_bg=btn_dis_fg_bg} local function jump_color() tool_ctl.jumped_to_color = true tool_ctl.color_next.hide(true) tool_ctl.color_apply.show() main_pane.set_value(5) end PushButton{parent=main_page,x=2,y=17,min_width=6,text="Exit",callback=exit,fg_bg=cpair(colors.black,colors.red),active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg} PushButton{parent=main_page,x=10,y=17,min_width=12,text="Self-Check",callback=function()main_pane.set_value(8)end,fg_bg=nav_fg_bg,active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg,dis_fg_bg=btn_dis_fg_bg} tool_ctl.color_cfg = PushButton{parent=main_page,x=23,y=17,min_width=15,text="Color Options",callback=jump_color,fg_bg=nav_fg_bg,active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg,dis_fg_bg=btn_dis_fg_bg} PushButton{parent=main_page,x=39,y=17,min_width=12,text="Change Log",callback=function()main_pane.set_value(7)end,fg_bg=nav_fg_bg,active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg} if not tool_ctl.has_config then tool_ctl.view_cfg.disable() tool_ctl.color_cfg.disable() end --#endregion --#region System Configuration local settings = { settings_cfg, ini_cfg, tmp_cfg, fields, load_settings } local divs = { plc_cfg, net_cfg, log_cfg, clr_cfg, summary } system.create(tool_ctl, main_pane, settings, divs, style, exit) --#endregion --#region Config Change Log local cl = Div{parent=changelog,x=2,y=4,width=49} TextBox{parent=changelog,x=1,y=2,text=" Config Change Log",fg_bg=bw_fg_bg} local c_log = ListBox{parent=cl,x=1,y=1,height=12,width=49,scroll_height=100,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg,nav_fg_bg=g_lg_fg_bg,nav_active=cpair(colors.black,colors.gray)} for _, change in ipairs(changes) do TextBox{parent=c_log,text=change[1],fg_bg=bw_fg_bg} for _, v in ipairs(change[2]) do local e = Div{parent=c_log,height=#util.strwrap(v,46)} TextBox{parent=e,y=1,x=1,text="- ",fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray,colors.white)} TextBox{parent=e,y=1,x=3,text=v,height=e.get_height(),fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray,colors.white)} end end PushButton{parent=cl,x=1,y=14,text="\x1b Back",callback=function()main_pane.set_value(1)end,fg_bg=nav_fg_bg,active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg} --#endregion --#region Self-Check check.create(main_pane, settings_cfg, check_sys, style) --#endregion end -- reset terminal screen local function reset_term() term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) end -- run the reactor PLC configurator ---@param ask_config? boolean indicate if this is being called by the startup app due to an invalid configuration function configurator.configure(ask_config) tool_ctl.ask_config = ask_config == true load_settings(settings_cfg, true) tool_ctl.has_config = load_settings(ini_cfg) reset_term() -- set overridden colors for i = 1, #style.colors do term.setPaletteColor(style.colors[i].c, style.colors[i].hex) end local status, error = pcall(function () local display = DisplayBox{window=term.current(),fg_bg=style.root} config_view(display) while true do local event, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5 = util.pull_event() -- handle event if event == "timer" then tcd.handle(param1) elseif event == "mouse_click" or event == "mouse_up" or event == "mouse_drag" or event == "mouse_scroll" or event == "double_click" then local m_e = core.events.new_mouse_event(event, param1, param2, param3) if m_e then display.handle_mouse(m_e) end elseif event == "char" or event == "key" or event == "key_up" then local k_e = core.events.new_key_event(event, param1, param2) if k_e then display.handle_key(k_e) end elseif event == "paste" then display.handle_paste(param1) elseif event == "modem_message" then check.receive_sv(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5) end if event == "terminate" then return end end end) -- restore colors for i = 1, #style.colors do local r, g, b = term.nativePaletteColor(style.colors[i].c) term.setPaletteColor(style.colors[i].c, r, g, b) end reset_term() if not status then println("configurator error: " .. error) end return status, error end return configurator