-- -- Generic Graphics Element -- local util = require("scada-common.util") local core = require("graphics.core") local events = core.events local element = {} ---@class graphics_args_generic ---@field window? table ---@field parent? graphics_element ---@field id? string element id ---@field x? integer 1 if omitted ---@field y? integer next line if omitted ---@field width? integer parent width if omitted ---@field height? integer parent height if omitted ---@field gframe? graphics_frame frame instead of x/y/width/height ---@field fg_bg? cpair foreground/background colors ---@field hidden? boolean true to hide on initial draw ---@field can_focus? boolean true if this element can be focused, false by default ---@alias graphics_args graphics_args_generic ---|waiting_args ---|app_button_args ---|checkbox_args ---|hazard_button_args ---|multi_button_args ---|push_button_args ---|radio_2d_args ---|radio_button_args ---|sidebar_args ---|spinbox_args ---|switch_button_args ---|tabbar_args ---|number_field_args ---|text_field_args ---|alarm_indicator_light ---|core_map_args ---|data_indicator_args ---|hbar_args ---|icon_indicator_args ---|indicator_led_args ---|indicator_led_pair_args ---|indicator_led_rgb_args ---|indicator_light_args ---|power_indicator_args ---|rad_indicator_args ---|state_indicator_args ---|tristate_indicator_light_args ---|vbar_args ---|colormap_args ---|displaybox_args ---|div_args ---|listbox_args ---|multipane_args ---|pipenet_args ---|rectangle_args ---|textbox_args ---|tiling_args ---@class element_subscription ---@field ps psil ps used ---@field key string data key ---@field func function callback -- more detailed assert message for element verification ---@param condition any assert condition ---@param msg string assert message ---@param callstack_offset? integer shift value to change targets of debug.getinfo() function element.assert(condition, msg, callstack_offset) callstack_offset = callstack_offset or 0 local caller = debug.getinfo(3 + callstack_offset) assert(condition, util.c(caller.source, ":", caller.currentline, "{", debug.getinfo(2 + callstack_offset).name, "}: ", msg)) end -- a base graphics element, should not be created on its own ---@nodiscard ---@param args graphics_args arguments ---@param child_offset_x? integer mouse event offset x ---@param child_offset_y? integer mouse event offset y function element.new(args, child_offset_x, child_offset_y) local self = { id = nil, ---@type element_id|nil is_root = args.parent == nil, elem_type = debug.getinfo(2).name, define_completed = false, p_window = nil, ---@type table position = events.new_coord_2d(1, 1), bounds = { x1 = 1, y1 = 1, x2 = 1, y2 = 1 }, ---@class element_bounds offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0, next_y = 1, -- next child y coordinate next_id = 0, -- next child ID subscriptions = {}, button_down = { events.new_coord_2d(-1, -1), events.new_coord_2d(-1, -1), events.new_coord_2d(-1, -1) }, focused = false, mt = {} } ---@class graphics_base local protected = { enabled = true, value = nil, ---@type any window = nil, ---@type table content_window = nil, ---@type table|nil mouse_window_shift = { x = 0, y = 0 }, fg_bg = core.cpair(colors.white, colors.black), frame = core.gframe(1, 1, 1, 1), children = {}, child_id_map = {} } -- element as string function self.mt.__tostring() return util.c("graphics.element{", self.elem_type, "} @ ", self) end ---@class graphics_element local public = {} setmetatable(public, self.mt) ----------------------- -- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS -- ----------------------- -- use tab to jump to the next focusable field ---@param reverse boolean local function _tab_focusable(reverse) local first_f = nil ---@type graphics_element|nil local prev_f = nil ---@type graphics_element|nil local cur_f = nil ---@type graphics_element|nil local done = false ---@param elem graphics_element local function handle_element(elem) if elem.is_visible() and elem.is_focusable() and elem.is_enabled() then if first_f == nil then first_f = elem end if cur_f == nil then if elem.is_focused() then cur_f = elem if (not done) and (reverse and prev_f ~= nil) then cur_f.unfocus() prev_f.focus() done = true end end else if elem.is_focused() then elem.unfocus() elseif not (reverse or done) then cur_f.unfocus() elem.focus() done = true end end prev_f = elem end end ---@param children table local function traverse(children) for i = 1, #children do local child = children[i] ---@type graphics_base handle_element(child.get()) if child.get().is_visible() then traverse(child.children) end end end traverse(protected.children) -- if no element was focused, wrap focus if first_f ~= nil and not done then if reverse then if cur_f ~= nil then cur_f.unfocus() end if prev_f ~= nil then prev_f.focus() end else if cur_f ~= nil then cur_f.unfocus() end first_f.focus() end end end ------------------------- -- PROTECTED FUNCTIONS -- ------------------------- -- prepare the template ---@param offset_x integer x offset for mouse events ---@param offset_y integer y offset for mouse events ---@param next_y integer next line if no y was provided function protected.prepare_template(offset_x, offset_y, next_y) -- record offsets in case there is a reposition self.offset_x = offset_x self.offset_y = offset_y -- get frame coordinates/size if args.gframe ~= nil then protected.frame.x = args.gframe.x protected.frame.y = args.gframe.y protected.frame.w = args.gframe.w protected.frame.h = args.gframe.h else local w, h = self.p_window.getSize() protected.frame.x = args.x or 1 protected.frame.y = args.y or next_y protected.frame.w = args.width or w protected.frame.h = args.height or h end -- adjust window frame if applicable local f = protected.frame if args.parent ~= nil then -- constrain to parent inner width/height local w, h = self.p_window.getSize() f.w = math.min(f.w, w - (f.x - 1)) f.h = math.min(f.h, h - (f.y - 1)) end -- check frame element.assert(f.x >= 1, "frame x not >= 1", 3) element.assert(f.y >= 1, "frame y not >= 1", 3) element.assert(f.w >= 1, "frame width not >= 1", 3) element.assert(f.h >= 1, "frame height not >= 1", 3) -- create window protected.window = window.create(self.p_window, f.x, f.y, f.w, f.h, args.hidden ~= true) -- init colors if args.fg_bg ~= nil then protected.fg_bg = args.fg_bg elseif args.parent ~= nil then protected.fg_bg = args.parent.get_fg_bg() end -- set colors protected.window.setBackgroundColor(protected.fg_bg.bkg) protected.window.setTextColor(protected.fg_bg.fgd) protected.window.clear() -- record position self.position.x, self.position.y = protected.window.getPosition() -- shift per parent child offset self.position.x = self.position.x + offset_x self.position.y = self.position.y + offset_y -- calculate mouse event bounds self.bounds.x1 = self.position.x self.bounds.x2 = self.position.x + f.w - 1 self.bounds.y1 = self.position.y self.bounds.y2 = self.position.y + f.h - 1 -- alias functions -- window set cursor position ---@param x integer ---@param y integer function protected.w_set_cur(x, y) protected.window.setCursorPos(x, y) end -- set background color ---@param c color function protected.w_set_bkg(c) protected.window.setBackgroundColor(c) end -- set foreground (text) color ---@param c color function protected.w_set_fgd(c) protected.window.setTextColor(c) end -- write text ---@param str string function protected.w_write(str) protected.window.write(str) end -- blit text ---@param str string ---@param fg string ---@param bg string function protected.w_blit(str, fg, bg) protected.window.blit(str, fg, bg) end end -- check if a coordinate relative to the parent is within the bounds of this element ---@param x integer ---@param y integer function protected.in_window_bounds(x, y) local in_x = x >= self.bounds.x1 and x <= self.bounds.x2 local in_y = y >= self.bounds.y1 and y <= self.bounds.y2 return in_x and in_y end -- check if a coordinate relative to this window is within the bounds of this element ---@param x integer ---@param y integer function protected.in_frame_bounds(x, y) local in_x = x >= 1 and x <= protected.frame.w local in_y = y >= 1 and y <= protected.frame.h return in_x and in_y end -- get public interface ---@nodiscard ---@return graphics_element element, element_id id function protected.get() return public, self.id end -- report completion of element instantiation and get the public interface ---@nodiscard ---@return graphics_element element, element_id id function protected.complete() if args.parent ~= nil then args.parent.__child_ready(self.id, public) end return public, self.id end -- protected version of public is_focused() ---@nodiscard ---@return boolean is_focused function protected.is_focused() return self.focused end -- defocus this element function protected.defocus() public.unfocus_all() end -- focus this element and take away focus from all other elements function protected.take_focus() args.parent.__focus_child(public) end -- action handlers -- -- luacheck: push ignore ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local, unused-vararg -- handle a child element having been added ---@param id element_id element identifier ---@param child graphics_element child element function protected.on_added(id, child) end -- handle a child element having been removed ---@param id element_id element identifier function protected.on_removed(id) end -- handle enabled function protected.on_enabled() end -- handle disabled function protected.on_disabled() end -- handle this element having been focused function protected.on_focused() end -- handle this element having been unfocused function protected.on_unfocused() end -- handle this element having had a child focused ---@param child graphics_element function protected.on_child_focused(child) end -- handle this element having been shown function protected.on_shown() end -- handle this element having been hidden function protected.on_hidden() end -- handle a mouse event ---@param event mouse_interaction mouse interaction event function protected.handle_mouse(event) end -- handle a keyboard event ---@param event key_interaction key interaction event function protected.handle_key(event) end -- handle a paste event ---@param text string pasted text function protected.handle_paste(text) end -- handle data value changes ---@vararg any value(s) function protected.on_update(...) end -- callback on control press responses ---@param result any function protected.response_callback(result) end -- accessors and control -- -- get value ---@nodiscard function protected.get_value() return protected.value end -- set value ---@param value any value to set function protected.set_value(value) end -- set minimum input value ---@param min integer minimum allowed value function protected.set_min(min) end -- set maximum input value ---@param max integer maximum allowed value function protected.set_max(max) end -- custom recolor command, varies by element if implemented ---@vararg cpair|color color(s) function protected.recolor(...) end -- custom resize command, varies by element if implemented ---@vararg integer sizing function protected.resize(...) end -- luacheck: pop ---@diagnostic enable: unused-local, unused-vararg -- re-draw this element function protected.redraw() end -- start animations function protected.start_anim() end -- stop animations function protected.stop_anim() end ----------- -- SETUP -- ----------- -- get the parent window self.p_window = args.window if self.p_window == nil and args.parent ~= nil then self.p_window = args.parent.window() end -- check window element.assert(self.p_window, "no parent window provided", 1) -- prepare the template if args.parent == nil then self.id = args.id or "__ROOT__" protected.prepare_template(0, 0, 1) else self.id = args.parent.__add_child(args.id, protected) end ---------------------- -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -- ---------------------- -- get the window object ---@nodiscard function public.window() return protected.content_window or protected.window end -- delete this element (hide and unsubscribe from PSIL) function public.delete() local fg_bg = protected.fg_bg if args.parent ~= nil then -- grab parent fg/bg so we can clear cleanly as a child element fg_bg = args.parent.get_fg_bg() end -- clear, hide, and stop animations protected.window.setBackgroundColor(fg_bg.bkg) protected.window.setTextColor(fg_bg.fgd) protected.window.clear() public.hide() -- unsubscribe from PSIL for i = 1, #self.subscriptions do local s = self.subscriptions[i] ---@type element_subscription s.ps.unsubscribe(s.key, s.func) end -- delete all children for k, v in pairs(protected.children) do v.get().delete() protected.children[k] = nil end if args.parent ~= nil then -- remove self from parent args.parent.__remove_child(self.id) end end -- ELEMENT TREE -- -- add a child element ---@nodiscard ---@param key string|nil id ---@param child graphics_base ---@return integer|string key function public.__add_child(key, child) child.prepare_template(child_offset_x or 0, child_offset_y or 0, self.next_y) self.next_y = child.frame.y + child.frame.h local id = key ---@type string|integer|nil if id == nil then id = self.next_id self.next_id = self.next_id + 1 end table.insert(protected.children, child) protected.child_id_map[id] = #protected.children return id end -- remove a child element ---@param id element_id id function public.__remove_child(id) local index = protected.child_id_map[id] if protected.children[index] ~= nil then protected.on_removed(id) protected.children[index] = nil protected.child_id_map[id] = nil end end -- actions to take upon a child element becoming ready (initial draw/construction completed) ---@param key element_id id ---@param child graphics_element function public.__child_ready(key, child) protected.on_added(key, child) end -- focus solely on this child ---@param child graphics_element function public.__focus_child(child) if self.is_root then public.unfocus_all() child.focus() else args.parent.__focus_child(child) end end -- a child was focused, used to make sure it is actually visible to the user in the content frame ---@param child graphics_element function public.__child_focused(child) protected.on_child_focused(child) if not self.is_root then args.parent.__child_focused(public) end end -- get a child element ---@nodiscard ---@param id element_id ---@return graphics_element function public.get_child(id) return protected.children[protected.child_id_map[id]].get() end -- remove a child element ---@param id element_id function public.remove(id) local index = protected.child_id_map[id] if protected.children[index] ~= nil then protected.children[index].get().delete() protected.on_removed(id) protected.children[index] = nil protected.child_id_map[id] = nil end end -- remove all child elements and reset next y function public.remove_all() for i = 1, #protected.children do local child = protected.children[i].get() ---@type graphics_element child.delete() protected.on_removed(child.get_id()) end self.next_y = 1 protected.children = {} protected.child_id_map = {} end -- attempt to get a child element by ID (does not include this element itself) ---@nodiscard ---@param id element_id ---@return graphics_element|nil element function public.get_element_by_id(id) local index = protected.child_id_map[id] if protected.children[index] == nil then for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do local elem = child.get().get_element_by_id(id) if elem ~= nil then return elem end end else return protected.children[index].get() end end -- AUTO-PLACEMENT -- -- skip a line for automatically placed elements function public.line_break() self.next_y = self.next_y + 1 end -- PROPERTIES -- -- get element id ---@nodiscard ---@return element_id function public.get_id() return self.id end -- get element x ---@nodiscard ---@return integer x function public.get_x() return protected.frame.x end -- get element y ---@nodiscard ---@return integer y function public.get_y() return protected.frame.y end -- get element width ---@nodiscard ---@return integer width function public.get_width() return protected.frame.w end -- get element height ---@nodiscard ---@return integer height function public.get_height() return protected.frame.h end -- get the foreground/background colors ---@nodiscard ---@return cpair fg_bg function public.get_fg_bg() return protected.fg_bg end -- get the element value ---@nodiscard ---@return any value function public.get_value() return protected.get_value() end -- set the element value ---@param value any new value function public.set_value(value) protected.set_value(value) end -- set minimum input value ---@param min integer minimum allowed value function public.set_min(min) protected.set_min(min) end -- set maximum input value ---@param max integer maximum allowed value function public.set_max(max) protected.set_max(max) end -- check if this element is enabled function public.is_enabled() return protected.enabled end -- enable the element function public.enable() if not protected.enabled then protected.enabled = true protected.on_enabled() end end -- disable the element function public.disable() if protected.enabled then protected.enabled = false protected.on_disabled() public.unfocus_all() end end -- can this element be focused function public.is_focusable() return args.can_focus end -- is this element focused function public.is_focused() return self.focused end -- focus the element function public.focus() if args.can_focus and protected.enabled and not self.focused then self.focused = true protected.on_focused() if not self.is_root then args.parent.__child_focused(public) end end end -- unfocus this element function public.unfocus() if args.can_focus and self.focused then self.focused = false protected.on_unfocused() end end -- unfocus this element and all its children function public.unfocus_all() public.unfocus() for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do child.get().unfocus_all() end end -- custom recolor command, varies by element if implemented ---@vararg cpair|color color(s) function public.recolor(...) protected.recolor(...) end -- resize attributes of the element value if supported ---@vararg number dimensions (element specific) function public.resize(...) protected.resize(...) end -- reposition the element window<br> -- offsets relative to parent frame are where (1, 1) would be on top of the parent's top left corner ---@param x integer x position relative to parent frame ---@param y integer y position relative to parent frame function public.reposition(x, y) protected.window.reposition(x, y) -- record position self.position.x, self.position.y = protected.window.getPosition() -- shift per parent child offset self.position.x = self.position.x + self.offset_x self.position.y = self.position.y + self.offset_y -- calculate mouse event bounds self.bounds.x1 = self.position.x self.bounds.x2 = self.position.x + protected.frame.w - 1 self.bounds.y1 = self.position.y self.bounds.y2 = self.position.y + protected.frame.h - 1 end -- FUNCTION CALLBACKS -- -- handle a monitor touch or mouse click if this element is visible ---@param event mouse_interaction mouse interaction event function public.handle_mouse(event) if protected.window.isVisible() then local x_ini, y_ini = event.initial.x, event.initial.y local ini_in = protected.in_window_bounds(x_ini, y_ini) if ini_in then if event.type == events.MOUSE_CLICK.UP or event.type == events.MOUSE_CLICK.DRAG then -- make sure we don't handle mouse events that started before this element was made visible if (event.initial.x ~= self.button_down[event.button].x) or (event.initial.y ~= self.button_down[event.button].y) then return end elseif event.type == events.MOUSE_CLICK.DOWN then self.button_down[event.button] = event.initial end local event_T = events.mouse_transposed(event, self.position.x, self.position.y) protected.handle_mouse(event_T) -- shift child event if the content window has moved then pass to children local c_event_T = events.mouse_transposed(event_T, protected.mouse_window_shift.x + 1, protected.mouse_window_shift.y + 1) for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do child.get().handle_mouse(c_event_T) end elseif event.type == events.MOUSE_CLICK.DOWN or event.type == events.MOUSE_CLICK.TAP then -- clicked out, unfocus this element and children public.unfocus_all() end else -- don't track clicks while hidden self.button_down[event.button] = events.new_coord_2d(-1, -1) end end -- handle a keyboard click if this element is visible and focused ---@param event key_interaction keyboard interaction event function public.handle_key(event) if protected.window.isVisible() then if self.is_root and (event.type == events.KEY_CLICK.DOWN) and (event.key == keys.tab) then -- try to jump to the next/previous focusable field _tab_focusable(event.shift) else -- handle the key event then pass to children if self.focused then protected.handle_key(event) end for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do child.get().handle_key(event) end end end end -- handle text paste ---@param text string pasted text function public.handle_paste(text) if protected.window.isVisible() then -- handle the paste event then pass to children if self.focused then protected.handle_paste(text) end for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do child.get().handle_paste(text) end end end -- draw the element given new data ---@vararg any new data function public.update(...) protected.on_update(...) end -- on a control request response ---@param result any function public.on_response(result) protected.response_callback(result) end -- register a callback with a PSIL, allowing for automatic unregister on delete<br> -- do not use graphics elements directly with PSIL subscribe() ---@param ps psil PSIL to subscribe to ---@param key string key to subscribe to ---@param func function function to link function public.register(ps, key, func) table.insert(self.subscriptions, { ps = ps, key = key, func = func }) ps.subscribe(key, func) end -- VISIBILITY & ANIMATIONS -- -- check if this element is visible function public.is_visible() return protected.window.isVisible() end -- show the element and enables animations by default ---@param animate? boolean true (default) to automatically resume animations function public.show(animate) protected.window.setVisible(true) if animate ~= false then public.animate_all() end end -- hide the element and disables animations<br> -- this alone does not cause an element to be fully hidden, it only prevents updates from being shown<br> ---@see graphics_element.redraw ---@see graphics_element.content_redraw ---@param clear? boolean true to visibly hide this element (redraws the parent) function public.hide(clear) public.freeze_all() -- stop animations for efficiency/performance public.unfocus_all() protected.window.setVisible(false) if clear and args.parent then args.parent.redraw() end end -- start/resume animation(s) function public.animate() protected.start_anim() end -- start/resume animation(s) for this element and all its children<br> -- only animates if a window is visible function public.animate_all() if protected.window.isVisible() then public.animate() for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do child.get().animate_all() end end end -- freeze animation(s) function public.freeze() protected.stop_anim() end -- freeze animation(s) for this element and all its children function public.freeze_all() public.freeze() for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do child.get().freeze_all() end end -- re-draw this element and all its children function public.redraw() protected.window.setBackgroundColor(protected.fg_bg.bkg) protected.window.setTextColor(protected.fg_bg.fgd) protected.window.clear() protected.redraw() for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do child.get().redraw() end end -- if a content window is set, clears it then re-draws all children function public.content_redraw() if protected.content_window ~= nil then protected.content_window.clear() for _, child in pairs(protected.children) do child.get().redraw() end end end return protected end return element