-- -- Nuclear Generation Facility SCADA Coordinator -- require("/initenv").init_env() local comms = require("scada-common.comms") local crash = require("scada-common.crash") local log = require("scada-common.log") local network = require("scada-common.network") local ppm = require("scada-common.ppm") local tcd = require("scada-common.tcd") local util = require("scada-common.util") local core = require("graphics.core") local configure = require("coordinator.configure") local coordinator = require("coordinator.coordinator") local iocontrol = require("coordinator.iocontrol") local renderer = require("coordinator.renderer") local sounder = require("coordinator.sounder") local apisessions = require("coordinator.session.apisessions") local COORDINATOR_VERSION = "v1.2.5" local println = util.println local println_ts = util.println_ts local log_graphics = coordinator.log_graphics local log_sys = coordinator.log_sys local log_boot = coordinator.log_boot local log_comms = coordinator.log_comms local log_crypto = coordinator.log_crypto ---------------------------------------- -- get configuration ---------------------------------------- -- mount connected devices (required for monitor setup) ppm.mount_all() local loaded, monitors = coordinator.load_config() if loaded ~= 0 then -- try to reconfigure (user action) local success, error = configure.configure(loaded, monitors) if success then loaded, monitors = coordinator.load_config() assert(loaded == 0, util.trinary(loaded == 1, "failed to load valid configuration", "monitor configuration invalid")) else assert(success, "coordinator configuration error: " .. error) end end -- passed checks, good now ---@cast monitors monitors_struct local config = coordinator.config ---------------------------------------- -- log init ---------------------------------------- log.init(config.LogPath, config.LogMode, config.LogDebug) log.info("========================================") log.info("BOOTING coordinator.startup " .. COORDINATOR_VERSION) log.info("========================================") println(">> SCADA Coordinator " .. COORDINATOR_VERSION .. " <<") crash.set_env("coordinator", COORDINATOR_VERSION) ---------------------------------------- -- main application ---------------------------------------- local function main() ---------------------------------------- -- system startup ---------------------------------------- -- log mounts now since mounting was done before logging was ready ppm.log_mounts() -- report versions/init fp PSIL iocontrol.init_fp(COORDINATOR_VERSION, comms.version) -- init renderer renderer.legacy_disable_flow_view(config.DisableFlowView) renderer.set_displays(monitors) renderer.init_displays() renderer.init_dmesg() -- lets get started! log.info("monitors ready, dmesg output incoming...") log_graphics("displays connected and reset") log_sys("system start on " .. os.date("%c")) log_boot("starting " .. COORDINATOR_VERSION) ---------------------------------------- -- setup alarm sounder subsystem ---------------------------------------- local speaker = ppm.get_device("speaker") if speaker == nil then log_boot("annunciator alarm speaker not found") println("startup> speaker not found") log.fatal("no annunciator alarm speaker found") return else local sounder_start = util.time_ms() log_boot("annunciator alarm speaker connected") sounder.init(speaker, config.SpeakerVolume) log_boot("tone generation took " .. (util.time_ms() - sounder_start) .. "ms") log_sys("annunciator alarm configured") iocontrol.fp_has_speaker(true) end ---------------------------------------- -- setup communications ---------------------------------------- -- message authentication init if type(config.AuthKey) == "string" and string.len(config.AuthKey) > 0 then local init_time = network.init_mac(config.AuthKey) log_crypto("HMAC init took " .. init_time .. "ms") end -- get the communications modem local modem = ppm.get_wireless_modem() if modem == nil then log_comms("wireless modem not found") println("startup> wireless modem not found") log.fatal("no wireless modem on startup") return else log_comms("wireless modem connected") iocontrol.fp_has_modem(true) end -- create connection watchdog local conn_watchdog = util.new_watchdog(config.SVR_Timeout) conn_watchdog.cancel() log.debug("startup> conn watchdog created") -- create network interface then setup comms local nic = network.nic(modem) local coord_comms = coordinator.comms(COORDINATOR_VERSION, nic, conn_watchdog) log.debug("startup> comms init") log_comms("comms initialized") -- base loop clock (2Hz, 10 ticks) local MAIN_CLOCK = 0.5 local loop_clock = util.new_clock(MAIN_CLOCK) ---------------------------------------- -- start front panel & UI start function ---------------------------------------- log_graphics("starting front panel UI...") local fp_ok, fp_message = renderer.try_start_fp() if not fp_ok then log_graphics(util.c("front panel UI error: ", fp_message)) println_ts("front panel UI creation failed") log.fatal(util.c("front panel GUI render failed with error ", fp_message)) return else log_graphics("front panel ready") end -- start up the main UI ---@return boolean ui_ok started ok local function start_main_ui() log_graphics("starting main UI...") local draw_start = util.time_ms() local ui_ok, ui_message = renderer.try_start_ui() if not ui_ok then log_graphics(util.c("main UI error: ", ui_message)) log.fatal(util.c("main GUI render failed with error ", ui_message)) else log_graphics("main UI draw took " .. (util.time_ms() - draw_start) .. "ms") end return ui_ok end ---------------------------------------- -- main event loop ---------------------------------------- local link_failed = false local ui_ok = true local date_format = util.trinary(config.Time24Hour, "%X \x04 %A, %B %d %Y", "%r \x04 %A, %B %d %Y") -- start clock loop_clock.start() log_sys("system started successfully") -- main event loop while true do local event, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5 = util.pull_event() -- handle event if event == "peripheral_detach" then local type, device = ppm.handle_unmount(param1) if type ~= nil and device ~= nil then if type == "modem" then -- we only really care if this is our wireless modem -- if it is another modem, handle other peripheral losses separately if nic.is_modem(device) then nic.disconnect() log_sys("comms modem disconnected") local other_modem = ppm.get_wireless_modem() if other_modem then log_sys("found another wireless modem, using it for comms") nic.connect(other_modem) else -- close out main UI renderer.close_ui() -- alert user to status log_sys("awaiting comms modem reconnect...") iocontrol.fp_has_modem(false) end else log_sys("non-comms modem disconnected") end elseif type == "monitor" then if renderer.handle_disconnect(device) then log_sys("lost a configured monitor") else log_sys("lost an unused monitor") end elseif type == "speaker" then log_sys("lost alarm sounder speaker") iocontrol.fp_has_speaker(false) end end elseif event == "peripheral" then local type, device = ppm.mount(param1) if type ~= nil and device ~= nil then if type == "modem" then if device.isWireless() and not nic.is_connected() then -- reconnected modem log_sys("comms modem reconnected") nic.connect(device) iocontrol.fp_has_modem(true) elseif device.isWireless() then log.info("unused wireless modem reconnected") else log_sys("wired modem reconnected") end elseif type == "monitor" then if renderer.handle_reconnect(param1, device) then log_sys(util.c("configured monitor ", param1, " reconnected")) else log_sys(util.c("unused monitor ", param1, " connected")) end elseif type == "speaker" then log_sys("alarm sounder speaker reconnected") sounder.reconnect(device) iocontrol.fp_has_speaker(true) end end elseif event == "monitor_resize" then local is_used, is_ok = renderer.handle_resize(param1) if is_used then log_sys(util.c("configured monitor ", param1, " resized, ", util.trinary(is_ok, "display still fits", "display no longer fits"))) end elseif event == "timer" then if loop_clock.is_clock(param1) then -- main loop tick -- toggle heartbeat iocontrol.heartbeat() -- maintain connection if nic.is_connected() then local ok, start_ui = coord_comms.try_connect() if not ok then link_failed = true log_sys("supervisor connection failed, shutting down...") log.fatal("failed to connect to supervisor") break elseif start_ui then log_sys("supervisor connected, proceeding to main UI start") ui_ok = start_main_ui() if not ui_ok then break end end end -- iterate sessions apisessions.iterate_all() -- free any closed sessions apisessions.free_all_closed() -- update date and time string for main display if coord_comms.is_linked() then iocontrol.get_db().facility.ps.publish("date_time", os.date(date_format)) end loop_clock.start() elseif conn_watchdog.is_timer(param1) then -- supervisor watchdog timeout log_comms("supervisor server timeout") -- close connection, main UI, and stop sounder coord_comms.close() renderer.close_ui() sounder.stop() else -- a non-clock/main watchdog timer event -- check API watchdogs apisessions.check_all_watchdogs(param1) -- notify timer callback dispatcher tcd.handle(param1) end elseif event == "modem_message" then -- got a packet local packet = coord_comms.parse_packet(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5) -- handle then check if it was a disconnect if coord_comms.handle_packet(packet) then log_comms("supervisor closed connection") -- close connection, main UI, and stop sounder coord_comms.close() renderer.close_ui() sounder.stop() end elseif event == "monitor_touch" or event == "mouse_click" or event == "mouse_up" or event == "mouse_drag" or event == "mouse_scroll" or event == "double_click" then -- handle a mouse event renderer.handle_mouse(core.events.new_mouse_event(event, param1, param2, param3)) elseif event == "speaker_audio_empty" then -- handle speaker buffer emptied sounder.continue() end -- check for termination request if event == "terminate" or ppm.should_terminate() then -- handle supervisor connection coord_comms.try_connect(true) if coord_comms.is_linked() then log_comms("terminate requested, closing supervisor connection...") else link_failed = true end coord_comms.close() log_comms("supervisor connection closed") -- handle API sessions log_comms("closing api sessions...") apisessions.close_all() log_comms("api sessions closed") break end end renderer.close_ui() renderer.close_fp() sounder.stop() log_sys("system shutdown") if link_failed then println_ts("failed to connect to supervisor") end if not ui_ok then println_ts("main UI creation failed") end -- close on error exit (such as UI error) if coord_comms.is_linked() then coord_comms.close() end println_ts("exited") log.info("exited") end if not xpcall(main, crash.handler) then pcall(renderer.close_ui) pcall(renderer.close_fp) pcall(sounder.stop) crash.exit() else log.close() end