name: Lua Checks on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - main - devel pull_request: branches: - main - devel jobs: check: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3.5.1 - name: Luacheck uses: lunarmodules/luacheck@v1.1.0 with: # Argument Explanations # -i 121 = Setting a read-only global variable # 512 = Loop can be executed at most once # 542 = An empty if branch # --no-max-line-length = Disable warnings for long line lengths # --exclude-files ... = Exclude lockbox library (external) and config files # --globals ... = Override all globals overridden in .vscode/settings.json AND 'os' since CraftOS 'os' differs from Lua's 'os' args: . --no-max-line-length -i 121 512 542 --exclude-files ./lockbox/* --globals os _HOST bit colors fs http keys parallel periphemu peripheral read rs settings shell term textutils window