local config = {} -- port of the SCADA supervisor config.SCADA_SV_PORT = 16100 -- port to listen to incoming packets from supervisor config.SCADA_SV_CTL_LISTEN = 16101 -- listen port for SCADA coordinator API access config.SCADA_API_LISTEN = 16200 -- max trusted modem message distance (0 to disable check) config.TRUSTED_RANGE = 0 -- time in seconds (>= 2) before assuming a remote device is no longer active config.SV_TIMEOUT = 5 config.API_TIMEOUT = 5 -- expected number of reactor units, used only to require that number of unit monitors config.NUM_UNITS = 4 -- alarm sounder volume (0.0 to 3.0, 1.0 being standard max volume, this is the option given to to speaker.play()) -- note: alarm sine waves are at half saturation, so that multiple will be required to reach full scale config.SOUNDER_VOLUME = 1.0 -- true for 24 hour time on main view screen config.TIME_24_HOUR = true -- log path config.LOG_PATH = "/log.txt" -- log mode -- 0 = APPEND (adds to existing file on start) -- 1 = NEW (replaces existing file on start) config.LOG_MODE = 0 return config