import base64 import json import os import subprocess import sys path_prefix = "./_minified/" # get git build info build = subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--tags"]).strip().decode("utf-8") # list files in a directory def list_files(path): list = [] for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path): for f in files: list.append((root[2:] + "/" + f).replace('\\','/')) return list # recursively encode files with base64 def encode_recursive(path): list = {} for item in os.listdir(path): item_path = path + '/' + item if os.path.isfile(item_path): handle = open(item_path, 'r') list[item] = base64.b64encode(bytes(, 'UTF-8')).decode('ASCII') handle.close() else: list[item] = encode_recursive(item_path) return list # encode listed files with base64 def encode_files(files): list = {} for item in files: item_path = path_prefix + './' + item handle = open(item_path, 'r') list[item] = base64.b64encode(bytes(, 'UTF-8')).decode('ASCII') handle.close() return list # get the version of an application at the provided path def get_version(path, is_lib = False): ver = "" string = ".version = \"" if not is_lib: string = "_VERSION = \"" f = open(path, "r") for line in f: pos = line.find(string) if pos >= 0: ver = line[(pos + len(string)):(len(line) - 2)] break f.close() return ver # file manifest (reflects manifest = { "common_versions" : { "bootloader" : get_version("./startup.lua"), "common" : get_version("./scada-common/util.lua", True), "comms" : get_version("./scada-common/comms.lua", True), "graphics" : get_version("./graphics/core.lua", True), "lockbox" : get_version("./lockbox/init.lua", True), }, "app_versions" : { "reactor-plc" : get_version("./reactor-plc/startup.lua"), "rtu" : get_version("./rtu/startup.lua"), "supervisor" : get_version("./supervisor/startup.lua"), "coordinator" : get_version("./coordinator/startup.lua"), "pocket" : get_version("./pocket/startup.lua") }, "files" : { # common files "system" : encode_files([ "initenv.lua", "startup.lua", "configure.lua", "LICENSE" ]), "scada-common" : encode_recursive(path_prefix + "./scada-common"), "graphics" : encode_recursive(path_prefix + "./graphics"), "lockbox" : encode_recursive(path_prefix + "./lockbox"), # platform files "reactor-plc" : encode_recursive(path_prefix + "./reactor-plc"), "rtu" : encode_recursive(path_prefix + "./rtu"), "supervisor" : encode_recursive(path_prefix + "./supervisor"), "coordinator" : encode_recursive(path_prefix + "./coordinator"), "pocket" : encode_recursive(path_prefix + "./pocket"), }, "install_files" : { # common files "system" : [ "initenv.lua", "startup.lua", "configure.lua", "LICENSE" ], "scada-common" : list_files("./scada-common"), "graphics" : list_files("./graphics"), "lockbox" : list_files("./lockbox"), # platform files "reactor-plc" : list_files("./reactor-plc"), "rtu" : list_files("./rtu"), "supervisor" : list_files("./supervisor"), "coordinator" : list_files("./coordinator"), "pocket" : list_files("./pocket"), }, "depends" : [ "system", "scada-common", "graphics", "lockbox" ], } # write the application installation items as Lua tables def write_items(body, items, indent): indent_str = " " * indent for key, value in items.items(): if isinstance(value, str): body = body + f"{indent_str}['{key}'] = \"{value}\",\n" else: body = body + f"{indent_str}['{key}'] = {{\n" body = write_items(body, value, indent + 4) body = body + f"{indent_str}}},\n" return body # create output directory if not os.path.exists("./BUNDLE"): os.makedirs("./BUNDLE") # get offline installer ccmsim_file = open("./build/ccmsim.lua", "r") ccmsim_script = ccmsim_file.close() # create dependency bundled file dep_file = "common_" + build + ".lua" f_d = open("./BUNDLE/" + dep_file, "w") body_b = "local dep_files = {\n" for depend in manifest["depends"]: body_b = body_b + write_items("", { f"{depend}": manifest["files"][depend] }, 4) body_b = body_b + "}\n" body_b = body_b + f""" if select("#", ...) == 0 then term.setTextColor( print("You must run the other file you should have uploaded (it has the app in its name).") term.setTextColor(colors.white) end return dep_files """ f_d.write(body_b) f_d.close() # application bundled files for app in [ "reactor-plc", "rtu", "supervisor", "coordinator", "pocket" ]: app_file = app + "_" + build + ".lua" f_script = open("./build/_offline.lua", "r") script = f_script.close() f_a = open("./BUNDLE/" + app_file, "w") body_a = "local app_files = {\n" body_a = body_a + write_items("", { f"{app}": manifest["files"][app] }, 4) + "}\n" versions = manifest["common_versions"].copy() versions[app] = manifest["app_versions"][app] depends = manifest["depends"].copy() depends.append(app) install_manifest = json.dumps({ "versions" : versions, "files" : manifest["install_files"], "depends" : depends }) body_a = body_a + f""" -- install manifest JSON and offline installer local install_manifest = "{base64.b64encode(bytes(install_manifest, 'UTF-8')).decode('ASCII')}" local ccmsi_offline = "{base64.b64encode(bytes(ccmsim_script, 'UTF-8')).decode('ASCII')}" local function red() term.setTextColor( end local function green() term.setTextColor( end local function white() term.setTextColor(colors.white) end local function lgray() term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) end if not fs.exists("{dep_file}") then red() print("Missing '{dep_file}'! Please upload it, then run this file again.") white() return end -- rename the dependency file fs.move("{dep_file}", "install_depends.lua") -- load the other file local dep_files = require("install_depends") -- delete the uploaded files to free up space to actually install fs.delete("{app_file}") fs.delete("install_depends.lua") -- get started installing {script}""" f_a.write(body_a) f_a.close()