local completion = require("cc.completion") local util = require("scada-common.util") local print = util.print local println = util.println local print_ts = util.print_ts local println_ts = util.println_ts local dialog = {} -- ask the user yes or no ---@param question string ---@param default boolean ---@return boolean|nil function dialog.ask_y_n(question, default) print(question) if default == true then print(" (Y/n)? ") else print(" (y/N)? ") end local response = read(nil, nil) if response == "" then return default elseif response == "Y" or response == "y" then return true elseif response == "N" or response == "n" then return false else return nil end end -- ask the user for an input within a set of options ---@param options table ---@param cancel string ---@return boolean|string|nil function dialog.ask_options(options, cancel) print("> ") local response = read(nil, nil, function(text) return completion.choice(text, options) end) if response == cancel then return false end if util.table_contains(options, response) then return response else return nil end end return dialog