local comms = require("scada-common.comms") local network = require("scada-common.network") local ppm = require("scada-common.ppm") local tcd = require("scada-common.tcd") local util = require("scada-common.util") local plc = require("reactor-plc.plc") local core = require("graphics.core") local Div = require("graphics.elements.div") local ListBox = require("graphics.elements.listbox") local TextBox = require("graphics.elements.textbox") local PushButton = require("graphics.elements.controls.push_button") local tri = util.trinary local cpair = core.cpair local PROTOCOL = comms.PROTOCOL local DEVICE_TYPE = comms.DEVICE_TYPE local ESTABLISH_ACK = comms.ESTABLISH_ACK local MGMT_TYPE = comms.MGMT_TYPE local self = { nic = nil, ---@type nic net_listen = false, sv_addr = comms.BROADCAST, sv_seq_num = util.time_ms() * 10, self_check_pass = true, settings = nil, ---@type plc_config run_test_btn = nil, ---@type graphics_element self_check_msg = nil ---@type function } -- send a management packet to the supervisor ---@param msg_type MGMT_TYPE ---@param msg table local function send_sv(msg_type, msg) local s_pkt = comms.scada_packet() local pkt = comms.mgmt_packet() pkt.make(msg_type, msg) s_pkt.make(self.sv_addr, self.sv_seq_num, PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT, pkt.raw_sendable()) self.nic.transmit(self.settings.SVR_Channel, self.settings.PLC_Channel, s_pkt) self.sv_seq_num = self.sv_seq_num + 1 end -- handle an establish message from the supervisor ---@param packet mgmt_frame local function handle_packet(packet) local error_msg = nil if packet.scada_frame.local_channel() ~= self.settings.PLC_Channel then error_msg = "error: unknown receive channel" elseif packet.scada_frame.remote_channel() == self.settings.SVR_Channel and packet.scada_frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT then if packet.type == MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH then if packet.length == 1 then local est_ack = packet.data[1] if est_ack== ESTABLISH_ACK.ALLOW then self.self_check_msg(nil, true, "") self.sv_addr = packet.scada_frame.src_addr() send_sv(MGMT_TYPE.CLOSE, {}) elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.DENY then error_msg = "error: supervisor connection denied" elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.COLLISION then error_msg = "another reactor PLC is connected with this reactor unit ID" elseif est_ack == ESTABLISH_ACK.BAD_VERSION then error_msg = "reactor PLC comms version does not match supervisor comms version, make sure both devices are up-to-date (ccmsi update ...)" else error_msg = "error: invalid reply from supervisor" end else error_msg = "error: invalid reply length from supervisor" end else error_msg = "error: didn't get an establish reply from supervisor" end end self.net_listen = false self.run_test_btn.enable() if error_msg then self.self_check_msg(nil, false, error_msg) end end -- handle supervisor connection failure local function handle_timeout() self.net_listen = false self.run_test_btn.enable() self.self_check_msg(nil, false, "make sure your supervisor is running, your channels are correct, trusted ranges are set properly (if enabled), facility keys match (if set), and if you are using wireless modems rather than ender modems, that your devices are close together in the same dimension") end -- execute the self-check ---@param sc_log graphics_element local function self_check(sc_log) self.run_test_btn.disable() sc_log.remove_all() ppm.mount_all() self.self_check_pass = true local modem = ppm.get_wireless_modem() local reactor = ppm.get_fission_reactor() local valid_cfg = plc.validate_config(self.settings) self.self_check_msg("> check wireless/ender modem connected...", modem ~= nil, "you must connect an ender or wireless modem to the reactor PLC") self.self_check_msg("> check fission reactor connected...", reactor ~= nil, "please connect the reactor PLC to the reactor's fission reactor logic adapter") self.self_check_msg("> check fission reactor formed...") -- this consumes events, but that is fine here self.self_check_msg(nil, reactor and reactor.isFormed(), "ensure the fission reactor multiblock is formed") self.self_check_msg("> check configuration...", valid_cfg, "go through Configure System again and apply settings to repair any corrupted or missing settings") if valid_cfg and modem then self.self_check_msg("> check supervisor connection...") self.nic = network.nic(modem) self.nic.closeAll() self.nic.open(self.settings.PLC_Channel) self.sv_addr = comms.BROADCAST self.net_listen = true send_sv(MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH, { comms.version, "0.0.0", DEVICE_TYPE.PLC, self.settings.UnitID }) tcd.dispatch_unique(8, handle_timeout) else self.run_test_btn.enable() end if self.self_check_pass then TextBox{parent=sc_log,text="> all tests passed!",fg_bg=cpair(colors.blue,colors._INHERIT)} TextBox{parent=sc_log,text=""} local more = Div{parent=sc_log,height=3,fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray,colors._INHERIT)} TextBox{parent=more,text="if you still have a problem:"} TextBox{parent=more,text="- check the wiki on GitHub"} TextBox{parent=more,text="- ask for help on GitHub discussions or Discord"} end end -- exit self check back home ---@param sc_log graphics_element ---@param main_pane graphics_element local function exit_self_check(sc_log, main_pane) tcd.abort(handle_timeout) self.net_listen = false self.run_test_btn.enable() sc_log.remove_all() main_pane.set_value(1) end local check = {} -- create the self-check view ---@param main_pane graphics_element ---@param settings_cfg plc_config ---@param check_sys graphics_element ---@param style table function check.create(main_pane, settings_cfg, check_sys, style) local bw_fg_bg = style.bw_fg_bg local g_lg_fg_bg = style.g_lg_fg_bg local nav_fg_bg = style.nav_fg_bg local btn_act_fg_bg = style.btn_act_fg_bg local btn_dis_fg_bg = style.btn_dis_fg_bg self.settings = settings_cfg local sc = Div{parent=check_sys,x=2,y=4,width=49} TextBox{parent=check_sys,x=1,y=2,text=" Reactor PLC Self-Check",fg_bg=bw_fg_bg} local sc_log = ListBox{parent=sc,x=1,y=1,height=12,width=49,scroll_height=100,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg,nav_fg_bg=g_lg_fg_bg,nav_active=cpair(colors.black,colors.gray)} local last_check = { nil, nil } function self.self_check_msg(msg, success, fail_msg) if type(msg) == "string" then last_check[1] = Div{parent=sc_log,height=1} local e = TextBox{parent=last_check[1],text=msg,fg_bg=bw_fg_bg} last_check[2] = e.get_x()+string.len(msg) end if type(fail_msg) == "string" then TextBox{parent=last_check[1],x=last_check[2],y=1,text=tri(success,"PASS","FAIL"),fg_bg=tri(success,cpair(colors.green,colors._INHERIT),cpair(colors.red,colors._INHERIT))} if not success then local fail = Div{parent=sc_log,height=#util.strwrap(fail_msg, 46)} TextBox{parent=fail,x=3,text=fail_msg,fg_bg=cpair(colors.gray,colors.white)} end self.self_check_pass = self.self_check_pass and success end end PushButton{parent=sc,x=1,y=14,text="\x1b Back",callback=function()exit_self_check(sc_log,main_pane)end,fg_bg=nav_fg_bg,active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg} self.run_test_btn = PushButton{parent=sc,x=40,y=14,min_width=10,text="Run Test",callback=function()self_check(sc_log)end,fg_bg=cpair(colors.black,colors.blue),active_fg_bg=btn_act_fg_bg,dis_fg_bg=btn_dis_fg_bg} end -- handle incoming modem messages ---@param side string ---@param sender integer ---@param reply_to integer ---@param message any ---@param distance integer function check.receive_sv(side, sender, reply_to, message, distance) if self.nic ~= nil and self.net_listen then local s_pkt = self.nic.receive(side, sender, reply_to, message, distance) if s_pkt and s_pkt.protocol() == PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT then local mgmt_pkt = comms.mgmt_packet() if mgmt_pkt.decode(s_pkt) then tcd.abort(handle_timeout) handle_packet(mgmt_pkt.get()) end end end end return check