-- Reactor Core View Graphics Element local util = require("scada-common.util") local core = require("graphics.core") local element = require("graphics.element") ---@class core_map_args ---@field reactor_l integer reactor length ---@field reactor_w integer reactor width ---@field parent graphics_element ---@field id? string element id ---@field x? integer 1 if omitted ---@field y? integer auto incremented if omitted -- new core map box ---@nodiscard ---@param args core_map_args ---@return graphics_element element, element_id id local function core_map(args) assert(util.is_int(args.reactor_l), "indicators.coremap: reactor_l is a required field") assert(util.is_int(args.reactor_w), "indicators.coremap: reactor_w is a required field") -- require max dimensions args.width = 18 args.height = 18 -- inherit only foreground color args.fg_bg = core.cpair(args.parent.get_fg_bg().fgd, colors.gray) -- create new graphics element base object local e = element.new(args) e.value = 0 local alternator = true local core_l = args.reactor_l - 2 local core_w = args.reactor_w - 2 local shift_x = 8 - math.floor(core_l / 2) local shift_y = 8 - math.floor(core_w / 2) local start_x = 2 + shift_x local start_y = 2 + shift_y local inner_width = core_l local inner_height = core_w -- create coordinate grid and frame local function draw_frame() e.w_set_fgd(colors.white) for x = 0, (inner_width - 1) do e.w_set_cur(x + start_x, 1) e.w_write(util.sprintf("%X", x)) end for y = 0, (inner_height - 1) do e.w_set_cur(1, y + start_y) e.w_write(util.sprintf("%X", y)) end -- even out bottom edge e.w_set_fgd(e.fg_bg.bkg) e.w_set_bkg(args.parent.get_fg_bg().bkg) e.w_set_cur(1, e.frame.h) e.w_write(string.rep("\x8f", e.frame.w)) e.w_set_fgd(e.fg_bg.fgd) e.w_set_bkg(e.fg_bg.bkg) end -- draw the core ---@param t number temperature in K local function draw_core(t) local i = 1 local back_c = "F" local text_c ---@type string -- determine fuel assembly coloring if t <= 300 then -- gray text_c = "8" elseif t <= 350 then -- blue text_c = "3" elseif t < 600 then -- green text_c = "D" elseif t < 1000 then -- yellow text_c = "4" -- back_c = "8" elseif t < 1200 then -- orange text_c = "1" elseif t < 1300 then -- red text_c = "E" else -- pink text_c = "2" end -- draw pattern for y = start_y, inner_height + (start_y - 1) do e.w_set_cur(start_x, y) for _ = 1, inner_width do if alternator then i = i + 1 e.w_blit("\x07", text_c, back_c) else e.w_blit("\x07", "7", "8") end alternator = not alternator end if inner_width % 2 == 0 then alternator = not alternator end end -- reset alternator alternator = true end -- on state change ---@param temperature number temperature in Kelvin function e.on_update(temperature) e.value = temperature draw_core(e.value) end -- set temperature to display ---@param val number degrees K function e.set_value(val) e.on_update(val) end -- resize reactor dimensions ---@param reactor_l integer reactor length (rendered in 2D top-down as width) ---@param reactor_w integer reactor width (rendered in 2D top-down as height) function e.resize(reactor_l, reactor_w) -- enforce possible dimensions if reactor_l > 18 then reactor_l = 18 elseif reactor_l < 3 then reactor_l = 3 end if reactor_w > 18 then reactor_w = 18 elseif reactor_w < 3 then reactor_w = 3 end -- update dimensions core_l = reactor_l - 2 core_w = reactor_w - 2 shift_x = 8 - math.floor(core_l / 2) shift_y = 8 - math.floor(core_w / 2) start_x = 2 + shift_x start_y = 2 + shift_y inner_width = core_l inner_height = core_w e.window.clear() -- re-draw draw_frame() e.on_update(e.value) end -- redraw both frame and core function e.redraw() draw_frame() draw_core(e.value) end -- initial draw e.redraw() return e.complete() end return core_map