-- -- Communications -- local log = require("scada-common.log") local insert = table.insert ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field local COMPUTER_ID = os.getComputerID() ---@type integer computer ID local max_distance = nil ---@type number|nil maximum acceptable transmission distance ---@class comms local comms = {} comms.version = "2.2.0" ---@enum PROTOCOL local PROTOCOL = { MODBUS_TCP = 0, -- our "MODBUS TCP"-esque protocol RPLC = 1, -- reactor PLC protocol SCADA_MGMT = 2, -- SCADA supervisor management, device advertisements, etc SCADA_CRDN = 3, -- data/control packets for coordinators to/from supervisory controllers COORD_API = 4 -- data/control packets for pocket computers to/from coordinators } ---@enum RPLC_TYPE local RPLC_TYPE = { STATUS = 0, -- reactor/system status MEK_STRUCT = 1, -- mekanism build structure MEK_BURN_RATE = 2, -- set burn rate RPS_ENABLE = 3, -- enable reactor RPS_SCRAM = 4, -- SCRAM reactor (manual request) RPS_ASCRAM = 5, -- SCRAM reactor (automatic request) RPS_STATUS = 6, -- RPS status RPS_ALARM = 7, -- RPS alarm broadcast RPS_RESET = 8, -- clear RPS trip (if in bad state, will trip immediately) RPS_AUTO_RESET = 9, -- clear RPS trip if it is just a timeout or auto scram AUTO_BURN_RATE = 10 -- set an automatic burn rate, PLC will respond with status, enable toggle speed limited } ---@enum SCADA_MGMT_TYPE local SCADA_MGMT_TYPE = { ESTABLISH = 0, -- establish new connection KEEP_ALIVE = 1, -- keep alive packet w/ RTT CLOSE = 2, -- close a connection RTU_ADVERT = 3, -- RTU capability advertisement RTU_DEV_REMOUNT = 4,-- RTU multiblock possbily changed (formed, unformed) due to PPM remount RTU_TONE_ALARM = 5 -- instruct RTUs to play specified alarm tones } ---@enum SCADA_CRDN_TYPE local SCADA_CRDN_TYPE = { INITIAL_BUILDS = 0, -- initial, complete builds packet to the coordinator FAC_BUILDS = 1, -- facility RTU builds FAC_STATUS = 2, -- state of facility and facility devices FAC_CMD = 3, -- faility command UNIT_BUILDS = 4, -- build of each reactor unit (reactor + RTUs) UNIT_STATUSES = 5, -- state of each of the reactor units UNIT_CMD = 6 -- command a reactor unit } ---@enum CAPI_TYPE local CAPI_TYPE = { } ---@enum ESTABLISH_ACK local ESTABLISH_ACK = { ALLOW = 0, -- link approved DENY = 1, -- link denied COLLISION = 2, -- link denied due to existing active link BAD_VERSION = 3 -- link denied due to comms version mismatch } ---@enum DEVICE_TYPE local DEVICE_TYPE = { PLC = 0, -- PLC device type for establish RTU = 1, -- RTU device type for establish SV = 2, -- supervisor device type for establish CRDN = 3, -- coordinator device type for establish PKT = 4 -- pocket device type for establish } ---@enum PLC_AUTO_ACK local PLC_AUTO_ACK = { FAIL = 0, -- failed to set burn rate/burn rate invalid DIRECT_SET_OK = 1, -- successfully set burn rate RAMP_SET_OK = 2, -- successfully started burn rate ramping ZERO_DIS_OK = 3 -- successfully disabled reactor with < 0.01 burn rate } ---@enum FAC_COMMAND local FAC_COMMAND = { SCRAM_ALL = 0, -- SCRAM all reactors STOP = 1, -- stop automatic process control START = 2, -- start automatic process control ACK_ALL_ALARMS = 3, -- acknowledge all alarms on all units SET_WASTE_MODE = 4, -- set automatic waste processing mode SET_PU_FB = 5 -- set plutonium fallback mode } ---@enum UNIT_COMMAND local UNIT_COMMAND = { SCRAM = 0, -- SCRAM the reactor START = 1, -- start the reactor RESET_RPS = 2, -- reset the RPS SET_BURN = 3, -- set the burn rate SET_WASTE = 4, -- set the waste processing mode ACK_ALL_ALARMS = 5, -- ack all active alarms ACK_ALARM = 6, -- ack a particular alarm RESET_ALARM = 7, -- reset a particular alarm SET_GROUP = 8 -- assign this unit to a group } comms.PROTOCOL = PROTOCOL comms.RPLC_TYPE = RPLC_TYPE comms.SCADA_MGMT_TYPE = SCADA_MGMT_TYPE comms.SCADA_CRDN_TYPE = SCADA_CRDN_TYPE comms.CAPI_TYPE = CAPI_TYPE comms.ESTABLISH_ACK = ESTABLISH_ACK comms.DEVICE_TYPE = DEVICE_TYPE comms.PLC_AUTO_ACK = PLC_AUTO_ACK comms.UNIT_COMMAND = UNIT_COMMAND comms.FAC_COMMAND = FAC_COMMAND -- destination broadcast address (to all devices) comms.BROADCAST = -1 ---@alias packet scada_packet|modbus_packet|rplc_packet|mgmt_packet|crdn_packet|capi_packet ---@alias frame modbus_frame|rplc_frame|mgmt_frame|crdn_frame|capi_frame -- configure the maximum allowable message receive distance
-- packets received with distances greater than this will be silently discarded ---@param distance integer max modem message distance (0 disables the limit) function comms.set_trusted_range(distance) if distance == 0 then max_distance = nil else max_distance = distance end end -- generic SCADA packet object ---@nodiscard function comms.scada_packet() local self = { modem_msg_in = nil, ---@type modem_message|nil valid = false, raw = {}, src_addr = comms.BROADCAST, dest_addr = comms.BROADCAST, seq_num = -1, protocol = PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT, length = 0, payload = {} } ---@class scada_packet local public = {} -- make a SCADA packet ---@param dest_addr integer destination computer address (ID) ---@param seq_num integer sequence number ---@param protocol PROTOCOL ---@param payload table function public.make(dest_addr, seq_num, protocol, payload) self.valid = true self.src_addr = COMPUTER_ID self.dest_addr = dest_addr self.seq_num = seq_num self.protocol = protocol self.length = #payload self.payload = payload self.raw = { self.src_addr, self.dest_addr, self.seq_num, self.protocol, self.payload } end -- parse in a modem message as a SCADA packet ---@param side string modem side ---@param sender integer sender channel ---@param reply_to integer reply channel ---@param message any message body ---@param distance integer transmission distance ---@return boolean valid valid message received function public.receive(side, sender, reply_to, message, distance) ---@class modem_message self.modem_msg_in = { iface = side, s_channel = sender, r_channel = reply_to, msg = message, dist = distance } self.valid = false self.raw = self.modem_msg_in.msg if (type(max_distance) == "number") and (distance > max_distance) then -- outside of maximum allowable transmission distance -- log.debug("comms.scada_packet.receive(): discarding packet with distance " .. distance .. " outside of trusted range") else if type(self.raw) == "table" then if #self.raw == 5 then self.src_addr = self.raw[1] self.dest_addr = self.raw[2] self.seq_num = self.raw[3] self.protocol = self.raw[4] -- element 5 must be a table if type(self.raw[5]) == "table" then self.length = #self.raw[5] self.payload = self.raw[5] end else self.src_addr = nil self.dest_addr = nil self.seq_num = nil self.protocol = nil self.length = 0 self.payload = {} end -- check if this packet is destined for this device local is_destination = (self.dest_addr == comms.BROADCAST) or (self.dest_addr == COMPUTER_ID) self.valid = is_destination and type(self.src_addr) == "number" and type(self.dest_addr) == "number" and type(self.seq_num) == "number" and type(self.protocol) == "number" and type(self.payload) == "table" end end return self.valid end -- public accessors -- ---@nodiscard function public.modem_event() return self.modem_msg_in end ---@nodiscard function public.raw_sendable() return self.raw end ---@nodiscard function public.local_channel() return self.modem_msg_in.s_channel end ---@nodiscard function public.remote_channel() return self.modem_msg_in.r_channel end ---@nodiscard function public.is_valid() return self.valid end ---@nodiscard function public.src_addr() return self.src_addr end ---@nodiscard function public.dest_addr() return self.dest_addr end ---@nodiscard function public.seq_num() return self.seq_num end ---@nodiscard function public.protocol() return self.protocol end ---@nodiscard function public.length() return self.length end ---@nodiscard function public.data() return self.payload end return public end -- authenticated SCADA packet object ---@nodiscard function comms.authd_packet() local self = { modem_msg_in = nil, ---@type modem_message|nil valid = false, raw = {}, src_addr = comms.BROADCAST, dest_addr = comms.BROADCAST, mac = "", payload = "" } ---@class authd_packet local public = {} -- make an authenticated SCADA packet ---@param s_packet scada_packet scada packet to authenticate ---@param mac function message authentication function function public.make(s_packet, mac) self.valid = true self.src_addr = s_packet.src_addr() self.dest_addr = s_packet.dest_addr() self.payload = textutils.serialize(s_packet.raw_sendable(), { allow_repetitions = true, compact = true }) self.mac = mac(self.payload) self.raw = { self.src_addr, self.dest_addr, self.mac, self.payload } end -- parse in a modem message as an authenticated SCADA packet ---@param side string modem side ---@param sender integer sender channel ---@param reply_to integer reply channel ---@param message any message body ---@param distance integer transmission distance ---@return boolean valid valid message received function public.receive(side, sender, reply_to, message, distance) ---@class modem_message self.modem_msg_in = { iface = side, s_channel = sender, r_channel = reply_to, msg = message, dist = distance } self.valid = false self.raw = self.modem_msg_in.msg if (type(max_distance) == "number") and (distance > max_distance) then -- outside of maximum allowable transmission distance -- log.debug("comms.authd_packet.receive(): discarding packet with distance " .. distance .. " outside of trusted range") else if type(self.raw) == "table" then if #self.raw == 4 then self.src_addr = self.raw[1] self.dest_addr = self.raw[2] self.mac = self.raw[3] self.payload = self.raw[4] else self.src_addr = nil self.dest_addr = nil self.mac = "" self.payload = "" end -- check if this packet is destined for this device local is_destination = (self.dest_addr == comms.BROADCAST) or (self.dest_addr == COMPUTER_ID) self.valid = is_destination and type(self.src_addr) == "number" and type(self.dest_addr) == "number" and type(self.mac) == "string" and type(self.payload) == "string" end end return self.valid end -- public accessors -- ---@nodiscard function public.modem_event() return self.modem_msg_in end ---@nodiscard function public.raw_sendable() return self.raw end ---@nodiscard function public.local_channel() return self.modem_msg_in.s_channel end ---@nodiscard function public.remote_channel() return self.modem_msg_in.r_channel end ---@nodiscard function public.is_valid() return self.valid end ---@nodiscard function public.src_addr() return self.src_addr end ---@nodiscard function public.dest_addr() return self.dest_addr end ---@nodiscard function public.mac() return self.mac end ---@nodiscard function public.data() return self.payload end return public end -- MODBUS packet
-- modeled after MODBUS TCP packet ---@nodiscard function comms.modbus_packet() local self = { frame = nil, raw = {}, txn_id = -1, length = 0, unit_id = -1, func_code = 0x80, data = {} } ---@class modbus_packet local public = {} -- make a MODBUS packet ---@param txn_id integer ---@param unit_id integer ---@param func_code MODBUS_FCODE ---@param data table function public.make(txn_id, unit_id, func_code, data) if type(data) == "table" then self.txn_id = txn_id self.length = #data self.unit_id = unit_id self.func_code = func_code self.data = data -- populate raw array self.raw = { self.txn_id, self.unit_id, self.func_code } for i = 1, self.length do insert(self.raw, data[i]) end else log.error("comms.modbus_packet.make(): data not table") end end -- decode a MODBUS packet from a SCADA frame ---@param frame scada_packet ---@return boolean success function public.decode(frame) if frame then self.frame = frame if frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.MODBUS_TCP then local size_ok = frame.length() >= 3 if size_ok then local data = frame.data() public.make(data[1], data[2], data[3], { table.unpack(data, 4, #data) }) end local valid = type(self.txn_id) == "number" and type(self.unit_id) == "number" and type(self.func_code) == "number" return size_ok and valid else log.debug("attempted MODBUS_TCP parse of incorrect protocol " .. frame.protocol(), true) return false end else log.debug("nil frame encountered", true) return false end end -- get raw to send ---@nodiscard function public.raw_sendable() return self.raw end -- get this packet as a frame with an immutable relation to this object ---@nodiscard function public.get() ---@class modbus_frame local frame = { scada_frame = self.frame, txn_id = self.txn_id, length = self.length, unit_id = self.unit_id, func_code = self.func_code, data = self.data } return frame end return public end -- reactor PLC packet ---@nodiscard function comms.rplc_packet() local self = { frame = nil, raw = {}, id = 0, type = 0, ---@type RPLC_TYPE length = 0, data = {} } ---@class rplc_packet local public = {} -- check that type is known local function _rplc_type_valid() return self.type == RPLC_TYPE.STATUS or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.MEK_STRUCT or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.MEK_BURN_RATE or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.RPS_ENABLE or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.RPS_SCRAM or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.RPS_ASCRAM or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.RPS_STATUS or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.RPS_ALARM or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.RPS_RESET or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.RPS_AUTO_RESET or self.type == RPLC_TYPE.AUTO_BURN_RATE end -- make an RPLC packet ---@param id integer ---@param packet_type RPLC_TYPE ---@param data table function public.make(id, packet_type, data) if type(data) == "table" then -- packet accessor properties self.id = id self.type = packet_type self.length = #data self.data = data -- populate raw array self.raw = { self.id, self.type } for i = 1, #data do insert(self.raw, data[i]) end else log.error("comms.rplc_packet.make(): data not table") end end -- decode an RPLC packet from a SCADA frame ---@param frame scada_packet ---@return boolean success function public.decode(frame) if frame then self.frame = frame if frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.RPLC then local ok = frame.length() >= 2 if ok then local data = frame.data() public.make(data[1], data[2], { table.unpack(data, 3, #data) }) ok = _rplc_type_valid() end ok = ok and type(self.id) == "number" return ok else log.debug("attempted RPLC parse of incorrect protocol " .. frame.protocol(), true) return false end else log.debug("nil frame encountered", true) return false end end -- get raw to send ---@nodiscard function public.raw_sendable() return self.raw end -- get this packet as a frame with an immutable relation to this object ---@nodiscard function public.get() ---@class rplc_frame local frame = { scada_frame = self.frame, id = self.id, type = self.type, length = self.length, data = self.data } return frame end return public end -- SCADA management packet ---@nodiscard function comms.mgmt_packet() local self = { frame = nil, raw = {}, type = 0, ---@type SCADA_MGMT_TYPE length = 0, data = {} } ---@class mgmt_packet local public = {} -- check that type is known local function _scada_type_valid() return self.type == SCADA_MGMT_TYPE.ESTABLISH or self.type == SCADA_MGMT_TYPE.KEEP_ALIVE or self.type == SCADA_MGMT_TYPE.CLOSE or self.type == SCADA_MGMT_TYPE.REMOTE_LINKED or self.type == SCADA_MGMT_TYPE.RTU_ADVERT or self.type == SCADA_MGMT_TYPE.RTU_DEV_REMOUNT end -- make a SCADA management packet ---@param packet_type SCADA_MGMT_TYPE ---@param data table function public.make(packet_type, data) if type(data) == "table" then -- packet accessor properties self.type = packet_type self.length = #data self.data = data -- populate raw array self.raw = { self.type } for i = 1, #data do insert(self.raw, data[i]) end else log.error("comms.mgmt_packet.make(): data not table") end end -- decode a SCADA management packet from a SCADA frame ---@param frame scada_packet ---@return boolean success function public.decode(frame) if frame then self.frame = frame if frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.SCADA_MGMT then local ok = frame.length() >= 1 if ok then local data = frame.data() public.make(data[1], { table.unpack(data, 2, #data) }) ok = _scada_type_valid() end return ok else log.debug("attempted SCADA_MGMT parse of incorrect protocol " .. frame.protocol(), true) return false end else log.debug("nil frame encountered", true) return false end end -- get raw to send ---@nodiscard function public.raw_sendable() return self.raw end -- get this packet as a frame with an immutable relation to this object ---@nodiscard function public.get() ---@class mgmt_frame local frame = { scada_frame = self.frame, type = self.type, length = self.length, data = self.data } return frame end return public end -- SCADA coordinator packet ---@nodiscard function comms.crdn_packet() local self = { frame = nil, raw = {}, type = 0, ---@type SCADA_CRDN_TYPE length = 0, data = {} } ---@class crdn_packet local public = {} -- check that type is known ---@nodiscard local function _crdn_type_valid() return self.type == SCADA_CRDN_TYPE.INITIAL_BUILDS or self.type == SCADA_CRDN_TYPE.FAC_BUILDS or self.type == SCADA_CRDN_TYPE.FAC_STATUS or self.type == SCADA_CRDN_TYPE.FAC_CMD or self.type == SCADA_CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_BUILDS or self.type == SCADA_CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_STATUSES or self.type == SCADA_CRDN_TYPE.UNIT_CMD end -- make a coordinator packet ---@param packet_type SCADA_CRDN_TYPE ---@param data table function public.make(packet_type, data) if type(data) == "table" then -- packet accessor properties self.type = packet_type self.length = #data self.data = data -- populate raw array self.raw = { self.type } for i = 1, #data do insert(self.raw, data[i]) end else log.error("comms.crdn_packet.make(): data not table") end end -- decode a coordinator packet from a SCADA frame ---@param frame scada_packet ---@return boolean success function public.decode(frame) if frame then self.frame = frame if frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.SCADA_CRDN then local ok = frame.length() >= 1 if ok then local data = frame.data() public.make(data[1], { table.unpack(data, 2, #data) }) ok = _crdn_type_valid() end return ok else log.debug("attempted SCADA_CRDN parse of incorrect protocol " .. frame.protocol(), true) return false end else log.debug("nil frame encountered", true) return false end end -- get raw to send ---@nodiscard function public.raw_sendable() return self.raw end -- get this packet as a frame with an immutable relation to this object ---@nodiscard function public.get() ---@class crdn_frame local frame = { scada_frame = self.frame, type = self.type, length = self.length, data = self.data } return frame end return public end -- coordinator API (CAPI) packet ---@todo implement for pocket access, set enum type for self.type ---@nodiscard function comms.capi_packet() local self = { frame = nil, raw = {}, type = 0, length = 0, data = {} } ---@class capi_packet local public = {} local function _capi_type_valid() ---@todo return false end -- make a coordinator API packet ---@param packet_type CAPI_TYPE ---@param data table function public.make(packet_type, data) if type(data) == "table" then -- packet accessor properties self.type = packet_type self.length = #data self.data = data -- populate raw array self.raw = { self.type } for i = 1, #data do insert(self.raw, data[i]) end else log.error("comms.capi_packet.make(): data not table") end end -- decode a coordinator API packet from a SCADA frame ---@param frame scada_packet ---@return boolean success function public.decode(frame) if frame then self.frame = frame if frame.protocol() == PROTOCOL.COORD_API then local ok = frame.length() >= 1 if ok then local data = frame.data() public.make(data[1], { table.unpack(data, 2, #data) }) ok = _capi_type_valid() end return ok else log.debug("attempted COORD_API parse of incorrect protocol " .. frame.protocol(), true) return false end else log.debug("nil frame encountered", true) return false end end -- get raw to send ---@nodiscard function public.raw_sendable() return self.raw end -- get this packet as a frame with an immutable relation to this object ---@nodiscard function public.get() ---@class capi_frame local frame = { scada_frame = self.frame, type = self.type, length = self.length, data = self.data } return frame end return public end return comms