local comms = require("scada-common.comms") local log = require("scada-common.log") local mqueue = require("scada-common.mqueue") local rsio = require("scada-common.rsio") local types = require("scada-common.types") local util = require("scada-common.util") local unit_session = require("supervisor.session.rtu.unit_session") local redstone = {} local RTU_UNIT_TYPES = comms.RTU_UNIT_TYPES local MODBUS_FCODE = types.MODBUS_FCODE local RS_IO = rsio.IO local IO_LVL = rsio.IO_LVL local IO_DIR = rsio.IO_DIR local IO_MODE = rsio.IO_MODE local RS_RTU_S_CMDS = { } local RS_RTU_S_DATA = { RS_COMMAND = 1 } redstone.RS_RTU_S_CMDS = RS_RTU_S_CMDS redstone.RS_RTU_S_DATA = RS_RTU_S_DATA local TXN_TYPES = { DI_READ = 1, COIL_WRITE = 2, INPUT_REG_READ = 3, HOLD_REG_WRITE = 4 } local TXN_TAGS = { "redstone.di_read", "redstone.coil_write", "redstone.input_reg_write", "redstone.hold_reg_write" } local PERIODICS = { INPUT_READ = 200 } -- create a new redstone rtu session runner ---@param session_id integer ---@param unit_id integer ---@param advert rtu_advertisement ---@param out_queue mqueue function redstone.new(session_id, unit_id, advert, out_queue) -- type check if advert.type ~= RTU_UNIT_TYPES.REDSTONE then log.error("attempt to instantiate redstone RTU for type '" .. advert.type .. "'. this is a bug.") return nil end -- for redstone, use unit ID not device index local log_tag = "session.rtu(" .. session_id .. ").redstone(" .. unit_id .. "): " local self = { session = unit_session.new(unit_id, advert, out_queue, log_tag, TXN_TAGS), has_di = false, has_ai = false, periodics = { next_di_req = 0, next_ir_req = 0, }, io_list = { digital_in = {}, -- discrete inputs digital_out = {}, -- coils analog_in = {}, -- input registers analog_out = {} -- holding registers }, db = {} } local public = self.session.get() -- INITIALIZE -- -- create all channels as disconnected for _ = 1, #RS_IO do table.insert(self.db, IO_LVL.DISCONNECT) end -- setup I/O for i = 1, #advert.rsio do local channel = advert.rsio[i] local mode = rsio.get_io_mode(channel) if mode == IO_MODE.DIGITAL_IN then self.has_di = true table.insert(self.io_list.digital_in, channel) elseif mode == IO_MODE.DIGITAL_OUT then table.insert(self.io_list.digital_out, channel) elseif mode == IO_MODE.ANALOG_IN then self.has_ai = true table.insert(self.io_list.analog_in, channel) elseif mode == IO_MODE.ANALOG_OUT then table.insert(self.io_list.analog_out, channel) else -- should be unreachable code, we already validated channels log.error(log_tag .. "failed to identify advertisement channel IO mode (" .. channel .. ")", true) return nil end self.db[channel] = IO_LVL.LOW end -- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS -- -- query discrete inputs local function _request_discrete_inputs() self.session.send_request(TXN_TYPES.DI_READ, MODBUS_FCODE.READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS, { 1, #self.io_list.digital_in }) end -- query input registers local function _request_input_registers() self.session.send_request(TXN_TYPES.INPUT_REG_READ, MODBUS_FCODE.READ_INPUT_REGS, { 1, #self.io_list.analog_in }) end -- write coil output local function _write_coil(coil, value) self.session.send_request(TXN_TYPES.COIL_WRITE, MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_MUL_COILS, { coil, value }) end -- write holding register output local function _write_holding_register(reg, value) self.session.send_request(TXN_TYPES.HOLD_REG_WRITE, MODBUS_FCODE.WRITE_MUL_HOLD_REGS, { reg, value }) end -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -- -- handle a packet ---@param m_pkt modbus_frame function public.handle_packet(m_pkt) local txn_type = self.session.try_resolve(m_pkt.txn_id) if txn_type == false then -- nothing to do elseif txn_type == TXN_TYPES.DI_READ then -- discrete input read response if m_pkt.length == #self.io_list.digital_in then for i = 1, m_pkt.length do local channel = self.io_list.digital_in[i] local value = m_pkt.data[i] self.db[channel] = value end else log.debug(log_tag .. "MODBUS transaction reply length mismatch (redstone.di_read)") end elseif txn_type == TXN_TYPES.INPUT_REG_READ then -- input register read response if m_pkt.length == #self.io_list.analog_in then for i = 1, m_pkt.length do local channel = self.io_list.analog_in[i] local value = m_pkt.data[i] self.db[channel] = value end else log.debug(log_tag .. "MODBUS transaction reply length mismatch (redstone.input_reg_read)") end elseif txn_type == TXN_TYPES.COIL_WRITE or txn_type == TXN_TYPES.HOLD_REG_WRITE then -- successful acknowledgement elseif txn_type == nil then log.error(log_tag .. "unknown transaction reply") else log.error(log_tag .. "unknown transaction type " .. txn_type) end end -- update this runner ---@param time_now integer milliseconds function public.update(time_now) -- check command queue while self.in_q.ready() do -- get a new message to process local msg = self.in_q.pop() if msg ~= nil then if msg.qtype == mqueue.TYPE.DATA then -- instruction with body local cmd = msg.message ---@type queue_data if cmd.key == RS_RTU_S_DATA.RS_COMMAND then local rs_cmd = cmd.val ---@type rs_session_command if self.db[rs_cmd.channel] ~= IO_LVL.DISCONNECT then -- we have this as a connected channel local mode = rsio.get_io_mode(rs_cmd.channel) if mode == IO_MODE.DIGITAL_OUT then -- record the value for retries self.db[rs_cmd.channel] = rs_cmd.value -- find the coil address then write to it for i = 0, #self.digital_out do if self.digital_out[i] == rs_cmd.channel then _write_coil(i, rs_cmd.value) break end end elseif mode == IO_MODE.ANALOG_OUT then -- record the value for retries self.db[rs_cmd.channel] = rs_cmd.value -- find the holding register address then write to it for i = 0, #self.analog_out do if self.analog_out[i] == rs_cmd.channel then _write_holding_register(i, rs_cmd.value) break end end elseif mode ~= nil then log.debug(log_tag .. "attemted write to non D/O or A/O mode " .. mode) end end end end end -- max 100ms spent processing queue if util.time() - time_now > 100 then log.warning(log_tag .. "exceeded 100ms queue process limit") break end end time_now = util.time() -- poll digital inputs if self.has_di then if self.periodics.next_di_req <= time_now then _request_discrete_inputs() self.periodics.next_di_req = time_now + PERIODICS.INPUT_READ end end -- poll analog inputs if self.has_ai then if self.periodics.next_ir_req <= time_now then _request_input_registers() self.periodics.next_ir_req = time_now + PERIODICS.INPUT_READ end end self.session.post_update() end -- get the unit session database function public.get_db() return self.db end return public, self.in_q end return redstone