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-- Graphics Themes
local core = require("graphics.core")
local cpair = core.cpair
---@class graphics_themes
local themes = {}
-- add color mappings for front panels
colors.ivory = colors.pink
colors.green_hc = colors.cyan
colors.yellow_hc = colors.purple
colors.red_off = colors.brown
colors.yellow_off = colors.magenta
colors.green_off = colors.lime
--#region Types
---@enum UI_THEME
themes.UI_THEME_NAMES = { "Smooth Stone", "Deepslate" }
-- attempts to get the string name of a main ui theme
---@param id any
---@return string|nil
function themes.ui_theme_name(id)
if id == themes.UI_THEME.SMOOTH_STONE or
id == themes.UI_THEME.DEEPSLATE then
return themes.UI_THEME_NAMES[id]
else return nil end
---@enum FP_THEME
themes.FP_THEME = { SANDSTONE = 1, BASALT = 2 }
themes.FP_THEME_NAMES = { "Sandstone", "Basalt" }
-- attempts to get the string name of a front panel theme
---@param id any
---@return string|nil
function themes.fp_theme_name(id)
if id == themes.FP_THEME.SANDSTONE or
id == themes.FP_THEME.BASALT then
return themes.FP_THEME_NAMES[id]
else return nil end
---@enum COLOR_MODE
themes.COLOR_MODE = {
-- attempts to get the string name of a color mode
---@param id any
---@return string|nil
function themes.color_mode_name(id)
if id == themes.COLOR_MODE.STANDARD or
id == themes.COLOR_MODE.TRITANOPIA then
return themes.COLOR_MODE_NAMES[id]
else return nil end
--#region Front Panel Themes
---@class fp_theme
themes.sandstone = {
text = colors.black,
label = colors.lightGray,
label_dark = colors.gray,
disabled = colors.lightGray,
bg = colors.ivory,
header = cpair(colors.black, colors.lightGray),
highlight_box = cpair(colors.black, colors.lightGray),
highlight_box_bright = cpair(colors.black, colors.white),
field_box = cpair(colors.gray, colors.white),
colors = {
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xdf4949 },
{ c = colors.orange, hex = 0xffb659 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf9fb53 },
{ c = colors.green_off, hex = 0x16665a },
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x6be551 },
{ c = colors.green_hc, hex = 0x6be551 },
{ c = colors.lightBlue, hex = 0x6cc0f2 },
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x0096ff },
{ c = colors.yellow_hc, hex = 0xe3bc2a },
{ c = colors.ivory, hex = 0xdcd9ca },
{ c = colors.yellow_off, hex = 0x85862c },
{ c = colors.white, hex = 0xf0f0f0 },
{ c = colors.lightGray, hex = 0xb1b8b3 },
{ c = colors.gray, hex = 0x575757 },
{ c = colors.black, hex = 0x191919 },
{ c = colors.red_off, hex = 0x672223 }
-- color re-mappings for assistive modes
color_modes = {
-- standard
-- deuteranopia
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x1081ff },
{ c = colors.green_hc, hex = 0x1081ff },
{ c = colors.green_off, hex = 0x141414 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf7c311 },
{ c = colors.yellow_off, hex = 0x141414 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xfb5615 },
{ c = colors.red_off, hex = 0x141414 }
-- protanopia
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x1081ff },
{ c = colors.green_hc, hex = 0x1081ff },
{ c = colors.green_off, hex = 0x141414 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf5e633 },
{ c = colors.yellow_off, hex = 0x141414 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xff521a },
{ c = colors.red_off, hex = 0x141414 }
-- tritanopia
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x40cbd7 },
{ c = colors.green_hc, hex = 0x40cbd7 },
{ c = colors.green_off, hex = 0x141414 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xffbc00 },
{ c = colors.yellow_off, hex = 0x141414 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xff0000 },
{ c = colors.red_off, hex = 0x141414 }
---@type fp_theme
themes.basalt = {
text = colors.white,
label = colors.gray,
label_dark = colors.ivory,
disabled = colors.lightGray,
bg = colors.ivory,
header = cpair(colors.white, colors.gray),
highlight_box = cpair(colors.white, colors.gray),
highlight_box_bright = cpair(colors.black, colors.lightGray),
field_box = cpair(colors.white, colors.gray),
colors = {
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xf18486 },
{ c = colors.orange, hex = 0xffb659 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xefe37c },
{ c = colors.green_off, hex = 0x436b41 },
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x7ae175 },
{ c = colors.green_hc, hex = 0x7ae175 },
{ c = colors.lightBlue, hex = 0x7dc6f2 },
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x56aae6 },
{ c = colors.yellow_hc, hex = 0xe9cd68 },
{ c = colors.ivory, hex = 0x4d4e52 },
{ c = colors.yellow_off, hex = 0x757040 },
{ c = colors.white, hex = 0xbfbfbf },
{ c = colors.lightGray, hex = 0x848794 },
{ c = colors.gray, hex = 0x5c5f68 },
{ c = colors.black, hex = 0x262626 },
{ c = colors.red_off, hex = 0x653839 }
color_modes = {
-- standard
-- deuteranopia
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x65aeff },
{ c = colors.green_hc, hex = 0x99c9ff },
{ c = colors.green_off, hex = 0x333333 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf7c311 },
{ c = colors.yellow_off, hex = 0x333333 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xf18486 },
{ c = colors.red_off, hex = 0x333333 }
-- protanopia
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x65aeff },
{ c = colors.green_hc, hex = 0x99c9ff },
{ c = colors.green_off, hex = 0x333333 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf5e633 },
{ c = colors.yellow_off, hex = 0x333333 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xff8058 },
{ c = colors.red_off, hex = 0x333333 }
-- tritanopia
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x00ecff },
{ c = colors.green_hc, hex = 0x00ecff },
{ c = colors.green_off, hex = 0x333333 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xffbc00 },
{ c = colors.yellow_off, hex = 0x333333 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xdf4949 },
{ c = colors.red_off, hex = 0x333333 }
-- get style fields for a front panel based on the provided theme
---@param theme fp_theme
function themes.get_fp_style(theme)
---@class fp_style
local style = {
root = cpair(theme.text, theme.bg),
text = cpair(theme.text, theme.bg),
text_fg = cpair(theme.text, colors._INHERIT),
label_fg = cpair(theme.label, colors._INHERIT),
label_d_fg = cpair(theme.label_dark, colors._INHERIT),
disabled_fg = cpair(theme.disabled, colors._INHERIT)
return style
--#region Main UI Color Palettes
---@class ui_palette
themes.smooth_stone = {
colors = {
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xdf4949 },
{ c = colors.orange, hex = 0xffb659 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xfffc79 },
{ c = colors.lime, hex = 0x80ff80 },
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x4aee8a },
{ c = colors.cyan, hex = 0x34bac8 },
{ c = colors.lightBlue, hex = 0x6cc0f2 },
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x0096ff },
{ c = colors.purple, hex = 0xb156ee },
{ c = colors.pink, hex = 0xf26ba2 },
{ c = colors.magenta, hex = 0xf9488a },
{ c = colors.white, hex = 0xf0f0f0 },
{ c = colors.lightGray, hex = 0xcacaca },
{ c = colors.gray, hex = 0x575757 },
{ c = colors.black, hex = 0x191919 },
{ c = colors.brown, hex = 0x7f664c }
-- color re-mappings for assistive modes
color_modes = {
-- standard
-- deuteranopia
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x1081ff },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf7c311 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xfb5615 },
-- protanopia
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x1081ff },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf5e633 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xff521a },
-- tritanopia
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x40cbd7 },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xffbc00 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xff0000 },
---@type ui_palette
themes.deepslate = {
colors = {
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xeb6a6c },
{ c = colors.orange, hex = 0xf2b86c },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xd9cf81 },
{ c = colors.lime, hex = 0x80ff80 },
{ c = colors.green, hex = 0x70e19b },
{ c = colors.cyan, hex = 0x7ccdd0 },
{ c = colors.lightBlue, hex = 0x99ceef },
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x60bcff },
{ c = colors.purple, hex = 0xc38aea },
{ c = colors.pink, hex = 0xff7fb8 },
{ c = colors.magenta, hex = 0xf980dd },
{ c = colors.white, hex = 0xd9d9d9 },
{ c = colors.lightGray, hex = 0x949494 },
{ c = colors.gray, hex = 0x575757 },
{ c = colors.black, hex = 0x262626 },
{ c = colors.brown, hex = 0xb18f6a }
-- color re-mappings for assistive modes
color_modes = {
-- standard
-- deuteranopia
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x65aeff },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf7c311 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xfb5615 },
-- protanopia
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x65aeff },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xf5e633 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xff8058 },
-- tritanopia
{ c = colors.blue, hex = 0x00ecff },
{ c = colors.yellow, hex = 0xffbc00 },
{ c = colors.red, hex = 0xdf4949 },
return themes