Hello, and welcome! Whether you are trying to report a bug, proposing a feature request, thinking about getting involved in the project ,or submitting a patch, this document is for you! It intends to be both an entry point for newcomers to AppFlowy's community (with various backgrounds), and a guide/reference for contributors.
Consult the Table of Contents below, and jump to the desired section.
- The version of AppFlowy you encountered the issue with
- Your configs (OS, mobile device, network, etc) that are relevant to your issue
- Be an AppFlowy's ambassador or evangelist! Proprietary software companies often have dedicated marketing teams to get more users, but luckily we have something better: you! Share your experience with AppFlowy! This can be anything:
- Write a life-hacks-style blog post on how you or your company use AppFlowy to get things done
- Spread the word on the media to get more people to join the community. To name a few channels, Product Hunt, Hacker Noon, Quora, Reddit, and Stack Overflow are good choices.
- Give a lightning talk at your local hackerspace on why you love AppFlowy
- Write a review of the pros and cons of similar open source apps
### Coding Contributions
Developers who consider participating in AppFlowy's development, please go here to start:
Helping other members of the community by answering questions having "Technical help wanted" or "General help wanted" labels on the [forum](https://github.com/AppFlowy-IO/appflowy/discussions)
If your Pull Request was accepted as it fixes a bug, adds functionality, or makes AppFlowy's codebase significantly easier to use or understand, congratulations! You are now an official contributor to AppFlowy. Get in touch with us ([link](https://tally.so/r/mKP5z3)) to receive the very special Contributor T-shirt!