
244 lines
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Raw Normal View History

name: appflowy
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
description: A new Flutter project.
# The following line prevents the package from being accidentally published to
# using `flutter pub publish`. This is preferred for private packages.
publish_to: "none" # Remove this line if you wish to publish to
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
# The following defines the version and build number for your application.
# A version number is three numbers separated by dots, like 1.2.43
# followed by an optional build number separated by a +.
# Both the version and the builder number may be overridden in flutter
# build by specifying --build-name and --build-number, respectively.
# In Android, build-name is used as versionName while build-number used as versionCode.
# Read more about Android versioning at
# In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion.
# Read more about iOS versioning at
2024-01-16 21:55:47 +00:00
version: 0.4.3
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
flutter: ">=3.18.0-0.2.pre"
sdk: ">=3.1.5 <4.0.0"
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
# Dependencies specify other packages that your package needs in order to work.
# To automatically upgrade your package dependencies to the latest versions
# consider running `flutter pub upgrade --major-versions`. Alternatively,
# dependencies can be manually updated by changing the version numbers below to
# the latest version available on To see which dependencies have newer
# versions available, run `flutter pub outdated`.
sdk: flutter
2021-12-07 17:28:50 +00:00
sdk: flutter
path: packages/appflowy_backend
2021-07-13 00:47:26 +00:00
path: packages/flowy_infra_ui
path: packages/flowy_infra
path: packages/flowy_svg
2022-08-08 11:13:03 +00:00
2023-02-07 12:56:11 +00:00
ref: 15a3a50
ref: "6c49fea"
2022-08-29 09:45:08 +00:00
path: packages/appflowy_popover
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
# third party packages
intl: ^0.18.0
time: ^2.1.3
equatable: ^2.0.5
freezed_annotation: ^2.2.0
get_it: ^7.6.0
flutter_bloc: ^8.1.3
flutter_math_fork: ^0.7.2
2022-08-31 00:58:34 +00:00
dartz: ^0.10.1
provider: ^6.0.5
path_provider: ^2.0.15
sized_context: ^1.0.0+4
styled_widget: ^0.4.1
expandable: ^5.0.1
flutter_colorpicker: ^1.0.3
highlight: ^0.7.0
package_info_plus: ^5.0.1
url_launcher: ^6.1.11
clipboard: ^0.1.3
connectivity_plus: ^5.0.2
easy_localization: ^3.0.2
textfield_tags: ^2.0.2
device_info_plus: ^9.0.1
fluttertoast: ^8.2.2
json_annotation: ^4.8.1
table_calendar: ^3.0.9
reorderables: ^0.6.0
linked_scroll_controller: ^0.2.0
hotkey_manager: ^0.1.7
fixnum: ^1.1.0
flutter_svg: ^2.0.7
protobuf: ^3.1.0
2022-08-31 01:28:08 +00:00
charcode: ^1.3.1
collection: ^1.17.1
bloc: ^8.1.2
shared_preferences: ^2.2.2
google_fonts: ^6.1.0
percent_indicator: ^4.2.3
ref: "6fe0c98"
window_manager: ^0.3.4
http: ^1.0.0
path: ^1.8.3
mocktail: ^1.0.1
archive: ^3.3.7
feat: integrate new editor (#2536) * feat: update editor * feat: integrate new editor * feat: integrate the document2 into folder2 * feat: integrate the new editor * chore: cargo fix * chore: active document feature for flowy-error * feat: convert the editor action to collab action * feat: migrate the grid and board * feat: migrate the callout block * feat: migrate the divider * chore: migrate the callout and math equation * feat: migrate the code block * feat: add shift + enter command in code block * feat: support tab and shift+tab in code block * fix: cursor error after inserting divider * feat: migrate the grid and board * feat: migrate the emoji picker * feat: migrate openai * feat: integrate floating toolbar * feat: migrate the smart editor * feat: migrate the cover * feat: add option block action * chore: implement block selection and delete option * feat: support background color * feat: dismiss color picker afer setting color * feat: migrate the cover block * feat: resize the font * chore: cutomsize the padding * chore: wrap the option button with ignore widget * feat: customize the heading style * chore: optimize the divider line height * fix: the option button can't dismiss * ci: rust test * chore: flutter analyze * fix: code block selection * fix: dismiss the emoji picker after selecting one * chore: optimize the transaction adapter * fix: can't save the new content * feat: show export page when some errors happen * feat: implement get_view_data for document --------- Co-authored-by: nathan <>
2023-05-16 06:58:24 +00:00
nanoid: ^1.0.0
supabase_flutter: ^1.10.4
envied: ^0.5.2
feat: Dynamically Load Themes in AppFlowy (#2670) * feat: dynamic theme plugin (init) * feat: provide fallback color if plugin becomes out of date (transparent) * feat: use applicationDocumentsDirectory to store plugins * chore: remove json files * fix: add toJson to resolve analyzer errors * fix: analyzer (unused imports) * feat: add code generation scripts for freezed files (call recursively in packages) * fix: revert changes to dry generation * feat: call directly into script * refactor: scripts try to be stateless :) * fix: path to code generation in toml * fix: generate script permissions * fix: path not correct in * feat: modify execution permissions before executing scripts * chore: switch order of build_runner and easy_localizations * fix: fs is not valid duckscript cmd * chore: clean build_runner before executing * chore: upgrade freezed and build_runner attempt to resolve InvalidType error * fix: use exec cmd.exe to chmod * feat: add task to generate all files * chore: remove redundant task (Code Gen) * chore: remove json_annoation to dev_dependencies * fix: dropped & between commands * chore: rename file and class to FlowyDynamicPlugin * fix: dependency hell * fix: json annotation in colorscheme * fix: analyzer warnings * fix: duckscript runner for code generator * fix: try without setting file permissions * chore: move file picker to infra * chore: restructure project directory * feat: add BLoC components for consumers * chore: update dependencies in pubspec.yaml file * fix: file picker imports * feat: add new translations for features * feat: add new widgets to render upload * fix: import * feat: add text overflow * feat: use animated switcher * chore: export FileType * fix: directory was not created, only files were copied * chore: separate some logic * feat: add saveFile to FilePickerService * fix: analyzer error with unused imports * feat: add translations for uploading * feat: add builtins property to apptheme * feat: add theme preview widget * fix: upload widgets need to fill whole space and account for overflow * refactor: do not watch file system for changes * feat: add deletion confirmation dialog * feat: add form factor resolution for dyanmic layout * feat: trigger rebuild only when plugins are loaded * feat: make all methods static * chore: remove TODO comment, requires further design * chore: move models to subfolder * fix: references to plugin service instance * fix: rebase errors * fix: more rebasing errors * feat: remove multiple themes from one plugin * refactor: use pattern to resolve widget in settings_appearance_view * refactor: remove commented code * feat: add translations * fix: import error * refactor: separate concerns a bit more * fix: bug in toJson serialization code * feat: add package to use represent memory files * fix: analyzer warnings * chore: add translation * chore: remove unused exceptions * chore: use join * chore: add documentation * feat: add tests on theme * fix: fix scripts for macOS * feat: use appFlowyDocumentDirectory * fix: remove unused import * fix: imports * feat: allow plugin service to be passed * fix: theme tests * feat: separate themes by built-in and plugin * fix: rebase change name of appFlowyDocumentDirectory * chore: add test to check that initial state falls back to initial theme * chore: theme upload preview widget * chore: rename to brightness setting * refactor: appearance for settings appearance view * feat: change show dialog api and use it * fix: handle plugin compilation exception when incorrect format supplied * fix: style of theme upload * fix: always change state so that ui updates * chore: style of loading widget * fix: analyzer errors * feat: add learn more button to documentation --------- Co-authored-by: Yijing Huang <> Co-authored-by: nathan <>
2023-07-03 14:07:11 +00:00
dotted_border: ^2.0.0+3
hive: ^2.2.3
hive_flutter: ^1.1.0
super_clipboard: 0.8.1
feat: mobile card detail screen (#3935) * feat: add CardDetailScreen and CardPropertyEditScreen - add basic UI layout for these two screens - add MobileTextCell as the GridCellWidget adapts to mobile * feat: add MobileNumberCell and MobileTimestampCell * feat: Add MobileDateCell and MobileCheckboxCell - Add MobileDateCellEditScreen - Add dateStr and endDateStr in DateCellCalendarState * feat: add MobileFieldTypeOptionEditor - Add placeholder for different TypeOptionMobileWidgetBuilders - Add _MobileSwitchFieldButton * feat: add property delete feature in CardPropertyEditScreen * fix: fix VisibilitySwitch didn't update * feat: add MobileCreateRowFieldScreen - Refactor MobileFieldEditor to used in CardPropertyEditScreen and MobileCreateRowFieldScreen - Add MobileCreateRowFieldScreen * chore: localization and improve spacing * feat: add TimestampTypeOptionMobileWidget - Refactor TimeFormatListTile to be used in TimestampTypeOptionMobileWidget and _DateCellEditBody - Add IncludeTimeSwitch to be used in TimestampTypeOptionMobileWidget and _DateCellEditBody * feat: add checkbox and DateTypeOptionMobileWidget * chore: improve UI * chore: improve spacing * fix: fix end time shown issue * fix: minor issues * fix: flutter analyze * chore: delete unused TextEditingController * fix: prevent group field from deleting * feat: add NumberTypeOptionMobileWidget * chore: rename and clean code * chore: clean code * chore: extract class * chore: refactor reorder cells * chore: improve super.key * chore: refactor MobileFieldTypeList * chore: reorginize code * chore: remove unused import file * chore: clean code * chore: add commas due to flutter upgrade * feat: add MobileURLCell * fix: close keyboard when user tap outside of textfield * chore: update go_router version * fix: add missing GridCellStyle --------- Co-authored-by: Lucas.Xu <>
2023-11-21 05:56:21 +00:00
go_router: ^12.1.1
2023-10-05 02:40:41 +00:00
string_validator: ^1.0.0
unsplash_client: ^2.1.1
ref: "4a5cac"
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
2023-10-02 07:12:24 +00:00
# Notifications
# TODO: Consider implementing custom package
# to gather notification handling for all platforms
local_notifier: ^0.1.5
app_links: ^3.5.0
flutter_slidable: ^3.0.0
image_picker: ^1.0.4
image_gallery_saver: ^2.0.3
cached_network_image: ^3.3.0
leak_tracker: ^9.0.6
keyboard_height_plugin: ^0.0.5
scrollable_positioned_list: ^0.3.8
flutter_cache_manager: ^3.3.1
2023-10-02 07:12:24 +00:00
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
flutter_lints: ^3.0.1
analyzer: ^6.3.0
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
build_runner: ^2.4.4
freezed: ^2.3.4
bloc_test: ^9.1.2
json_serializable: ^6.7.0
envied_generator: ^0.5.2
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
2023-07-18 07:59:41 +00:00
plugin_platform_interface: any
url_launcher_platform_interface: any
2023-10-07 05:45:38 +00:00
run_with_network_images: ^0.0.1
http: ^1.0.0
2023-08-14 14:38:30 +00:00
ref: 4bd9139
2023-08-14 14:38:30 +00:00
path: packages/supabase_flutter
2023-08-14 14:38:30 +00:00
commit: 77a8420
2024-01-15 08:26:27 +00:00
ref: "31a18c5"
file: ^7.0.0
logger: ^2.0.0
uuid: ^4.1.0
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
# The "flutter_lints" package below contains a set of recommended lints to
# encourage good coding practices. The lint set provided by the package is
# activated in the `analysis_options.yaml` file located at the root of your
# package. See that file for information about deactivating specific lint
# rules and activating additional ones.
# For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the
# following page:
# The following section is specific to Flutter.
2021-12-07 17:28:50 +00:00
# Automatic code generation for l10n and i18n
generate: true
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
# The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is
# included with your application, so that you can use the icons in
# the material Icons class.
uses-material-design: true
2021-10-09 08:43:56 +00:00
- family: FlowyIconData
2022-02-19 05:52:52 +00:00
- asset: assets/fonts/FlowyIconData.ttf
2022-10-22 13:57:44 +00:00
- family: Poppins
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-ExtraLight.ttf
weight: 100
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-Thin.ttf
weight: 200
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-Light.ttf
weight: 300
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-Regular.ttf
2022-10-22 13:57:44 +00:00
weight: 400
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-Medium.ttf
2022-10-22 13:57:44 +00:00
weight: 500
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-SemiBold.ttf
2022-10-22 13:57:44 +00:00
weight: 600
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-Bold.ttf
weight: 700
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-Black.ttf
weight: 800
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Poppins/Poppins-ExtraBold.ttf
weight: 900
- family: RobotoMono
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Roboto_Mono/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf
- asset: assets/google_fonts/Roboto_Mono/RobotoMono-Italic.ttf
style: italic
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
# To add assets to your application, add an assets section, like this:
- assets/images/
- assets/flowy_icons/
- assets/flowy_icons/16x/
- assets/flowy_icons/24x/
- assets/flowy_icons/32x/
- assets/flowy_icons/40x/
2022-08-01 01:13:32 +00:00
- assets/images/emoji/
- assets/images/login/
2021-12-07 17:28:50 +00:00
- assets/translations/
2021-06-19 15:41:19 +00:00
feat: Create a "view" for all database references in a document (#2083) * feat: add archive for compression * feat: add service to manage zipped work spaces * feat: export service in barrel file * feat: ignore .ephemeral directory * feat: add first compressed workspace file * fix: directory path was wrong * feat: add a somewhat useful test * fix: move to same file (delete later) * fix: use script path vs. working directory for CI * fix: read from asset bundle instead of file system * fix: workaround to run integration in multiple files on desktop (flutter/flutter#101031 * feat: remove .ephemeral from .gitignore, no longer created * feat: document test changes * fix: lucas suggestion * feat: mark assets as excluded in pubspec.yaml * feat: add class for build utilities * feat: add script runner for release builds * feat: add build script as task in flowy project * fix: typo in pubspec.yaml * chore: use constants for exclude tag * feat: add appversion as argument to build tool * feat: use dart script in release.yml * chore: remove task * fix: careless error Co-authored-by: Mihir <> * feat: add translations for view of * fix: typo in getAllDatabase * feat: add view of database * fix: remove unused import * fix: use effective dart typing * fix: insertPage marked as async, should return future * fix: Remove multi-line string * fix: ref can be null * fix: unused imports caused analyzer to fail * feat: also fix. Add empty document as option and change name to _name * chore: move referenced database tests to empty document test file * feat: add test utilities * feat: add new integration test on an empty document * feat: register test in runner * fix: missing reference in insert_page_command * fix: analyzer errors --------- Co-authored-by: Mihir <>
2023-04-04 04:50:22 +00:00
# The following assets will be excluded in release.
- assets/test/workspaces/
- assets/test/images/
- assets/template/
2023-06-12 06:36:55 +00:00
- assets/test/workspaces/markdowns/
- assets/test/workspaces/database/