debugPrint('Move $fromGroupId:$fromIndex to $toGroupId:$toIndex');
Provide an initial value of the board by initializing the `AppFlowyGroupData`. It represents a group data and contains list of items. Each item displayed in the group requires to implement the `AppFlowyGroupItem` class.
void initState() {
final group1 = AppFlowyGroupData(id: "To Do", items: [
TextItem("Card 1"),
TextItem("Card 2"),
final group2 = AppFlowyGroupData(id: "In Progress", items: [
TextItem("Card 3"),
TextItem("Card 4"),
final group3 = AppFlowyGroupData(id: "Done", items: []);
class TextItem extends AppFlowyGroupItem {
final String s;
String get id => s;
Finally, return a `AppFlowyBoard` widget in the build method.
* A Board widget is created via instantiating an `AppFlowyBoard` object.
* In the `AppFlowyBoard` object, you can find the `AppFlowyBoardController`, which is defined in board_data.dart, is feeded with prepopulated mock data. It also contains callback functions to materialize future user data.
* Three builders: AppFlowyBoardHeaderBuilder, AppFlowyBoardFooterBuilder, AppFlowyBoardCardBuilder. See below image for what they are used for.
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## License
Distributed under the AGPLv3 License. See [LICENSE]( for more information.