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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:39 +00:00
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263 lines
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use std::sync::Arc;
use strum_macros::Display;
use flowy_derive::{Flowy_Event, ProtoBuf_Enum};
use lib_dispatch::prelude::*;
use crate::event_handler::*;
use crate::manager::DatabaseManager2;
pub fn init(database_manager: Arc<DatabaseManager2>) -> AFPlugin {
let mut plugin = AFPlugin::new()
plugin = plugin
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetDatabase, get_database_data_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetDatabaseSetting, get_database_setting_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::UpdateDatabaseSetting, update_database_setting_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetAllFilters, get_all_filters_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetAllSorts, get_all_sorts_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::DeleteAllSorts, delete_all_sorts_handler)
// Field
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetFields, get_fields_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::UpdateField, update_field_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::UpdateFieldTypeOption, update_field_type_option_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::DeleteField, delete_field_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::UpdateFieldType, switch_to_field_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::DuplicateField, duplicate_field_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::MoveField, move_field_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetTypeOption, get_field_type_option_data_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::CreateTypeOption, create_field_type_option_data_handler)
// Row
.event(DatabaseEvent::CreateRow, create_row_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetRow, get_row_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::DeleteRow, delete_row_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::DuplicateRow, duplicate_row_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::MoveRow, move_row_handler)
// Cell
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetCell, get_cell_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::UpdateCell, update_cell_handler)
// SelectOption
.event(DatabaseEvent::CreateSelectOption, new_select_option_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::InsertOrUpdateSelectOption, insert_or_update_select_option_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::DeleteSelectOption, delete_select_option_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetSelectOptionCellData, get_select_option_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::UpdateSelectOptionCell, update_select_option_cell_handler)
// Date
.event(DatabaseEvent::UpdateDateCell, update_date_cell_handler)
// Group
.event(DatabaseEvent::MoveGroup, move_group_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::MoveGroupRow, move_group_row_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetGroups, get_groups_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetGroup, get_group_handler)
// Database
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetDatabases, get_databases_handler)
// Calendar
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetAllCalendarEvents, get_calendar_events_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetCalendarEvent, get_calendar_event_handler)
// Layout setting
.event(DatabaseEvent::SetLayoutSetting, set_layout_setting_handler)
.event(DatabaseEvent::GetLayoutSetting, get_layout_setting_handler);
/// [DatabaseEvent] defines events that are used to interact with the Grid. You could check [this](https://appflowy.gitbook.io/docs/essential-documentation/contribute-to-appflowy/architecture/backend/protobuf)
/// out, it includes how to use these annotations: input, output, etc.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Display, Hash, ProtoBuf_Enum, Flowy_Event)]
#[event_err = "FlowyError"]
pub enum DatabaseEvent {
/// [GetDatabase] event is used to get the [DatabasePB]
/// The event handler accepts a [DatabaseViewIdPB] and returns a [DatabasePB] if there are no errors.
#[event(input = "DatabaseViewIdPB", output = "DatabasePB")]
GetDatabase = 0,
/// [GetDatabaseSetting] event is used to get the database's settings.
/// The event handler accepts [DatabaseViewIdPB] and return [DatabaseViewSettingPB]
/// if there is no errors.
#[event(input = "DatabaseViewIdPB", output = "DatabaseViewSettingPB")]
GetDatabaseSetting = 2,
/// [UpdateDatabaseSetting] event is used to update the database's settings.
/// The event handler accepts [DatabaseSettingChangesetPB] and return errors if failed to modify the grid's settings.
#[event(input = "DatabaseSettingChangesetPB")]
UpdateDatabaseSetting = 3,
#[event(input = "DatabaseViewIdPB", output = "RepeatedFilterPB")]
GetAllFilters = 4,
#[event(input = "DatabaseViewIdPB", output = "RepeatedSortPB")]
GetAllSorts = 5,
#[event(input = "DatabaseViewIdPB")]
DeleteAllSorts = 6,
/// [GetFields] event is used to get the database's fields.
/// The event handler accepts a [GetFieldPayloadPB] and returns a [RepeatedFieldPB]
/// if there are no errors.
#[event(input = "GetFieldPayloadPB", output = "RepeatedFieldPB")]
GetFields = 10,
/// [UpdateField] event is used to update a field's attributes.
/// The event handler accepts a [FieldChangesetPB] and returns errors if failed to modify the
/// field.
#[event(input = "FieldChangesetPB")]
UpdateField = 11,
/// [UpdateFieldTypeOption] event is used to update the field's type-option data. Certain field
/// types have user-defined options such as color, date format, number format, or a list of values
/// for a multi-select list. These options are defined within a specialization of the
/// FieldTypeOption class.
/// Check out [this](https://appflowy.gitbook.io/docs/essential-documentation/contribute-to-appflowy/architecture/frontend/grid#fieldtype)
/// for more information.
/// The event handler accepts a [TypeOptionChangesetPB] and returns errors if failed to modify the
/// field.
#[event(input = "TypeOptionChangesetPB")]
UpdateFieldTypeOption = 12,
/// [DeleteField] event is used to delete a Field. [DeleteFieldPayloadPB] is the context that
/// is used to delete the field from the Database.
#[event(input = "DeleteFieldPayloadPB")]
DeleteField = 14,
/// [UpdateFieldType] event is used to update the current Field's type.
/// It will insert a new FieldTypeOptionData if the new FieldType doesn't exist before, otherwise
/// reuse the existing FieldTypeOptionData. You could check the [DatabaseRevisionPad] for more details.
#[event(input = "UpdateFieldTypePayloadPB")]
UpdateFieldType = 20,
/// [DuplicateField] event is used to duplicate a Field. The duplicated field data is kind of
/// deep copy of the target field. The passed in [DuplicateFieldPayloadPB] is the context that is
/// used to duplicate the field.
/// Return errors if failed to duplicate the field.
#[event(input = "DuplicateFieldPayloadPB")]
DuplicateField = 21,
/// [MoveItem] event is used to move an item. For the moment, Item has two types defined in
/// [MoveItemTypePB].
#[event(input = "MoveFieldPayloadPB")]
MoveField = 22,
/// [TypeOptionPathPB] event is used to get the FieldTypeOption data for a specific field type.
/// Check out the [TypeOptionPB] for more details. If the [FieldTypeOptionData] does exist
/// for the target type, the [TypeOptionBuilder] will create the default data for that type.
/// Return the [TypeOptionPB] if there are no errors.
#[event(input = "TypeOptionPathPB", output = "TypeOptionPB")]
GetTypeOption = 23,
/// [CreateTypeOption] event is used to create a new FieldTypeOptionData.
#[event(input = "CreateFieldPayloadPB", output = "TypeOptionPB")]
CreateTypeOption = 24,
/// [CreateSelectOption] event is used to create a new select option. Returns a [SelectOptionPB] if
/// there are no errors.
#[event(input = "CreateSelectOptionPayloadPB", output = "SelectOptionPB")]
CreateSelectOption = 30,
/// [GetSelectOptionCellData] event is used to get the select option data for cell editing.
/// [CellIdPB] locate which cell data that will be read from. The return value, [SelectOptionCellDataPB]
/// contains the available options and the currently selected options.
#[event(input = "CellIdPB", output = "SelectOptionCellDataPB")]
GetSelectOptionCellData = 31,
/// [InsertOrUpdateSelectOption] event is used to update a FieldTypeOptionData whose field_type is
/// FieldType::SingleSelect or FieldType::MultiSelect.
/// This event may trigger the DatabaseNotification::DidUpdateCell event.
/// For example, DatabaseNotification::DidUpdateCell will be triggered if the [SelectOptionChangesetPB]
/// carries a change that updates the name of the option.
#[event(input = "RepeatedSelectOptionPayload")]
InsertOrUpdateSelectOption = 32,
#[event(input = "RepeatedSelectOptionPayload")]
DeleteSelectOption = 33,
#[event(input = "CreateRowPayloadPB", output = "RowPB")]
CreateRow = 50,
/// [GetRow] event is used to get the row data,[RowPB]. [OptionalRowPB] is a wrapper that enables
/// to return a nullable row data.
#[event(input = "RowIdPB", output = "OptionalRowPB")]
GetRow = 51,
#[event(input = "RowIdPB")]
DeleteRow = 52,
#[event(input = "RowIdPB")]
DuplicateRow = 53,
#[event(input = "MoveRowPayloadPB")]
MoveRow = 54,
#[event(input = "CellIdPB", output = "CellPB")]
GetCell = 70,
/// [UpdateCell] event is used to update the cell content. The passed in data, [CellChangesetPB],
/// carries the changes that will be applied to the cell content by calling `update_cell` function.
/// The 'content' property of the [CellChangesetPB] is a String type. It can be used directly if the
/// cell uses string data. For example, the TextCell or NumberCell.
/// But,it can be treated as a generic type, because we can use [serde] to deserialize the string
/// into a specific data type. For the moment, the 'content' will be deserialized to a concrete type
/// when the FieldType is SingleSelect, DateTime, and MultiSelect. Please see
/// the [UpdateSelectOptionCell] and [UpdateDateCell] events for more details.
#[event(input = "CellChangesetPB")]
UpdateCell = 71,
/// [UpdateSelectOptionCell] event is used to update a select option cell's data. [SelectOptionCellChangesetPB]
/// contains options that will be deleted or inserted. It can be cast to [CellChangesetPB] that
/// will be used by the `update_cell` function.
#[event(input = "SelectOptionCellChangesetPB")]
UpdateSelectOptionCell = 72,
/// [UpdateDateCell] event is used to update a date cell's data. [DateChangesetPB]
/// contains the date and the time string. It can be cast to [CellChangesetPB] that
/// will be used by the `update_cell` function.
#[event(input = "DateChangesetPB")]
UpdateDateCell = 80,
#[event(input = "DatabaseViewIdPB", output = "RepeatedGroupPB")]
GetGroups = 100,
#[event(input = "DatabaseGroupIdPB", output = "GroupPB")]
GetGroup = 101,
#[event(input = "MoveGroupPayloadPB")]
MoveGroup = 111,
#[event(input = "MoveGroupRowPayloadPB")]
MoveGroupRow = 112,
/// Returns all the databases
#[event(output = "RepeatedDatabaseDescriptionPB")]
GetDatabases = 114,
#[event(input = "LayoutSettingChangesetPB")]
SetLayoutSetting = 115,
#[event(input = "DatabaseLayoutIdPB", output = "LayoutSettingPB")]
GetLayoutSetting = 116,
#[event(input = "CalendarEventRequestPB", output = "RepeatedCalendarEventPB")]
GetAllCalendarEvents = 117,
#[event(input = "RowIdPB", output = "CalendarEventPB")]
GetCalendarEvent = 118,
#[event(input = "MoveCalendarEventPB")]
MoveCalendarEvent = 119,