2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
use serde::ser::{SerializeMap, Serializer};
use serde_json::Value;
use std::{fmt, io::Write};
use tracing::{Event, Id, Subscriber};
use tracing_bunyan_formatter::JsonStorage;
use tracing_core::{metadata::Level, span::Attributes};
2021-09-13 07:51:13 +00:00
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
use tracing_subscriber::{fmt::MakeWriter, layer::Context, registry::SpanRef, Layer};
const LEVEL: &str = "level";
const TIME: &str = "time";
const MESSAGE: &str = "msg";
2021-09-21 07:07:07 +00:00
const LOG_MODULE_PATH: &str = "log.module_path";
const LOG_TARGET_PATH: &str = "log.target";
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
2021-09-21 07:07:07 +00:00
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
pub struct FlowyFormattingLayer<W: MakeWriter + 'static> {
make_writer: W,
with_target: bool,
impl<W: MakeWriter + 'static> FlowyFormattingLayer<W> {
pub fn new(make_writer: W) -> Self {
Self {
with_target: false,
fn serialize_flowy_core_fields(
map_serializer: &mut impl SerializeMap<Error = serde_json::Error>,
message: &str,
2021-09-21 07:07:07 +00:00
_level: &Level,
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
map_serializer.serialize_entry(MESSAGE, &message)?;
2021-09-21 07:07:07 +00:00
// map_serializer.serialize_entry(LEVEL, &format!("{}", level))?;
// map_serializer.serialize_entry(TIME, &chrono::Utc::now().timestamp())?;
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
fn serialize_span<S: Subscriber + for<'a> tracing_subscriber::registry::LookupSpan<'a>>(
span: &SpanRef<S>,
ty: Type,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, std::io::Error> {
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
let mut serializer = serde_json::Serializer::new(&mut buffer);
let mut map_serializer = serializer.serialize_map(None)?;
2022-01-23 04:14:00 +00:00
let message = format_span_context(span, ty);
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
self.serialize_flowy_core_fields(&mut map_serializer, &message, span.metadata().level())?;
if self.with_target {
map_serializer.serialize_entry("target", &span.metadata().target())?;
map_serializer.serialize_entry("line", &span.metadata().line())?;
map_serializer.serialize_entry("file", &span.metadata().file())?;
let extensions = span.extensions();
if let Some(visitor) = extensions.get::<JsonStorage>() {
for (key, value) in visitor.values() {
2021-09-21 07:07:07 +00:00
if !FLOWY_RESERVED_FIELDS.contains(key) && !IGNORE_FIELDS.contains(key) {
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
map_serializer.serialize_entry(key, value)?;
} else {
tracing::debug!("{} is a reserved field in the bunyan log format. Skipping it.", key);
fn emit(&self, mut buffer: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
/// The type of record we are dealing with: entering a span, exiting a span, an
/// event.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Type {
impl fmt::Display for Type {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let repr = match self {
Type::EnterSpan => "START",
Type::ExitSpan => "END",
Type::Event => "EVENT",
write!(f, "{}", repr)
2021-10-01 11:39:08 +00:00
fn format_span_context<S: Subscriber + for<'a> tracing_subscriber::registry::LookupSpan<'a>>(
span: &SpanRef<S>,
ty: Type,
) -> String {
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
format!("[⛳ {} - {}]", span.metadata().name().to_uppercase(), ty)
fn format_event_message<S: Subscriber + for<'a> tracing_subscriber::registry::LookupSpan<'a>>(
current_span: &Option<SpanRef<S>>,
event: &Event,
event_visitor: &JsonStorage<'_>,
) -> String {
// Extract the "message" field, if provided. Fallback to the target, if missing.
let mut message = event_visitor
.map(|v| match v {
Value::String(s) => Some(s.as_str()),
_ => None,
.unwrap_or_else(|| event.metadata().target())
// If the event is in the context of a span, prepend the span name to the
// message.
if let Some(span) = ¤t_span {
message = format!("{} {}", format_span_context(span, Type::Event), message);
impl<S, W> Layer<S> for FlowyFormattingLayer<W>
S: Subscriber + for<'a> tracing_subscriber::registry::LookupSpan<'a>,
W: MakeWriter + 'static,
fn on_event(&self, event: &Event<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
// Events do not necessarily happen in the context of a span, hence
// lookup_current returns an `Option<SpanRef<_>>` instead of a
// `SpanRef<_>`.
let current_span = ctx.lookup_current();
let mut event_visitor = JsonStorage::default();
event.record(&mut event_visitor);
// Opting for a closure to use the ? operator and get more linear code.
let format = || {
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
let mut serializer = serde_json::Serializer::new(&mut buffer);
let mut map_serializer = serializer.serialize_map(None)?;
let message = format_event_message(¤t_span, event, &event_visitor);
self.serialize_flowy_core_fields(&mut map_serializer, &message, event.metadata().level())?;
// Additional metadata useful for debugging
// They should be nested under `src` (see https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#src )
// but `tracing` does not support nested values yet
if self.with_target {
map_serializer.serialize_entry("target", event.metadata().target())?;
2021-09-21 07:07:07 +00:00
// map_serializer.serialize_entry("line", &event.metadata().line())?;
// map_serializer.serialize_entry("file", &event.metadata().file())?;
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
// Add all the other fields associated with the event, expect the message we
// already used.
2021-10-01 11:39:08 +00:00
for (key, value) in event_visitor.values().iter().filter(|(&key, _)| {
key != "message" && !FLOWY_RESERVED_FIELDS.contains(&key) && !IGNORE_FIELDS.contains(&key)
}) {
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
map_serializer.serialize_entry(key, value)?;
// Add all the fields from the current span, if we have one.
if let Some(span) = ¤t_span {
let extensions = span.extensions();
if let Some(visitor) = extensions.get::<JsonStorage>() {
for (key, value) in visitor.values() {
2021-09-21 07:07:07 +00:00
if !FLOWY_RESERVED_FIELDS.contains(key) && !IGNORE_FIELDS.contains(key) {
2021-09-13 05:05:46 +00:00
map_serializer.serialize_entry(key, value)?;
} else {
tracing::debug!("{} is a reserved field in the flowy log format. Skipping it.", key);
let result: std::io::Result<Vec<u8>> = format();
if let Ok(formatted) = result {
let _ = self.emit(formatted);
fn new_span(&self, _attrs: &Attributes, id: &Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
let span = ctx.span(id).expect("Span not found, this is a bug");
if let Ok(serialized) = self.serialize_span(&span, Type::EnterSpan) {
let _ = self.emit(serialized);
fn on_close(&self, id: Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
let span = ctx.span(&id).expect("Span not found, this is a bug");
if let Ok(serialized) = self.serialize_span(&span, Type::ExitSpan) {
let _ = self.emit(serialized);