add flowy-ast to generate the protobuf files via rust struct

This commit is contained in:
appflowy 2021-07-01 17:50:54 +08:00
parent 2d3e50c017
commit 3328e29241
9 changed files with 903 additions and 1 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ Cargo.lock
# These are backup files generated by rustfmt

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ members = [

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
name = "flowy-ast"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at
syn = { version = "1.0.60", features = ["extra-traits", "parsing", "derive", "full"]}
quote = "1.0"
proc-macro2 = "1.0"

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@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
use crate::{attr, ty_ext::*, AttrsContainer, Ctxt};
use syn::{self, punctuated::Punctuated};
pub struct ASTContainer<'a> {
/// The struct or enum name (without generics).
pub ident: syn::Ident,
/// Attributes on the structure.
pub attrs: AttrsContainer,
/// The contents of the struct or enum.
pub data: ASTData<'a>,
impl<'a> ASTContainer<'a> {
pub fn from_ast(cx: &Ctxt, ast: &'a syn::DeriveInput) -> Option<ASTContainer<'a>> {
let attrs = AttrsContainer::from_ast(cx, ast);
// syn::DeriveInput
// 1. syn::DataUnion
// 2. syn::DataStruct
// 3. syn::DataEnum
let data = match & {
syn::Data::Struct(data) => {
let (style, fields) = struct_from_ast(cx, &data.fields);
ASTData::Struct(style, fields)
syn::Data::Union(_) => {
cx.error_spanned_by(ast, "Does not support derive for unions");
return None;
syn::Data::Enum(data) => {
ASTData::Enum(enum_from_ast(cx, &data.variants))
let ident = ast.ident.clone();
let item = ASTContainer { ident, attrs, data };
pub enum ASTData<'a> {
Struct(ASTStyle, Vec<ASTField<'a>>),
impl<'a> ASTData<'a> {
pub fn all_fields(&'a self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a ASTField<'a>> + 'a> {
match self {
ASTData::Enum(variants) => {
Box::new(variants.iter().flat_map(|variant| variant.fields.iter()))
ASTData::Struct(_, fields) => Box::new(fields.iter()),
pub fn all_variants(&'a self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a attr::ASTEnumAttrVariant> + 'a> {
match self {
ASTData::Enum(variants) => {
let iter = variants.iter().map(|variant| &variant.attrs);
ASTData::Struct(_, fields) => {
let iter = fields.iter().flat_map(|_| None);
pub fn all_idents(&'a self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a syn::Ident> + 'a> {
match self {
ASTData::Enum(variants) => Box::new(variants.iter().map(|v| &v.ident)),
ASTData::Struct(_, fields) => {
let iter = fields.iter().flat_map(|f| match &f.member {
syn::Member::Named(ident) => Some(ident),
_ => None,
/// A variant of an enum.
pub struct ASTEnumVariant<'a> {
pub ident: syn::Ident,
pub attrs: attr::ASTEnumAttrVariant,
pub style: ASTStyle,
pub fields: Vec<ASTField<'a>>,
pub original: &'a syn::Variant,
impl<'a> ASTEnumVariant<'a> {
pub fn name(&self) -> String { self.ident.to_string() }
pub enum BracketCategory {
Map((String, String)),
pub struct ASTField<'a> {
pub member: syn::Member,
pub attrs: attr::ASTAttrField,
pub ty: &'a syn::Type,
pub original: &'a syn::Field,
pub bracket_ty: Option<syn::Ident>,
pub bracket_inner_ty: Option<syn::Ident>,
pub bracket_category: Option<BracketCategory>,
impl<'a> ASTField<'a> {
pub fn new(cx: &Ctxt, field: &'a syn::Field, index: usize) -> Self {
let mut bracket_inner_ty = None;
let mut bracket_ty = None;
let mut bracket_category = Some(BracketCategory::Other);
match parse_ty(&field.ty) {
Some(inner) => {
match inner.primitive_ty {
PrimitiveTy::Map(map_info) => {
bracket_category = Some(BracketCategory::Map((
PrimitiveTy::Vec => {
bracket_category = Some(BracketCategory::Vec);
PrimitiveTy::Opt => {
bracket_category = Some(BracketCategory::Opt);
match *inner.bracket_ty_info {
Some(bracketed_inner_ty) => {
bracket_inner_ty = Some(bracketed_inner_ty.ident.clone());
bracket_ty = Some(inner.ident.clone());
None => {
bracket_ty = Some(inner.ident.clone());
None => {
cx.error_spanned_by(&field.ty, "fail to get the ty inner type");
ASTField {
member: match &field.ident {
Some(ident) => syn::Member::Named(ident.clone()),
None => syn::Member::Unnamed(index.into()),
attrs: attr::ASTAttrField::from_ast(cx, index, field),
ty: &field.ty,
original: field,
pub fn ty_as_str(&self) -> String {
match self.bracket_inner_ty {
Some(ref ty) => ty.to_string(),
None => self.bracket_ty.as_ref().unwrap().clone().to_string(),
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<syn::Ident> {
if let syn::Member::Named(ident) = &self.member {
return Some(ident.clone());
} else {
pub fn is_option(&self) -> bool { attr::is_option(&self.ty) }
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ASTStyle {
/// Many unnamed fields.
/// One unnamed field.
/// No fields.
pub fn struct_from_ast<'a>(cx: &Ctxt, fields: &'a syn::Fields) -> (ASTStyle, Vec<ASTField<'a>>) {
match fields {
syn::Fields::Named(fields) => (ASTStyle::Struct, fields_from_ast(cx, &fields.named)),
syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) if fields.unnamed.len() == 1 => {
(ASTStyle::NewType, fields_from_ast(cx, &fields.unnamed))
syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) => (ASTStyle::Tuple, fields_from_ast(cx, &fields.unnamed)),
syn::Fields::Unit => (ASTStyle::Unit, Vec::new()),
pub fn enum_from_ast<'a>(
cx: &Ctxt,
variants: &'a Punctuated<syn::Variant, Token![,]>,
) -> Vec<ASTEnumVariant<'a>> {
.flat_map(|variant| {
let attrs = attr::ASTEnumAttrVariant::from_ast(cx, variant);
let (style, fields) = struct_from_ast(cx, &variant.fields);
Some(ASTEnumVariant {
ident: variant.ident.clone(),
original: variant,
fn fields_from_ast<'a>(
cx: &Ctxt,
fields: &'a Punctuated<syn::Field, Token![,]>,
) -> Vec<ASTField<'a>> {
.map(|(index, field)| ASTField::new(cx, field, index))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
use crate::{symbol::*, Ctxt};
use quote::ToTokens;
use syn::{
parse::{self, Parse},
Meta::{List, NameValue, Path},
NestedMeta::{Lit, Meta},
use proc_macro2::{Group, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree};
pub struct AttrsContainer {
name: String,
pb_struct_type: Option<syn::Type>,
pb_enum_type: Option<syn::Type>,
impl AttrsContainer {
/// Extract out the `#[pb(...)]` attributes from an item.
pub fn from_ast(cx: &Ctxt, item: &syn::DeriveInput) -> Self {
let mut pb_struct_type = ASTAttr::none(cx, PB_STRUCT);
let mut pb_enum_type = ASTAttr::none(cx, PB_ENUM);
for meta_item in item
.flat_map(|attr| get_meta_items(cx, attr))
match &meta_item {
// Parse `#[pb(struct = "Type")]
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == PB_STRUCT => {
if let Ok(into_ty) = parse_lit_into_ty(cx, PB_STRUCT, &m.lit) {
pb_struct_type.set_opt(&m.path, Some(into_ty));
// Parse `#[pb(enum = "Type")]
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == PB_ENUM => {
if let Ok(into_ty) = parse_lit_into_ty(cx, PB_ENUM, &m.lit) {
pb_enum_type.set_opt(&m.path, Some(into_ty));
Meta(meta_item) => {
let path = meta_item
.replace(' ', "");
format!("unknown pb container attribute `{}`", path),
Lit(lit) => {
cx.error_spanned_by(lit, "unexpected literal in pb container attribute");
match & {
syn::Data::Struct(_) => {
pb_struct_type.set_if_none(default_pb_type(&cx, &item.ident));
syn::Data::Enum(_) => {
pb_enum_type.set_if_none(default_pb_type(&cx, &item.ident));
_ => {},
AttrsContainer {
name: item.ident.to_string(),
pb_struct_type: pb_struct_type.get(),
pb_enum_type: pb_enum_type.get(),
pub fn pb_struct_type(&self) -> Option<&syn::Type> { self.pb_struct_type.as_ref() }
pub fn pb_enum_type(&self) -> Option<&syn::Type> { self.pb_enum_type.as_ref() }
struct ASTAttr<'c, T> {
cx: &'c Ctxt,
name: Symbol,
tokens: TokenStream,
value: Option<T>,
impl<'c, T> ASTAttr<'c, T> {
fn none(cx: &'c Ctxt, name: Symbol) -> Self {
ASTAttr {
tokens: TokenStream::new(),
value: None,
fn set<A: ToTokens>(&mut self, obj: A, value: T) {
let tokens = obj.into_token_stream();
if self.value.is_some() {
.error_spanned_by(tokens, format!("duplicate attribute `{}`",;
} else {
self.tokens = tokens;
self.value = Some(value);
fn set_opt<A: ToTokens>(&mut self, obj: A, value: Option<T>) {
if let Some(value) = value {
self.set(obj, value);
fn set_if_none(&mut self, value: T) {
if self.value.is_none() {
self.value = Some(value);
fn get(self) -> Option<T> { self.value }
fn get_with_tokens(self) -> Option<(TokenStream, T)> {
match self.value {
Some(v) => Some((self.tokens, v)),
None => None,
pub struct ASTAttrField {
name: String,
pb_index: Option<syn::LitInt>,
pb_one_of: bool,
skip_serializing: bool,
skip_deserializing: bool,
serialize_with: Option<syn::ExprPath>,
deserialize_with: Option<syn::ExprPath>,
impl ASTAttrField {
/// Extract out the `#[pb(...)]` attributes from a struct field.
pub fn from_ast(cx: &Ctxt, index: usize, field: &syn::Field) -> Self {
let mut pb_index = ASTAttr::none(cx, PB_INDEX);
let mut pb_one_of = BoolAttr::none(cx, PB_ONE_OF);
let mut serialize_with = ASTAttr::none(cx, SERIALIZE_WITH);
let mut skip_serializing = BoolAttr::none(cx, SKIP_SERIALIZING);
let mut deserialize_with = ASTAttr::none(cx, DESERIALIZE_WITH);
let mut skip_deserializing = BoolAttr::none(cx, SKIP_DESERIALIZING);
let ident = match &field.ident {
Some(ident) => ident.to_string(),
None => index.to_string(),
for meta_item in field
.flat_map(|attr| get_meta_items(cx, attr))
match &meta_item {
// Parse `#[pb(skip)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == SKIP => {
// Parse '#[pb(index = x)]'
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == PB_INDEX => {
if let syn::Lit::Int(lit) = &m.lit {
pb_index.set(&m.path, lit.clone());
// Parse `#[pb(one_of)]`
Meta(Path(path)) if path == PB_ONE_OF => {
// Parse `#[pb(serialize_with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == SERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, SERIALIZE_WITH, &m.lit) {
serialize_with.set(&m.path, path);
// Parse `#[pb(deserialize_with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == DESERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DESERIALIZE_WITH, &m.lit) {
deserialize_with.set(&m.path, path);
Meta(meta_item) => {
let path = meta_item
.replace(' ', "");
format!("unknown field attribute `{}`", path),
Lit(lit) => {
cx.error_spanned_by(lit, "unexpected literal in pb field attribute");
ASTAttrField {
name: ident.to_string().clone(),
pb_index: pb_index.get(),
pb_one_of: pb_one_of.get(),
skip_serializing: skip_serializing.get(),
skip_deserializing: skip_deserializing.get(),
serialize_with: serialize_with.get(),
deserialize_with: deserialize_with.get(),
pub fn pb_index(&self) -> Option<String> {
match self.pb_index {
Some(ref lit) => Some(lit.base10_digits().to_string()),
None => None,
pub fn is_one_of(&self) -> bool { self.pb_one_of }
pub fn serialize_with(&self) -> Option<&syn::ExprPath> { self.serialize_with.as_ref() }
pub fn deserialize_with(&self) -> Option<&syn::ExprPath> { self.deserialize_with.as_ref() }
pub fn skip_serializing(&self) -> bool { self.skip_serializing }
pub fn skip_deserializing(&self) -> bool { self.skip_deserializing }
pub enum Default {
/// Field must always be specified because it does not have a default.
/// The default is given by `std::default::Default::default()`.
/// The default is given by this function.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ASTEnumAttrVariant {
pub name: String,
pub value: String,
impl ASTEnumAttrVariant {
pub fn from_ast(cx: &Ctxt, variant: &syn::Variant) -> Self {
let name = variant.ident.to_string();
let mut value = String::new();
if variant.discriminant.is_some() {
match variant.discriminant.as_ref().unwrap().1 {
syn::Expr::Lit(ref expr_list) => {
let lit_int = if let syn::Lit::Int(ref int_value) = expr_list.lit {
} else {
value = lit_int.base10_digits().to_string();
_ => {},
ASTEnumAttrVariant { name, value }
pub fn get_meta_items(cx: &Ctxt, attr: &syn::Attribute) -> Result<Vec<syn::NestedMeta>, ()> {
if attr.path != PB_ATTRS {
return Ok(Vec::new());
match attr.parse_meta() {
Ok(List(meta)) => Ok(meta.nested.into_iter().collect()),
Ok(other) => {
cx.error_spanned_by(other, "expected #[pb(...)]");
Err(err) => {
fn parse_lit_into_expr_path(
cx: &Ctxt,
attr_name: Symbol,
lit: &syn::Lit,
) -> Result<syn::ExprPath, ()> {
let string = get_lit_str(cx, attr_name, lit)?;
parse_lit_str(string).map_err(|_| {
cx.error_spanned_by(lit, format!("failed to parse path: {:?}", string.value()))
fn get_lit_str<'a>(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &'a syn::Lit) -> Result<&'a syn::LitStr, ()> {
if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = lit {
} else {
"expected pb {} attribute to be a string: `{} = \"...\"`",
attr_name, attr_name
fn parse_lit_into_ty(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &syn::Lit) -> Result<syn::Type, ()> {
let string = get_lit_str(cx, attr_name, lit)?;
parse_lit_str(string).map_err(|_| {
format!("failed to parse type: {} = {:?}", attr_name, string.value()),
pub fn parse_lit_str<T>(s: &syn::LitStr) -> parse::Result<T>
T: Parse,
let tokens = spanned_tokens(s)?;
fn spanned_tokens(s: &syn::LitStr) -> parse::Result<TokenStream> {
let stream = syn::parse_str(&s.value())?;
Ok(respan_token_stream(stream, s.span()))
fn respan_token_stream(stream: TokenStream, span: Span) -> TokenStream {
.map(|token| respan_token_tree(token, span))
fn respan_token_tree(mut token: TokenTree, span: Span) -> TokenTree {
if let TokenTree::Group(g) = &mut token {
*g = Group::new(g.delimiter(), respan_token_stream(, span));
fn default_pb_type(ctxt: &Ctxt, ident: &syn::Ident) -> syn::Type {
let take_ident = format!("{}", ident.to_string());
let lit_str = syn::LitStr::new(&take_ident, ident.span());
if let Ok(tokens) = spanned_tokens(&lit_str) {
if let Ok(pb_struct_ty) = syn::parse2(tokens) {
return pb_struct_ty;
format!("❌ Can't find {} protobuf struct", take_ident),
pub fn is_option(ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
let path = match ungroup(ty) {
syn::Type::Path(ty) => &ty.path,
_ => {
return false;
let seg = match path.segments.last() {
Some(seg) => seg,
None => {
return false;
let args = match &seg.arguments {
syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(bracketed) => &bracketed.args,
_ => {
return false;
seg.ident == "Option" && args.len() == 1
pub fn ungroup(mut ty: &syn::Type) -> &syn::Type {
while let syn::Type::Group(group) = ty {
ty = &group.elem;
struct BoolAttr<'c>(ASTAttr<'c, ()>);
impl<'c> BoolAttr<'c> {
fn none(cx: &'c Ctxt, name: Symbol) -> Self { BoolAttr(ASTAttr::none(cx, name)) }
fn set_true<A: ToTokens>(&mut self, obj: A) { self.0.set(obj, ()); }
fn get(&self) -> bool { self.0.value.is_some() }

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
use quote::ToTokens;
use std::{cell::RefCell, fmt::Display, thread};
use syn;
pub struct Ctxt {
errors: RefCell<Option<Vec<syn::Error>>>,
impl Ctxt {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Ctxt {
errors: RefCell::new(Some(Vec::new())),
pub fn error_spanned_by<A: ToTokens, T: Display>(&self, obj: A, msg: T) {
.push(syn::Error::new_spanned(obj.into_token_stream(), msg));
pub fn syn_error(&self, err: syn::Error) {
pub fn check(self) -> Result<(), Vec<syn::Error>> {
let errors = self.errors.borrow_mut().take().unwrap();
match errors.len() {
0 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(errors),
impl Drop for Ctxt {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !thread::panicking() && self.errors.borrow().is_some() {
panic!("forgot to check for errors");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
extern crate syn;
extern crate quote;
mod ast;
mod attr;
mod ctxt;
pub mod symbol;
pub mod ty_ext;
pub use self::{symbol::*, ty_ext::*};
pub use ast::*;
pub use attr::*;
pub use ctxt::Ctxt;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use syn::{Ident, Path};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Symbol(&'static str);
pub const PB_ATTRS: Symbol = Symbol("pb");
pub const SKIP: Symbol = Symbol("skip"); //#[pb(skip)]
pub const PB_INDEX: Symbol = Symbol("index"); //#[pb(index = "1")]
pub const PB_ONE_OF: Symbol = Symbol("one_of"); //#[pb(one_of)]
pub const DESERIALIZE_WITH: Symbol = Symbol("deserialize_with");
pub const SKIP_DESERIALIZING: Symbol = Symbol("skip_deserializing");
pub const SERIALIZE_WITH: Symbol = Symbol("serialize_with"); //#[pb(serialize_with = "...")]
pub const SKIP_SERIALIZING: Symbol = Symbol("skip_serializing"); //#[pb(skip_serializing)]
pub const PB_STRUCT: Symbol = Symbol("struct"); //#[pb(struct="some struct")]
pub const PB_ENUM: Symbol = Symbol("enum"); //#[pb(enum="some enum")]
impl PartialEq<Symbol> for Ident {
fn eq(&self, word: &Symbol) -> bool { self == word.0 }
impl<'a> PartialEq<Symbol> for &'a Ident {
fn eq(&self, word: &Symbol) -> bool { *self == word.0 }
impl PartialEq<Symbol> for Path {
fn eq(&self, word: &Symbol) -> bool { self.is_ident(word.0) }
impl<'a> PartialEq<Symbol> for &'a Path {
fn eq(&self, word: &Symbol) -> bool { self.is_ident(word.0) }
impl Display for Symbol {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str(self.0) }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
use crate::Ctxt;
use quote::format_ident;
use syn::{self, AngleBracketedGenericArguments, PathSegment};
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum PrimitiveTy {
pub struct TyInfo<'a> {
pub ident: &'a syn::Ident,
pub ty: &'a syn::Type,
pub primitive_ty: PrimitiveTy,
pub bracket_ty_info: Box<Option<TyInfo<'a>>>,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct MapInfo {
pub key: String,
pub value: String,
impl MapInfo {
fn new(key: String, value: String) -> Self { MapInfo { key, value } }
impl<'a> TyInfo<'a> {
pub fn bracketed_ident(&'a self) -> &'a syn::Ident {
match self.bracket_ty_info.as_ref() {
Some(b_ty) => b_ty.ident,
None => {
pub fn parse_ty(ty: &syn::Type) -> Option<TyInfo> {
// Type -> TypePath -> Path -> PathSegment -> PathArguments ->
// AngleBracketedGenericArguments -> GenericArgument -> Type.
if let syn::Type::Path(ref p) = ty {
if p.path.segments.len() != 1 {
return None;
let seg = match p.path.segments.last() {
Some(seg) => seg,
None => return None,
return if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref bracketed) = seg.arguments {
match seg.ident.to_string().as_ref() {
"HashMap" => generate_hashmap_ty_info(ty, seg, bracketed),
"Vec" => generate_vec_ty_info(seg, bracketed),
_ => {
panic!("Unsupported ty")
} else {
assert_eq!(seg.ident.to_string(), "Option".to_string());
generate_option_ty_info(ty, seg)
fn parse_bracketed(bracketed: &AngleBracketedGenericArguments) -> Vec<&syn::Type> {
.flat_map(|arg| {
if let syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref ty_in_bracket) = arg {
} else {
pub fn generate_hashmap_ty_info<'a>(
ty: &'a syn::Type,
path_segment: &'a PathSegment,
bracketed: &'a AngleBracketedGenericArguments,
) -> Option<TyInfo<'a>> {
// The args of map must greater than 2
if bracketed.args.len() != 2 {
return None;
let types = parse_bracketed(bracketed);
let key = parse_ty(types[0]).unwrap().ident.to_string();
let value = parse_ty(types[1]).unwrap().ident.to_string();
let bracket_ty_info = Box::new(parse_ty(&types[1]));
return Some(TyInfo {
ident: &path_segment.ident,
primitive_ty: PrimitiveTy::Map(MapInfo::new(key, value)),
fn generate_option_ty_info<'a>(
ty: &'a syn::Type,
path_segment: &'a PathSegment,
) -> Option<TyInfo<'a>> {
return Some(TyInfo {
ident: &path_segment.ident,
primitive_ty: PrimitiveTy::Opt,
bracket_ty_info: Box::new(None),
fn generate_vec_ty_info<'a>(
path_segment: &'a PathSegment,
bracketed: &'a AngleBracketedGenericArguments,
) -> Option<TyInfo<'a>> {
if bracketed.args.len() != 1 {
return None;
if let syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref bracketed_type) = bracketed.args.first().unwrap() {
let bracketed_ty_info = Box::new(parse_ty(&bracketed_type));
return Some(TyInfo {
ident: &path_segment.ident,
ty: bracketed_type,
primitive_ty: PrimitiveTy::Vec,
bracket_ty_info: bracketed_ty_info,
return None;