From 46be04f94ea8de5a4748e5e13ea178e77b38bfed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: appflowy Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 23:16:25 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] chore: config update cell --- .../flowy-grid/number_description.pb.dart | 16 +- .../flowy-grid/number_description.pbenum.dart | 20 +- .../flowy-grid/number_description.pbjson.dart | 21 +- .../src/protobuf/model/ | 89 ++++--- .../protobuf/proto/number_description.proto | 11 +- =>} | 8 +- .../src/services/cell/builder/ | 4 +- .../cell/description/ | 22 +- .../cell/description/ | 119 ++++++++- .../cell/description/ | 250 ++++++++++++------ .../cell/description/ | 33 ++- .../cell/description/ | 4 +- .../flowy-grid/src/services/ | 2 +- .../rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ | 2 +- .../flowy-grid/src/services/row/ | 2 +- .../rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ | 132 +++------ .../flowy-grid/tests/grid/ | 41 ++- .../rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ | 4 +- 18 files changed, 486 insertions(+), 294 deletions(-) rename frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/{ =>} (98%) diff --git a/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pb.dart b/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pb.dart index 395ac5c07f..19064fbfd1 100644 --- a/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pb.dart +++ b/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pb.dart @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export 'number_description.pbenum.dart'; class NumberDescription extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { static final $pb.BuilderInfo _i = $pb.BuilderInfo(const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_message_names') ? '' : 'NumberDescription', createEmptyInstance: create) - ..e(1, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_field_names') ? '' : 'money', $pb.PbFieldType.OE, defaultOrMaker: MoneySymbol.CNY, valueOf: MoneySymbol.valueOf, enumValues: MoneySymbol.values) + ..e(1, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_field_names') ? '' : 'format', $pb.PbFieldType.OE, defaultOrMaker: NumberFormat.Number, valueOf: NumberFormat.valueOf, enumValues: NumberFormat.values) ..a<$>(2, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_field_names') ? '' : 'scale', $pb.PbFieldType.OU3) ..aOS(3, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_field_names') ? '' : 'symbol') ..aOB(4, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_field_names') ? '' : 'signPositive') @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ class NumberDescription extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { NumberDescription._() : super(); factory NumberDescription({ - MoneySymbol? money, + NumberFormat? format, $ scale, $core.String? symbol, $core.bool? signPositive, $core.String? name, }) { final _result = create(); - if (money != null) { - = money; + if (format != null) { + _result.format = format; } if (scale != null) { _result.scale = scale; @@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ class NumberDescription extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { static NumberDescription? _defaultInstance; @$pb.TagNumber(1) - MoneySymbol get money => $_getN(0); + NumberFormat get format => $_getN(0); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - set money(MoneySymbol v) { setField(1, v); } + set format(NumberFormat v) { setField(1, v); } @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $core.bool hasMoney() => $_has(0); + $core.bool hasFormat() => $_has(0); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - void clearMoney() => clearField(1); + void clearFormat() => clearField(1); @$pb.TagNumber(2) $ get scale => $_getIZ(1); diff --git a/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pbenum.dart b/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pbenum.dart index daae771fce..f5c3d38628 100644 --- a/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pbenum.dart +++ b/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pbenum.dart @@ -9,20 +9,22 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -class MoneySymbol extends $pb.ProtobufEnum { - static const MoneySymbol CNY = MoneySymbol._(0, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_enum_names') ? '' : 'CNY'); - static const MoneySymbol EUR = MoneySymbol._(1, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_enum_names') ? '' : 'EUR'); - static const MoneySymbol USD = MoneySymbol._(2, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_enum_names') ? '' : 'USD'); +class NumberFormat extends $pb.ProtobufEnum { + static const NumberFormat Number = NumberFormat._(0, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_enum_names') ? '' : 'Number'); + static const NumberFormat USD = NumberFormat._(1, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_enum_names') ? '' : 'USD'); + static const NumberFormat CNY = NumberFormat._(2, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_enum_names') ? '' : 'CNY'); + static const NumberFormat EUR = NumberFormat._(3, const $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_enum_names') ? '' : 'EUR'); - static const $core.List values = [ + static const $core.List values = [ + Number, + USD, CNY, EUR, - USD, ]; - static final $core.Map<$, MoneySymbol> _byValue = $pb.ProtobufEnum.initByValue(values); - static MoneySymbol? valueOf($ value) => _byValue[value]; + static final $core.Map<$, NumberFormat> _byValue = $pb.ProtobufEnum.initByValue(values); + static NumberFormat? valueOf($ value) => _byValue[value]; - const MoneySymbol._($ v, $core.String n) : super(v, n); + const NumberFormat._($ v, $core.String n) : super(v, n); } diff --git a/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pbjson.dart b/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pbjson.dart index 4a0c8db75a..ff1b3dc40f 100644 --- a/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pbjson.dart +++ b/frontend/app_flowy/packages/flowy_sdk/lib/protobuf/flowy-grid/number_description.pbjson.dart @@ -8,23 +8,24 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'dart:convert' as $convert; import 'dart:typed_data' as $typed_data; -@$core.Deprecated('Use moneySymbolDescriptor instead') -const MoneySymbol$json = const { - '1': 'MoneySymbol', +@$core.Deprecated('Use numberFormatDescriptor instead') +const NumberFormat$json = const { + '1': 'NumberFormat', '2': const [ - const {'1': 'CNY', '2': 0}, - const {'1': 'EUR', '2': 1}, - const {'1': 'USD', '2': 2}, + const {'1': 'Number', '2': 0}, + const {'1': 'USD', '2': 1}, + const {'1': 'CNY', '2': 2}, + const {'1': 'EUR', '2': 3}, ], }; -/// Descriptor for `MoneySymbol`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto`. -final $typed_data.Uint8List moneySymbolDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode('CgtNb25leVN5bWJvbBIHCgNDTlkQABIHCgNFVVIQARIHCgNVU0QQAg=='); +/// Descriptor for `NumberFormat`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto`. +final $typed_data.Uint8List numberFormatDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode('CgxOdW1iZXJGb3JtYXQSCgoGTnVtYmVyEAASBwoDVVNEEAESBwoDQ05ZEAISBwoDRVVSEAM='); @$core.Deprecated('Use numberDescriptionDescriptor instead') const NumberDescription$json = const { '1': 'NumberDescription', '2': const [ - const {'1': 'money', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 14, '6': '.MoneySymbol', '10': 'money'}, + const {'1': 'format', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 14, '6': '.NumberFormat', '10': 'format'}, const {'1': 'scale', '3': 2, '4': 1, '5': 13, '10': 'scale'}, const {'1': 'symbol', '3': 3, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'symbol'}, const {'1': 'sign_positive', '3': 4, '4': 1, '5': 8, '10': 'signPositive'}, @@ -33,4 +34,4 @@ const NumberDescription$json = const { }; /// Descriptor for `NumberDescription`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.DescriptorProto`. -final $typed_data.Uint8List numberDescriptionDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode('ChFOdW1iZXJEZXNjcmlwdGlvbhIiCgVtb25leRgBIAEoDjIMLk1vbmV5U3ltYm9sUgVtb25leRIUCgVzY2FsZRgCIAEoDVIFc2NhbGUSFgoGc3ltYm9sGAMgASgJUgZzeW1ib2wSIwoNc2lnbl9wb3NpdGl2ZRgEIAEoCFIMc2lnblBvc2l0aXZlEhIKBG5hbWUYBSABKAlSBG5hbWU='); +final $typed_data.Uint8List numberDescriptionDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode('ChFOdW1iZXJEZXNjcmlwdGlvbhIlCgZmb3JtYXQYASABKA4yDS5OdW1iZXJGb3JtYXRSBmZvcm1hdBIUCgVzY2FsZRgCIAEoDVIFc2NhbGUSFgoGc3ltYm9sGAMgASgJUgZzeW1ib2wSIwoNc2lnbl9wb3NpdGl2ZRgEIAEoCFIMc2lnblBvc2l0aXZlEhIKBG5hbWUYBSABKAlSBG5hbWU='); diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/protobuf/model/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/protobuf/model/ index 17bdb557e6..2137ea2be1 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/protobuf/model/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/protobuf/model/ @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ #[derive(PartialEq,Clone,Default)] pub struct NumberDescription { // message fields - pub money: MoneySymbol, + pub format: NumberFormat, pub scale: u32, pub symbol: ::std::string::String, pub sign_positive: bool, @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ impl NumberDescription { ::std::default::Default::default() } - // .MoneySymbol money = 1; + // .NumberFormat format = 1; - pub fn get_money(&self) -> MoneySymbol { - + pub fn get_format(&self) -> NumberFormat { + self.format } - pub fn clear_money(&mut self) { - = MoneySymbol::CNY; + pub fn clear_format(&mut self) { + self.format = NumberFormat::Number; } // Param is passed by value, moved - pub fn set_money(&mut self, v: MoneySymbol) { - = v; + pub fn set_format(&mut self, v: NumberFormat) { + self.format = v; } // uint32 scale = 2; @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ impl ::protobuf::Message for NumberDescription { let (field_number, wire_type) = is.read_tag_unpack()?; match field_number { 1 => { - ::protobuf::rt::read_proto3_enum_with_unknown_fields_into(wire_type, is, &mut, 1, &mut self.unknown_fields)? + ::protobuf::rt::read_proto3_enum_with_unknown_fields_into(wire_type, is, &mut self.format, 1, &mut self.unknown_fields)? }, 2 => { if wire_type != ::protobuf::wire_format::WireTypeVarint { @@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ impl ::protobuf::Message for NumberDescription { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn compute_size(&self) -> u32 { let mut my_size = 0; - if != MoneySymbol::CNY { - my_size += ::protobuf::rt::enum_size(1,; + if self.format != NumberFormat::Number { + my_size += ::protobuf::rt::enum_size(1, self.format); } if self.scale != 0 { my_size += ::protobuf::rt::value_size(2, self.scale, ::protobuf::wire_format::WireTypeVarint); @@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ impl ::protobuf::Message for NumberDescription { } fn write_to_with_cached_sizes(&self, os: &mut ::protobuf::CodedOutputStream<'_>) -> ::protobuf::ProtobufResult<()> { - if != MoneySymbol::CNY { - os.write_enum(1, ::protobuf::ProtobufEnum::value(&; + if self.format != NumberFormat::Number { + os.write_enum(1, ::protobuf::ProtobufEnum::value(&self.format))?; } if self.scale != 0 { os.write_uint32(2, self.scale)?; @@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ impl ::protobuf::Message for NumberDescription { static descriptor: ::protobuf::rt::LazyV2<::protobuf::reflect::MessageDescriptor> = ::protobuf::rt::LazyV2::INIT; descriptor.get(|| { let mut fields = ::std::vec::Vec::new(); - fields.push(::protobuf::reflect::accessor::make_simple_field_accessor::<_, ::protobuf::types::ProtobufTypeEnum>( - "money", - |m: &NumberDescription| { & }, - |m: &mut NumberDescription| { &mut }, + fields.push(::protobuf::reflect::accessor::make_simple_field_accessor::<_, ::protobuf::types::ProtobufTypeEnum>( + "format", + |m: &NumberDescription| { &m.format }, + |m: &mut NumberDescription| { &mut m.format }, )); fields.push(::protobuf::reflect::accessor::make_simple_field_accessor::<_, ::protobuf::types::ProtobufTypeUint32>( "scale", @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ impl ::protobuf::Message for NumberDescription { impl ::protobuf::Clear for NumberDescription { fn clear(&mut self) { - = MoneySymbol::CNY; + self.format = NumberFormat::Number; self.scale = 0; self.symbol.clear(); self.sign_positive = false; @@ -326,31 +326,34 @@ impl ::protobuf::reflect::ProtobufValue for NumberDescription { } #[derive(Clone,PartialEq,Eq,Debug,Hash)] -pub enum MoneySymbol { - CNY = 0, - EUR = 1, - USD = 2, +pub enum NumberFormat { + Number = 0, + USD = 1, + CNY = 2, + EUR = 3, } -impl ::protobuf::ProtobufEnum for MoneySymbol { +impl ::protobuf::ProtobufEnum for NumberFormat { fn value(&self) -> i32 { *self as i32 } - fn from_i32(value: i32) -> ::std::option::Option { + fn from_i32(value: i32) -> ::std::option::Option { match value { - 0 => ::std::option::Option::Some(MoneySymbol::CNY), - 1 => ::std::option::Option::Some(MoneySymbol::EUR), - 2 => ::std::option::Option::Some(MoneySymbol::USD), + 0 => ::std::option::Option::Some(NumberFormat::Number), + 1 => ::std::option::Option::Some(NumberFormat::USD), + 2 => ::std::option::Option::Some(NumberFormat::CNY), + 3 => ::std::option::Option::Some(NumberFormat::EUR), _ => ::std::option::Option::None } } fn values() -> &'static [Self] { - static values: &'static [MoneySymbol] = &[ - MoneySymbol::CNY, - MoneySymbol::EUR, - MoneySymbol::USD, + static values: &'static [NumberFormat] = &[ + NumberFormat::Number, + NumberFormat::USD, + NumberFormat::CNY, + NumberFormat::EUR, ]; values } @@ -358,34 +361,34 @@ impl ::protobuf::ProtobufEnum for MoneySymbol { fn enum_descriptor_static() -> &'static ::protobuf::reflect::EnumDescriptor { static descriptor: ::protobuf::rt::LazyV2<::protobuf::reflect::EnumDescriptor> = ::protobuf::rt::LazyV2::INIT; descriptor.get(|| { - ::protobuf::reflect::EnumDescriptor::new_pb_name::("MoneySymbol", file_descriptor_proto()) + ::protobuf::reflect::EnumDescriptor::new_pb_name::("NumberFormat", file_descriptor_proto()) }) } } -impl ::std::marker::Copy for MoneySymbol { +impl ::std::marker::Copy for NumberFormat { } -impl ::std::default::Default for MoneySymbol { +impl ::std::default::Default for NumberFormat { fn default() -> Self { - MoneySymbol::CNY + NumberFormat::Number } } -impl ::protobuf::reflect::ProtobufValue for MoneySymbol { +impl ::protobuf::reflect::ProtobufValue for NumberFormat { fn as_ref(&self) -> ::protobuf::reflect::ReflectValueRef { ::protobuf::reflect::ReflectValueRef::Enum(::protobuf::ProtobufEnum::descriptor(self)) } } static file_descriptor_proto_data: &'static [u8] = b"\ - \n\x18number_description.proto\"\x9e\x01\n\x11NumberDescription\x12\"\n\ - \x05money\x18\x01\x20\x01(\x0e2\x0c.MoneySymbolR\x05money\x12\x14\n\x05s\ - cale\x18\x02\x20\x01(\rR\x05scale\x12\x16\n\x06symbol\x18\x03\x20\x01(\t\ - R\x06symbol\x12#\n\rsign_positive\x18\x04\x20\x01(\x08R\x0csignPositive\ - \x12\x12\n\x04name\x18\x05\x20\x01(\tR\x04name*(\n\x0bMoneySymbol\x12\ - \x07\n\x03CNY\x10\0\x12\x07\n\x03EUR\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03USD\x10\x02b\ - \x06proto3\ + \n\x18number_description.proto\"\xa1\x01\n\x11NumberDescription\x12%\n\ + \x06format\x18\x01\x20\x01(\x0e2\r.NumberFormatR\x06format\x12\x14\n\x05\ + scale\x18\x02\x20\x01(\rR\x05scale\x12\x16\n\x06symbol\x18\x03\x20\x01(\ + \tR\x06symbol\x12#\n\rsign_positive\x18\x04\x20\x01(\x08R\x0csignPositiv\ + e\x12\x12\n\x04name\x18\x05\x20\x01(\tR\x04name*5\n\x0cNumberFormat\x12\ + \n\n\x06Number\x10\0\x12\x07\n\x03USD\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03CNY\x10\x02\ + \x12\x07\n\x03EUR\x10\x03b\x06proto3\ "; static file_descriptor_proto_lazy: ::protobuf::rt::LazyV2<::protobuf::descriptor::FileDescriptorProto> = ::protobuf::rt::LazyV2::INIT; diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/protobuf/proto/number_description.proto b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/protobuf/proto/number_description.proto index 83ab8b7220..760f6623c4 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/protobuf/proto/number_description.proto +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/protobuf/proto/number_description.proto @@ -1,14 +1,15 @@ syntax = "proto3"; message NumberDescription { - MoneySymbol money = 1; + NumberFormat format = 1; uint32 scale = 2; string symbol = 3; bool sign_positive = 4; string name = 5; } -enum MoneySymbol { - CNY = 0; - EUR = 1; - USD = 2; +enum NumberFormat { + Number = 0; + USD = 1; + CNY = 2; + EUR = 3; } diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ similarity index 98% rename from frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ rename to frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ index 918d8e7559..3ac75cd70a 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ use lib_ot::core::PlainTextAttributes; use std::collections::HashMap; -use dashmap::mapref::one::Ref; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::sync::RwLock; @@ -84,12 +83,11 @@ impl GridBlockMetaEditorManager { pub(crate) async fn delete_rows(&self, row_ids: Vec) -> FlowyResult> { let row_orders = row_ids .into_iter() - .flat_map(|row_id| match self.block_id_by_row_id.get(&row_id) { - None => None, - Some(block_id) => Some(RowOrder { + .flat_map(|row_id| { + self.block_id_by_row_id.get(&row_id).map(|block_id| RowOrder { row_id, block_id: block_id.clone(), - }), + }) }) .collect::>(); let mut changesets = vec![]; diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/builder/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/builder/ index a472dec8c5..6812d2c39d 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/builder/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/builder/ @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ impl NumberTypeOptionsBuilder { self } - pub fn set_money_symbol(mut self, money_symbol: MoneySymbol) -> Self { - self.0.set_money_symbol(money_symbol); + pub fn set_format(mut self, format: NumberFormat) -> Self { + self.0.set_format(format); self } diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ index f6f3603604..97c322bb95 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ use crate::impl_from_and_to_type_option; use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; -use flowy_derive::{ProtoBuf, ProtoBuf_Enum}; +use flowy_derive::ProtoBuf; use flowy_error::FlowyError; use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{Field, FieldType}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; @@ -38,3 +38,23 @@ fn string_to_bool(bool_str: &str) -> bool { _ => false, } } + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::services::cell::CheckboxDescription; + use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; + + #[test] + fn checkout_box_description_test() { + let description = CheckboxDescription::default(); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("true").unwrap(), "1".to_owned()); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("1").unwrap(), "1".to_owned()); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("yes").unwrap(), "1".to_owned()); + + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("false").unwrap(), "0".to_owned()); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("no").unwrap(), "0".to_owned()); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("123").unwrap(), "0".to_owned()); + + assert_eq!(description.str_from_cell_data("1".to_owned()), "1".to_owned()); + } +} diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ index 09cb04f163..991357f63a 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ use crate::impl_from_and_to_type_option; use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; -use crate::services::util::*; + use chrono::format::strftime::StrftimeItems; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use flowy_derive::{ProtoBuf, ProtoBuf_Enum}; @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ use flowy_error::FlowyError; use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{Field, FieldType}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; +use strum_macros::EnumIter; + // Date #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf)] pub struct DateDescription { @@ -20,10 +22,6 @@ pub struct DateDescription { impl_from_and_to_type_option!(DateDescription, FieldType::DateTime); impl DateDescription { - fn date_time_format_str(&self) -> String { - format!("{} {}", self.date_format.format_str(), self.time_format.format_str()) - } - #[allow(dead_code)] fn today_from_timestamp(&self, timestamp: i64) -> String { let native = chrono::NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(timestamp, 0); @@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ impl DateDescription { let utc: chrono::DateTime = chrono::DateTime::from_utc(naive, chrono::Utc); let local: chrono::DateTime = chrono::DateTime::from(utc); - let fmt_str = self.date_time_format_str(); + let fmt_str = format!("{} {}", self.date_format.format_str(), self.time_format.format_str()); let output = format!("{}", local.format_with_items(StrftimeItems::new(&fmt_str))); output } @@ -55,14 +53,18 @@ impl StringifyCellData for DateDescription { } fn str_to_cell_data(&self, s: &str) -> Result { - let timestamp = s - .parse::() - .map_err(|e| FlowyError::internal().context(format!("Parse {} to i64 failed: {}", s, e)))?; + let timestamp = match s.parse::() { + Ok(timestamp) => timestamp, + Err(e) => { + tracing::error!("Parse {} to i64 failed: {}", s, e); + chrono::Utc::now().timestamp() + } + }; Ok(format!("{}", timestamp)) } } -#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf_Enum)] +#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, EnumIter, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf_Enum)] pub enum DateFormat { Local = 0, US = 1, @@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ impl DateFormat { } } -#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf_Enum)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, EnumIter, Debug, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf_Enum)] pub enum TimeFormat { TwelveHour = 0, TwentyFourHour = 1, @@ -143,3 +145,98 @@ impl std::default::Default for TimeFormat { TimeFormat::TwentyFourHour } } + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::services::cell::{DateDescription, DateFormat, TimeFormat}; + use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; + use strum::IntoEnumIterator; + + #[test] + fn date_description_date_format_test() { + let mut description = DateDescription::default(); + let _timestamp = 1647251762; + + for date_format in DateFormat::iter() { + description.date_format = date_format; + match date_format { + DateFormat::Friendly => { + assert_eq!( + "Mar 14,2022 17:56".to_owned(), + description.today_from_timestamp(1647251762) + ); + assert_eq!( + "Mar 14,2022 17:56".to_owned(), + description.str_from_cell_data("1647251762".to_owned()) + ); + } + DateFormat::US => { + assert_eq!( + "2022/03/14 17:56".to_owned(), + description.today_from_timestamp(1647251762) + ); + assert_eq!( + "2022/03/14 17:56".to_owned(), + description.str_from_cell_data("1647251762".to_owned()) + ); + } + DateFormat::ISO => { + assert_eq!( + "2022-03-14 17:56".to_owned(), + description.today_from_timestamp(1647251762) + ); + assert_eq!( + "2022-03-14 17:56".to_owned(), + description.str_from_cell_data("1647251762".to_owned()) + ); + } + DateFormat::Local => { + assert_eq!( + "2022/03/14 17:56".to_owned(), + description.today_from_timestamp(1647251762) + ); + assert_eq!( + "2022/03/14 17:56".to_owned(), + description.str_from_cell_data("1647251762".to_owned()) + ); + } + } + } + } + + #[test] + fn date_description_time_format_test() { + let mut description = DateDescription::default(); + for time_format in TimeFormat::iter() { + description.time_format = time_format; + match time_format { + TimeFormat::TwentyFourHour => { + assert_eq!( + "Mar 14,2022 17:56".to_owned(), + description.today_from_timestamp(1647251762) + ); + assert_eq!( + "Mar 14,2022 17:56".to_owned(), + description.str_from_cell_data("1647251762".to_owned()) + ); + } + TimeFormat::TwelveHour => { + assert_eq!( + "Mar 14,2022 05:56:02 PM".to_owned(), + description.today_from_timestamp(1647251762) + ); + assert_eq!( + "Mar 14,2022 05:56:02 PM".to_owned(), + description.str_from_cell_data("1647251762".to_owned()) + ); + } + } + } + } + + #[test] + fn date_description_invalid_data_test() { + let description = DateDescription::default(); + description.str_to_cell_data("he").unwrap(); + } +} diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ index 569d3c8c95..b8470280f0 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ @@ -1,25 +1,62 @@ use crate::impl_from_and_to_type_option; use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; -use crate::services::util::*; -use chrono::format::strftime::StrftimeItems; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use flowy_derive::{ProtoBuf, ProtoBuf_Enum}; use flowy_error::FlowyError; use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{Field, FieldType}; +use lazy_static::lazy_static; +use rust_decimal::prelude::Zero; use rust_decimal::Decimal; -use rusty_money::{ - iso::{Currency, CNY, EUR, USD}, - Money, -}; +use rusty_money::iso::{Currency, CNY, EUR, USD}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; + use std::str::FromStr; +use strum::IntoEnumIterator; use strum_macros::EnumIter; +lazy_static! { + static ref STRIP_SYMBOL: Vec = make_strip_symbol(); +} + +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, EnumIter, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf_Enum)] +pub enum NumberFormat { + Number = 0, + USD = 1, + CNY = 2, + EUR = 3, +} + +impl std::default::Default for NumberFormat { + fn default() -> Self { + NumberFormat::Number + } +} + +impl NumberFormat { + pub fn symbol(&self) -> String { + match self { + NumberFormat::Number => "".to_string(), + NumberFormat::USD => USD.symbol.to_string(), + NumberFormat::CNY => CNY.symbol.to_string(), + NumberFormat::EUR => EUR.symbol.to_string(), + } + } + + #[allow(dead_code)] + pub fn code(&self) -> String { + match self { + NumberFormat::Number => "".to_string(), + NumberFormat::USD => USD.iso_alpha_code.to_string(), + NumberFormat::CNY => CNY.iso_alpha_code.to_string(), + NumberFormat::EUR => EUR.iso_alpha_code.to_string(), + } + } +} + // Number #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf)] pub struct NumberDescription { #[pb(index = 1)] - pub money: MoneySymbol, + pub format: NumberFormat, #[pb(index = 2)] pub scale: u32, @@ -37,10 +74,10 @@ impl_from_and_to_type_option!(NumberDescription, FieldType::Number); impl std::default::Default for NumberDescription { fn default() -> Self { - let money = MoneySymbol::default(); - let symbol = money.symbol_str(); + let format = NumberFormat::default(); + let symbol = format.symbol(); NumberDescription { - money, + format, scale: 0, symbol, sign_positive: true, @@ -50,101 +87,156 @@ impl std::default::Default for NumberDescription { } impl NumberDescription { - pub fn set_money_symbol(&mut self, money_symbol: MoneySymbol) { - = money_symbol; - self.symbol = money_symbol.symbol_str(); + pub fn set_format(&mut self, format: NumberFormat) { + self.format = format; + self.symbol = format.symbol(); } - fn money_from_str(&self, s: &str) -> Option { - match Decimal::from_str(s) { - Ok(mut decimal) => { - match decimal.set_scale(self.scale) { - Ok(_) => {} - Err(e) => { - tracing::error!("Set decimal scale failed: {:?}", e); - } - } - decimal.set_sign_positive(self.sign_positive); - Some( - } + fn decimal_from_str(&self, s: &str) -> Decimal { + let mut decimal = Decimal::from_str(s).unwrap_or(Decimal::zero()); + match decimal.set_scale(self.scale) { + Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { - tracing::error!("Parser money from {} failed: {:?}", s, e); - None + tracing::error!("Set decimal scale failed: {:?}", e); } } + decimal.set_sign_positive(self.sign_positive); + decimal + } + + fn money_from_str(&self, s: &str, currency: &'static Currency) -> String { + let decimal = self.decimal_from_str(s); + let money = rusty_money::Money::from_decimal(decimal, currency); + money.to_string() + } + + fn strip_symbol(&self, s: &str) -> String { + let mut s = String::from(s); + if !s.chars().all(char::is_numeric) { + s.retain(|c| !STRIP_SYMBOL.contains(&c.to_string())); + } + s } } impl StringifyCellData for NumberDescription { fn str_from_cell_data(&self, data: String) -> String { - match self.money_from_str(&data) { - Some(money_str) => money_str, - None => String::default(), + match self.format { + NumberFormat::Number => data, + NumberFormat::USD => self.money_from_str(&data, USD), + NumberFormat::CNY => self.money_from_str(&data, CNY), + NumberFormat::EUR => self.money_from_str(&data, EUR), } } fn str_to_cell_data(&self, s: &str) -> Result { - let strip_symbol_money = strip_money_symbol(s); - let decimal = Decimal::from_str(&strip_symbol_money).map_err(|err| FlowyError::internal().context(err))?; - Ok(decimal.to_string()) + Ok(self.strip_symbol(s)) } } -#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, EnumIter, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf_Enum)] -pub enum MoneySymbol { - CNY = 0, - EUR = 1, - USD = 2, -} - -impl std::default::Default for MoneySymbol { - fn default() -> Self { - MoneySymbol::USD +fn make_strip_symbol() -> Vec { + let mut symbols = vec![",".to_owned(), ".".to_owned()]; + for format in NumberFormat::iter() { + symbols.push(format.symbol()); } + symbols } -impl MoneySymbol { - // Currency list - pub fn from_symbol_str(s: &str) -> MoneySymbol { - match s { - "CNY" => MoneySymbol::CNY, - "EUR" => MoneySymbol::EUR, - "USD" => MoneySymbol::USD, - _ => MoneySymbol::CNY, +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::services::cell::{NumberDescription, NumberFormat}; + use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; + use strum::IntoEnumIterator; + + #[test] + fn number_description_test() { + let mut description = NumberDescription::default(); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("¥18,443").unwrap(), "18443".to_owned()); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("$18,443").unwrap(), "18443".to_owned()); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("€18.443").unwrap(), "18443".to_owned()); + + for format in NumberFormat::iter() { + description.format = format; + match format { + NumberFormat::Number => { + assert_eq!(description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), "18443".to_owned()); + } + NumberFormat::USD => { + assert_eq!(description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), "$18,443".to_owned()); + } + NumberFormat::CNY => { + assert_eq!(description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), "¥18,443".to_owned()); + } + NumberFormat::EUR => { + assert_eq!(description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), "€18.443".to_owned()); + } + } } } - pub fn from_money(money: &rusty_money::Money) -> MoneySymbol { - MoneySymbol::from_symbol_str(&money.currency().symbol.to_string()) - } + #[test] + fn number_description_scale_test() { + let mut description = NumberDescription::default(); + description.scale = 1; - pub fn currency(&self) -> &'static Currency { - match self { - MoneySymbol::CNY => CNY, - MoneySymbol::EUR => EUR, - MoneySymbol::USD => USD, + for format in NumberFormat::iter() { + description.format = format; + match format { + NumberFormat::Number => { + assert_eq!(description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), "18443".to_owned()); + } + NumberFormat::USD => { + assert_eq!( + description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), + "$1,844.3".to_owned() + ); + } + NumberFormat::CNY => { + assert_eq!( + description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), + "¥1,844.3".to_owned() + ); + } + NumberFormat::EUR => { + assert_eq!( + description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), + "€1.844,3".to_owned() + ); + } + } } } - // string_to_money("¥18,443").unwrap(); - // string_to_money("$18,443").unwrap(); - // string_to_money("€18,443").unwrap(); - pub fn code(&self) -> String { - self.currency().iso_alpha_code.to_string() - } + #[test] + fn number_description_sign_test() { + let mut description = NumberDescription::default(); + description.sign_positive = false; - pub fn symbol_str(&self) -> String { - self.currency().symbol.to_string() - } - - pub fn zero(&self) -> Money { - let mut decimal = Decimal::new(0, 0); - decimal.set_sign_positive(true); - self.with_decimal(decimal) - } - - pub fn with_decimal(&self, decimal: Decimal) -> Money { - let money = rusty_money::Money::from_decimal(decimal, self.currency()); - money + for format in NumberFormat::iter() { + description.format = format; + match format { + NumberFormat::Number => { + assert_eq!(description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), "18443".to_owned()); + } + NumberFormat::USD => { + assert_eq!( + description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), + "-$18,443".to_owned() + ); + } + NumberFormat::CNY => { + assert_eq!( + description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), + "-¥18,443".to_owned() + ); + } + NumberFormat::EUR => { + assert_eq!( + description.str_from_cell_data("18443".to_owned()), + "-€18.443".to_owned() + ); + } + } + } } } diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ index 872210b4b3..3a1485f31e 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ use crate::impl_from_and_to_type_option; use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; use crate::services::util::*; -use flowy_derive::{ProtoBuf, ProtoBuf_Enum}; +use flowy_derive::ProtoBuf; use flowy_error::FlowyError; use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{Field, FieldType}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ impl StringifyCellData for SingleSelectDescription { } fn str_to_cell_data(&self, s: &str) -> Result { - Ok(s.to_owned()) + Ok(select_option_id_from_data(s.to_owned(), true)) } } @@ -43,10 +43,22 @@ impl StringifyCellData for MultiSelectDescription { } fn str_to_cell_data(&self, s: &str) -> Result { - Ok(s.to_owned()) + Ok(select_option_id_from_data(s.to_owned(), false)) } } +fn select_option_id_from_data(data: String, is_single_select: bool) -> String { + if !is_single_select { + return data; + } + let select_option_ids = data.split(',').collect::>(); + if select_option_ids.is_empty() { + return "".to_owned(); + } + + select_option_ids.split_first().unwrap().0.to_string() +} + #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, ProtoBuf)] pub struct SelectOption { #[pb(index = 1)] @@ -68,3 +80,18 @@ impl SelectOption { } } } + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::services::cell::{MultiSelectDescription, SingleSelectDescription}; + use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; + + #[test] + fn selection_description_test() { + let description = SingleSelectDescription::default(); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("1,2,3").unwrap(), "1".to_owned()); + + let description = MultiSelectDescription::default(); + assert_eq!(description.str_to_cell_data("1,2,3").unwrap(), "1,2,3".to_owned()); + } +} diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ index 228eed240d..4c9786abb7 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/cell/description/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ use crate::impl_from_and_to_type_option; use crate::services::row::StringifyCellData; -use crate::services::util::*; -use flowy_derive::{ProtoBuf, ProtoBuf_Enum}; + +use flowy_derive::ProtoBuf; use flowy_error::FlowyError; use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{Field, FieldType}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ index c31b1734b3..32bb2d790b 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ use crate::manager::GridUser; -use crate::services::grid_meta_editor::GridBlockMetaEditorManager; +use crate::services::block_meta_editor::GridBlockMetaEditorManager; use crate::services::kv_persistence::{GridKVPersistence, KVTransaction}; use bytes::Bytes; use flowy_collaboration::client_grid::{GridChange, GridMetaPad}; diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ index 03a4f45c69..f8b0422685 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ mod util; +pub mod block_meta_editor; pub mod cell; pub mod field; pub mod grid_editor; -pub mod grid_meta_editor; pub mod kv_persistence; pub mod row; diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/row/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/row/ index a1d766b81a..6f7640fb1e 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/row/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/row/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ use crate::services::row::stringify_deserialize; -use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{Cell, CellMeta, Field, RepeatedRowOrder, Row, RowMeta, RowOrder}; +use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{Cell, CellMeta, Field, Row, RowMeta, RowOrder}; use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator}; use std::collections::HashMap; diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ index 1639b293a2..b5c838fa12 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/src/services/ @@ -1,103 +1,35 @@ -use crate::services::cell::MoneySymbol; -use flowy_error::FlowyError; -use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{AnyData, Field, FieldType}; -use lazy_static::lazy_static; -use rust_decimal::Decimal; -use rusty_money::{iso::Currency, Money}; -use std::collections::HashMap; -use std::str::FromStr; -use strum::IntoEnumIterator; - -lazy_static! { - static ref CURRENCIES_BY_SYMBOL: HashMap = generate_currency_by_symbol(); -} - -#[allow(dead_code)] -fn generate_currency_by_symbol() -> HashMap { - let mut map: HashMap = HashMap::new(); - - for money in MoneySymbol::iter() { - map.insert(money.symbol_str(), money.currency()); - } - map -} - -#[allow(dead_code)] -pub fn string_to_money(money_str: &str) -> Option> { - let mut process_money_str = String::from(money_str); - let default_currency = MoneySymbol::from_symbol_str("CNY").currency(); - - if process_money_str.is_empty() { - return None; - } - - return if process_money_str.chars().all(char::is_numeric) { - match Money::from_str(&process_money_str, default_currency) { - Ok(money) => Some(money), - Err(_) => None, - } - } else { - let symbol = process_money_str.chars().next().unwrap().to_string(); - let mut currency = default_currency; - - for key in CURRENCIES_BY_SYMBOL.keys() { - if symbol.eq(key) { - currency = CURRENCIES_BY_SYMBOL.get(key).unwrap(); - crop_letters(&mut process_money_str, 1); - } - } - - match Money::from_str(&process_money_str, currency) { - Ok(money) => Some(money), - Err(_) => None, - } - }; -} - -#[allow(dead_code)] -pub fn money_from_str(s: &str) -> Option { - match Decimal::from_str(s) { - Ok(mut decimal) => { - match decimal.set_scale(0) { - Ok(_) => {} - Err(e) => { - tracing::error!("Set scale failed. {:?}", e); - } - } - decimal.set_sign_positive(true); - Some(MoneySymbol::USD.with_decimal(decimal).to_string()) - } - Err(e) => { - tracing::debug!("Format {} to money failed, {:?}", s, e); - None - } - } -} - -pub fn strip_money_symbol(money_str: &str) -> String { - let mut process_money_str = String::from(money_str); - - if !process_money_str.chars().all(char::is_numeric) { - let symbol = process_money_str.chars().next().unwrap().to_string(); - for key in CURRENCIES_BY_SYMBOL.keys() { - if symbol.eq(key) { - crop_letters(&mut process_money_str, 1); - } - } - } - process_money_str -} - -fn crop_letters(s: &mut String, pos: usize) { - match s.char_indices().nth(pos) { - Some((pos, _)) => { - s.drain(..pos); - } - None => { - s.clear(); - } - } -} +// +// #[allow(dead_code)] +// pub fn string_to_money(money_str: &str) -> Option> { +// let mut process_money_str = String::from(money_str); +// let default_currency = MoneySymbol::from_symbol_str("CNY").currency(); +// +// if process_money_str.is_empty() { +// return None; +// } +// +// return if process_money_str.chars().all(char::is_numeric) { +// match Money::from_str(&process_money_str, default_currency) { +// Ok(money) => Some(money), +// Err(_) => None, +// } +// } else { +// let symbol = process_money_str.chars().next().unwrap().to_string(); +// let mut currency = default_currency; +// +// for key in CURRENCIES_BY_SYMBOL.keys() { +// if symbol.eq(key) { +// currency = CURRENCIES_BY_SYMBOL.get(key).unwrap(); +// crop_letters(&mut process_money_str, 1); +// } +// } +// +// match Money::from_str(&process_money_str, currency) { +// Ok(money) => Some(money), +// Err(_) => None, +// } +// }; +// } pub fn uuid() -> String { uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string() diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ index 598bc46eda..360407b3b8 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ @@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ use crate::grid::script::EditorScript::*; use crate::grid::script::*; -use flowy_grid::services::field::{SelectOption, SingleSelectDescription}; -use flowy_grid::services::row::CreateRowContextBuilder; -use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{ - FieldChangeset, FieldType, GridBlock, GridBlockChangeset, Row, RowMetaChangeset, -}; +use flowy_grid::services::cell::*; +use flowy_grid::services::row::{CreateRowContextBuilder, StringifyCellData}; +use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{FieldChangeset, FieldType, GridBlock, GridBlockChangeset, RowMetaChangeset}; #[tokio::test] async fn default_grid_test() { @@ -249,19 +247,40 @@ async fn grid_update_cell() { builder = builder.add_cell(&, "hello world".to_owned()); } FieldType::Number => { - builder = builder.add_cell(&, "123".to_owned()); + let description = NumberDescription::from(field); + let data = description.str_to_cell_data("¥18,443").unwrap(); + builder = builder.add_cell(&, data); } FieldType::DateTime => { - builder = builder.add_cell(&, "March 8, 2022".to_owned()); + let description = DateDescription::from(field); + let data = description.str_to_cell_data("1647251762").unwrap(); + builder = builder.add_cell(&, data); + } + FieldType::SingleSelect => { + let description = SingleSelectDescription::from(field); + let options = description.options.first().unwrap(); + let data = description.str_to_cell_data(&; + builder = builder.add_cell(&, data); + } + FieldType::MultiSelect => { + let description = MultiSelectDescription::from(field); + let options = description + .options + .iter() + .map(|option| + .collect::>() + .join(","); + let data = description.str_to_cell_data(&options).unwrap(); + builder = builder.add_cell(&, data); } - FieldType::SingleSelect => {} - FieldType::MultiSelect => {} FieldType::Checkbox => { - builder = builder.add_cell(&, "1".to_owned()); + let description = CheckboxDescription::from(field); + let data = description.str_to_cell_data("false").unwrap(); + builder = builder.add_cell(&, data); } } } let context =; - let scripts = vec![AssertRowCount(3), CreateRow { context }]; + let scripts = vec![AssertRowCount(3), CreateRow { context }, AssertGridMetaPad]; test.run_scripts(scripts).await; } diff --git a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ index e8e6660355..f123ecc9ed 100644 --- a/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ +++ b/frontend/rust-lib/flowy-grid/tests/grid/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use flowy_grid::services::field::*; use flowy_grid::services::grid_editor::{ClientGridEditor, GridPadBuilder}; use flowy_grid::services::row::CreateRowContext; use flowy_grid_data_model::entities::{ - CellMetaChangeset, Field, FieldChangeset, FieldType, GridBlock, GridBlockChangeset, Row, RowMeta, RowMetaChangeset, + CellMetaChangeset, Field, FieldChangeset, FieldType, GridBlock, GridBlockChangeset, RowMeta, RowMetaChangeset, }; use flowy_sync::REVISION_WRITE_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS; use flowy_test::helper::ViewTest; @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ impl GridEditorTest { let grid_manager = self.sdk.grid_manager.clone(); let pool = self.sdk.user_session.db_pool().unwrap(); let rev_manager = self.editor.rev_manager(); - let cache = rev_manager.revision_cache().await; + let _cache = rev_manager.revision_cache().await; match script { EditorScript::CreateField { field } => {