mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:39 +00:00
#19 - [FR] Successfully to build workable version for windows (Rust target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc), request to contribute
1. scripts\flowy-tool\Cargo.toml - Remove shell dependency which does not support windows 2. scripts\makefile\env.toml - Enhance environment checking for building app on windows 3. scripts\flowy-tool\src\util\file.rs - Trim unnecessary prefix "\\?\" for std::fs::canonicalize(root) on windows 4. scripts\makefile\flutter.toml - add dependency for "tasks.appflowy-windows" to copy dart_ffi.dll from rust build folder to flutter build folder 5. scripts\flowy-tool\src\proto\proto_gen.rs - Remove dir by using platform independent code rather than calling *nix shell command 6. scripts\makefile\protobuf.toml - tasks.gen_dart_event: call duckscript to gen_dart_event on windows platform
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
## How to build on Windows 10, please follow these simple steps.
**Step 1:**
git clone https://github.com/AppFlowy-IO/appflowy.git
**Step 2:**
Note: Please run the commands in windows cmd rather than powershell
1. Install Visual Studio 2019 community. See: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
- Note: Didn't test Visual Studio 2022. It should also work.
2. Install choco according to https://chocolatey.org/install
3. Install vcpkg according to https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg#quick-start-windows. Make sure to add vcpkg installation folder to PATH env var.
4. Install flutter according to https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/windows
flutter channel dev
5. Install rust
choco install rustup.install
rustup toolchain install nightly
6. Install cargo make
cd appflowy
cargo install --force cargo-make
7. Install duckscript
cargo install --force duckscript_cli
8. Check pre-request
cargo make flowy_dev
9. Generate protobuf for dart
cargo make -p development-windows pb
10. Build flowy-sdk-dev (dart-ffi)
cargo make --profile development-windows flowy-sdk-dev
11. Build app_flowy
cargo make -p development-windows appflowy-windows
**Step 3:** Server side application
Note: You can launch postgresql server by using docker container
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ syn = { version = "1.0.60", features = ["extra-traits", "parsing", "derive", "fu
tera = { version = "1.5.0" }
log = "0.4.11"
env_logger = "0.8.2"
shell = { git="https://github.com/google/rust-shell.git"}
#shell = { git="https://github.com/google/rust-shell.git"}
cmd_lib = "1.1"
flowy-ast = { path = "../../rust-lib/flowy-ast" }
console = "0.14.0"
@ -159,10 +159,7 @@ fn run_flutter_protoc(crate_infos: &Vec<CrateProtoInfo>, package_info: &FlutterP
fn remove_everything_in_dir(dir: &str) {
if Path::new(dir).exists() {
if cmd_lib::run_cmd! {
rm -rf ${dir}
if std::fs::remove_dir_all(dir).is_err()
panic!("Reset protobuf directory failed")
@ -97,8 +97,13 @@ pub fn get_tera(directory: &str) -> Tera {
let mut template_path = format!("{}/**/*.tera", root_absolute_path);
if cfg!(windows)
// remove "\\?\" prefix on windows
template_path = format!("{}/**/*.tera", &root_absolute_path[4..]);
let template_path = format!("{}/**/*.tera", root_absolute_path);
match Tera::new(template_path.as_ref()) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => {
@ -1,19 +1,79 @@
run_task = { name = ["install_targets","install_diesel", "install_protobuf"] }
run_task = { name = ["install_prerequests","install_diesel", "install_protobuf"] }
dependencies=["check_duckscript_installation", "check_visual_studio_installation", "check_vcpkg", "install_rust_vcpkg_cli"]
script = """
output = exec powershell -Command "Get-CimInstance MSFT_VSInstance | select -ExpandProperty Version"
stdout = set ${output.stdout}
pos = last_indexof ${stdout} .
new_str = substring ${stdout} 0 ${pos}
newer = semver_is_newer ${new_str} 16.11.0
assert ${newer} "Visual studio 2019 is not installed or version is lower than 16.11.0"
script_runner = "@duckscript"
script = """
@echo off
@duck -h > nul
if %errorlevel% GTR 0 (
echo Please install duckscript at first: cargo install --force duckscript_cli
exit -1
script = """
ret = which vcpkg
if is_empty ${ret}
echo "Please install vcpkg on windows at first. Make sure to put it into PATH env var"
echo "See: https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg#quick-start-windows"
exit -1
script_runner = "@duckscript"
script = """
exec cargo install vcpkg_cli
output = exec vcpkg_cli probe sqlite3
stdout = set ${output.stdout}
stderr = set ${output.stderr}
ret = indexof ${stdout} "Failed:"
assert_eq ${ret} "" ${stdout}
script_runner = "@duckscript"
script = """
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features sqlite
script = """
vcpkg install sqlite3:x64-windows-static-md
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features sqlite
dependencies = ["check_vcpkg"]
script = """
rustup target add x86_64-apple-ios
rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios
rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
dependencies=["install_targets", "install_windows_deps"]
script = """
# Custom dart:
@ -27,6 +87,24 @@ dart pub global activate protoc_plugin
cargo install --version 2.20.0 protobuf-codegen
script = """
ret = which dart
if is_empty ${ret}
echo Please make sure flutter/dart is properly installed and in PATH env var
exit -1
ret = which protoc-gen-dart
if is_empty ${ret}
dart pub global activate protoc_plugin
home_dir = get_home_dir
echo Please add '${home_dir}\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Pub\\\\Cache\\\\bin' into PATH env var
exit -1
exec cargo install --version 2.22.1 protobuf-codegen
script_runner = "@duckscript"
script = """
rustup component add rustfmt
@ -64,9 +142,12 @@ brew install fish
script = """
echo "[❤️] Follow the https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install instructions to install the flutter, skip if you already installed."
echo "Switch to dev channel with command: flutter channel dev"
ret = which flutter
if is_empty ${ret}
echo "[❤️] Follow the https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install instructions to install the flutter, skip if you already installed."
echo "Switch to dev channel with command: flutter channel dev"
exit -1
script_runner = "@duckscript"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ script_runner = "@shell"
dependencies = ["flowy-sdk-release"]
run_task = { name = ["flutter-build", "copy-to-product"] }
run_task = { name = ["flutter-build", "copy-dll-to-build-folder", "copy-to-product"] }
mac_alias = "copy-to-product-macos"
@ -32,12 +32,23 @@ script = [
script_runner = "@shell"
script = [
script_runner = "@duckscript"
script = [
echo TBD...
script_runner = "@powershell"
script_runner = "@duckscript"
@ -51,6 +62,17 @@ script = [
script_runner = "@shell"
script = [
cd app_flowy
exec cmd.exe /c flutter clean
exec cmd.exe /c flutter pub get
exec cmd.exe /c flutter build ${TARGET_OS} --${BUILD_FLAG}
script_runner = "@duckscript"
script = [
@ -23,6 +23,27 @@ script = [
script_runner = "@shell"
script = [
flowy_tool=set ${CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/scripts/flowy-tool/Cargo.toml
flutter_lib=set ${CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/app_flowy/packages
derive_meta=set ${rust_lib}/flowy-derive/src/derive_cache/derive_cache.rs
flutter_package_lib=set ${flutter_lib}/flowy_sdk/lib
exec cmd /c cargo run \
--manifest-path ${flowy_tool} pb-gen \
--rust_source=${rust_source} \
--derive_meta=${derive_meta} \
script_runner = "@duckscript"
script = [
@ -39,3 +60,20 @@ script = [
script_runner = "@shell"
script = [
flowy_tool=set ${CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/scripts/flowy-tool/Cargo.toml
flutter_lib=set ${CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/app_flowy/packages
output=set ${flutter_lib}/flowy_sdk/lib/dispatch/code_gen.dart
exec cmd.exe /c cargo run \
--manifest-path ${flowy_tool} dart-event \
--rust_source=${rust_source} \
script_runner = "@duckscript"
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