mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:39 +00:00
refactor: appflowy themes (#1567)
* refactor: appflowy themes * refactor: store ThemeData directly in cubit * refactor: remove textStyles * refactor: move AppTheme back into cubit
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ class ApplicationWidget extends StatelessWidget {
builder: (context, state) => MaterialApp(
builder: overlayManagerBuilder(),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: state.theme.getThemeData(state.locale),
darkTheme: state.darkTheme.getThemeData(state.locale),
theme: state.lightTheme,
darkTheme: state.darkTheme,
themeMode: state.themeMode,
localizationsDelegates: context.localizationDelegates +
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:app_flowy/user/application/user_settings_service.dart';
import 'package:flowy_infra/size.dart';
import 'package:flowy_infra/theme.dart';
import 'package:flowy_infra/theme_extension.dart';
import 'package:flowy_sdk/log.dart';
import 'package:flowy_sdk/protobuf/flowy-user/user_setting.pb.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
@ -11,7 +13,10 @@ import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part 'appearance.freezed.dart';
/// [AppearanceSettingsCubit] is used to modify the appear setting of AppFlowy application. Includes the [Locale] and [AppTheme].
const _white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
/// [AppearanceSettingsCubit] is used to modify the appearance of AppFlowy.
/// It includes the [AppTheme], [ThemeMode], [TextStyles] and [Locale].
class AppearanceSettingsCubit extends Cubit<AppearanceSettingsState> {
final AppearanceSettingsPB _setting;
@ -25,40 +30,23 @@ class AppearanceSettingsCubit extends Cubit<AppearanceSettingsState> {
/// Updates the current theme and notify the listeners the theme was changed.
/// Do nothing if the passed in themeType equal to the current theme type.
// void setTheme(Brightness brightness) {
// if (state.theme.brightness == brightness) {
// return;
// }
/// Update selected theme in the user's settings and emit an updated state
/// with the AppTheme named [themeName].
void setTheme(String themeName) {
_setting.theme = themeName;
emit(state.copyWith(appTheme: AppTheme.fromName(themeName: themeName)));
// _setting.theme = themeTypeToString(brightness);
// _saveAppearanceSettings();
// emit(state.copyWith(
// theme: AppTheme.fromBrightness(
// brightness: _setting.themeMode,
// font: state.theme.font,
// monospaceFont: state.theme.monospaceFont,
// ),
// ));
// }
/// Updates the current theme and notify the listeners the theme was changed.
/// Do nothing if the passed in themeType equal to the current theme type.
/// Update the theme mode in the user's settings and emit an updated state.
void setThemeMode(ThemeMode themeMode) {
if (state.themeMode == themeMode) {
_setting.themeMode = _themeModeToPB(themeMode);
emit(state.copyWith(themeMode: themeMode));
/// Updates the current locale and notify the listeners the locale was changed
/// Fallback to [en] locale If the newLocale is not supported.
/// Updates the current locale and notify the listeners the locale was
/// changed. Fallback to [en] locale if [newLocale] is not supported.
void setLocale(BuildContext context, Locale newLocale) {
if (!context.supportedLocales.contains(newLocale)) {
Log.warn("Unsupported locale: $newLocale, Fallback to locale: en");
@ -106,8 +94,8 @@ class AppearanceSettingsCubit extends Cubit<AppearanceSettingsState> {
return _setting.settingKeyValue[key];
/// Called when the application launch.
/// Uses the device locale when open the application for the first time
/// Called when the application launches.
/// Uses the device locale when the application is opened for the first time.
void readLocaleWhenAppLaunch(BuildContext context) {
if (_setting.resetToDefault) {
_setting.resetToDefault = false;
@ -155,32 +143,200 @@ ThemeModePB _themeModeToPB(ThemeMode themeMode) {
class AppearanceSettingsState with _$AppearanceSettingsState {
const AppearanceSettingsState._();
const factory AppearanceSettingsState({
required AppTheme theme,
required AppTheme darkTheme,
required AppTheme appTheme,
required ThemeMode themeMode,
required String font,
required String monospaceFont,
required Locale locale,
}) = _AppearanceSettingsState;
factory AppearanceSettingsState.initial(
String themeName,
ThemeModePB themeMode,
ThemeModePB themeModePB,
String font,
String monospaceFont,
LocaleSettingsPB locale,
) =>
theme: AppTheme.fromBrightness(
brightness: Brightness.light,
font: font,
monospaceFont: monospaceFont,
darkTheme: AppTheme.fromBrightness(
brightness: Brightness.dark,
font: font,
monospaceFont: monospaceFont,
themeMode: _themeModeFromPB(themeMode),
locale: Locale(locale.languageCode, locale.countryCode),
LocaleSettingsPB localePB,
) {
return AppearanceSettingsState(
appTheme: AppTheme.fromName(themeName: themeName),
font: font,
monospaceFont: monospaceFont,
themeMode: _themeModeFromPB(themeModePB),
locale: Locale(localePB.languageCode, localePB.countryCode),
ThemeData get lightTheme => _getThemeData(Brightness.light);
ThemeData get darkTheme => _getThemeData(Brightness.dark);
ThemeData _getThemeData(Brightness brightness) {
// Poppins and SF Mono are not well supported in some languages, so use the
// built-in font for the following languages.
final useBuiltInFontLanguages = [
const Locale('zh', 'CN'),
const Locale('zh', 'TW'),
String fontFamily = font;
String monospaceFontFamily = monospaceFont;
if (useBuiltInFontLanguages.contains(locale)) {
fontFamily = '';
monospaceFontFamily = '';
final theme = brightness == Brightness.light
? appTheme.lightTheme
: appTheme.darkTheme;
return ThemeData(
brightness: brightness,
_getTextTheme(fontFamily: fontFamily, fontColor: theme.shader1),
textSelectionTheme: TextSelectionThemeData(
cursorColor: theme.main2,
selectionHandleColor: theme.main2,
primaryIconTheme: IconThemeData(color: theme.hover),
iconTheme: IconThemeData(color: theme.shader1),
scrollbarTheme: ScrollbarThemeData(
thumbColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.transparent),
materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
canvasColor: theme.shader6,
dividerColor: theme.shader6,
hintColor: theme.shader3,
disabledColor: theme.shader4,
highlightColor: theme.main1,
indicatorColor: theme.main1,
toggleableActiveColor: theme.main1,
colorScheme: ColorScheme(
brightness: brightness,
primary: theme.main1,
onPrimary: _white,
primaryContainer: theme.main2,
onPrimaryContainer: _white,
secondary: theme.hover,
onSecondary: theme.shader1,
secondaryContainer: theme.selector,
onSecondaryContainer: theme.shader1,
background: theme.surface,
onBackground: theme.shader1,
surface: theme.surface,
onSurface: theme.shader1,
onError: theme.shader7,
error: theme.red,
outline: theme.shader4,
surfaceVariant: theme.bg1,
shadow: theme.shadow,
extensions: [
warning: theme.yellow,
success: theme.green,
tint1: theme.tint1,
tint2: theme.tint2,
tint3: theme.tint3,
tint4: theme.tint4,
tint5: theme.tint5,
tint6: theme.tint6,
tint7: theme.tint7,
tint8: theme.tint8,
tint9: theme.tint9,
greyHover: theme.bg2,
greySelect: theme.bg3,
lightGreyHover: theme.shader6,
toggleOffFill: theme.shader5,
code: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: monospaceFontFamily,
fontColor: theme.shader3,
callout: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: FontSizes.s11,
fontColor: theme.shader3,
caption: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: FontSizes.s11,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
fontColor: theme.shader3,
TextStyle _getFontStyle({
String? fontFamily,
double? fontSize,
FontWeight? fontWeight,
Color? fontColor,
double? letterSpacing,
double? lineHeight,
}) =>
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: fontSize ?? FontSizes.s12,
color: fontColor,
fontWeight: fontWeight ?? FontWeight.w500,
fontFamilyFallback: const ["Noto Color Emoji"],
letterSpacing: (fontSize ?? FontSizes.s12) * (letterSpacing ?? 0.005),
height: lineHeight,
TextTheme _getTextTheme(
{required String fontFamily, required Color fontColor}) {
return TextTheme(
displayLarge: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: FontSizes.s32,
fontColor: fontColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
lineHeight: 42.0,
), // h2
displayMedium: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: FontSizes.s24,
fontColor: fontColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
lineHeight: 34.0,
), // h3
displaySmall: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: FontSizes.s20,
fontColor: fontColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
lineHeight: 28.0,
), // h4
titleLarge: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: FontSizes.s18,
fontColor: fontColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
), // title
titleMedium: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: FontSizes.s16,
fontColor: fontColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
), // heading
titleSmall: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontSize: FontSizes.s14,
fontColor: fontColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
), // subheading
bodyMedium: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontColor: fontColor,
), // body-regular
bodySmall: _getFontStyle(
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontColor: fontColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
), // body-thin
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'default_colorscheme.dart';
abstract class FlowyColorScheme {
final Color surface;
final Color hover;
final Color selector;
final Color red;
final Color yellow;
final Color green;
final Color shader1;
final Color shader2;
final Color shader3;
final Color shader4;
final Color shader5;
final Color shader6;
final Color shader7;
final Color bg1;
final Color bg2;
final Color bg3;
final Color bg4;
final Color tint1;
final Color tint2;
final Color tint3;
final Color tint4;
final Color tint5;
final Color tint6;
final Color tint7;
final Color tint8;
final Color tint9;
final Color main1;
final Color main2;
final Color shadow;
const FlowyColorScheme({
required this.surface,
required this.hover,
required this.selector,
required this.red,
required this.yellow,
required this.green,
required this.shader1,
required this.shader2,
required this.shader3,
required this.shader4,
required this.shader5,
required this.shader6,
required this.shader7,
required this.bg1,
required this.bg2,
required this.bg3,
required this.bg4,
required this.tint1,
required this.tint2,
required this.tint3,
required this.tint4,
required this.tint5,
required this.tint6,
required this.tint7,
required this.tint8,
required this.tint9,
required this.main1,
required this.main2,
required this.shadow,
factory FlowyColorScheme.builtIn(String themeName, Brightness brightness) {
switch (brightness) {
case Brightness.light:
return const DefaultColorScheme.light();
case Brightness.dark:
return const DefaultColorScheme.dark();
// factory FlowyColorScheme.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, Brightness brightness) {
// // load Json
// return FlowyColorScheme(brightness...);
// }
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'colorscheme.dart';
const _black = Color(0xff000000);
const _white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
class DefaultColorScheme extends FlowyColorScheme {
const DefaultColorScheme.light()
: super(
surface: Colors.white,
hover: const Color(0xFFe0f8ff),
selector: const Color(0xfff2fcff),
red: const Color(0xfffb006d),
yellow: const Color(0xffffd667),
green: const Color(0xff66cf80),
shader1: const Color(0xff333333),
shader2: const Color(0xff4f4f4f),
shader3: const Color(0xff828282),
shader4: const Color(0xffbdbdbd),
shader5: const Color(0xffe0e0e0),
shader6: const Color(0xfff2f2f2),
shader7: const Color(0xffffffff),
bg1: const Color(0xfff7f8fc),
bg2: const Color(0xffedeef2),
bg3: const Color(0xffe2e4eb),
bg4: const Color(0xff2c144b),
tint1: const Color(0xffe8e0ff),
tint2: const Color(0xffffe7fd),
tint3: const Color(0xffffe7ee),
tint4: const Color(0xffffefe3),
tint5: const Color(0xfffff2cd),
tint6: const Color(0xfff5ffdc),
tint7: const Color(0xffddffd6),
tint8: const Color(0xffdefff1),
tint9: const Color(0xffe1fbff),
main1: const Color(0xff00bcf0),
main2: const Color(0xff00b7ea),
shadow: _black,
const DefaultColorScheme.dark()
: super(
surface: const Color(0xff292929),
hover: const Color(0xff1f1f1f),
selector: const Color(0xff333333),
red: const Color(0xfffb006d),
yellow: const Color(0xffffd667),
green: const Color(0xff66cf80),
shader1: _white,
shader2: const Color(0xffffffff),
shader3: const Color(0xff828282),
shader4: const Color(0xffbdbdbd),
shader5: _white,
shader6: _black,
shader7: _black,
bg1: _black,
bg2: _black,
bg3: const Color(0xff4f4f4f),
bg4: const Color(0xff2c144b),
tint1: const Color(0xffc3adff),
tint2: const Color(0xffffadf9),
tint3: const Color(0xffffadad),
tint4: const Color(0xffffcfad),
tint5: const Color(0xfffffead),
tint6: const Color(0xffe6ffa3),
tint7: const Color(0xffbcffad),
tint8: const Color(0xffadffe2),
tint9: const Color(0xffade4ff),
main1: const Color(0xff00bcf0),
main2: const Color(0xff009cc7),
shadow: _black,
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
import 'package:flowy_infra/size.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class TextStyles {
final String font;
final Color color;
required this.font,
required this.color,
TextStyle getFontStyle({
String? fontFamily,
double? fontSize,
FontWeight? fontWeight,
Color? fontColor,
double? letterSpacing,
double? lineHeight,
}) =>
fontFamily: fontFamily ?? font,
fontSize: fontSize ?? FontSizes.s12,
color: fontColor ?? color,
fontWeight: fontWeight ?? FontWeight.w500,
fontFamilyFallback: const ["Noto Color Emoji"],
letterSpacing: (fontSize ?? FontSizes.s12) * (letterSpacing ?? 0.005),
height: lineHeight,
TextTheme generateTextTheme() {
return TextTheme(
displayLarge: getFontStyle(
fontSize: FontSizes.s32,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
lineHeight: 42.0,
), // h2
displayMedium: getFontStyle(
fontSize: FontSizes.s24,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
lineHeight: 34.0,
), // h3
displaySmall: getFontStyle(
fontSize: FontSizes.s20,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
lineHeight: 28.0,
), // h4
titleLarge: getFontStyle(
fontSize: FontSizes.s18,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
), // title
titleMedium: getFontStyle(
fontSize: FontSizes.s16,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
), // heading
titleSmall: getFontStyle(
fontSize: FontSizes.s14,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
), // subheading
bodyMedium: getFontStyle(), // body-regular
bodySmall: getFontStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), // body-thin
@ -1,267 +1,37 @@
import 'package:flowy_infra/size.dart';
import 'package:flowy_infra/text_style.dart';
import 'package:flowy_infra/colorscheme/colorscheme.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'theme_extension.dart';
Brightness themeTypeFromString(String name) {
Brightness themeType = Brightness.light;
if (name == "dark") {
themeType = Brightness.dark;
return themeType;
String themeTypeToString(Brightness brightness) {
switch (brightness) {
case Brightness.light:
return "light";
case Brightness.dark:
return "dark";
// Color Palettes
const _black = Color(0xff000000);
const _white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
const List<String> builtInThemes = [
class AppTheme {
Brightness brightness;
// metadata member
final FlowyColorScheme lightTheme;
final FlowyColorScheme darkTheme;
// static final Map<String, dynamic> _cachedJsonData = {};
late Color surface;
late Color hover;
late Color selector;
late Color red;
late Color yellow;
late Color green;
const AppTheme({
required this.lightTheme,
required this.darkTheme,
late Color shader1;
late Color shader2;
late Color shader3;
late Color shader4;
late Color shader5;
late Color shader6;
late Color shader7;
late Color bg1;
late Color bg2;
late Color bg3;
late Color bg4;
late Color tint1;
late Color tint2;
late Color tint3;
late Color tint4;
late Color tint5;
late Color tint6;
late Color tint7;
late Color tint8;
late Color tint9;
late Color textColor;
late Color iconColor;
late Color disableIconColor;
late Color main1;
late Color main2;
late Color shadow;
late String font;
late String monospaceFont;
/// Default constructor
AppTheme({this.brightness = Brightness.light});
factory AppTheme.fromBrightness({
required Brightness brightness,
required String font,
required String monospaceFont,
}) {
switch (brightness) {
case Brightness.light:
return AppTheme(brightness: Brightness.light)
..surface = Colors.white
..hover = const Color(0xFFe0f8ff)
..selector = const Color(0xfff2fcff)
..red = const Color(0xfffb006d)
..yellow = const Color(0xffffd667)
..green = const Color(0xff66cf80)
..shader1 = const Color(0xff333333)
..shader2 = const Color(0xff4f4f4f)
..shader3 = const Color(0xff828282)
..shader4 = const Color(0xffbdbdbd)
..shader5 = const Color(0xffe0e0e0)
..shader6 = const Color(0xfff2f2f2)
..shader7 = const Color(0xffffffff)
..bg1 = const Color(0xfff7f8fc)
..bg2 = const Color(0xffedeef2)
..bg3 = const Color(0xffe2e4eb)
..bg4 = const Color(0xff2c144b)
..tint1 = const Color(0xffe8e0ff)
..tint2 = const Color(0xffffe7fd)
..tint3 = const Color(0xffffe7ee)
..tint4 = const Color(0xffffefe3)
..tint5 = const Color(0xfffff2cd)
..tint6 = const Color(0xfff5ffdc)
..tint7 = const Color(0xffddffd6)
..tint8 = const Color(0xffdefff1)
..tint9 = const Color(0xffe1fbff)
..main1 = const Color(0xff00bcf0)
..main2 = const Color(0xff00b7ea)
..textColor = _black
..iconColor = _black
..shadow = _black
..disableIconColor = const Color(0xffbdbdbd)
..font = font
..monospaceFont = monospaceFont;
case Brightness.dark:
return AppTheme(brightness: Brightness.dark)
..surface = const Color(0xff292929)
..hover = const Color(0xff1f1f1f)
..selector = const Color(0xff333333)
..red = const Color(0xfffb006d)
..yellow = const Color(0xffffd667)
..green = const Color(0xff66cf80)
..shader1 = _white
..shader2 = const Color(0xffffffff)
..shader3 = const Color(0xff828282)
..shader4 = const Color(0xffbdbdbd)
..shader5 = _white
..shader6 = _black
..shader7 = _black
..bg1 = _black
..bg2 = _black
..bg3 = const Color(0xff4f4f4f)
..bg4 = const Color(0xff2c144b)
..tint1 = const Color(0xffc3adff)
..tint2 = const Color(0xffffadf9)
..tint3 = const Color(0xffffadad)
..tint4 = const Color(0xffffcfad)
..tint5 = const Color(0xfffffead)
..tint6 = const Color(0xffe6ffa3)
..tint7 = const Color(0xffbcffad)
..tint8 = const Color(0xffadffe2)
..tint9 = const Color(0xffade4ff)
..main1 = const Color(0xff00bcf0)
..main2 = const Color(0xff009cc7)
..textColor = _white
..iconColor = _white
..shadow = _black
..disableIconColor = const Color(0xff333333)
..font = font
..monospaceFont = monospaceFont;
ThemeData getThemeData(Locale locale) {
// Poppins and SF Mono are not well supported in some languages, so use the
// built-in font for the following languages.
final useBuiltInFontLanguages = [
const Locale('zh', 'CN'),
const Locale('zh', 'TW'),
TextStyles textTheme;
if (useBuiltInFontLanguages.contains(locale)) {
textTheme = TextStyles(font: '', color: shader1);
} else {
textTheme = TextStyles(font: font, color: shader1);
return ThemeData(
brightness: brightness,
textTheme: textTheme.generateTextTheme(),
textSelectionTheme: TextSelectionThemeData(
cursorColor: main2,
selectionHandleColor: main2,
primaryIconTheme: IconThemeData(color: hover),
iconTheme: IconThemeData(color: shader1),
scrollbarTheme: ScrollbarThemeData(
thumbColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.transparent),
materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
canvasColor: shader6,
dividerColor: shader6,
hintColor: shader3,
disabledColor: shader4,
highlightColor: main1,
indicatorColor: main1,
toggleableActiveColor: main1,
colorScheme: ColorScheme(
brightness: brightness,
primary: main1,
onPrimary: _white,
primaryContainer: main2,
onPrimaryContainer: _white,
secondary: hover,
onSecondary: shader1,
secondaryContainer: selector,
onSecondaryContainer: shader1,
background: surface,
onBackground: shader1,
surface: surface,
onSurface: shader1,
onError: shader7,
error: red,
outline: shader4,
surfaceVariant: bg1,
shadow: shadow,
extensions: [
warning: yellow,
success: green,
tint1: tint1,
tint2: tint2,
tint3: tint3,
tint4: tint4,
tint5: tint5,
tint6: tint6,
tint7: tint7,
tint8: tint8,
tint9: tint9,
greyHover: bg2,
greySelect: bg3,
lightGreyHover: shader6,
toggleOffFill: shader5,
code: textTheme.getFontStyle(fontFamily: monospaceFont),
callout: textTheme.getFontStyle(
fontSize: FontSizes.s11,
fontColor: shader3,
caption: textTheme.getFontStyle(
fontSize: FontSizes.s11,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
fontColor: shader3,
Color shift(Color c, double d) =>
ColorUtils.shiftHsl(c, d * (brightness == Brightness.dark ? -1 : 1));
class ColorUtils {
static Color shiftHsl(Color c, [double amt = 0]) {
var hslc = HSLColor.fromColor(c);
return hslc.withLightness((hslc.lightness + amt).clamp(0.0, 1.0)).toColor();
static Color parseHex(String value) =>
Color(int.parse(value.substring(1, 7), radix: 16) + 0xFF000000);
static Color blend(Color dst, Color src, double opacity) {
return Color.fromARGB(
(dst.red.toDouble() * (1.0 - opacity) + src.red.toDouble() * opacity)
(dst.green.toDouble() * (1.0 - opacity) + src.green.toDouble() * opacity)
(dst.blue.toDouble() * (1.0 - opacity) + src.blue.toDouble() * opacity)
factory AppTheme.fromName({required String themeName}) {
// if (builtInThemes.contains(themeName)) {
// return AppTheme(
// lightTheme: FlowyColorScheme.builtIn(themeName, Brightness.light),
// darkTheme: FlowyColorScheme.builtIn(themeName, Brightness.dark),
// );
// } else {
// // load from Json
// return AppTheme(
// lightTheme: FlowyColorScheme.fromJson(_jsonData, Brightness.light),
// darkTheme: FlowyColorScheme.fromJson(_jsonData, Brightness.dark),
// );
// }
return AppTheme(
lightTheme: FlowyColorScheme.builtIn(themeName, Brightness.light),
darkTheme: FlowyColorScheme.builtIn(themeName, Brightness.dark),
@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ void main() {
'default theme',
build: () => AppearanceSettingsCubit(appearanceSetting),
verify: (bloc) {
expect(bloc.state.theme.brightness, Brightness.light);
// expect(bloc.state.appTheme.info.name, "light");
expect(bloc.state.font, 'Poppins');
expect(bloc.state.monospaceFont, 'SF Mono');
expect(bloc.state.themeMode, ThemeMode.system);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user