mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:39 +00:00
chore: implement folder
This commit is contained in:
@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ pub struct ASTField<'a> {
pub node_attrs: NodeStructAttrs,
pub ty: &'a syn::Type,
pub original: &'a syn::Field,
// If the field is Vec<String>, then the bracket_ty will be Vec
pub bracket_ty: Option<syn::Ident>,
// If the field is Vec<String>, then the bracket_inner_ty will be String
pub bracket_inner_ty: Option<syn::Ident>,
pub bracket_category: Option<BracketCategory>,
@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ use syn::{
pub struct NodeStructAttrs {
pub rename: Option<LitStr>,
pub is_children: bool,
node_index: Option<syn::LitInt>,
pub has_child: bool,
pub child_name: Option<LitStr>,
pub child_index: Option<syn::LitInt>,
get_node_value_with: Option<syn::ExprPath>,
set_node_value_with: Option<syn::ExprPath>,
@ -20,9 +21,9 @@ pub struct NodeStructAttrs {
impl NodeStructAttrs {
/// Extract out the `#[node(...)]` attributes from a struct field.
pub fn from_ast(ast_result: &ASTResult, index: usize, field: &syn::Field) -> Self {
let mut node_index = ASTAttr::none(ast_result, NODE_INDEX);
let mut rename = ASTAttr::none(ast_result, NODE_RENAME);
let mut is_children = ASTAttr::none(ast_result, NODE_CHILDREN);
let mut rename = ASTAttr::none(ast_result, RENAME_NODE);
let mut child_name = ASTAttr::none(ast_result, CHILD_NODE_NAME);
let mut child_index = ASTAttr::none(ast_result, CHILD_NODE_INDEX);
let mut get_node_value_with = ASTAttr::none(ast_result, GET_NODE_VALUE_WITH);
let mut set_node_value_with = ASTAttr::none(ast_result, SET_NODE_VALUE_WITH);
@ -33,25 +34,27 @@ impl NodeStructAttrs {
match &meta_item {
// Parse '#[node(index = x)]'
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == NODE_INDEX => {
if let syn::Lit::Int(lit) = &m.lit {
node_index.set(&m.path, lit.clone());
// Parse '#[node(children)]'
Meta(Path(path)) if path == NODE_CHILDREN => {
eprintln!("😄 {:?}", path);
is_children.set(path, true);
// Parse '#[node(rename = x)]'
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == NODE_RENAME => {
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == RENAME_NODE => {
if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = &m.lit {
rename.set(&m.path, lit.clone());
// Parse '#[node(child_name = x)]'
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == CHILD_NODE_NAME => {
if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = &m.lit {
child_name.set(&m.path, lit.clone());
// Parse '#[node(child_index = x)]'
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == CHILD_NODE_INDEX => {
if let syn::Lit::Int(lit) = &m.lit {
child_index.set(&m.path, lit.clone());
// Parse `#[node(get_node_value_with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == GET_NODE_VALUE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(ast_result, GET_NODE_VALUE_WITH, &m.lit) {
@ -76,11 +79,12 @@ impl NodeStructAttrs {
let child_name = child_name.get();
NodeStructAttrs {
rename: rename.get(),
node_index: node_index.get(),
is_children: is_children.get().unwrap_or(false),
child_index: child_index.get(),
has_child: child_name.is_some(),
get_node_value_with: get_node_value_with.get(),
set_node_value_with: set_node_value_with.get(),
@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ pub const NODE_ATTRS: Symbol = Symbol("node");
pub const NODES_ATTRS: Symbol = Symbol("nodes");
pub const NODE_TYPE: Symbol = Symbol("node_type");
pub const NODE_INDEX: Symbol = Symbol("index");
pub const NODE_RENAME: Symbol = Symbol("rename");
pub const NODE_CHILDREN: Symbol = Symbol("children");
pub const RENAME_NODE: Symbol = Symbol("rename");
pub const CHILD_NODE_NAME: Symbol = Symbol("child_name");
pub const CHILD_NODE_INDEX: Symbol = Symbol("child_index");
pub const SKIP_NODE_ATTRS: Symbol = Symbol("skip_node_attribute");
pub const GET_NODE_VALUE_WITH: Symbol = Symbol("get_value_with");
pub const SET_NODE_VALUE_WITH: Symbol = Symbol("set_value_with");
@ -9,18 +9,98 @@ pub fn expand_derive(input: &syn::DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream, Vec<syn::E
let mut token_stream: TokenStream = TokenStream::default();
if let Some(get_value_token_stream) = make_get_set_value_token_steam(&cont) {
token_stream.extend(make_alter_children_token_stream(&ast_result, &cont));
pub fn make_alter_children_token_stream(ast: &ASTContainer) -> TokenStream {
pub fn make_helper_funcs_token_stream(ast: &ASTContainer) -> TokenStream {
let mut token_streams = TokenStream::default();
let struct_ident = &ast.ident;
token_streams.extend(quote! {
impl #struct_ident {
pub fn get_path(&self) -> Path {
pub fn make_alter_children_token_stream(ast_result: &ASTResult, ast: &ASTContainer) -> TokenStream {
let mut token_streams = TokenStream::default();
let children_fields = ast
.filter(|field| field.node_attrs.has_child)
if !children_fields.is_empty() {
let struct_ident = &ast.ident;
if children_fields.len() > 1 {
ast_result.error_spanned_by(struct_ident, "Only one children property");
return token_streams;
let children_field = children_fields.first().unwrap();
let field_name = children_field.name().unwrap();
eprintln!("😄 {:?} {:?}", struct_ident, field_name);
let child_name = children_field.node_attrs.child_name.as_ref().unwrap();
let get_func_name = format_ident!("get_{}", child_name.value());
let get_mut_func_name = format_ident!("get_mut_{}", child_name.value());
let add_func_name = format_ident!("add_{}", child_name.value());
let remove_func_name = format_ident!("remove_{}", child_name.value());
let ty = children_field.bracket_inner_ty.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
token_streams.extend(quote! {
impl #struct_ident {
pub fn #get_func_name(&self, id: &str) -> Option<&#ty> {
self.#field_name.iter().find(|element| element.id == id)
pub fn #get_mut_func_name(&mut self, id: &str) -> Option<&mut #ty> {
self.#field_name.iter_mut().find(|element| element.id == id)
pub fn #remove_func_name(&mut self, id: &str) {
if let Some(index) = self.#field_name.iter().position(|element| element.id == id) {
let element = self.#field_name.remove(index);
let element_path = element.get_path();
let mut write_guard = self.tree.write();
let mut nodes = vec![];
if let Some(node_data) = write_guard.get_node_data(element.node_id.clone()) {
let _ = write_guard.apply_op(NodeOperation::Delete {
path: element_path,
pub fn #add_func_name(&mut self, value: #ty) {
let mut transaction = Transaction::new();
let parent_path = self.get_path();
let path = parent_path.clone_with(self.#field_name.len());
let node_data = value.to_node_data();
transaction.push_operation(NodeOperation::Insert {
nodes: vec![node_data],
let _ = self.tree.write().apply_transaction(transaction);
@ -35,7 +115,7 @@ pub fn make_to_node_data_token_stream(ast: &ASTContainer) -> TokenStream {
let set_key_values = ast
.filter(|field| !field.node_attrs.is_children)
.filter(|field| !field.node_attrs.has_child)
.flat_map(|field| {
let mut field_name = field.name().expect("the name of the field should not be empty");
let original_field_name = field.name().expect("the name of the field should not be empty");
@ -51,7 +131,7 @@ pub fn make_to_node_data_token_stream(ast: &ASTContainer) -> TokenStream {
let children_fields = ast
.filter(|field| field.node_attrs.is_children)
.filter(|field| field.node_attrs.has_child)
let childrens_token_streams = match children_fields.is_empty() {
@ -72,8 +152,8 @@ pub fn make_to_node_data_token_stream(ast: &ASTContainer) -> TokenStream {
token_streams.extend(quote! {
impl #struct_ident {
pub fn to_node_data(&self) -> NodeData {
impl ToNodeData for #struct_ident {
fn to_node_data(&self) -> NodeData {
let builder = NodeDataBuilder::new(#node_type)
@ -94,7 +174,7 @@ pub fn make_get_set_value_token_steam(ast: &ASTContainer) -> Option<TokenStream>
let tree = format_ident!("tree");
for field in ast.data.all_fields() {
if field.node_attrs.is_children {
if field.node_attrs.has_child {
@ -113,7 +193,7 @@ pub fn make_get_set_value_token_steam(ast: &ASTContainer) -> Option<TokenStream>
token_streams.extend(quote! {
impl #struct_ident {
pub fn #get_func_name(&self) -> Option<#get_value_return_ty> {
#get_value_with_fn(self.#tree.clone(), &self.path, #field_name_str)
#get_value_with_fn(self.#tree.clone(), &self.node_id, #field_name_str)
@ -123,12 +203,11 @@ pub fn make_get_set_value_token_steam(ast: &ASTContainer) -> Option<TokenStream>
token_streams.extend(quote! {
impl #struct_ident {
pub fn #set_func_name(&self, value: #set_value_input_ty) {
let _ = #set_value_with_fn(self.#tree.clone(), &self.path, #field_name_str, value);
let _ = #set_value_with_fn(self.#tree.clone(), &self.node_id, #field_name_str, value);
ast.data.all_fields().for_each(|field| {});
@ -11,42 +11,6 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
pub type AtomicNodeTree = RwLock<NodeTree>;
// pub struct FolderNodePad2 {
// tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>,
// #[node(rename = "workspaces", revision = "WorkspaceRevision")]
// workspaces: Vec<Arc<WorkspaceNode>>,
// }
// impl FolderNodePad2 {
// pub fn get_workspace() {}
// pub fn get_mut_workspace() {}
// pub fn add_workspace() {}
// pub fn remove_workspace() {}
// pub fn to_json() {}
// }
// #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
// pub struct WorkspaceNode2 {
// tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>,
// pub id: String,
// pub name: String,
// pub path: Path,
// }
// impl WorkspaceNode2 {
// pub fn get_id() {}
// pub fn set_id() {}
// pub fn get_name() {}
// pub fn set_name() {}
// pub fn get_apps() {}
// pub fn get_app() {}
// pub fn get_mut_app() {}
// pub fn add_app() {}
// pub fn remove_app() {}
// }
pub struct FolderNodePad {
tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>,
// name: workspaces, index of the node,
@ -71,31 +35,29 @@ impl FolderNodePad {
pub fn remove_workspace(&mut self, workspace_id: &str) {
if let Some(workspace) = self.workspaces.iter().find(|workspace| workspace.id == workspace_id) {
let mut write_guard = self.tree.write();
let mut nodes = vec![];
let workspace_node = self.tree.read().get_node_data_at_path(&workspace.path);
if let Some(node_data) = workspace_node {
if let Some(node_data) = write_guard.get_node_data_at_path(&workspace.path) {
let delete_operation = NodeOperation::Delete {
let _ = write_guard.apply_op(NodeOperation::Delete {
path: workspace.path.clone(),
let _ = self.tree.write().apply_op(delete_operation);
pub fn add_workspace(&mut self, revision: WorkspaceRevision) -> CollaborateResult<()> {
let mut transaction = Transaction::new();
let workspace_node = WorkspaceNode::from_workspace_revision(
let node = WorkspaceNode::from_workspace_revision(
&mut transaction,
let _ = self.tree.write().apply_transaction(transaction)?;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
use crate::client_folder::workspace_node_2::WorkspaceNode2;
use crate::errors::{CollaborateError, CollaborateResult};
use flowy_derive::Node;
use lib_ot::core::NodeTree;
use lib_ot::core::*;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub type AtomicNodeTree = RwLock<NodeTree>;
#[node_type = "folder"]
pub struct FolderNodePad2 {
tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>,
node_id: NodeId,
// name: workspaces, index of the node,
#[node(child_name = "child")]
children: Vec<Box<dyn ToNodeData>>,
impl FolderNodePad2 {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// let workspace_node = NodeDataBuilder::new("workspaces").build();
// let trash_node = NodeDataBuilder::new("trash").build();
// let folder_node = NodeDataBuilder::new("folder")
// .add_node_data(workspace_node)
// .add_node_data(trash_node)
// .build();
// let operation = NodeOperation::Insert {
// path: folder_path(),
// nodes: vec![folder_node],
// };
// let mut tree = NodeTree::default();
// let _ = tree.apply_op(operation).unwrap();
// Self {
// tree: Arc::new(RwLock::new(tree)),
// workspaces: vec![],
// trash: vec![],
// }
pub fn to_json(&self, pretty: bool) -> CollaborateResult<String> {
.map_err(|e| CollaborateError::serde().context(e))
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
mod app_node;
mod builder;
mod folder_node;
mod folder_node_2;
mod folder_pad;
mod util;
mod view_node;
mod workspace_node;
mod workspace_node_2;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
use crate::client_folder::AtomicNodeTree;
use crate::errors::CollaborateResult;
use lib_ot::core::{AttributeHashMap, AttributeValue, Changeset, NodeId, NodeOperation};
use std::sync::Arc;
pub fn get_attributes_str_value(tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>, node_id: &NodeId, key: &str) -> Option<String> {
.and_then(|node| node.attributes.get(key).cloned())
.and_then(|value| value.str_value())
pub fn set_attributes_str_value(
tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>,
node_id: &NodeId,
key: &str,
value: String,
) -> CollaborateResult<()> {
let old_attributes = match get_attributes(tree.clone(), node_id) {
None => AttributeHashMap::new(),
Some(attributes) => attributes,
let mut new_attributes = old_attributes.clone();
new_attributes.insert(key, value);
let path = tree.read().path_from_node_id(node_id.clone());
let update_operation = NodeOperation::Update {
changeset: Changeset::Attributes {
new: new_attributes,
old: old_attributes,
let _ = tree.write().apply_op(update_operation)?;
pub fn get_attributes_int_value(tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>, node_id: &NodeId, key: &str) -> Option<i64> {
.and_then(|node| node.attributes.get(key).cloned())
.and_then(|value| value.int_value())
pub fn get_attributes(tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>, node_id: &NodeId) -> Option<AttributeHashMap> {
.and_then(|node| Some(node.attributes.clone()))
pub fn get_attributes_value(tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>, node_id: &NodeId, key: &str) -> Option<AttributeValue> {
.and_then(|node| node.attributes.get(key).cloned())
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
use crate::client_folder::util::*;
use crate::client_folder::AtomicNodeTree;
use crate::errors::CollaborateResult;
use flowy_derive::Node;
@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
#[node_type = "workspace"]
pub struct WorkspaceNode2 {
tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>,
path: Path,
node_id: NodeId,
#[node(get_value_with = "get_attributes_str_value")]
#[node(set_value_with = "set_attributes_str_value")]
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ pub struct WorkspaceNode2 {
#[node(get_value_with = "get_attributes_int_value")]
pub time: i64,
#[node(child_name = "app")]
pub apps: Vec<AppNode2>,
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ pub struct WorkspaceNode2 {
#[node_type = "app"]
pub struct AppNode2 {
tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>,
path: Path,
node_id: NodeId,
#[node(get_value_with = "get_attributes_str_value")]
#[node(set_value_with = "set_attributes_str_value")]
@ -40,53 +41,3 @@ pub struct AppNode2 {
#[node(set_value_with = "set_attributes_str_value")]
pub name: String,
pub fn get_attributes_str_value(tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>, path: &Path, key: &str) -> Option<String> {
.and_then(|node| node.attributes.get(key).cloned())
.and_then(|value| value.str_value())
pub fn set_attributes_str_value(
tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>,
path: &Path,
key: &str,
value: String,
) -> CollaborateResult<()> {
let old_attributes = match get_attributes(tree.clone(), path) {
None => AttributeHashMap::new(),
Some(attributes) => attributes,
let mut new_attributes = old_attributes.clone();
new_attributes.insert(key, value);
let update_operation = NodeOperation::Update {
path: path.clone(),
changeset: Changeset::Attributes {
new: new_attributes,
old: old_attributes,
let _ = tree.write().apply_op(update_operation)?;
pub fn get_attributes_int_value(tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>, path: &Path, key: &str) -> Option<i64> {
.and_then(|node| node.attributes.get(key).cloned())
.and_then(|value| value.int_value())
pub fn get_attributes(tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>, path: &Path) -> Option<AttributeHashMap> {
.and_then(|node| Some(node.attributes.clone()))
pub fn get_attributes_value(tree: Arc<AtomicNodeTree>, path: &Path, key: &str) -> Option<AttributeValue> {
.and_then(|node| node.attributes.get(key).cloned())
@ -10,6 +10,15 @@ pub trait ToNodeData: Send + Sync {
fn to_node_data(&self) -> NodeData;
impl<T> ToNodeData for Box<T>
T: ToNodeData,
fn to_node_data(&self) -> NodeData {
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct NodeData {
#[serde(rename = "type")]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user