use collab::core::collab::DataSource; use collab::core::origin::CollabOrigin; use collab_document::blocks::DocumentData; use collab_document::document::Document; use collab_entity::CollabType; use std::env::temp_dir; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU8, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use nanoid::nanoid; use semver::Version; use tokio::select; use tokio::task::LocalSet; use tokio::time::sleep; use flowy_core::config::AppFlowyCoreConfig; use flowy_core::AppFlowyCore; use flowy_notification::register_notification_sender; use flowy_server::AppFlowyServer; use flowy_user::entities::AuthenticatorPB; use flowy_user::errors::FlowyError; use lib_dispatch::runtime::AFPluginRuntime; use crate::user_event::TestNotificationSender; mod chat_event; pub mod database_event; pub mod document; pub mod document_event; pub mod event_builder; pub mod folder_event; pub mod user_event; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct EventIntegrationTest { pub authenticator: Arc, pub appflowy_core: AppFlowyCore, #[allow(dead_code)] cleaner: Arc, pub notification_sender: TestNotificationSender, local_set: Arc, } impl EventIntegrationTest { pub async fn new() -> Self { Self::new_with_name(nanoid!(6)).await } pub async fn new_with_name(name: T) -> Self { let temp_dir = temp_dir().join(nanoid!(6)); std::fs::create_dir_all(&temp_dir).unwrap(); Self::new_with_user_data_path(temp_dir, name.to_string()).await } pub async fn new_with_config(config: AppFlowyCoreConfig) -> Self { let clean_path = config.storage_path.clone(); let inner = init_core(config).await; let notification_sender = TestNotificationSender::new(); let authenticator = Arc::new(AtomicU8::new(AuthenticatorPB::Local as u8)); register_notification_sender(notification_sender.clone()); // In case of dropping the runtime that runs the core, we need to forget the dispatcher std::mem::forget(inner.dispatcher()); Self { appflowy_core: inner, authenticator, notification_sender, cleaner: Arc::new(Cleaner::new(PathBuf::from(clean_path))), #[allow(clippy::arc_with_non_send_sync)] local_set: Arc::new(Default::default()), } } pub async fn new_with_user_data_path(path_buf: PathBuf, name: String) -> Self { let path = path_buf.to_str().unwrap().to_string(); let device_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string(); let config = AppFlowyCoreConfig::new( Version::new(0, 5, 8), path.clone(), path, device_id, "test".to_string(), name, ) .log_filter( "trace", vec![ "flowy_test".to_string(), "tokio".to_string(), // "lib_dispatch".to_string(), ], ); Self::new_with_config(config).await } pub fn skip_clean(&mut self) {, Ordering::Release); } pub fn instance_name(&self) -> String { } pub fn user_data_path(&self) -> String { self.appflowy_core.config.application_path.clone() } pub fn get_server(&self) -> Arc { self.appflowy_core.server_provider.get_server().unwrap() } pub async fn wait_ws_connected(&self) { if self.get_server().get_ws_state().is_connected() { return; } let mut ws_state = self.get_server().subscribe_ws_state().unwrap(); loop { select! { _ = sleep(Duration::from_secs(20)) => { panic!("wait_ws_connected timeout"); } state = ws_state.recv() => { if let Ok(state) = &state { if state.is_connected() { break; } } } } } } pub async fn get_collab_doc_state( &self, oid: &str, collab_type: CollabType, ) -> Result, FlowyError> { let server = self.server_provider.get_server().unwrap(); let workspace_id = self.get_current_workspace(); let uid = self.get_user_profile().await?.id; let doc_state = server .folder_service() .get_folder_doc_state(&workspace_id, uid, collab_type, oid) .await?; Ok(doc_state) } } pub fn document_data_from_document_doc_state(doc_id: &str, doc_state: Vec) -> DocumentData { document_from_document_doc_state(doc_id, doc_state) .get_document_data() .unwrap() } pub fn document_from_document_doc_state(doc_id: &str, doc_state: Vec) -> Document { Document::open_with_options( CollabOrigin::Empty, DataSource::DocStateV1(doc_state), doc_id, vec![], ) .unwrap() } async fn init_core(config: AppFlowyCoreConfig) -> AppFlowyCore { let runtime = Arc::new(AFPluginRuntime::new().unwrap()); let cloned_runtime = runtime.clone(); AppFlowyCore::new(config, cloned_runtime, None).await } impl std::ops::Deref for EventIntegrationTest { type Target = AppFlowyCore; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.appflowy_core } } pub struct Cleaner { dir: PathBuf, should_clean: AtomicBool, } impl Cleaner { pub fn new(dir: PathBuf) -> Self { Self { dir, should_clean: AtomicBool::new(true), } } fn cleanup(dir: &PathBuf) { let _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(dir); } } impl Drop for Cleaner { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.should_clean.load(Ordering::Acquire) { Self::cleanup(&self.dir) } } }