import 'package:appflowy/generated/locale_keys.g.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/plugins/document/presentation/banner.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/plugins/document/presentation/editor_plugins/header/document_header_node_widget.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/plugins/document/presentation/editor_plugins/header/emoji_icon_widget.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/workspace/application/sidebar/folder/folder_bloc.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/workspace/presentation/home/home_stack.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/workspace/presentation/home/menu/view/view_item.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/workspace/presentation/widgets/view_title_bar.dart'; import 'package:appflowy_backend/protobuf/flowy-folder2/view.pb.dart'; import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:flowy_infra_ui/flowy_infra_ui.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'util.dart'; // const String readme = 'Read me'; const String gettingStarted = 'Getting started'; extension Expectation on WidgetTester { /// Expect to see the home page and with a default read me page. Future expectToSeeHomePage() async { final finder = find.byType(HomeStack); await pumpUntilFound(finder); expect(finder, findsOneWidget); final docFinder = find.textContaining(gettingStarted); await pumpUntilFound(docFinder); } /// Expect to see the page name on the home page. void expectToSeePageName( String name, { String? parentName, ViewLayoutPB layout = ViewLayoutPB.Document, ViewLayoutPB parentLayout = ViewLayoutPB.Document, }) { final pageName = findPageName( name, layout: layout, parentName: parentName, parentLayout: parentLayout, ); expect(pageName, findsOneWidget); } /// Expect not to see the page name on the home page. void expectNotToSeePageName( String name, { String? parentName, ViewLayoutPB layout = ViewLayoutPB.Document, ViewLayoutPB parentLayout = ViewLayoutPB.Document, }) { final pageName = findPageName( name, layout: layout, parentName: parentName, parentLayout: parentLayout, ); expect(pageName, findsNothing); } /// Expect to see the document banner. void expectToSeeDocumentBanner() { expect(find.byType(DocumentBanner), findsOneWidget); } /// Expect not to see the document banner. void expectNotToSeeDocumentBanner() { expect(find.byType(DocumentBanner), findsNothing); } /// Expect to the markdown file export success dialog. void expectToExportSuccess() { final exportSuccess = find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is FlowyText && widget.text ==, ); expect(exportSuccess, findsOneWidget); } /// Expect to see the add button and icon button in the cover toolbar void expectToSeePluginAddCoverAndIconButton() { final addCover = find.textContaining(, ); final addIcon = find.textContaining(, ); expect(addCover, findsOneWidget); expect(addIcon, findsOneWidget); } /// Expect to see the document header toolbar empty void expectToSeeEmptyDocumentHeaderToolbar() { final addCover = find.textContaining(, ); final addIcon = find.textContaining(, ); expect(addCover, findsNothing); expect(addIcon, findsNothing); } void expectToSeeDocumentIcon(String? emoji) { if (emoji == null) { final iconWidget = find.byType(EmojiIconWidget); expect(iconWidget, findsNothing); return; } final iconWidget = find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is EmojiIconWidget && widget.emoji == emoji, ); expect(iconWidget, findsOneWidget); } void expectDocumentIconNotNull() { final iconWidget = find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is EmojiIconWidget && widget.emoji.isNotEmpty, ); expect(iconWidget, findsOneWidget); } void expectToSeeDocumentCover(CoverType type) { final findCover = find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is DocumentCover && widget.coverType == type, ); expect(findCover, findsOneWidget); } void expectToSeeNoDocumentCover() { final findCover = find.byType(DocumentCover); expect(findCover, findsNothing); } void expectChangeCoverAndDeleteButton() { final findChangeCover = find.text(, ); final findRemoveIcon = find.byType(DeleteCoverButton); expect(findChangeCover, findsOneWidget); expect(findRemoveIcon, findsOneWidget); } /// Expect to see the user name on the home page void expectToSeeUserName(String name) { final userName = find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is FlowyText && widget.text == name, ); expect(userName, findsOneWidget); } /// Expect to see a text void expectToSeeText(String text) { Finder textWidget = find.textContaining(text, findRichText: true); if (textWidget.evaluate().isEmpty) { textWidget = find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is FlowyText && widget.text == text, ); } expect(textWidget, findsOneWidget); } /// Find if the page is favorite Finder findFavoritePageName( String name, { ViewLayoutPB layout = ViewLayoutPB.Document, String? parentName, ViewLayoutPB parentLayout = ViewLayoutPB.Document, }) { return find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is SingleInnerViewItem && widget.view.isFavorite && widget.categoryType == FolderCategoryType.favorite && == name && widget.view.layout == layout, skipOffstage: false, ); } Finder findAllFavoritePages() { return find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is SingleInnerViewItem && widget.view.isFavorite && widget.categoryType == FolderCategoryType.favorite, ); } Finder findPageName( String name, { ViewLayoutPB layout = ViewLayoutPB.Document, String? parentName, ViewLayoutPB parentLayout = ViewLayoutPB.Document, }) { if (parentName == null) { return find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is SingleInnerViewItem && == name && widget.view.layout == layout, skipOffstage: false, ); } return find.descendant( of: find.byWidgetPredicate( (widget) => widget is InnerViewItem && == parentName && widget.view.layout == parentLayout, skipOffstage: false, ), matching: findPageName(name, layout: layout), ); } void expectViewHasIcon(String name, ViewLayoutPB layout, String emoji) { final pageName = findPageName( name, layout: layout, ); final icon = find.descendant( of: pageName, matching: find.text(emoji), ); expect(icon, findsOneWidget); } void expectViewTitleHasIcon(String name, ViewLayoutPB layout, String emoji) { final icon = find.descendant( of: find.byType(ViewTitleBar), matching: find.text(emoji), ); expect(icon, findsOneWidget); } }