import 'package:appflowy/core/config/kv.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/core/config/kv_keys.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/env/backend_env.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/env/env.dart'; import 'package:appflowy/startup/startup.dart'; import 'package:appflowy_backend/log.dart'; import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart'; /// Sets the cloud type for the application. /// /// This method updates the cloud type setting in the key-value storage /// using the [KeyValueStorage] service. The cloud type is identified /// by the [AuthenticatorType] enum. /// /// [ty] - The type of cloud to be set. It must be one of the values from /// [AuthenticatorType] enum. The corresponding integer value of the enum is stored: /// - `CloudType.local` is stored as "0". /// - `CloudType.supabase` is stored as "1". /// - `CloudType.appflowyCloud` is stored as "2". Future setAuthenticatorType(AuthenticatorType ty) async { switch (ty) { case AuthenticatorType.local: getIt().set(KVKeys.kCloudType, 0.toString()); break; case AuthenticatorType.supabase: getIt().set(KVKeys.kCloudType, 1.toString()); break; case AuthenticatorType.appflowyCloud: getIt().set(KVKeys.kCloudType, 2.toString()); break; } } /// Retrieves the currently set cloud type. /// /// This method fetches the cloud type setting from the key-value storage /// using the [KeyValueStorage] service and returns the corresponding /// [AuthenticatorType] enum value. /// /// Returns: /// A Future that resolves to a [AuthenticatorType] enum value representing the /// currently set cloud type. The default return value is `CloudType.local` /// if no valid setting is found. /// Future getAuthenticatorType() async { final value = await getIt().get(KVKeys.kCloudType); return value.fold(() => AuthenticatorType.local, (s) { switch (s) { case "0": return AuthenticatorType.local; case "1": return AuthenticatorType.supabase; case "2": return AuthenticatorType.appflowyCloud; default: return AuthenticatorType.local; } }); } /// Determines whether authentication is enabled. /// /// This getter evaluates if authentication should be enabled based on the /// current integration mode and cloud type settings. /// /// Returns: /// A boolean value indicating whether authentication is enabled. It returns /// `true` if the application is in release or develop mode, and the cloud type /// is not set to `CloudType.local`. Additionally, it checks if either the /// AppFlowy Cloud or Supabase configuration is valid. /// Returns `false` otherwise. bool get isAuthEnabled { // Only enable supabase in release and develop mode. if (integrationMode().isRelease || integrationMode().isDevelop || integrationMode().isIntegrationTest) { final env = getIt(); if (env.authenticatorType == AuthenticatorType.supabase) { return env.supabaseConfig.isValid; } if (env.authenticatorType == AuthenticatorType.appflowyCloud) { return env.appflowyCloudConfig.isValid; } return false; } else { return false; } } /// Checks if Supabase is enabled. /// /// This getter evaluates if Supabase should be enabled based on the /// current integration mode and cloud type setting. /// /// Returns: /// A boolean value indicating whether Supabase is enabled. It returns `true` /// if the application is in release or develop mode and the current cloud type /// is `CloudType.supabase`. Otherwise, it returns `false`. bool get isSupabaseEnabled { // Only enable supabase in release and develop mode. if (integrationMode().isRelease || integrationMode().isDevelop || integrationMode().isIntegrationTest) { return currentCloudType() == AuthenticatorType.supabase; } else { return false; } } /// Determines if AppFlowy Cloud is enabled. /// /// This getter assesses if AppFlowy Cloud should be enabled based on the /// current integration mode and cloud type setting. /// /// Returns: /// A boolean value indicating whether AppFlowy Cloud is enabled. It returns /// `true` if the application is in release or develop mode and the current /// cloud type is `CloudType.appflowyCloud`. Otherwise, it returns `false`. bool get isAppFlowyCloudEnabled { // Only enable appflowy cloud in release and develop mode. if (integrationMode().isRelease || integrationMode().isDevelop || integrationMode().isIntegrationTest) { return currentCloudType() == AuthenticatorType.appflowyCloud; } else { return false; } } enum AuthenticatorType { local, supabase, appflowyCloud; bool get isEnabled => this != AuthenticatorType.local; int get value { switch (this) { case AuthenticatorType.local: return 0; case AuthenticatorType.supabase: return 1; case AuthenticatorType.appflowyCloud: return 2; } } static fromValue(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: return AuthenticatorType.local; case 1: return AuthenticatorType.supabase; case 2: return AuthenticatorType.appflowyCloud; default: return AuthenticatorType.local; } } } AuthenticatorType currentCloudType() { return getIt().authenticatorType; } Future setAppFlowyCloudUrl(Option url) async { await url.fold( () => getIt().remove(KVKeys.kAppflowyCloudBaseURL), (s) => getIt().set(KVKeys.kAppflowyCloudBaseURL, s), ); } /// Use getIt() to get the shared environment. class AppFlowyCloudSharedEnv { final AuthenticatorType _authenticatorType; final AppFlowyCloudConfiguration appflowyCloudConfig; final SupabaseConfiguration supabaseConfig; AppFlowyCloudSharedEnv({ required AuthenticatorType authenticatorType, required this.appflowyCloudConfig, required this.supabaseConfig, }) : _authenticatorType = authenticatorType; AuthenticatorType get authenticatorType => _authenticatorType; static Future fromEnv() async { if (Env.enableCustomCloud) { // Use the custom cloud configuration. final cloudType = await getAuthenticatorType(); final appflowyCloudConfig = await getAppFlowyCloudConfig(); final supabaseCloudConfig = await getSupabaseCloudConfig(); return AppFlowyCloudSharedEnv( authenticatorType: cloudType, appflowyCloudConfig: appflowyCloudConfig, supabaseConfig: supabaseCloudConfig, ); } else { final appflowyCloudConfig = AppFlowyCloudConfiguration( base_url: Env.afCloudUrl, ws_base_url: await _getAppFlowyCloudWSUrl(Env.afCloudUrl), gotrue_url: await _getAppFlowyCloudGotrueUrl(Env.afCloudUrl), ); return AppFlowyCloudSharedEnv( authenticatorType: AuthenticatorType.fromValue(Env.authenticatorType), appflowyCloudConfig: appflowyCloudConfig, supabaseConfig: SupabaseConfiguration.defaultConfig(), ); } } } Future getAppFlowyCloudConfig() async { final baseURL = await getAppFlowyCloudUrl(); return AppFlowyCloudConfiguration( base_url: baseURL, ws_base_url: await _getAppFlowyCloudWSUrl(baseURL), gotrue_url: await _getAppFlowyCloudGotrueUrl(baseURL), ); } Future getAppFlowyCloudUrl() async { final result = await getIt().get(KVKeys.kAppflowyCloudBaseURL); return result.fold( () => "", (url) => url, ); } Future _getAppFlowyCloudWSUrl(String baseURL) async { try { final uri = Uri.parse(baseURL); // Construct the WebSocket URL directly from the parsed URI. final wsScheme = uri.isScheme('HTTPS') ? 'wss' : 'ws'; final wsUrl = Uri(scheme: wsScheme, host:, path: '/ws'); return wsUrl.toString(); } catch (e) { Log.error("Failed to get WebSocket URL: $e"); return ""; } } Future _getAppFlowyCloudGotrueUrl(String baseURL) async { return "$baseURL/gotrue"; } Future setSupbaseServer( Option url, Option anonKey, ) async { assert( (url.isSome() && anonKey.isSome()) || (url.isNone() && anonKey.isNone()), "Either both Supabase URL and anon key must be set, or both should be unset", ); await url.fold( () => getIt().remove(KVKeys.kSupabaseURL), (s) => getIt().set(KVKeys.kSupabaseURL, s), ); await anonKey.fold( () => getIt().remove(KVKeys.kSupabaseAnonKey), (s) => getIt().set(KVKeys.kSupabaseAnonKey, s), ); } Future getSupabaseCloudConfig() async { final url = await _getSupbaseUrl(); final anonKey = await _getSupabaseAnonKey(); return SupabaseConfiguration( url: url, anon_key: anonKey, ); } Future _getSupbaseUrl() async { final result = await getIt().get(KVKeys.kSupabaseURL); return result.fold( () => "", (url) => url, ); } Future _getSupabaseAnonKey() async { final result = await getIt().get(KVKeys.kSupabaseAnonKey); return result.fold( () => "", (url) => url, ); }