use crate::file_cache::FileTempStorage; use crate::notification::{make_notification, StorageNotification}; use crate::sqlite_sql::{ batch_select_upload_file, delete_upload_file, insert_upload_file, insert_upload_part, select_upload_file, select_upload_parts, update_upload_file_upload_id, UploadFilePartTable, UploadFileTable, }; use crate::uploader::{FileUploader, FileUploaderRunner, Signal, UploadTask, UploadTaskQueue}; use async_trait::async_trait; use flowy_error::{ErrorCode, FlowyError, FlowyResult}; use flowy_sqlite::DBConnection; use flowy_storage_pub::chunked_byte::{ChunkedBytes, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE}; use flowy_storage_pub::cloud::{ObjectIdentity, ObjectValue, StorageCloudService}; use flowy_storage_pub::storage::{ CompletedPartRequest, CreatedUpload, StorageService, UploadPartResponse, UploadResult, UploadStatus, }; use lib_infra::box_any::BoxAny; use lib_infra::future::FutureResult; use lib_infra::util::timestamp; use std::io::ErrorKind; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}; use tokio::sync::watch; use tracing::{debug, error, info, instrument, trace}; pub trait StorageUserService: Send + Sync + 'static { fn user_id(&self) -> Result; fn workspace_id(&self) -> Result; fn sqlite_connection(&self, uid: i64) -> Result; fn get_application_root_dir(&self) -> &str; } pub struct StorageManager { pub storage_service: Arc, uploader: Arc, upload_status_notifier: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender, } impl Drop for StorageManager { fn drop(&mut self) { info!("[File] StorageManager is dropped"); } } impl StorageManager { pub fn new( cloud_service: Arc, user_service: Arc, ) -> Self { let is_exceed_storage_limit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let temp_storage_path = PathBuf::from(format!( "{}/cache_files", user_service.get_application_root_dir() )); let temp_storage = Arc::new(FileTempStorage::new(temp_storage_path)); let (notifier, notifier_rx) = watch::channel(Signal::Proceed); let (upload_status_notifier, _) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::(100); let task_queue = Arc::new(UploadTaskQueue::new(notifier)); let storage_service = Arc::new(StorageServiceImpl { cloud_service, user_service: user_service.clone(), temp_storage, task_queue: task_queue.clone(), upload_status_notifier: upload_status_notifier.clone(), is_exceed_storage_limit: is_exceed_storage_limit.clone(), }); let uploader = Arc::new(FileUploader::new( storage_service.clone(), task_queue, is_exceed_storage_limit, )); tokio::spawn(FileUploaderRunner::run( Arc::downgrade(&uploader), notifier_rx, )); let weak_uploader = Arc::downgrade(&uploader); tokio::spawn(async move { // Start uploading after 30 seconds tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(30)).await; if let Some(uploader) = weak_uploader.upgrade() { if let Err(err) = prepare_upload_task(uploader, user_service).await { error!("prepare upload task failed: {}", err); } } }); Self { storage_service, uploader, upload_status_notifier, } } pub fn update_network_reachable(&self, reachable: bool) { if reachable { self.uploader.resume(); } else { self.uploader.pause(); } } pub fn disable_storage_write_access(&self) { // when storage is purchased, resume the uploader self.uploader.disable_storage_write(); } pub fn enable_storage_write_access(&self) { // when storage is purchased, resume the uploader self.uploader.enable_storage_write(); } pub fn subscribe_upload_result(&self) -> tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver { self.upload_status_notifier.subscribe() } } async fn prepare_upload_task( uploader: Arc, user_service: Arc, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { let uid = user_service.user_id()?; let conn = user_service.sqlite_connection(uid)?; let upload_files = batch_select_upload_file(conn, 100)?; let tasks = upload_files .into_iter() .map(|upload_file| UploadTask::BackgroundTask { workspace_id: upload_file.workspace_id, file_id: upload_file.file_id, parent_dir: upload_file.parent_dir, created_at: upload_file.created_at, retry_count: 0, }) .collect::>(); info!("prepare upload task: {}", tasks.len()); uploader.queue_tasks(tasks).await; Ok(()) } pub struct StorageServiceImpl { cloud_service: Arc, user_service: Arc, temp_storage: Arc, task_queue: Arc, upload_status_notifier: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender, is_exceed_storage_limit: Arc, } #[async_trait] impl StorageService for StorageServiceImpl { fn upload_object( &self, workspace_id: &str, local_file_path: &str, ) -> FutureResult { let cloud_service = self.cloud_service.clone(); let workspace_id = workspace_id.to_string(); let local_file_path = local_file_path.to_string(); FutureResult::new(async move { let (object_identity, object_value) = object_from_disk(&workspace_id, &local_file_path).await?; let url = cloud_service.get_object_url(object_identity).await?; match cloud_service.put_object(url.clone(), object_value).await { Ok(_) => { debug!("[File] success uploaded file to cloud: {}", url); }, Err(err) => { error!("[File] upload file failed: {}", err); return Err(err); }, } Ok(url) }) } fn delete_object(&self, url: String, local_file_path: String) -> FlowyResult<()> { let cloud_service = self.cloud_service.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { match tokio::fs::remove_file(&local_file_path).await { Ok(_) => { debug!("[File] deleted file from local disk: {}", local_file_path) }, Err(err) => { error!("[File] delete file at {} failed: {}", local_file_path, err); }, } if let Err(e) = cloud_service.delete_object(&url).await { // TODO: add WAL to log the delete operation. // keep a list of files to be deleted, and retry later error!("[File] delete file failed: {}", e); } debug!("[File] deleted file from cloud: {}", url); }); Ok(()) } fn download_object(&self, url: String, local_file_path: String) -> FlowyResult<()> { let cloud_service = self.cloud_service.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { if tokio::fs::metadata(&local_file_path).await.is_ok() { tracing::warn!("file already exist in user local disk: {}", local_file_path); return Ok(()); } let object_value = cloud_service.get_object(url).await?; let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(&local_file_path) .await?; match file.write(&object_value.raw).await { Ok(n) => { info!("downloaded {} bytes to file: {}", n, local_file_path); }, Err(err) => { error!("write file failed: {}", err); }, } Ok::<_, FlowyError>(()) }); Ok(()) } fn create_upload( &self, workspace_id: &str, parent_dir: &str, file_path: &str, ) -> FutureResult { if workspace_id.is_empty() { return FutureResult::new(async { Err(FlowyError::internal().with_context("workspace id is empty")) }); } if parent_dir.is_empty() { return FutureResult::new(async { Err(FlowyError::internal().with_context("parent dir is empty")) }); } if file_path.is_empty() { return FutureResult::new(async { Err(FlowyError::internal().with_context("local file path is empty")) }); } let workspace_id = workspace_id.to_string(); let parent_dir = parent_dir.to_string(); let file_path = file_path.to_string(); let temp_storage = self.temp_storage.clone(); let task_queue = self.task_queue.clone(); let user_service = self.user_service.clone(); let cloud_service = self.cloud_service.clone(); let is_exceed_storage_limit = self.is_exceed_storage_limit.clone(); FutureResult::new(async move { let is_exceed_limit = is_exceed_storage_limit.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); if is_exceed_limit { make_notification(StorageNotification::FileStorageLimitExceeded) .payload(FlowyError::file_storage_limit()) .send(); return Err(FlowyError::file_storage_limit()); } let local_file_path = temp_storage .create_temp_file_from_existing(Path::new(&file_path)) .await .map_err(|err| { error!("[File] create temp file failed: {}", err); FlowyError::internal() .with_context(format!("create temp file for upload file failed: {}", err)) })?; // 1. create a file record and chunk the file let (chunks, record) = create_upload_record(workspace_id, parent_dir, local_file_path).await?; // 2. save the record to sqlite let conn = user_service.sqlite_connection(user_service.user_id()?)?; let url = cloud_service.get_object_url_v1( &record.workspace_id, &record.parent_dir, &record.file_id, )?; let file_id = record.file_id.clone(); match insert_upload_file(conn, &record) { Ok(_) => { // 3. generate url for given file task_queue .queue_task(UploadTask::Task { chunks, record, retry_count: 0, }) .await; Ok::<_, FlowyError>(CreatedUpload { url, file_id }) }, Err(err) => { if matches!(err.code, ErrorCode::DuplicateSqliteRecord) { info!("upload record already exists, skip creating new upload task"); Ok::<_, FlowyError>(CreatedUpload { url, file_id }) } else { Err(err) } }, } }) } async fn start_upload(&self, chunks: &ChunkedBytes, record: &BoxAny) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let file_record = record.downcast_ref::().ok_or_else(|| { FlowyError::internal().with_context("failed to downcast record to UploadFileTable") })?; if let Err(err) = start_upload( &self.cloud_service, &self.user_service, &self.temp_storage, chunks, file_record, self.upload_status_notifier.clone(), ) .await { error!("[File] start upload failed: {}", err); } Ok(()) } async fn resume_upload( &self, workspace_id: &str, parent_dir: &str, file_id: &str, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { // Gathering the upload record and parts from the sqlite database. let record = { let mut conn = self .user_service .sqlite_connection(self.user_service.user_id()?)?; conn.immediate_transaction(|conn| { Ok::<_, FlowyError>( // When resuming an upload, check if the upload_id is empty. // If the upload_id is empty, the upload has likely not been created yet. // If the upload_id is not empty, verify which parts have already been uploaded. select_upload_file(conn, workspace_id, parent_dir, file_id)?.map(|record| { if record.upload_id.is_empty() { (record, vec![]) } else { let parts = select_upload_parts(conn, &record.upload_id).unwrap_or_default(); (record, parts) } }), ) })? }; if let Some((upload_file, parts)) = record { resume_upload( &self.cloud_service, &self.user_service, &self.temp_storage, upload_file, parts, self.upload_status_notifier.clone(), ) .await?; } else { error!("[File] resume upload failed: record not found"); } Ok(()) } } async fn create_upload_record( workspace_id: String, parent_dir: String, local_file_path: String, ) -> FlowyResult<(ChunkedBytes, UploadFileTable)> { // read file and chunk it base on CHUNK_SIZE. We use MIN_CHUNK_SIZE as the minimum chunk size let chunked_bytes = ChunkedBytes::from_file(&local_file_path, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE as i32).await?; let ext = Path::new(&local_file_path) .extension() .and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str) .unwrap_or("") .to_owned(); let content_type = mime_guess::from_path(&local_file_path) .first_or_octet_stream() .to_string(); let file_id = format!("{}.{}", fxhash::hash(&, ext); let record = UploadFileTable { workspace_id, file_id, upload_id: "".to_string(), parent_dir, local_file_path, content_type, chunk_size: chunked_bytes.chunk_size, num_chunk: chunked_bytes.offsets.len() as i32, created_at: timestamp(), }; Ok((chunked_bytes, record)) } #[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, err)] async fn start_upload( cloud_service: &Arc, user_service: &Arc, temp_storage: &Arc, chunked_bytes: &ChunkedBytes, upload_file: &UploadFileTable, notifier: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { let mut upload_file = upload_file.clone(); if upload_file.upload_id.is_empty() { // 1. create upload trace!( "[File] create upload for workspace: {}, parent_dir: {}, file_id: {}", upload_file.workspace_id, upload_file.parent_dir, upload_file.file_id ); let create_upload_resp_result = cloud_service .create_upload( &upload_file.workspace_id, &upload_file.parent_dir, &upload_file.file_id, &upload_file.content_type, ) .await; if let Err(err) = create_upload_resp_result.as_ref() { if err.is_file_limit_exceeded() { make_notification(StorageNotification::FileStorageLimitExceeded) .payload(err.clone()) .send(); } } let create_upload_resp = create_upload_resp_result?; // 2. update upload_id let conn = user_service.sqlite_connection(user_service.user_id()?)?; update_upload_file_upload_id( conn, &upload_file.workspace_id, &upload_file.parent_dir, &upload_file.file_id, &create_upload_resp.upload_id, )?; trace!( "[File] {} update upload_id: {}", upload_file.file_id, create_upload_resp.upload_id ); // temporary store the upload_id upload_file.upload_id = create_upload_resp.upload_id; } let _ = notifier.send(UploadResult { file_id: upload_file.file_id.clone(), status: UploadStatus::InProgress, }); // 3. start uploading parts trace!( "[File] {} start uploading parts: {}", upload_file.file_id, chunked_bytes.iter().count() ); let iter = chunked_bytes.iter().enumerate(); let mut completed_parts = Vec::new(); for (index, chunk_bytes) in iter { let part_number = index as i32 + 1; trace!( "[File] {} uploading part: {}, len:{}KB", upload_file.file_id, part_number, chunk_bytes.len() / 1000, ); // start uploading parts match upload_part( cloud_service, user_service, &upload_file.workspace_id, &upload_file.parent_dir, &upload_file.upload_id, &upload_file.file_id, part_number, chunk_bytes.to_vec(), ) .await { Ok(resp) => { trace!( "[File] {} upload {} part success, total:{},", upload_file.file_id, part_number, chunked_bytes.offsets.len() ); // gather completed part completed_parts.push(CompletedPartRequest { e_tag: resp.e_tag, part_number: resp.part_num, }); }, Err(err) => { if err.is_file_limit_exceeded() { make_notification(StorageNotification::FileStorageLimitExceeded) .payload(err.clone()) .send(); } error!("[File] {} upload part failed: {}", upload_file.file_id, err); return Err(err); }, } } // mark it as completed let complete_upload_result = complete_upload( cloud_service, user_service, temp_storage, &upload_file, completed_parts, notifier, ) .await; if let Err(err) = complete_upload_result { if err.is_file_limit_exceeded() { make_notification(StorageNotification::FileStorageLimitExceeded) .payload(err.clone()) .send(); } } trace!("[File] {} upload completed", upload_file.file_id); Ok(()) } #[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, err)] async fn resume_upload( cloud_service: &Arc, user_service: &Arc, temp_storage: &Arc, upload_file: UploadFileTable, parts: Vec, notifier: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { trace!( "[File] resume upload for workspace: {}, parent_dir: {}, file_id: {}, local_file_path:{}", upload_file.workspace_id, upload_file.parent_dir, upload_file.file_id, upload_file.local_file_path ); match ChunkedBytes::from_file(&upload_file.local_file_path, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE as i32).await { Ok(mut chunked_bytes) => { // When there were any parts already uploaded, skip those parts by setting the current offset. chunked_bytes.set_current_offset(parts.len() as i32); start_upload( cloud_service, user_service, temp_storage, &chunked_bytes, &upload_file, notifier, ) .await?; }, Err(err) => { // match err.kind() { ErrorKind::NotFound => { error!("[File] file not found: {}", upload_file.local_file_path); if let Ok(uid) = user_service.user_id() { if let Ok(conn) = user_service.sqlite_connection(uid) { delete_upload_file(conn, &upload_file.upload_id)?; } } }, _ => { error!("[File] read file failed: {}", err); }, } }, } Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] async fn upload_part( cloud_service: &Arc, user_service: &Arc, workspace_id: &str, parent_dir: &str, upload_id: &str, file_id: &str, part_number: i32, body: Vec, ) -> Result { let resp = cloud_service .upload_part( workspace_id, parent_dir, upload_id, file_id, part_number, body, ) .await?; // save uploaded part to sqlite let conn = user_service.sqlite_connection(user_service.user_id()?)?; insert_upload_part( conn, &UploadFilePartTable { upload_id: upload_id.to_string(), e_tag: resp.e_tag.clone(), part_num: resp.part_num, }, )?; Ok(resp) } async fn complete_upload( cloud_service: &Arc, user_service: &Arc, temp_storage: &Arc, upload_file: &UploadFileTable, parts: Vec, notifier: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { match cloud_service .complete_upload( &upload_file.workspace_id, &upload_file.parent_dir, &upload_file.upload_id, &upload_file.file_id, parts, ) .await { Ok(_) => { info!("[File] completed upload file: {}", upload_file.upload_id); trace!("[File] delete upload record from sqlite"); let _ = notifier.send(UploadResult { file_id: upload_file.file_id.clone(), status: UploadStatus::Finish, }); let conn = user_service.sqlite_connection(user_service.user_id()?)?; delete_upload_file(conn, &upload_file.upload_id)?; if let Err(err) = temp_storage .delete_temp_file(&upload_file.local_file_path) .await { error!("[File] delete temp file failed: {}", err); } }, Err(err) => { error!("[File] complete upload failed: {}", err); }, } Ok(()) } pub async fn object_from_disk( workspace_id: &str, local_file_path: &str, ) -> Result<(ObjectIdentity, ObjectValue), FlowyError> { let ext = Path::new(local_file_path) .extension() .and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str) .unwrap_or("") .to_owned(); let mut file = tokio::fs::File::open(local_file_path).await?; let mut content = Vec::new(); let n = file.read_to_end(&mut content).await?; info!("read {} bytes from file: {}", n, local_file_path); let mime = mime_guess::from_path(local_file_path).first_or_octet_stream(); let hash = fxhash::hash(&content); Ok(( ObjectIdentity { workspace_id: workspace_id.to_owned(), file_id: hash.to_string(), ext, }, ObjectValue { raw: content.into(), mime, }, )) }