part of 'build_flowy.dart'; enum _ScanMode { ignore, target, } enum _ModifyMode { include, exclude, } class _BuildTool { const _BuildTool({ required this.repositoryRoot, required this.appVersion, }); final String repositoryRoot; final String appVersion; String get projectRoot => [repositoryRoot, 'appflowy_flutter'].join(Platform.pathSeparator); File get pubspec => File([projectRoot, 'pubspec.yaml'].join(Platform.pathSeparator)); Future get _architecture async => await'uname', ['-m']).then((value) => value.stdout.trim()); Future get _commandForOS async { // Check the operating system and CPU architecture var os = Platform.operatingSystem; var arch = Platform.isMacOS ? await _architecture : Platform.localHostname; // Determine the appropriate command based on the OS and architecture if (os == 'windows') { return 'cargo make --env APP_VERSION=$appVersion --profile production-windows-x86 appflowy'; } if (os == 'linux') { return 'cargo make --env APP_VERSION=$appVersion --profile production-linux-x86_64 appflowy'; } if (os == 'macos') { if (arch == 'x86_64') { return 'cargo make --env APP_VERSION=$appVersion --profile production-mac-x86_64 appflowy'; } if (arch == 'arm64') { return 'cargo make --env APP_VERSION=$appVersion --profile production-mac-arm64 appflowy'; } throw 'Unsupported CPU architecture: $arch'; } throw 'Unsupported operating system: $os'; } /// Scans a file for lines between # BEGIN: EXCLUDE_IN_RELEASE and /// END: EXCLUDE_IN_RELEASE. Will add a comment to remove those assets /// from the build. Future _process_directives( File file, { required _ModifyMode mode, }) async { // Read the contents of the file into a list var lines = await file.readAsLines(); // Find the lines between BEGIN: EXCLUDE_IN_RELEASE and END: EXCLUDE_IN_RELEASE var scanMode = _ScanMode.ignore; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (line.contains(excludeTagBegin)) { scanMode =; } else if (line.contains(excludeTagEnd)) { scanMode = _ScanMode.ignore; } else if (scanMode == { lines[i] = _modify(line, mode: mode); } } // Write the modified contents back to the file await file.writeAsString(lines.join('\n')); } String _modify(String line, {required _ModifyMode mode}) { switch (mode) { case _ModifyMode.include: return line.split('#').where((element) => element != '#').join(); case _ModifyMode.exclude: return '#$line'; } } Future _build() async { final cwd = Directory.current; Directory.current = repositoryRoot; final cmd = await _commandForOS; // Run the command using the function // final build = await'echo', ['hello'], runInShell: true); final build = await Process.start(cmd.split(' ')[0], cmd.split(' ').sublist(1)); await stdout.addStream(build.stdout); await stderr.addStream(build.stderr); Directory.current = cwd; } Future run() async { final pubspec = this.pubspec; await _process_directives(pubspec, mode: _ModifyMode.exclude); await _build(); await _process_directives(pubspec, mode: _ModifyMode.include); } }