<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <component type="desktop-application"> <id>io.appflowy.AppFlowy</id> <name>AppFlowy</name> <summary>Open Source Notion Alternative</summary> <metadata_license>CC-BY-4.0</metadata_license> <project_license>AGPL-3.0-only</project_license> <description> <p> # Built for teams that need more control and flexibility ## 100% data control You can host AppFlowy wherever you want; no vendor lock-in. </p> <p> ## Unlimited customizations Design and modify AppFlowy your way with an open core codebase. </p> <p> ## One codebase supporting multiple platforms AppFlowy is built with Flutter and Rust. What does this mean? Faster development, better native experience, and more reliable performance. </p> <p> # Built for individuals who care about data security and mobile experience ## 100% control of your data Download and install AppFlowy on your local machine. You own and control your personal data. </p> <p> ## Extensively extensible For those with no coding experience, AppFlowy enables you to create apps that suit your needs. It's built on a community-driven toolbox, including templates, plugins, themes, and more. </p> <p> ## Truly native experience Faster, more stable with support for offline mode. It's also better integrated with different devices. Moreover, AppFlowy enables users to access features and possibilities not available on the web. </p> </description> <launchable type="desktop-id">io.appflowy.AppFlowy.desktop</launchable> <screenshots> <screenshot type="default"> <image>https://github.com/AppFlowy-IO/appflowy/raw/main/doc/imgs/welcome.png</image> </screenshot> </screenshots> </component>