use collab_entity::CollabType; use collab_folder::{Folder, FolderNotify, UserId}; use tokio::task::spawn_blocking; use tracing::{event, Level}; use collab_integrate::CollabKVDB; use flowy_error::{FlowyError, FlowyResult}; use collab::core::collab::DataSource; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use crate::manager::{FolderInitDataSource, FolderManager}; use crate::manager_observer::{ subscribe_folder_snapshot_state_changed, subscribe_folder_sync_state_changed, subscribe_folder_trash_changed, subscribe_folder_view_changed, }; use crate::user_default::DefaultFolderBuilder; impl FolderManager { /// Called immediately after the application launched if the user already sign in/sign up. #[tracing::instrument(level = "info", skip(self, initial_data), err)] pub async fn initialize( &self, uid: i64, workspace_id: &str, initial_data: FolderInitDataSource, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { // Update the workspace id event!( Level::INFO, "Init workspace: {} from: {}", workspace_id, initial_data ); *self.workspace_id.write() = Some(workspace_id.to_string()); let workspace_id = workspace_id.to_string(); // Get the collab db for the user with given user id. let collab_db = self.user.collab_db(uid)?; let (view_tx, view_rx) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel(100); let (section_change_tx, section_change_rx) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel(100); let folder_notifier = FolderNotify { view_change_tx: view_tx, section_change_tx, }; let folder = match initial_data { FolderInitDataSource::LocalDisk { create_if_not_exist, } => { let is_exist = self.is_workspace_exist_in_local(uid, &workspace_id).await; // 1. if the folder exists, open it from local disk if is_exist { event!(Level::INFO, "Init folder from local disk"); self .make_folder( uid, &workspace_id, collab_db, DataSource::Disk, folder_notifier, ) .await? } else if create_if_not_exist { // 2. if the folder doesn't exist and create_if_not_exist is true, create a default folder // Currently, this branch is only used when the server type is supabase. For appflowy cloud, // the default workspace is already created when the user sign up. self .create_default_folder(uid, &workspace_id, collab_db, folder_notifier) .await? } else { // 3. If the folder doesn't exist and create_if_not_exist is false, try to fetch the folder data from cloud/ // This will happen user can't fetch the folder data when the user sign in. let doc_state = self .cloud_service .get_folder_doc_state(&workspace_id, uid, CollabType::Folder, &workspace_id) .await?; self .make_folder( uid, &workspace_id, collab_db.clone(), DataSource::DocStateV1(doc_state), folder_notifier.clone(), ) .await? } }, FolderInitDataSource::Cloud(doc_state) => { if doc_state.is_empty() { event!(Level::ERROR, "remote folder data is empty, open from local"); self .make_folder( uid, &workspace_id, collab_db, DataSource::Disk, folder_notifier, ) .await? } else { event!(Level::INFO, "Restore folder from remote data"); self .make_folder( uid, &workspace_id, collab_db.clone(), DataSource::DocStateV1(doc_state), folder_notifier.clone(), ) .await? } }, FolderInitDataSource::FolderData(folder_data) => { if != workspace_id { return Err(FlowyError::workspace_data_not_match()); } event!(Level::INFO, "Restore folder with passed-in folder data"); let collab = self .create_empty_collab(uid, &workspace_id, collab_db) .await?; Folder::create( UserId::from(uid), collab, Some(folder_notifier), folder_data, ) }, }; let folder_state_rx = folder.subscribe_sync_state(); let index_content_rx = folder.subscribe_index_content(); self .folder_indexer .set_index_content_receiver(index_content_rx, workspace_id.clone()); // Index all views in the folder if needed if !self.folder_indexer.is_indexed() { let views = folder.views.get_all_views(); let folder_indexer = self.folder_indexer.clone(); // We spawn a blocking task to index all views in the folder let wid = workspace_id.clone(); spawn_blocking(move || { folder_indexer.index_all_views(views, wid); }); } *self.mutex_folder.write() = Some(folder); let weak_mutex_folder = Arc::downgrade(&self.mutex_folder); subscribe_folder_sync_state_changed(workspace_id.clone(), folder_state_rx, &weak_mutex_folder); subscribe_folder_snapshot_state_changed(workspace_id, &weak_mutex_folder); subscribe_folder_trash_changed(section_change_rx, &weak_mutex_folder); subscribe_folder_view_changed(view_rx, &weak_mutex_folder); Ok(()) } async fn is_workspace_exist_in_local(&self, uid: i64, workspace_id: &str) -> bool { if let Ok(weak_collab) = self.user.collab_db(uid) { if let Some(collab_db) = weak_collab.upgrade() { return collab_db.is_exist(uid, workspace_id).await.unwrap_or(false); } } false } async fn create_default_folder( &self, uid: i64, workspace_id: &str, collab_db: Weak, folder_notifier: FolderNotify, ) -> Result { event!( Level::INFO, "Create folder:{} with default folder builder", workspace_id ); let folder_data = DefaultFolderBuilder::build(uid, workspace_id.to_string(), &self.operation_handlers).await; let collab = self .create_empty_collab(uid, workspace_id, collab_db) .await?; Ok(Folder::create( UserId::from(uid), collab, Some(folder_notifier), folder_data, )) } }