# Initial Setup # 1. Copy the dev.env file to .env: # cp dev.env .env # 2. Alternatively, you can generate the .env file using the "Generate Env File" task in VSCode. # Configuring Cloud Type # This configuration file is used to specify the cloud type and the necessary configurations for each cloud type. The available options are: # Local: 0 # Supabase: 1 # AppFlowy Cloud: 2 CLOUD_TYPE=0 # Supabase Configuration # If you're using Supabase (CLOUD_TYPE=1), you need to provide the following configurations: SUPABASE_URL=replace-with-your-supabase-url SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=replace-with-your-supabase-key # AppFlowy Cloud Configuration # If you're using AppFlowy Cloud (CLOUD_TYPE=2), you need to provide the following configurations: APPFLOWY_CLOUD_BASE_URL=replace-with-your-appflowy-cloud-url APPFLOWY_CLOUD_WS_BASE_URL=replace-with-your-appflowy-cloud-ws-url APPFLOWY_CLOUD_GOTRUE_URL=replace-with-your-appflowy-cloud-gotrue-url