use crate::ConflictRevisionSink; use async_stream::stream; use bytes::Bytes; use flowy_error::{FlowyError, FlowyResult}; use flowy_http_model::{ revision::{RevId, Revision, RevisionRange}, ws_data::{ClientRevisionWSData, NewDocumentUser, ServerRevisionWSData, ServerRevisionWSDataType}, }; use futures_util::{future::BoxFuture, stream::StreamExt}; use lib_infra::future::{BoxResultFuture, FutureResult}; use lib_ws::WSConnectState; use std::{collections::VecDeque, convert::TryFrom, fmt::Formatter, sync::Arc}; use tokio::{ sync::{ broadcast, mpsc, mpsc::{Receiver, Sender}, RwLock, }, time::{interval, Duration}, }; // The consumer consumes the messages pushed by the web socket. pub trait RevisionWSDataStream: Send + Sync { fn receive_push_revision(&self, bytes: Bytes) -> BoxResultFuture<(), FlowyError>; fn receive_ack(&self, id: String, ty: ServerRevisionWSDataType) -> BoxResultFuture<(), FlowyError>; fn receive_new_user_connect(&self, new_user: NewDocumentUser) -> BoxResultFuture<(), FlowyError>; fn pull_revisions_in_range(&self, range: RevisionRange) -> BoxResultFuture<(), FlowyError>; } // The sink provides the data that will be sent through the web socket to the // server. pub trait RevisionWebSocketSink: Send + Sync { fn next(&self) -> FutureResult, FlowyError>; } pub type WSStateReceiver = tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver; pub trait RevisionWebSocket: Send + Sync + 'static { fn send(&self, data: ClientRevisionWSData) -> BoxResultFuture<(), FlowyError>; fn subscribe_state_changed(&self) -> BoxFuture; } pub struct RevisionWebSocketManager { pub object_name: String, pub object_id: String, ws_data_sink: Arc, ws_data_stream: Arc, rev_web_socket: Arc, pub ws_passthrough_tx: Sender, ws_passthrough_rx: Option>, pub state_passthrough_tx: broadcast::Sender, stop_sync_tx: SinkStopTx, } impl std::fmt::Display for RevisionWebSocketManager { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_fmt(format_args!("{}RevisionWebSocketManager", self.object_name)) } } impl RevisionWebSocketManager { pub fn new( object_name: &str, object_id: &str, rev_web_socket: Arc, ws_data_sink: Arc, ws_data_stream: Arc, ping_duration: Duration, ) -> Self { let (ws_passthrough_tx, ws_passthrough_rx) = mpsc::channel(1000); let (stop_sync_tx, _) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel(2); let object_id = object_id.to_string(); let object_name = object_name.to_string(); let (state_passthrough_tx, _) = broadcast::channel(2); let mut manager = RevisionWebSocketManager { object_id, object_name, ws_data_sink, ws_data_stream, rev_web_socket, ws_passthrough_tx, ws_passthrough_rx: Some(ws_passthrough_rx), state_passthrough_tx, stop_sync_tx, };; manager } fn run(&mut self, ping_duration: Duration) { let ws_passthrough_rx = self.ws_passthrough_rx.take().expect("Only take once"); let sink = RevisionWSSink::new( &self.object_id, &self.object_name, self.ws_data_sink.clone(), self.rev_web_socket.clone(), self.stop_sync_tx.subscribe(), ping_duration, ); let stream = RevisionWSStream::new( &self.object_name, &self.object_id, self.ws_data_stream.clone(), ws_passthrough_rx, self.stop_sync_tx.subscribe(), ); tokio::spawn(; tokio::spawn(; } pub fn scribe_state(&self) -> broadcast::Receiver { self.state_passthrough_tx.subscribe() } pub fn stop(&self) { if self.stop_sync_tx.send(()).is_ok() { tracing::trace!("{} stop sync", self.object_id) } } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, data), err)] pub async fn receive_ws_data(&self, data: ServerRevisionWSData) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let _ = self.ws_passthrough_tx.send(data).await.map_err(|e| { let err_msg = format!("{} passthrough error: {}", self.object_id, e); FlowyError::internal().context(err_msg) })?; Ok(()) } pub fn connect_state_changed(&self, state: WSConnectState) { match self.state_passthrough_tx.send(state) { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => tracing::error!("{}", e), } } } impl std::ops::Drop for RevisionWebSocketManager { fn drop(&mut self) { tracing::trace!("{} was dropped", self) } } pub struct RevisionWSStream { object_name: String, object_id: String, consumer: Arc, ws_msg_rx: Option>, stop_rx: Option, } impl std::fmt::Display for RevisionWSStream { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_fmt(format_args!("{}RevisionWSStream", self.object_name)) } } impl std::ops::Drop for RevisionWSStream { fn drop(&mut self) { tracing::trace!("{} was dropped", self) } } impl RevisionWSStream { pub fn new( object_name: &str, object_id: &str, consumer: Arc, ws_msg_rx: mpsc::Receiver, stop_rx: SinkStopRx, ) -> Self { RevisionWSStream { object_name: object_name.to_string(), object_id: object_id.to_owned(), consumer, ws_msg_rx: Some(ws_msg_rx), stop_rx: Some(stop_rx), } } pub async fn run(mut self) { let mut receiver = self.ws_msg_rx.take().expect("Only take once"); let mut stop_rx = self.stop_rx.take().expect("Only take once"); let object_id = self.object_id.clone(); let name = format!("{}", &self); let stream = stream! { loop { tokio::select! { result = receiver.recv() => { match result { Some(msg) => { yield msg }, None => { tracing::debug!("[{}]:{} loop exit", name, object_id); break; }, } }, _ = stop_rx.recv() => { tracing::debug!("[{}]:{} loop exit", name, object_id); break }, }; } }; stream .for_each(|msg| async { match self.handle_message(msg).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => tracing::error!("[{}]:{} error: {}", &self, self.object_id, e), } }) .await; } async fn handle_message(&self, msg: ServerRevisionWSData) -> FlowyResult<()> { let ServerRevisionWSData { object_id, ty, data } = msg; let bytes = Bytes::from(data); match ty { ServerRevisionWSDataType::ServerPushRev => { tracing::trace!("[{}]: new push revision: {}:{:?}", self, object_id, ty); let _ = self.consumer.receive_push_revision(bytes).await?; } ServerRevisionWSDataType::ServerPullRev => { let range = RevisionRange::try_from(bytes)?; tracing::trace!("[{}]: new pull: {}:{}-{:?}", self, object_id, range, ty); let _ = self.consumer.pull_revisions_in_range(range).await?; } ServerRevisionWSDataType::ServerAck => { let rev_id = RevId::try_from(bytes).unwrap().value; tracing::trace!("[{}]: new ack: {}:{}-{:?}", self, object_id, rev_id, ty); let _ = self.consumer.receive_ack(rev_id.to_string(), ty).await; } ServerRevisionWSDataType::UserConnect => { let new_user = NewDocumentUser::try_from(bytes)?; let _ = self.consumer.receive_new_user_connect(new_user).await; } } Ok(()) } } type SinkStopRx = broadcast::Receiver<()>; type SinkStopTx = broadcast::Sender<()>; pub struct RevisionWSSink { object_id: String, object_name: String, provider: Arc, rev_web_socket: Arc, stop_rx: Option, ping_duration: Duration, } impl RevisionWSSink { pub fn new( object_id: &str, object_name: &str, provider: Arc, rev_web_socket: Arc, stop_rx: SinkStopRx, ping_duration: Duration, ) -> Self { Self { object_id: object_id.to_owned(), object_name: object_name.to_owned(), provider, rev_web_socket, stop_rx: Some(stop_rx), ping_duration, } } pub async fn run(mut self) { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let mut stop_rx = self.stop_rx.take().expect("Only take once"); let object_id = self.object_id.clone(); tokio::spawn(tick(tx, self.ping_duration)); let name = format!("{}", self); let stream = stream! { loop { tokio::select! { result = rx.recv() => { match result { Some(msg) => yield msg, None => break, } }, _ = stop_rx.recv() => { tracing::trace!("[{}]:{} loop exit", name, object_id); break }, }; } }; stream .for_each(|_| async { match self.send_next_revision().await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => tracing::error!("[{}] send failed, {:?}", self, e), } }) .await; } async fn send_next_revision(&self) -> FlowyResult<()> { match { None => { tracing::trace!("[{}]: Finish synchronizing revisions", self); Ok(()) } Some(data) => { tracing::trace!("[{}]: send {}:{}-{:?}", self, data.object_id,, data.ty); self.rev_web_socket.send(data).await } } } } async fn tick(sender: mpsc::Sender<()>, duration: Duration) { let mut interval = interval(duration); while sender.send(()).await.is_ok() { interval.tick().await; } } impl std::fmt::Display for RevisionWSSink { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_fmt(format_args!("{}RevisionWSSink", self.object_name)) } } impl std::ops::Drop for RevisionWSSink { fn drop(&mut self) { tracing::trace!("{} was dropped", self) } } #[derive(Clone)] enum Source { Custom, Revision, } pub trait WSDataProviderDataSource: Send + Sync { fn next_revision(&self) -> FutureResult, FlowyError>; fn ack_revision(&self, rev_id: i64) -> FutureResult<(), FlowyError>; fn current_rev_id(&self) -> i64; } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct WSDataProvider { object_id: String, rev_ws_data_list: Arc>>, data_source: Arc, current_source: Arc>, } impl WSDataProvider { pub fn new(object_id: &str, data_source: Arc) -> Self { WSDataProvider { object_id: object_id.to_owned(), rev_ws_data_list: Arc::new(RwLock::new(VecDeque::new())), data_source, current_source: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Source::Custom)), } } pub async fn push_data(&self, data: ClientRevisionWSData) { self.rev_ws_data_list.write().await.push_back(data); } pub async fn next(&self) -> FlowyResult> { let source =; let data = match source { Source::Custom => match { None => { *self.current_source.write().await = Source::Revision; Ok(None) } Some(data) => Ok(Some(data.clone())), }, Source::Revision => { if ! { *self.current_source.write().await = Source::Custom; return Ok(None); } match self.data_source.next_revision().await? { Some(rev) => Ok(Some(ClientRevisionWSData::from_revisions(&self.object_id, vec![rev]))), None => Ok(Some(ClientRevisionWSData::ping( &self.object_id, self.data_source.current_rev_id(), ))), } } }; data } pub async fn ack_data(&self, id: String, _ty: ServerRevisionWSDataType) -> FlowyResult<()> { let source =; match source { Source::Custom => { let should_pop = match { None => false, Some(val) => { let expected_id =; if expected_id == id { true } else { tracing::error!("The front element's {} is not equal to the {}", expected_id, id); false } } }; if should_pop { let _ = self.rev_ws_data_list.write().await.pop_front(); } Ok(()) } Source::Revision => { let rev_id = id.parse::().map_err(|e| { FlowyError::internal().context(format!("Parse {} rev_id from {} failed. {}", self.object_id, id, e)) })?; let _ = self.data_source.ack_revision(rev_id).await?; Ok::<(), FlowyError>(()) } } } } impl ConflictRevisionSink for Arc { fn send(&self, revisions: Vec) -> BoxResultFuture<(), FlowyError> { let sink = self.clone(); Box::pin(async move { sink.push_data(ClientRevisionWSData::from_revisions(&sink.object_id, revisions)) .await; Ok(()) }) } fn ack(&self, rev_id: String, ty: ServerRevisionWSDataType) -> BoxResultFuture<(), FlowyError> { let sink = self.clone(); Box::pin(async move { sink.ack_data(rev_id, ty).await }) } }