  "appName": "AppFlowy",
  "defaultUsername": "Me",
  "welcomeText": "Welcome to @:appName",
  "githubStarText": "Star on GitHub",
  "subscribeNewsletterText": "Subscribe to Newsletter",
  "letsGoButtonText": "Let's Go",
  "title": "Title",
  "signUp": {
    "buttonText": "Sign Up",
    "title": "Sign Up to @:appName",
    "getStartedText": "Get Started",
    "emptyPasswordError": "Password can't be empty",
    "repeatPasswordEmptyError": "Repeat password can't be empty",
    "unmatchedPasswordError": "Repeat password is not the same as password",
    "alreadyHaveAnAccount": "Already have an account?",
    "emailHint": "Email",
    "passwordHint": "Password",
    "repeatPasswordHint": "Repeat password"
  "signIn": {
    "loginTitle": "Login to @:appName",
    "loginButtonText": "Login",
    "buttonText": "Sign In",
    "forgotPassword": "Forgot Password?",
    "emailHint": "Email",
    "passwordHint": "Password",
    "dontHaveAnAccount": "Don't have an account?",
    "repeatPasswordEmptyError": "Repeat password can't be empty",
    "unmatchedPasswordError": "Repeat password is not the same as password"
  "workspace": {
    "create": "Create workspace",
    "hint": "workspace",
    "notFoundError": "Workspace not found"
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    "buttonText": "Share",
    "workInProgress": "Coming soon",
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    "whatsNew": "What's new?",
    "help": "Help & Support",
    "debug": {
      "name": "Debug Info",
      "success": "Copied debug info to clipboard!",
      "fail": "Unable to copy debug info to clipboard"
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    "darkMode": "Switch to Dark mode"
  "contactsPage": {
    "title": "Contacts",
    "whatsHappening": "What's happening this week?",
    "addContact": "Add Contact",
    "editContact": "Edit Contact"
  "button": {
    "OK": "OK",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "signIn": "Sign In",
    "signOut": "Sign Out",
    "complete": "Complete",
    "save": "Save"
  "label": {
    "welcome": "Welcome!",
    "firstName": "First Name",
    "middleName": "Middle Name",
    "lastName": "Last Name",
    "stepX": "Step {X}"
  "oAuth": {
    "err": {
      "failedTitle": "Unable to connect to your account.",
      "failedMsg": "Please make sure you've completed the sign-in process in your browser."
    "google": {
      "title": "GOOGLE SIGN-IN",
      "instruction1": "In order to import your Google Contacts, you'll need to authorize this application using your web browser.",
      "instruction2": "Copy this code to your clipboard by clicking the icon or selecting the text:",
      "instruction3": "Navigate to the following link in your web browser, and enter the above code:",
      "instruction4": "Press the button below when you've completed signup:"
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