#!/bin/bash YELLOW="\e[93m" GREEN="\e[32m" RED="\e[31m" ENDCOLOR="\e[0m" printMessage() { printf "${YELLOW}AppFlowy : $1${ENDCOLOR}\n" } printSuccess() { printf "${GREEN}AppFlowy : $1${ENDCOLOR}\n" } printError() { printf "${RED}AppFlowy : $1${ENDCOLOR}\n" } # Note: This script does not install applications which are installed by the package manager. There are too many package managers out there. # Install Rust if ! rustc --version; then printMessage "The Rust programming language is required to compile AppFlowy." printMessage "It has not been detected on your system." read -p "$(printSuccess "Do you want to install Rust? [y/N]") " installrust if [ ${installrust^^} == "Y" ]; then printMessage "Installing Rust." if ! curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://win.rustup.rs/x86_64 -o rustup-init.exe; then printError "Failed to download the Rust installer" exit 1 fi start "Rust Installer" rustup-init.exe read -p "$(printSuccess "Press enter when Rust installation is done") " isDone rm rustup-init.exe $USERPROFILE/.cargo/bin/rustup toolchain install stable $USERPROFILE/.cargo/bin/rustup default stable else printMessage "Skipping Rust installation." fi else printSuccess "Rust has been detected on your system, so Rust installation has been skipped" fi printMessage "Setting up Flutter" # Get the current Flutter version FLUTTER_VERSION=$(flutter --version | grep -oP 'Flutter \K\S+') # Check if the current version is 3.16.2 if [ "$FLUTTER_VERSION" = "3.16.2" ]; then echo "Flutter version is already 3.16.2" else # Get the path to the Flutter SDK FLUTTER_PATH=$(which flutter) FLUTTER_PATH=${FLUTTER_PATH%/bin/flutter} current_dir=$(pwd) cd $FLUTTER_PATH # Use git to checkout version 3.16.2 of Flutter git checkout 3.16.2 # Get back to current working directory cd "$current_dir" echo "Switched to Flutter version 3.16.2" fi # Add pub cache and cargo to PATH powershell '[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Env:PATH + ";" + $Env:LOCALAPPDATA + "\Pub\Cache\Bin", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)' powershell '[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Env:PATH + ";" + $Env:USERPROFILE + "\.cargo\bin", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)' # Enable linux desktop flutter config --enable-windows-desktop # Fix any problems reported by flutter doctor flutter doctor # Add the githooks directory to your git configuration printMessage "Setting up githooks." git config core.hooksPath .githooks # Install go-gitlint printMessage "Installing go-gitlint." GOLINT_FILENAME="go-gitlint_1.1.0_windows_x86_64.tar.gz" if curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL https://github.com/llorllale/go-gitlint/releases/download/1.1.0/${GOLINT_FILENAME} -o ${GOLINT_FILENAME}; then tar -zxv --directory .githooks/. -f ${GOLINT_FILENAME} gitlint.exe rm ${GOLINT_FILENAME} else printError "Failed to install go-gitlint" fi # Change to the frontend directory cd frontend # Install cargo make printMessage "Installing cargo-make." $USERPROFILE/.cargo/bin/cargo install --force cargo-make # Install duckscript printMessage "Installing duckscript." $USERPROFILE/.cargo/bin/cargo install --force duckscript_cli # Enable vcpkg integration # Note: Requires admin printMessage "Setting up vcpkg." vcpkg integrate install # Check prerequisites printMessage "Checking prerequisites." PATH="$PATH;$LOCALAPPDATA\Pub\Cache\bin" bash -c '$USERPROFILE/.cargo/bin/cargo make appflowy-flutter-deps-tools'