import reactLogo from "./assets/react.svg"; import viteLogo from "/vite.svg"; import "./App.css"; import { useEffect } from "react"; import { initApp } from "@/application/app.ts"; import { subscribeNotification } from "@/application/notification.ts"; import { NotifyArgs } from "./@types/global"; import { init_tracing_log, init_wasm_core } from "../wasm-libs/af-wasm/pkg"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import {AddUserPB, UserWasmEventAddUser} from "@/services/backend/events/user"; init_tracing_log(); // FIXME: handle the promise that init_wasm_core returns init_wasm_core(); function App() { useEffect(() => { initApp(); return subscribeNotification((event: NotifyArgs) => { console.log(event); }); }, []); const handleClick = async () => { let email = `${uuidv4()}`; let password = "AppFlowy!2024"; const payload = AddUserPB.fromObject({email: email, password: password }) let result = await UserWasmEventAddUser(payload); if (!result.ok) { } }; return ( <>
Vite logo React logo

Vite + React

Edit src/App.tsx and save to test HMR

Click on the Vite and React logos to learn more

); } export default App;