library document_plugin; import 'package:app_flowy/generated/locale_keys.g.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/plugins/util.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/startup/plugin/plugin.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/startup/startup.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/workspace/application/appearance.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/plugins/doc/application/share_bloc.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/workspace/presentation/home/home_stack.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/workspace/presentation/home/toast.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/workspace/presentation/widgets/left_bar_item.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/workspace/presentation/widgets/dialogs.dart'; import 'package:app_flowy/workspace/presentation/widgets/pop_up_action.dart'; import 'package:clipboard/clipboard.dart'; import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart' as dartz; import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:flowy_infra/size.dart'; import 'package:flowy_infra_ui/flowy_infra_ui.dart'; import 'package:flowy_infra_ui/widget/rounded_button.dart'; import 'package:flowy_sdk/log.dart'; import 'package:flowy_sdk/protobuf/flowy-error/errors.pb.dart'; import 'package:flowy_sdk/protobuf/flowy-folder/view.pb.dart'; import 'package:flowy_sdk/protobuf/flowy-text-block/entities.pb.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'document_page.dart'; class DocumentPluginBuilder extends PluginBuilder { @override Plugin build(dynamic data) { if (data is ViewPB) { return DocumentPlugin(pluginType: pluginType, view: data); } else { throw FlowyPluginException.invalidData; } } @override String get menuName =>; @override PluginType get pluginType => PluginType.editor; @override ViewDataTypePB get dataType => ViewDataTypePB.Text; } class DocumentPlugin extends Plugin { late PluginType _pluginType; @override final ViewPluginNotifier notifier; DocumentPlugin({ required PluginType pluginType, required ViewPB view, Key? key, }) : notifier = ViewPluginNotifier(view: view) { _pluginType = pluginType; } @override PluginDisplay get display => DocumentPluginDisplay(notifier: notifier); @override PluginType get ty => _pluginType; @override PluginId get id =>; } class DocumentPluginDisplay extends PluginDisplay with NavigationItem { final ViewPluginNotifier notifier; ViewPB get view => notifier.view; DocumentPluginDisplay({required this.notifier, Key? key}); @override Widget buildWidget(PluginContext context) => DocumentPage( view: view, onDeleted: () => context.onDeleted(view), key: ValueKey(, ); @override Widget get leftBarItem => ViewLeftBarItem(view: view); @override Widget? get rightBarItem => DocumentShareButton(view: view); @override List get navigationItems => [this]; } class DocumentShareButton extends StatelessWidget { final ViewPB view; DocumentShareButton({Key? key, required this.view}) : super(key: ValueKey(view.hashCode)); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { double buttonWidth = 60; return BlocProvider( create: (context) => getIt(param1: view), child: BlocListener( listener: (context, state) { initial: (_) {}, loading: (_) {}, finish: (state) { state.successOrFail.fold( _handleExportData, _handleExportError, ); }, ); }, child: BlocBuilder( builder: (context, state) { return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( value: Provider.of(context, listen: true), child: Selector( selector: (ctx, notifier) => notifier.locale, builder: (ctx, _, child) => ConstrainedBox( constraints: const BoxConstraints.expand( height: 30, // minWidth: buttonWidth, width: 100, ), child: RoundedTextButton( title:, fontSize: 12, borderRadius: Corners.s6Border, color: Colors.lightBlue, onPressed: () => _showActionList( context, Offset(-(buttonWidth / 2), 10)), ), ), ), ); }, ), ), ); } void _handleExportData(ExportDataPB exportData) { switch (exportData.exportType) { case ExportType.Link: break; case ExportType.Markdown: FlutterClipboard.copy( .then((value) =>'copied to clipboard')); break; case ExportType.Text: break; } } void _handleExportError(FlowyError error) {} void _showActionList(BuildContext context, Offset offset) { final actionList = ShareActions(onSelected: (result) { result.fold(() {}, (action) { switch (action) { case ShareAction.markdown: context .read() .add(const DocShareEvent.shareMarkdown()); showMessageToast( 'Exported to: ${}'); break; case ShareAction.copyLink: NavigatorAlertDialog( title: .show(context); break; } }); }); context, anchorDirection: AnchorDirection.bottomWithCenterAligned, anchorOffset: offset, ); } } class ShareActions with ActionList, FlowyOverlayDelegate { final Function(dartz.Option) onSelected; final _items = => ShareActionWrapper(action)).toList(); ShareActions({required this.onSelected}); @override double get maxWidth => 130; @override double get itemHeight => 22; @override List get items => _items; @override void Function(dartz.Option p1) get selectCallback => (result) { result.fold( () => onSelected(dartz.none()), (wrapper) => onSelected( dartz.some(wrapper.inner), ), ); }; @override FlowyOverlayDelegate? get delegate => this; @override void didRemove() => onSelected(dartz.none()); } enum ShareAction { markdown, copyLink, } class ShareActionWrapper extends ActionItem { final ShareAction inner; ShareActionWrapper(this.inner); @override Widget? get icon => null; @override String get name =>; } extension QuestionBubbleExtension on ShareAction { String get name { switch (this) { case ShareAction.markdown: return; case ShareAction.copyLink: return; } } }