use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::string::ToString; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicI64, Ordering}; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use base64::alphabet::URL_SAFE; use base64::engine::general_purpose::PAD; use base64::engine::GeneralPurpose; use collab_user::core::MutexUserAwareness; use serde_json::Value; use tokio::sync::{Mutex, RwLock}; use tokio_stream::StreamExt; use tracing::{debug, error, event, info, instrument}; use collab_integrate::collab_builder::AppFlowyCollabBuilder; use collab_integrate::RocksCollabDB; use flowy_error::{internal_error, ErrorCode, FlowyResult}; use flowy_server_config::AuthenticatorType; use flowy_sqlite::kv::StorePreferences; use flowy_sqlite::schema::user_table; use flowy_sqlite::ConnectionPool; use flowy_sqlite::{query_dsl::*, DBConnection, ExpressionMethods}; use flowy_user_deps::cloud::UserUpdate; use flowy_user_deps::entities::*; use lib_dispatch::prelude::af_spawn; use lib_infra::box_any::BoxAny; use crate::anon_user_upgrade::{ migration_anon_user_on_sign_up, sync_af_user_data_to_cloud, sync_supabase_user_data_to_cloud, }; use crate::entities::{AuthStateChangedPB, AuthStatePB, UserProfilePB, UserSettingPB}; use crate::event_map::{DefaultUserStatusCallback, UserCloudServiceProvider, UserStatusCallback}; use crate::migrations::document_empty_content::HistoricalEmptyDocumentMigration; use crate::migrations::migration::{UserDataMigration, UserLocalDataMigration}; use crate::migrations::session_migration::migrate_session_with_user_uuid; use crate::migrations::workspace_and_favorite_v1::FavoriteV1AndWorkspaceArrayMigration; use crate::migrations::workspace_trash_v1::WorkspaceTrashMapToSectionMigration; use crate::migrations::MigrationUser; use crate::services::cloud_config::get_cloud_config; use crate::services::collab_interact::{CollabInteract, DefaultCollabInteract}; use crate::services::db::{UserDB, UserDBPath}; use crate::services::entities::{ResumableSignUp, Session}; use crate::services::user_awareness::UserAwarenessDataSource; use crate::services::user_sql::{UserTable, UserTableChangeset}; use crate::services::user_workspace::save_user_workspaces; use crate::{errors::FlowyError, notification::*}; pub const URL_SAFE_ENGINE: GeneralPurpose = GeneralPurpose::new(&URL_SAFE, PAD); pub struct UserConfig { /// Used to store the user data storage_path: String, /// application_path is the path of the application binary. By default, the /// storage_path is the same as the application_path. However, when the user /// choose a custom path for the user data, the storage_path will be different from /// the application_path. application_path: String, pub device_id: String, /// Used as the key of `Session` when saving session information to KV. pub(crate) session_cache_key: String, } impl UserConfig { /// The `root_dir` represents as the root of the user folders. It must be unique for each /// users. pub fn new(name: &str, storage_path: &str, application_path: &str, device_id: &str) -> Self { let session_cache_key = format!("{}_session_cache", name); Self { storage_path: storage_path.to_owned(), application_path: application_path.to_owned(), session_cache_key, device_id: device_id.to_owned(), } } /// Returns bool whether the user choose a custom path for the user data. pub fn is_custom_storage_path(&self) -> bool { !self.storage_path.contains(&self.application_path) } } pub struct UserManager { database: Arc, user_paths: UserPaths, pub(crate) user_config: UserConfig, pub(crate) cloud_services: Arc, pub(crate) store_preferences: Arc, pub(crate) user_awareness: Arc>>, pub(crate) user_status_callback: RwLock>, pub(crate) collab_builder: Weak, pub(crate) collab_interact: RwLock>, resumable_sign_up: Mutex>, current_session: Arc>>, refresh_user_profile_since: AtomicI64, } impl UserManager { pub fn new( user_config: UserConfig, cloud_services: Arc, store_preferences: Arc, collab_builder: Weak, ) -> Arc { let user_paths = UserPaths::new(user_config.storage_path.clone()); let database = Arc::new(UserDB::new(user_paths.clone())); let user_status_callback: RwLock> = RwLock::new(Arc::new(DefaultUserStatusCallback)); let current_session = Arc::new(parking_lot::RwLock::new(None)); migrate_session_with_user_uuid(&user_config, ¤t_session, &store_preferences); let refresh_user_profile_since = AtomicI64::new(0); let user_manager = Arc::new(Self { database, user_paths, user_config, cloud_services, store_preferences, user_awareness: Arc::new(Default::default()), user_status_callback, collab_builder, collab_interact: RwLock::new(Arc::new(DefaultCollabInteract)), resumable_sign_up: Default::default(), current_session, refresh_user_profile_since, }); let weak_user_manager = Arc::downgrade(&user_manager); if let Ok(user_service) = user_manager.cloud_services.get_user_service() { if let Some(mut rx) = user_service.subscribe_user_update() { af_spawn(async move { while let Some(update) = rx.recv().await { if let Some(user_manager) = weak_user_manager.upgrade() { if let Err(err) = user_manager.handler_user_update(update).await { error!("handler_user_update failed: {:?}", err); } } } }); } } user_manager } pub fn close_db(&self) { if let Ok(session) = self.get_session() { if let Err(err) = self.database.close(session.user_id) { error!("Close db failed: {:?}", err); } } } pub fn get_store_preferences(&self) -> Weak { Arc::downgrade(&self.store_preferences) } /// Initializes the user session, including data migrations and user awareness configuration. This function /// will be invoked each time the user opens the application. /// /// Starts by retrieving the current session. If the session is successfully obtained, it will attempt /// a local data migration for the user. After ensuring the user's data is migrated and up-to-date, /// the function will set up the collaboration configuration and initialize the user's awareness. Upon successful /// completion, a user status callback is invoked to signify that the initialization process is complete. #[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, err)] pub async fn init( &self, user_status_callback: C, collab_interact: I, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let user_status_callback = Arc::new(user_status_callback); *self.user_status_callback.write().await = user_status_callback.clone(); *self.collab_interact.write().await = Arc::new(collab_interact); if let Ok(session) = self.get_session() { let user = self.get_user_profile_from_disk(session.user_id).await?; // Get the current authenticator from the environment variable let current_authenticator = current_authenticator(); // If the current authenticator is different from the authenticator in the session and it's // not a local authenticator, we need to sign out the user. if user.authenticator != Authenticator::Local && user.authenticator != current_authenticator { event!( tracing::Level::INFO, "Authenticator changed from {:?} to {:?}", user.authenticator, current_authenticator ); self.sign_out().await?; return Ok(()); } event!( tracing::Level::INFO, "init user session: {}:{}", user.uid, ); // Set the token if the current cloud service using token to authenticate // Currently, only the AppFlowy cloud using token to init the client api. if let Err(err) = self.cloud_services.set_token(&user.token) { error!("Set token failed: {}", err); } // Subscribe the token state let weak_pool = Arc::downgrade(&self.db_pool(user.uid)?); if let Some(mut token_state_rx) = self.cloud_services.subscribe_token_state() { event!(tracing::Level::DEBUG, "Listen token state change"); let user_uid = user.uid; let user_token = user.token.clone(); af_spawn(async move { while let Some(token_state) = { debug!("Token state changed: {:?}", token_state); match token_state { UserTokenState::Refresh { token } => { // Only save the token if the token is different from the current token if token != user_token { if let Some(pool) = weak_pool.upgrade() { // Save the new token if let Err(err) = save_user_token(user_uid, pool, token) { error!("Save user token failed: {}", err); } } } }, UserTokenState::Invalid => {}, } } }); } self.prepare_user(&session).await; self.prepare_backup(&session).await; // Do the user data migration if needed event!(tracing::Level::INFO, "Prepare user data migration"); match ( self.database.get_collab_db(session.user_id), self.database.get_pool(session.user_id), ) { (Ok(collab_db), Ok(sqlite_pool)) => { // ⚠️The order of migrations is crucial. If you're adding a new migration, please ensure // it's appended to the end of the list. let migrations: Vec> = vec![ Box::new(HistoricalEmptyDocumentMigration), Box::new(FavoriteV1AndWorkspaceArrayMigration), Box::new(WorkspaceTrashMapToSectionMigration), ]; match UserLocalDataMigration::new(session.clone(), collab_db, sqlite_pool) .run(migrations, &user.authenticator) { Ok(applied_migrations) => { if !applied_migrations.is_empty() { info!("Did apply migrations: {:?}", applied_migrations); } }, Err(e) => error!("User data migration failed: {:?}", e), } }, _ => error!("Failed to get collab db or sqlite pool"), } // Init the user awareness self .initialize_user_awareness(&session, UserAwarenessDataSource::Local) .await; let cloud_config = get_cloud_config(session.user_id, &self.store_preferences); if let Err(e) = user_status_callback .did_init( session.user_id, &cloud_config, &session.user_workspace, &self.user_config.device_id, ) .await { error!("Failed to call did_init callback: {:?}", e); } } Ok(()) } pub fn db_connection(&self, uid: i64) -> Result { self.database.get_connection(uid) } pub fn db_pool(&self, uid: i64) -> Result, FlowyError> { self.database.get_pool(uid) } pub fn get_collab_db(&self, uid: i64) -> Result, FlowyError> { self .database .get_collab_db(uid) .map(|collab_db| Arc::downgrade(&collab_db)) } /// Performs a user sign-in, initializing user awareness and sending relevant notifications. /// /// This asynchronous function interacts with an external user service to authenticate and sign in a user /// based on provided parameters. Once signed in, it updates the collaboration configuration, logs the user, /// saves their workspaces, and initializes their user awareness. /// /// A sign-in notification is also sent after a successful sign-in. /// #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, params))] pub async fn sign_in( &self, params: SignInParams, authenticator: Authenticator, ) -> Result { self.update_authenticator(&authenticator).await; let response: AuthResponse = self .cloud_services .get_user_service()? .sign_in(BoxAny::new(params)) .await?; let session = Session::from(&response); self.prepare_user(&session).await; let latest_workspace = response.latest_workspace.clone(); let user_profile = UserProfile::from((&response, &authenticator)); self .save_auth_data(&response, &authenticator, &session) .await?; let _ = self .initialize_user_awareness(&session, UserAwarenessDataSource::Remote) .await; if let Err(e) = self .user_status_callback .read() .await .did_sign_in( user_profile.uid, &latest_workspace, &self.user_config.device_id, ) .await { error!("Failed to call did_sign_in callback: {:?}", e); } send_auth_state_notification(AuthStateChangedPB { state: AuthStatePB::AuthStateSignIn, message: "Sign in success".to_string(), }) .send(); Ok(user_profile) } pub(crate) async fn update_authenticator(&self, authenticator: &Authenticator) { self .user_status_callback .read() .await .authenticator_did_changed(authenticator.clone()); self.cloud_services.set_authenticator(authenticator.clone()); } /// Manages the user sign-up process, potentially migrating data if necessary. /// /// This asynchronous function interacts with an external authentication service to register and sign up a user /// based on the provided parameters. Following a successful sign-up, it handles configuration updates, logging, /// and saving workspace information. If a user is signing up with a new profile and previously had guest data, /// this function may migrate that data over to the new account. /// #[tracing::instrument(level = "info", skip(self, params))] pub async fn sign_up( &self, authenticator: Authenticator, params: BoxAny, ) -> Result { // sign out the current user if there is one let migration_user = self.get_migration_user(&authenticator).await; self.update_authenticator(&authenticator).await; let auth_service = self.cloud_services.get_user_service()?; let response: AuthResponse = auth_service.sign_up(params).await?; let new_user_profile = UserProfile::from((&response, &authenticator)); if new_user_profile.encryption_type.require_encrypt_secret() { self .resumable_sign_up .lock() .await .replace(ResumableSignUp { user_profile: new_user_profile.clone(), migration_user, response, authenticator, }); } else { self .continue_sign_up(&new_user_profile, migration_user, response, &authenticator) .await?; } Ok(new_user_profile) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "info", skip(self))] pub async fn resume_sign_up(&self) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let ResumableSignUp { user_profile, migration_user, response, authenticator, } = self .resumable_sign_up .lock() .await .clone() .ok_or(FlowyError::new( ErrorCode::Internal, "No resumable sign up data", ))?; self .continue_sign_up(&user_profile, migration_user, response, &authenticator) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "info", skip_all, err)] async fn continue_sign_up( &self, new_user_profile: &UserProfile, migration_user: Option, response: AuthResponse, authenticator: &Authenticator, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { let new_session = Session::from(&response); self.prepare_user(&new_session).await; let user_awareness_source = if response.is_new_user { UserAwarenessDataSource::Local } else { UserAwarenessDataSource::Remote }; if response.is_new_user { if let Some(old_user) = migration_user { let new_user = MigrationUser { user_profile: new_user_profile.clone(), session: new_session.clone(), }; event!( tracing::Level::INFO, "Migrate anon user data from {:?} to {:?}", old_user.user_profile.uid, new_user.user_profile.uid ); self .migrate_anon_user_data_to_cloud(&old_user, &new_user, authenticator) .await?; let _ = self.database.close(old_user.session.user_id); } } self .initialize_user_awareness(&new_session, user_awareness_source) .await; self .save_auth_data(&response, authenticator, &new_session) .await?; self .user_status_callback .read() .await .did_sign_up( response.is_new_user, new_user_profile, &new_session.user_workspace, &self.user_config.device_id, ) .await?; send_auth_state_notification(AuthStateChangedPB { state: AuthStatePB::AuthStateSignIn, message: "Sign up success".to_string(), }) .send(); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "info", skip(self))] pub async fn sign_out(&self) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { if let Ok(session) = self.get_session() { self.database.close(session.user_id)?; self.set_session(None)?; let server = self.cloud_services.get_user_service()?; if let Err(err) = server.sign_out(None).await { event!(tracing::Level::ERROR, "{:?}", err); } } Ok(()) } /// Updates the user's profile with the given parameters. /// /// This function modifies the user's profile based on the provided update parameters. After updating, it /// sends a notification about the change. It's also responsible for handling interactions with the underlying /// database and updates user profile. /// #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn update_user_profile( &self, params: UpdateUserProfileParams, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let changeset = UserTableChangeset::new(params.clone()); let session = self.get_session()?; upsert_user_profile_change(session.user_id, self.db_pool(session.user_id)?, changeset)?; let profile = self.get_user_profile_from_disk(session.user_id).await?; self .update_user(session.user_id, profile.token, params) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn init_user(&self) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { Ok(()) } pub async fn prepare_user(&self, session: &Session) { let _ = self.database.close(session.user_id); self.set_collab_config(session); } pub async fn prepare_backup(&self, session: &Session) { // Ensure to backup user data if a cloud drive is used for storage. While using a cloud drive // for storing user data is not advised due to potential data corruption risks, in scenarios where // users opt for cloud storage, the application should automatically create a backup of the user // data. This backup should be in the form of a zip file and stored locally on the user's disk // for safety and data integrity purposes if self.user_config.is_custom_storage_path() { self .database .backup_or_restore(session.user_id, &; } else { self .database .restore_if_need(session.user_id, &; } } /// Fetches the user profile for the given user ID. pub async fn get_user_profile_from_disk(&self, uid: i64) -> Result { let user: UserProfile = user_table::dsl::user_table .filter(user_table::id.eq(&uid.to_string())) .first::(&mut *(self.db_connection(uid)?)) .map_err(|err| { FlowyError::record_not_found().with_context(format!( "Can't find the user profile for user id: {}, error: {:?}", uid, err )) })? .into(); Ok(user) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "info", skip_all, err)] pub async fn refresh_user_profile(&self, old_user_profile: &UserProfile) -> FlowyResult<()> { // If the user is a local user, no need to refresh the user profile if old_user_profile.authenticator.is_local() { return Ok(()); } let now = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp(); // Add debounce to avoid too many requests if now - self.refresh_user_profile_since.load(Ordering::SeqCst) < 5 { return Ok(()); }, Ordering::SeqCst); let uid = old_user_profile.uid; let result: Result = self .cloud_services .get_user_service()? .get_user_profile(UserCredentials::from_uid(uid)) .await; match result { Ok(new_user_profile) => { // If the user profile is updated, save the new user profile if new_user_profile.updated_at > old_user_profile.updated_at { validate_encryption_sign(old_user_profile, &new_user_profile.encryption_type.sign()); // Save the new user profile let changeset = UserTableChangeset::from_user_profile(new_user_profile); let _ = upsert_user_profile_change(uid, self.database.get_pool(uid)?, changeset); } Ok(()) }, Err(err) => { if err.is_local_version_not_support() { return Ok(()); } // If the user is not found, notify the frontend to logout if err.is_unauthorized() { event!( tracing::Level::ERROR, "User is unauthorized, sign out the user" ); self.sign_out().await?; send_auth_state_notification(AuthStateChangedPB { state: AuthStatePB::InvalidAuth, message: "User is not found on the server".to_string(), }) .send(); } Err(err) }, } } #[instrument(level = "info", skip_all)] pub fn user_dir(&self, uid: i64) -> String { self.user_paths.user_data_dir(uid) } pub fn user_setting(&self) -> Result { let session = self.get_session()?; let user_setting = UserSettingPB { user_folder: self.user_dir(session.user_id), }; Ok(user_setting) } pub fn user_id(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.get_session()?.user_id) } pub fn workspace_id(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.get_session()? } pub fn token(&self) -> Result, FlowyError> { Ok(None) } async fn update_user( &self, uid: i64, token: String, params: UpdateUserProfileParams, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let server = self.cloud_services.get_user_service()?; af_spawn(async move { let credentials = UserCredentials::new(Some(token), Some(uid), None); server.update_user(credentials, params).await }) .await .map_err(internal_error)??; Ok(()) } async fn save_user(&self, uid: i64, user: UserTable) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let mut conn = self.db_connection(uid)?; conn.immediate_transaction(|conn| { // delete old user if exists diesel::delete(user_table::dsl::user_table.filter(user_table::dsl::id.eq(& .execute(conn)?; let _ = diesel::insert_into(user_table::table) .values(user) .execute(conn)?; Ok::<(), FlowyError>(()) })?; Ok(()) } pub async fn receive_realtime_event(&self, json: Value) { if let Ok(user_service) = self.cloud_services.get_user_service() { user_service.receive_realtime_event(json) } } /// Returns the current user session. pub fn get_session(&self) -> Result { if let Some(session) = ( { return Ok(session); } match self .store_preferences .get_object::(&self.user_config.session_cache_key) { None => Err(FlowyError::new( ErrorCode::RecordNotFound, "User is not logged in", )), Some(session) => { self.current_session.write().replace(session.clone()); Ok(session) }, } } pub(crate) fn set_session(&self, session: Option) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { debug!("Set current user: {:?}", session); match &session { None => { self.current_session.write().take(); self .store_preferences .remove(&self.user_config.session_cache_key) }, Some(session) => { self.current_session.write().replace(session.clone()); self .store_preferences .set_object(&self.user_config.session_cache_key, session.clone()) .map_err(internal_error)?; }, } Ok(()) } pub(crate) async fn generate_sign_in_url_with_email( &self, authenticator: &Authenticator, email: &str, ) -> Result { self.update_authenticator(authenticator).await; let auth_service = self.cloud_services.get_user_service()?; let url = auth_service .generate_sign_in_url_with_email(email) .await .map_err(|err| FlowyError::server_error().with_context(err))?; Ok(url) } pub(crate) async fn generate_oauth_url( &self, oauth_provider: &str, ) -> Result { self .update_authenticator(&Authenticator::AppFlowyCloud) .await; let auth_service = self.cloud_services.get_user_service()?; let url = auth_service .generate_oauth_url_with_provider(oauth_provider) .await?; Ok(url) } #[instrument(level = "info", skip_all, err)] async fn save_auth_data( &self, response: &impl UserAuthResponse, authenticator: &Authenticator, session: &Session, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let user_profile = UserProfile::from((response, authenticator)); let uid = user_profile.uid; if authenticator.is_local() { event!(tracing::Level::DEBUG, "Save new anon user: {:?}", uid); self.set_anon_user(session.clone()); } save_user_workspaces(uid, self.db_pool(uid)?, response.user_workspaces())?; event!(tracing::Level::INFO, "Save new user profile to disk"); self .save_user(uid, (user_profile, authenticator.clone()).into()) .await?; self.set_session(Some(session.clone()))?; Ok(()) } fn set_collab_config(&self, session: &Session) { let collab_builder = self.collab_builder.upgrade().unwrap(); collab_builder.initialize(; } async fn handler_user_update(&self, user_update: UserUpdate) -> FlowyResult<()> { let session = self.get_session()?; if session.user_id == user_update.uid { debug!("Receive user update: {:?}", user_update); let user_profile = self.get_user_profile_from_disk(user_update.uid).await?; if !validate_encryption_sign(&user_profile, &user_update.encryption_sign) { return Ok(()); } // Save the user profile change upsert_user_profile_change( user_update.uid, self.db_pool(user_update.uid)?, UserTableChangeset::from(user_update), )?; } Ok(()) } async fn migrate_anon_user_data_to_cloud( &self, old_user: &MigrationUser, new_user: &MigrationUser, authenticator: &Authenticator, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let old_collab_db = self.database.get_collab_db(old_user.session.user_id)?; let new_collab_db = self.database.get_collab_db(new_user.session.user_id)?; migration_anon_user_on_sign_up( old_user, &old_collab_db, new_user, &new_collab_db, authenticator, )?; match authenticator { Authenticator::Supabase => { if let Err(err) = sync_supabase_user_data_to_cloud( self.cloud_services.get_user_service()?, &self.user_config.device_id, new_user, &new_collab_db, ) .await { error!("Sync user data to cloud failed: {:?}", err); } }, Authenticator::AppFlowyCloud => { if let Err(err) = sync_af_user_data_to_cloud( self.cloud_services.get_user_service()?, &self.user_config.device_id, new_user, &new_collab_db, ) .await { error!("Sync user data to cloud failed: {:?}", err); } }, _ => {}, } // Save the old user workspace setting. save_user_workspaces( old_user.session.user_id, self.database.get_pool(old_user.session.user_id)?, &[old_user.session.user_workspace.clone()], )?; Ok(()) } } fn current_authenticator() -> Authenticator { match AuthenticatorType::from_env() { AuthenticatorType::Local => Authenticator::Local, AuthenticatorType::Supabase => Authenticator::Supabase, AuthenticatorType::AppFlowyCloud => Authenticator::AppFlowyCloud, } } fn validate_encryption_sign(user_profile: &UserProfile, encryption_sign: &str) -> bool { // If the local user profile's encryption sign is not equal to the user update's encryption sign, // which means the user enable encryption in another device, we should logout the current user. let is_valid = user_profile.encryption_type.sign() == encryption_sign; if !is_valid { send_auth_state_notification(AuthStateChangedPB { state: AuthStatePB::InvalidAuth, message: "Encryption configuration was changed".to_string(), }) .send(); } is_valid } fn upsert_user_profile_change( uid: i64, pool: Arc, changeset: UserTableChangeset, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { event!( tracing::Level::DEBUG, "Update user profile with changeset: {:?}", changeset ); let mut conn = pool.get()?; diesel_update_table!(user_table, changeset, &mut *conn); let user: UserProfile = user_table::dsl::user_table .filter(user_table::id.eq(&uid.to_string())) .first::(&mut *conn)? .into(); send_notification(&uid.to_string(), UserNotification::DidUpdateUserProfile) .payload(UserProfilePB::from(user)) .send(); Ok(()) } #[instrument(level = "info", skip_all, err)] fn save_user_token(uid: i64, pool: Arc, token: String) -> FlowyResult<()> { let params = UpdateUserProfileParams::new(uid).with_token(token); let changeset = UserTableChangeset::new(params); upsert_user_profile_change(uid, pool, changeset) } #[derive(Clone)] struct UserPaths { root: String, } impl UserPaths { fn new(root: String) -> Self { Self { root } } /// Returns the path to the user's data directory. fn user_data_dir(&self, uid: i64) -> String { format!("{}/{}", self.root, uid) } } impl UserDBPath for UserPaths { fn user_db_path(&self, uid: i64) -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from(self.user_data_dir(uid)) } fn collab_db_path(&self, uid: i64) -> PathBuf { let mut path = PathBuf::from(self.user_data_dir(uid)); path.push("collab_db"); path } fn collab_db_history(&self, uid: i64, create_if_not_exist: bool) -> std::io::Result { let path = PathBuf::from(self.user_data_dir(uid)).join("collab_db_history"); if !path.exists() && create_if_not_exist { fs::create_dir_all(&path)?; } Ok(path) } }