use crate::entities::icon::UpdateViewIconParams; use crate::entities::{ view_pb_with_child_views, view_pb_without_child_views, view_pb_without_child_views_from_arc, CreateViewParams, CreateWorkspaceParams, DeletedViewPB, DuplicateViewParams, FolderSnapshotPB, MoveNestedViewParams, RepeatedTrashPB, RepeatedViewIdPB, RepeatedViewPB, UpdateViewParams, ViewLayoutPB, ViewPB, ViewSectionPB, WorkspacePB, WorkspaceSettingPB, }; use crate::manager_observer::{ notify_child_views_changed, notify_did_update_workspace, notify_parent_view_did_change, ChildViewChangeReason, }; use crate::notification::{ send_current_workspace_notification, send_notification, FolderNotification, }; use crate::publish_util::{generate_publish_name, view_pb_to_publish_view}; use crate::share::{ImportParams, ImportValue}; use crate::util::{ folder_not_init_error, insert_parent_child_views, workspace_data_not_sync_error, }; use crate::view_operation::{ create_view, EncodedCollabWrapper, FolderOperationHandler, FolderOperationHandlers, }; use arc_swap::ArcSwapOption; use collab::core::collab::DataSource; use collab_entity::{CollabType, EncodedCollab}; use collab_folder::{ Folder, FolderData, FolderNotify, Section, SectionItem, TrashInfo, View, ViewLayout, ViewUpdate, Workspace, }; use collab_integrate::collab_builder::{ AppFlowyCollabBuilder, CollabBuilderConfig, KVDBCollabPersistenceImpl, }; use collab_integrate::CollabKVDB; use flowy_error::{internal_error, ErrorCode, FlowyError, FlowyResult}; use flowy_folder_pub::cloud::{gen_view_id, FolderCloudService, FolderCollabParams}; use flowy_folder_pub::entities::{ PublishDatabaseData, PublishDatabasePayload, PublishDocumentPayload, PublishInfoResponse, PublishPayload, PublishViewInfo, PublishViewMeta, PublishViewMetaData, }; use flowy_folder_pub::folder_builder::ParentChildViews; use flowy_search_pub::entities::FolderIndexManager; use flowy_sqlite::kv::KVStorePreferences; use futures::future; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter}; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use tracing::{error, info, instrument}; pub trait FolderUser: Send + Sync { fn user_id(&self) -> Result<i64, FlowyError>; fn workspace_id(&self) -> Result<String, FlowyError>; fn collab_db(&self, uid: i64) -> Result<Weak<CollabKVDB>, FlowyError>; fn is_folder_exist_on_disk(&self, uid: i64, workspace_id: &str) -> FlowyResult<bool>; } pub struct FolderManager { //FIXME: there's no sense in having a mutex_folder behind an RwLock. It's being obtained multiple // times in the same function. FolderManager itself should be hidden behind RwLock if necessary. // Unfortunately, this would require a changing the SyncPlugin architecture which requires access // to Arc<RwLock<BorrowMut<Collab>>>. Eventually SyncPlugin should be refactored. /// MutexFolder is the folder that is used to store the data. pub(crate) mutex_folder: ArcSwapOption<RwLock<Folder>>, pub(crate) collab_builder: Arc<AppFlowyCollabBuilder>, pub(crate) user: Arc<dyn FolderUser>, pub(crate) operation_handlers: FolderOperationHandlers, pub cloud_service: Arc<dyn FolderCloudService>, pub(crate) folder_indexer: Arc<dyn FolderIndexManager>, pub(crate) store_preferences: Arc<KVStorePreferences>, } impl FolderManager { pub fn new( user: Arc<dyn FolderUser>, collab_builder: Arc<AppFlowyCollabBuilder>, operation_handlers: FolderOperationHandlers, cloud_service: Arc<dyn FolderCloudService>, folder_indexer: Arc<dyn FolderIndexManager>, store_preferences: Arc<KVStorePreferences>, ) -> FlowyResult<Self> { let manager = Self { user, mutex_folder: Default::default(), collab_builder, operation_handlers, cloud_service, folder_indexer, store_preferences, }; Ok(manager) } #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn get_current_workspace(&self) -> FlowyResult<WorkspacePB> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => { let uid = self.user.user_id()?; Err(workspace_data_not_sync_error(uid, &workspace_id)) }, Some(lock) => { let folder =; let workspace_pb_from_workspace = |workspace: Workspace, folder: &Folder| { let views = get_workspace_public_view_pbs(&workspace_id, folder); let workspace: WorkspacePB = (workspace, views).into(); Ok::<WorkspacePB, FlowyError>(workspace) }; match folder.get_workspace_info(&workspace_id) { None => Err(FlowyError::record_not_found().with_context("Can not find the workspace")), Some(workspace) => workspace_pb_from_workspace(workspace, &folder), } }, } } /// Return a list of views of the current workspace. /// Only the first level of child views are included. pub async fn get_current_workspace_public_views(&self) -> FlowyResult<Vec<ViewPB>> { let views = self.get_workspace_public_views().await?; Ok(views) } pub async fn get_workspace_public_views(&self) -> FlowyResult<Vec<ViewPB>> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => Ok(Vec::default()), Some(lock) => { let folder =; Ok(get_workspace_public_view_pbs(&workspace_id, &folder)) }, } } pub async fn get_workspace_private_views(&self) -> FlowyResult<Vec<ViewPB>> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => Ok(Vec::default()), Some(folder) => { let folder =; Ok(get_workspace_private_view_pbs(&workspace_id, &folder)) }, } } #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, err)] pub(crate) async fn make_folder<T: Into<Option<FolderNotify>>>( &self, uid: i64, workspace_id: &str, collab_db: Weak<CollabKVDB>, data_source: Option<DataSource>, folder_notifier: T, ) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<Folder>>, FlowyError> { let folder_notifier = folder_notifier.into(); // only need the check the workspace id when the doc state is not from the disk. let config = CollabBuilderConfig::default().sync_enable(true); let data_source = data_source .unwrap_or_else(|| KVDBCollabPersistenceImpl::new(collab_db.clone(), uid).into_data_source()); let object_id = workspace_id; let collab_object = self .collab_builder .collab_object(workspace_id, uid, object_id, CollabType::Folder)?; let result = self.collab_builder.create_folder( collab_object, data_source, collab_db, config, folder_notifier, None, ); // If opening the folder fails due to missing required data (indicated by a `FolderError::NoRequiredData`), // the function logs an informational message and attempts to clear the folder data by deleting its // document from the collaborative database. It then returns the encountered error. match result { Ok(folder) => Ok(folder), Err(err) => { info!( "Clear the folder data and try to open the folder again due to: {}", err ); if let Some(db) = self.user.collab_db(uid).ok().and_then(|a| a.upgrade()) { let _ = db.delete_doc(uid, workspace_id).await; } Err(err.into()) }, } } pub(crate) async fn create_empty_collab( &self, uid: i64, workspace_id: &str, collab_db: Weak<CollabKVDB>, notifier: Option<FolderNotify>, folder_data: Option<FolderData>, ) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<Folder>>, FlowyError> { let object_id = workspace_id; let collab_object = self .collab_builder .collab_object(workspace_id, uid, object_id, CollabType::Folder)?; let doc_state = KVDBCollabPersistenceImpl::new(collab_db.clone(), uid).into_data_source(); let folder = self.collab_builder.create_folder( collab_object, doc_state, collab_db, CollabBuilderConfig::default().sync_enable(true), notifier, folder_data, )?; Ok(folder) } /// Initialize the folder with the given workspace id. /// Fetch the folder updates from the cloud service and initialize the folder. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, user_id), err)] pub async fn initialize_with_workspace_id(&self, user_id: i64) -> FlowyResult<()> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; let object_id = &workspace_id; let is_exist = self .user .is_folder_exist_on_disk(user_id, &workspace_id) .unwrap_or(false); if is_exist { self .initialize( user_id, &workspace_id, FolderInitDataSource::LocalDisk { create_if_not_exist: false, }, ) .await?; } else { let folder_doc_state = self .cloud_service .get_folder_doc_state(&workspace_id, user_id, CollabType::Folder, object_id) .await?; if let Err(err) = self .initialize( user_id, &workspace_id, FolderInitDataSource::Cloud(folder_doc_state), ) .await { // If failed to open folder with remote data, open from local disk. After open from the local // disk. the data will be synced to the remote server. error!("initialize folder with error {:?}, fallback local", err); self .initialize( user_id, &workspace_id, FolderInitDataSource::LocalDisk { create_if_not_exist: false, }, ) .await?; } } Ok(()) } /// Initialize the folder for the new user. /// Using the [DefaultFolderBuilder] to create the default workspace for the new user. #[instrument(level = "info", skip_all, err)] pub async fn initialize_with_new_user( &self, user_id: i64, _token: &str, is_new: bool, data_source: FolderInitDataSource, workspace_id: &str, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { // Create the default workspace if the user is new info!("initialize_when_sign_up: is_new: {}", is_new); if is_new { self.initialize(user_id, workspace_id, data_source).await?; } else { // The folder updates should not be empty, as the folder data is stored // when the user signs up for the first time. let result = self .cloud_service .get_folder_doc_state(workspace_id, user_id, CollabType::Folder, workspace_id) .await .map_err(FlowyError::from); match result { Ok(folder_doc_state) => { info!( "Get folder updates via {}, doc state len: {}", self.cloud_service.service_name(), folder_doc_state.len() ); self .initialize( user_id, workspace_id, FolderInitDataSource::Cloud(folder_doc_state), ) .await?; }, Err(err) => { if err.is_record_not_found() { self.initialize(user_id, workspace_id, data_source).await?; } else { return Err(err); } }, } } Ok(()) } /// Called when the current user logout /// pub async fn clear(&self, _user_id: i64) {} #[tracing::instrument(level = "info", skip_all, err)] pub async fn create_workspace(&self, params: CreateWorkspaceParams) -> FlowyResult<Workspace> { let uid = self.user.user_id()?; let new_workspace = self .cloud_service .create_workspace(uid, ¶ .await?; Ok(new_workspace) } pub async fn get_workspace_setting_pb(&self) -> FlowyResult<WorkspaceSettingPB> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; let latest_view = self.get_current_view().await; Ok(WorkspaceSettingPB { workspace_id, latest_view, }) } pub async fn insert_parent_child_views( &self, views: Vec<ParentChildViews>, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => Err(FlowyError::internal().with_context("The folder is not initialized")), Some(lock) => { let mut folder = lock.write().await; for view in views { insert_parent_child_views(&mut folder, view); } Ok(()) }, } } pub async fn get_workspace_pb(&self) -> FlowyResult<WorkspacePB> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; let lock = self .mutex_folder .load_full() .ok_or_else(|| FlowyError::internal().with_context("folder is not initialized"))?; let folder =; let workspace = folder .get_workspace_info(&workspace_id) .ok_or_else(|| FlowyError::record_not_found().with_context("Can not find the workspace"))?; let views = folder .get_views_belong_to(& .into_iter() .map(|view| view_pb_without_child_views(view.as_ref().clone())) .collect::<Vec<ViewPB>>(); Ok(WorkspacePB { id:, name:, views, create_time: workspace.created_at, }) } /// Asynchronously creates a view with provided parameters and notifies the workspace if update is needed. /// /// Commonly, the notify_workspace_update parameter is set to true when the view is created in the workspace. /// If you're handling multiple views in the same hierarchy and want to notify the workspace only after the last view is created, /// you can set notify_workspace_update to false to avoid multiple notifications. pub async fn create_view_with_params( &self, params: CreateViewParams, notify_workspace_update: bool, ) -> FlowyResult<(View, Option<EncodedCollab>)> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; let view_layout: ViewLayout = params.layout.clone().into(); let handler = self.get_handler(&view_layout)?; let user_id = self.user.user_id()?; let mut encoded_collab: Option<EncodedCollab> = None; if params.meta.is_empty() && params.initial_data.is_empty() { tracing::trace!("Create view with build-in data"); handler .create_built_in_view(user_id, ¶ms.view_id, ¶, view_layout.clone()) .await?; } else { tracing::trace!("Create view with view data"); encoded_collab = handler .create_view_with_view_data(user_id, params.clone()) .await?; } let index = params.index; let section = params.section.clone().unwrap_or(ViewSectionPB::Public); let is_private = section == ViewSectionPB::Private; let view = create_view(self.user.user_id()?, params, view_layout); if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.insert_view(view.clone(), index); if is_private { folder.add_private_view_ids(vec![]); } if notify_workspace_update { notify_did_update_workspace(&workspace_id, &folder); } } Ok((view, encoded_collab)) } /// The orphan view is meant to be a view that is not attached to any parent view. By default, this /// view will not be shown in the view list unless it is attached to a parent view that is shown in /// the view list. pub async fn create_orphan_view_with_params( &self, params: CreateViewParams, ) -> FlowyResult<View> { let view_layout: ViewLayout = params.layout.clone().into(); // TODO(nathan): remove orphan view. Just use for create document in row let handler = self.get_handler(&view_layout)?; let user_id = self.user.user_id()?; handler .create_built_in_view(user_id, ¶ms.view_id, ¶, view_layout.clone()) .await?; let view = create_view(self.user.user_id()?, params, view_layout); if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.insert_view(view.clone(), None); } Ok(view) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub(crate) async fn close_view(&self, view_id: &str) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let folder =; if let Some(view) = folder.get_view(view_id) { // Drop the folder lock explicitly to avoid deadlock when following calls contains 'self' drop(folder); let handler = self.get_handler(&view.layout)?; handler.close_view(view_id).await?; } } Ok(()) } /// Retrieves the view corresponding to the specified view ID. /// /// It is important to note that if the target view contains child views, /// this method only provides access to the first level of child views. /// /// Therefore, to access a nested child view within one of the initial child views, you must invoke this method /// again using the ID of the child view you wish to access. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn get_view_pb(&self, view_id: &str) -> FlowyResult<ViewPB> { let view_id = view_id.to_string(); let lock = self .mutex_folder .load_full() .ok_or_else(folder_not_init_error)?; let folder =; // trash views and other private views should not be accessed let view_ids_should_be_filtered = Self::get_view_ids_should_be_filtered(&folder); if view_ids_should_be_filtered.contains(&view_id) { return Err(FlowyError::new( ErrorCode::RecordNotFound, format!("View: {} is in trash or other private sections", view_id), )); } match folder.get_view(&view_id) { None => { error!("Can't find the view with id: {}", view_id); Err(FlowyError::record_not_found()) }, Some(view) => { let child_views = folder .get_views_belong_to(& .into_iter() .filter(|view| !view_ids_should_be_filtered.contains(& .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let view_pb = view_pb_with_child_views(view, child_views); Ok(view_pb) }, } } /// Retrieves the views corresponding to the specified view IDs. /// /// It is important to note that if the target view contains child views, /// this method only provides access to the first level of child views. /// /// Therefore, to access a nested child view within one of the initial child views, you must invoke this method /// again using the ID of the child view you wish to access. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn get_view_pbs_without_children( &self, view_ids: Vec<String>, ) -> FlowyResult<Vec<ViewPB>> { let lock = self .mutex_folder .load_full() .ok_or_else(folder_not_init_error)?; // trash views and other private views should not be accessed let folder =; let view_ids_should_be_filtered = Self::get_view_ids_should_be_filtered(&folder); let views = view_ids .into_iter() .filter_map(|view_id| { if view_ids_should_be_filtered.contains(&view_id) { return None; } folder.get_view(&view_id) }) .map(view_pb_without_child_views_from_arc) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); Ok(views) } /// Retrieves all views. /// /// It is important to note that this will return a flat map of all views, /// excluding all child views themselves, as they are all at the same level in this /// map. /// #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn get_all_views_pb(&self) -> FlowyResult<Vec<ViewPB>> { let lock = self .mutex_folder .load_full() .ok_or_else(folder_not_init_error)?; // trash views and other private views should not be accessed let folder =; let view_ids_should_be_filtered = Self::get_view_ids_should_be_filtered(&folder); let all_views = folder.get_all_views(); let views = all_views .into_iter() .filter(|view| !view_ids_should_be_filtered.contains(& .map(view_pb_without_child_views_from_arc) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); Ok(views) } /// Retrieves the ancestors of the view corresponding to the specified view ID, including the view itself. /// /// For example, if the view hierarchy is as follows: /// - View A /// - View B /// - View C /// /// If you invoke this method with the ID of View C, it will return a list of views: [View A, View B, View C]. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn get_view_ancestors_pb(&self, view_id: &str) -> FlowyResult<Vec<ViewPB>> { let mut ancestors = vec![]; let mut parent_view_id = view_id.to_string(); if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let folder =; while let Some(view) = folder.get_view(&parent_view_id) { // If the view is already in the ancestors list, then break the loop if ancestors.iter().any(|v: &ViewPB| == { break; } ancestors.push(view_pb_without_child_views(view.as_ref().clone())); parent_view_id = view.parent_view_id.clone(); } ancestors.reverse(); } Ok(ancestors) } /// Move the view to trash. If the view is the current view, then set the current view to empty. /// When the view is moved to trash, all the child views will be moved to trash as well. /// All the favorite views being trashed will be unfavorited first to remove it from favorites list as well. The process of unfavoriting concerned view is handled by `unfavorite_view_and_decendants()` #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn move_view_to_trash(&self, view_id: &str) -> FlowyResult<()> { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; if let Some(view) = folder.get_view(view_id) { Self::unfavorite_view_and_decendants(view.clone(), &mut folder); folder.add_trash_view_ids(vec![view_id.to_string()]); drop(folder); // notify the parent view that the view is moved to trash send_notification(view_id, FolderNotification::DidMoveViewToTrash) .payload(DeletedViewPB { view_id: view_id.to_string(), index: None, }) .send(); notify_child_views_changed( view_pb_without_child_views(view.as_ref().clone()), ChildViewChangeReason::Delete, ); } } Ok(()) } fn unfavorite_view_and_decendants(view: Arc<View>, folder: &mut Folder) { let mut all_descendant_views: Vec<Arc<View>> = vec![view.clone()]; all_descendant_views.extend(folder.get_views_belong_to(&; let favorite_descendant_views: Vec<ViewPB> = all_descendant_views .iter() .filter(|view| view.is_favorite) .map(|view| view_pb_without_child_views(view.as_ref().clone())) .collect(); if !favorite_descendant_views.is_empty() { folder.delete_favorite_view_ids( favorite_descendant_views .iter() .map(|v| .collect(), ); send_notification("favorite", FolderNotification::DidUnfavoriteView) .payload(RepeatedViewPB { items: favorite_descendant_views, }) .send(); } } /// Moves a nested view to a new location in the hierarchy. /// /// This function takes the `view_id` of the view to be moved, /// `new_parent_id` of the view under which the `view_id` should be moved, /// and an optional `prev_view_id` to position the `view_id` right after /// this specific view. /// /// If `prev_view_id` is provided, the moved view will be placed right after /// the view corresponding to `prev_view_id` under the `new_parent_id`. /// If `prev_view_id` is `None`, the moved view will become the first child of the new parent. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `view_id` - A string slice that holds the id of the view to be moved. /// * `new_parent_id` - A string slice that holds the id of the new parent view. /// * `prev_view_id` - An `Option<String>` that holds the id of the view after which the `view_id` should be positioned. /// #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), err)] pub async fn move_nested_view(&self, params: MoveNestedViewParams) -> FlowyResult<()> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; let view_id = params.view_id; let new_parent_id = params.new_parent_id; let prev_view_id = params.prev_view_id; let from_section = params.from_section; let to_section = params.to_section; let view = self.get_view_pb(&view_id).await?; let old_parent_id = view.parent_view_id; if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.move_nested_view(&view_id, &new_parent_id, prev_view_id); if from_section != to_section { if to_section == Some(ViewSectionPB::Private) { folder.add_private_view_ids(vec![view_id.clone()]); } else { folder.delete_private_view_ids(vec![view_id.clone()]); } } notify_parent_view_did_change(&workspace_id, &folder, vec![new_parent_id, old_parent_id]); } Ok(()) } /// Move the view with given id from one position to another position. /// The view will be moved to the new position in the same parent view. /// The passed in index is the index of the view that displayed in the UI. /// We need to convert the index to the real index of the view in the parent view. #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), err)] pub async fn move_view(&self, view_id: &str, from: usize, to: usize) -> FlowyResult<()> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; if let Some((is_workspace, parent_view_id, child_views)) = self.get_view_relation(view_id).await { // The display parent view is the view that is displayed in the UI let display_views = if is_workspace { self .get_current_workspace() .await? .views .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<_>>() } else { self .get_view_pb(&parent_view_id) .await? .child_views .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<_>>() }; if display_views.len() > to { let to_view_id = display_views[to].clone(); // Find the actual index of the view in the parent view let actual_from_index = child_views.iter().position(|id| id == view_id); let actual_to_index = child_views.iter().position(|id| id == &to_view_id); if let (Some(actual_from_index), Some(actual_to_index)) = (actual_from_index, actual_to_index) { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.move_view(view_id, actual_from_index as u32, actual_to_index as u32); notify_parent_view_did_change(&workspace_id, &folder, vec![parent_view_id]); } } } } Ok(()) } /// Return a list of views that belong to the given parent view id. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, parent_view_id), err)] pub async fn get_views_belong_to(&self, parent_view_id: &str) -> FlowyResult<Vec<Arc<View>>> { match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { Some(folder) => Ok(, None => Ok(Vec::default()), } } /// Update the view with the given params. #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), err)] pub async fn update_view_with_params(&self, params: UpdateViewParams) -> FlowyResult<()> { self .update_view(¶ms.view_id, |update| { update .set_name_if_not_none( .set_desc_if_not_none(params.desc) .set_layout_if_not_none(params.layout) .set_favorite_if_not_none(params.is_favorite) .set_extra_if_not_none(params.extra) .done() }) .await } /// Update the icon of the view with the given params. #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), err)] pub async fn update_view_icon_with_params( &self, params: UpdateViewIconParams, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { self .update_view(¶ms.view_id, |update| { update.set_icon(params.icon).done() }) .await } /// Duplicate the view with the given view id. /// /// Including the view data (icon, cover, extra) and the child views. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub(crate) async fn duplicate_view(&self, params: DuplicateViewParams) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { let lock = self .mutex_folder .load_full() .ok_or_else(|| FlowyError::record_not_found().with_context("Can't duplicate the view"))?; let folder =; let view = folder .get_view(¶ms.view_id) .ok_or_else(|| FlowyError::record_not_found().with_context("Can't duplicate the view"))?; // Explicitly drop the folder lock to avoid deadlock when following calls contains 'self' drop(folder); let parent_view_id = params .parent_view_id .clone() .unwrap_or(view.parent_view_id.clone()); self .duplicate_view_with_parent_id( &, &parent_view_id, params.open_after_duplicate, params.include_children, params.suffix, params.sync_after_create, ) .await } /// Duplicate the view with the given view id and parent view id. /// /// If the view id is the same as the parent view id, it will return an error. /// If the view id is not found, it will return an error. pub(crate) async fn duplicate_view_with_parent_id( &self, view_id: &str, parent_view_id: &str, open_after_duplicated: bool, include_children: bool, suffix: Option<String>, sync_after_create: bool, ) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { if view_id == parent_view_id { return Err(FlowyError::new( ErrorCode::Internal, format!("Can't duplicate the view({}) to itself", view_id), )); } // filter the view ids that in the trash or private section let filtered_view_ids = match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => Vec::default(), Some(lock) => { let folder =; Self::get_view_ids_should_be_filtered(&folder) }, }; // only apply the `open_after_duplicated` and the `include_children` to the first view let mut is_source_view = true; // use a stack to duplicate the view and its children let mut stack = vec![(view_id.to_string(), parent_view_id.to_string())]; let mut objects = vec![]; let suffix = suffix.unwrap_or(" (copy)".to_string()); let lock = match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => { return Err( FlowyError::record_not_found() .with_context(format!("Can't duplicate the view({})", view_id)), ) }, Some(lock) => lock, }; while let Some((current_view_id, current_parent_id)) = stack.pop() { let view = lock .read() .await .get_view(¤t_view_id) .ok_or_else(|| { FlowyError::record_not_found() .with_context(format!("Can't duplicate the view({})", view_id)) })?; let handler = self.get_handler(&view.layout)?; let view_data = handler.duplicate_view(&; let index = self .get_view_relation(¤t_parent_id) .await .and_then(|(_, _, views)| { views .iter() .filter(|id| filtered_view_ids.contains(id)) .position(|id| *id == current_view_id) .map(|i| i as u32) }); let section = { let folder =; if folder.is_view_in_section(Section::Private, & { ViewSectionPB::Private } else { ViewSectionPB::Public } }; let name = if is_source_view { format!("{}{}", &, suffix) } else { }; let duplicate_params = CreateViewParams { parent_view_id: current_parent_id.clone(), name, desc: view.desc.clone(), layout: view.layout.clone().into(), initial_data: view_data.to_vec(), view_id: gen_view_id().to_string(), meta: Default::default(), set_as_current: is_source_view && open_after_duplicated, index, section: Some(section), extra: view.extra.clone(), icon: view.icon.clone(), }; // set the notify_workspace_update to false to avoid multiple notifications let (duplicated_view, encoded_collab) = self .create_view_with_params(duplicate_params, false) .await?; if sync_after_create { if let Some(encoded_collab) = encoded_collab { let object_id =; let collab_type = match duplicated_view.layout { ViewLayout::Document => CollabType::Document, ViewLayout::Board | ViewLayout::Grid | ViewLayout::Calendar => CollabType::Database, ViewLayout::Chat => CollabType::Unknown, }; // don't block the whole import process if the view can't be encoded if collab_type != CollabType::Unknown { match self.get_folder_collab_params(object_id, collab_type, encoded_collab) { Ok(params) => objects.push(params), Err(e) => { error!("duplicate error {}", e); }, } } } } if include_children { let child_views = self.get_views_belong_to(¤t_view_id).await?; // reverse the child views to keep the order for child_view in child_views.iter().rev() { // skip the view_id should be filtered and the child_view is the duplicated view if !filtered_view_ids.contains(& && child_view.layout != ViewLayout::Chat { stack.push((,; } } } is_source_view = false } let workspace_id = &self.user.workspace_id()?; // Sync the view to the cloud if sync_after_create { self .cloud_service .batch_create_folder_collab_objects(workspace_id, objects) .await?; } // notify the update here let folder =; notify_parent_view_did_change(workspace_id, &folder, vec![parent_view_id.to_string()]); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), err)] pub(crate) async fn set_current_view(&self, view_id: String) -> Result<(), FlowyError> { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.set_current_view(view_id.clone()); folder.add_recent_view_ids(vec![view_id.clone()]); } else { return Err(FlowyError::record_not_found()); } let view = self.get_current_view().await; if let Some(view) = &view { let view_layout: ViewLayout = view.layout.clone().into(); if let Some(handle) = self.operation_handlers.get(&view_layout) { info!("Open view: {}",; if let Err(err) = handle.open_view(&view_id).await { error!("Open view error: {:?}", err); } } } let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; let setting = WorkspaceSettingPB { workspace_id, latest_view: view, }; send_current_workspace_notification(FolderNotification::DidUpdateWorkspaceSetting, setting); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn get_current_view(&self) -> Option<ViewPB> { let view_id = { let lock = self.mutex_folder.load_full()?; let folder =; let view = folder.get_current_view()?; drop(folder); view }; self.get_view_pb(&view_id).await.ok() } /// Toggles the favorite status of a view identified by `view_id`If the view is not a favorite, it will be added to the favorites list; otherwise, it will be removed from the list. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn toggle_favorites(&self, view_id: &str) -> FlowyResult<()> { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; if let Some(old_view) = folder.get_view(view_id) { if old_view.is_favorite { folder.delete_favorite_view_ids(vec![view_id.to_string()]); } else { folder.add_favorite_view_ids(vec![view_id.to_string()]); } } } self.send_toggle_favorite_notification(view_id).await; Ok(()) } /// Add the view to the recent view list / history. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn add_recent_views(&self, view_ids: Vec<String>) -> FlowyResult<()> { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.add_recent_view_ids(view_ids); } self.send_update_recent_views_notification().await; Ok(()) } /// Add the view to the recent view list / history. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn remove_recent_views(&self, view_ids: Vec<String>) -> FlowyResult<()> { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.delete_recent_view_ids(view_ids); } self.send_update_recent_views_notification().await; Ok(()) } /// Publishes a view identified by the given `view_id`. /// /// If `publish_name` is `None`, a default name will be generated using the view name and view id. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn publish_view( &self, view_id: &str, publish_name: Option<String>, selected_view_ids: Option<Vec<String>>, ) -> FlowyResult<()> { let view = { let lock = match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => { return Err( FlowyError::record_not_found() .with_context(format!("Can't find the view with ID: {}", view_id)), ) }, Some(lock) => lock, }; let read_guard =; read_guard.get_view(view_id).ok_or_else(|| { FlowyError::record_not_found() .with_context(format!("Can't find the view with ID: {}", view_id)) })? }; if view.layout == ViewLayout::Chat { return Err(FlowyError::new( ErrorCode::NotSupportYet, "The chat view is not supported to publish.".to_string(), )); } // Retrieve the view payload and its child views recursively let payload = self .get_batch_publish_payload(view_id, publish_name, false) .await?; // set the selected view ids to the payload let payload = if let Some(selected_view_ids) = selected_view_ids { payload .into_iter() .map(|mut p| { if let PublishPayload::Database(p) = &mut p { = selected_view_ids.clone(); } p }) .collect::<Vec<_>>() } else { payload }; let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; self .cloud_service .publish_view(workspace_id.as_str(), payload) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Unpublish the view with the given view id. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn unpublish_views(&self, view_ids: Vec<String>) -> FlowyResult<()> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; self .cloud_service .unpublish_views(workspace_id.as_str(), view_ids) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Get the publish info of the view with the given view id. /// The publish info contains the namespace and publish_name of the view. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn get_publish_info(&self, view_id: &str) -> FlowyResult<PublishInfoResponse> { let publish_info = self.cloud_service.get_publish_info(view_id).await?; Ok(publish_info) } /// Get the namespace of the current workspace. /// The namespace is used to generate the URL of the published view. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn set_publish_namespace(&self, namespace: String) -> FlowyResult<()> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; self .cloud_service .set_publish_namespace(workspace_id.as_str(), namespace.as_str()) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Get the namespace of the current workspace. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), err)] pub async fn get_publish_namespace(&self) -> FlowyResult<String> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; let namespace = self .cloud_service .get_publish_namespace(workspace_id.as_str()) .await?; Ok(namespace) } /// Retrieves the publishing payload for a specified view and optionally its child views. /// /// # Arguments /// * `view_id` - The ID of the view to publish. /// * `publish_name` - Optional name for the published view. /// * `include_children` - Flag to include child views in the payload. pub async fn get_batch_publish_payload( &self, view_id: &str, publish_name: Option<String>, include_children: bool, ) -> FlowyResult<Vec<PublishPayload>> { let mut stack = vec![view_id.to_string()]; let mut payloads = Vec::new(); while let Some(current_view_id) = stack.pop() { let view = match self.get_view_pb(¤t_view_id).await { Ok(view) => view, Err(_) => continue, }; // Skip the chat view if view.layout == ViewLayoutPB::Chat { continue; } let layout: ViewLayout = view.layout.into(); // Only support set the publish_name for the current view, not for the child views let publish_name = if current_view_id == view_id { publish_name.clone() } else { None }; if let Ok(payload) = self .get_publish_payload(¤t_view_id, publish_name, layout) .await { payloads.push(payload); } if include_children { // Add the child views to the stack stack.extend(view.child_views.iter().map(|child|; } } Ok(payloads) } async fn build_publish_views(&self, view_id: &str) -> Option<PublishViewInfo> { let view_pb = self.get_view_pb(view_id).await.ok()?; let mut child_views_futures = vec![]; for child in &view_pb.child_views { let future = self.build_publish_views(&; child_views_futures.push(future); } let child_views = future::join_all(child_views_futures) .await .into_iter() .flatten() .collect::<Vec<PublishViewInfo>>(); let view_child_views = if child_views.is_empty() { None } else { Some(child_views) }; let view = view_pb_to_publish_view(&view_pb); let view = PublishViewInfo { child_views: view_child_views, ..view }; Some(view) } async fn get_publish_payload( &self, view_id: &str, publish_name: Option<String>, layout: ViewLayout, ) -> FlowyResult<PublishPayload> { let handler: Arc<dyn FolderOperationHandler + Sync + Send> = self.get_handler(&layout)?; let encoded_collab_wrapper: EncodedCollabWrapper = handler .get_encoded_collab_v1_from_disk(self.user.clone(), view_id) .await?; let view = self.get_view_pb(view_id).await?; let publish_name = publish_name.unwrap_or_else(|| generate_publish_name(&, &; let child_views = self .build_publish_views(view_id) .await .and_then(|v| v.child_views) .unwrap_or_default(); let ancestor_views = self .get_view_ancestors_pb(view_id) .await? .iter() .map(view_pb_to_publish_view) .collect::<Vec<PublishViewInfo>>(); let metadata = PublishViewMetaData { view: view_pb_to_publish_view(&view), child_views, ancestor_views, }; let meta = PublishViewMeta { view_id:, publish_name, metadata, }; let payload = match encoded_collab_wrapper { EncodedCollabWrapper::Database(v) => { let database_collab = v.database_encoded_collab.doc_state.to_vec(); let database_relations = v.database_relations; let database_row_collabs = v .database_row_encoded_collabs .into_iter() .map(|v| (v.0, v.1.doc_state.to_vec())) // Convert to HashMap .collect::<HashMap<String, Vec<u8>>>(); let data = PublishDatabaseData { database_collab, database_row_collabs, database_relations, ..Default::default() }; PublishPayload::Database(PublishDatabasePayload { meta, data }) }, EncodedCollabWrapper::Document(v) => { let data = v.document_encoded_collab.doc_state.to_vec(); PublishPayload::Document(PublishDocumentPayload { meta, data }) }, EncodedCollabWrapper::Unknown => PublishPayload::Unknown, }; Ok(payload) } // Used by toggle_favorites to send notification to frontend, after the favorite status of view has been changed.It sends two distinct notifications: one to correctly update the concerned view's is_favorite status, and another to update the list of favorites that is to be displayed. async fn send_toggle_favorite_notification(&self, view_id: &str) { if let Ok(view) = self.get_view_pb(view_id).await { let notification_type = if view.is_favorite { FolderNotification::DidFavoriteView } else { FolderNotification::DidUnfavoriteView }; send_notification("favorite", notification_type) .payload(RepeatedViewPB { items: vec![view.clone()], }) .send(); send_notification(&, FolderNotification::DidUpdateView) .payload(view) .send() } } async fn send_update_recent_views_notification(&self) { let recent_views = self.get_my_recent_sections().await; send_notification("recent_views", FolderNotification::DidUpdateRecentViews) .payload(RepeatedViewIdPB { items: recent_views.into_iter().map(|item|, }) .send(); } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn get_all_favorites(&self) -> Vec<SectionItem> { self.get_sections(Section::Favorite).await } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn get_my_recent_sections(&self) -> Vec<SectionItem> { self.get_sections(Section::Recent).await } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn get_my_trash_info(&self) -> Vec<TrashInfo> { match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => Vec::default(), Some(folder) =>, } } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn restore_all_trash(&self) { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.remove_all_my_trash_sections(); send_notification("trash", FolderNotification::DidUpdateTrash) .payload(RepeatedTrashPB { items: vec![] }) .send(); } } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn restore_trash(&self, trash_id: &str) { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.delete_trash_view_ids(vec![trash_id.to_string()]); } } /// Delete all the trash permanently. #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn delete_my_trash(&self) { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let deleted_trash =; // Explicitly drop the folder lock to avoid deadlock when following calls contains 'self' drop(lock); for trash in deleted_trash { let _ = self.delete_trash(&; } send_notification("trash", FolderNotification::DidUpdateTrash) .payload(RepeatedTrashPB { items: vec![] }) .send(); } } /// Delete the trash permanently. /// Delete the view will delete all the resources that the view holds. For example, if the view /// is a database view. Then the database will be deleted as well. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, view_id), err)] pub async fn delete_trash(&self, view_id: &str) -> FlowyResult<()> { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let view = { let mut folder = lock.write().await; let view = folder.get_view(view_id); folder.delete_trash_view_ids(vec![view_id.to_string()]); folder.delete_views(vec![view_id]); view }; if let Some(view) = view { if let Ok(handler) = self.get_handler(&view.layout) { handler.delete_view(view_id).await?; } } } Ok(()) } /// Imports a single file to the folder and returns the encoded collab for immediate cloud sync. pub(crate) async fn import_single_file( &self, parent_view_id: String, import_data: ImportValue, ) -> FlowyResult<(View, Vec<(String, CollabType, EncodedCollab)>)> { // Ensure either data or file_path is provided if && import_data.file_path.is_none() { return Err(FlowyError::new( ErrorCode::InvalidParams, "Either data or file_path is required", )); } let handler = self.get_handler(&import_data.view_layout)?; let view_id = gen_view_id().to_string(); let uid = self.user.user_id()?; let mut encoded_collab = vec![]; // Import data from bytes if available if let Some(data) = { encoded_collab = handler .import_from_bytes( uid, &view_id, &, import_data.import_type, data, ) .await?; } // Import data from file path if available if let Some(file_path) = import_data.file_path { handler .import_from_file_path(&view_id, &, file_path) .await?; } let params = CreateViewParams { parent_view_id, name:, desc: "".to_string(), layout: import_data.view_layout.clone().into(), initial_data: vec![], view_id, meta: Default::default(), set_as_current: false, index: None, section: None, extra: None, icon: None, }; let view = create_view(self.user.user_id()?, params, import_data.view_layout); // Insert the new view into the folder if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; folder.insert_view(view.clone(), None); } Ok((view, encoded_collab)) } /// Import function to handle the import of data. pub(crate) async fn import(&self, import_data: ImportParams) -> FlowyResult<RepeatedViewPB> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; // Initialize an empty vector to store the objects let sync_after_create = import_data.sync_after_create; let mut objects = vec![]; let mut views = vec![]; // Iterate over the values in the import data for data in import_data.values { // Import a single file and get the view and encoded collab data let (view, encoded_collabs) = self .import_single_file(import_data.parent_view_id.clone(), data) .await?; views.push(view_pb_without_child_views(view)); if sync_after_create { for (object_id, collab_type, encode_collab) in encoded_collabs { match self.get_folder_collab_params(object_id, collab_type, encode_collab) { Ok(params) => objects.push(params), Err(e) => { error!("import error {}", e); }, } } } } // Sync the view to the cloud if sync_after_create { info!("Syncing the imported {} collab to the cloud", objects.len()); self .cloud_service .batch_create_folder_collab_objects(&workspace_id, objects) .await?; } // Notify that the parent view has changed if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let folder =; notify_parent_view_did_change(&workspace_id, &folder, vec![import_data.parent_view_id]); } Ok(RepeatedViewPB { items: views }) } /// Update the view with the provided view_id using the specified function. async fn update_view<F>(&self, view_id: &str, f: F) -> FlowyResult<()> where F: FnOnce(ViewUpdate) -> Option<View>, { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id()?; let value = match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => None, Some(lock) => { let mut folder = lock.write().await; let old_view = folder.get_view(view_id); let new_view = folder.update_view(view_id, f); Some((old_view, new_view)) }, }; if let Some((Some(old_view), Some(new_view))) = value { if let Ok(handler) = self.get_handler(&old_view.layout) { handler.did_update_view(&old_view, &new_view).await?; } } if let Ok(view_pb) = self.get_view_pb(view_id).await { send_notification(&, FolderNotification::DidUpdateView) .payload(view_pb) .send(); if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let folder =; notify_did_update_workspace(&workspace_id, &folder); } } Ok(()) } /// Returns a handler that implements the [FolderOperationHandler] trait fn get_handler( &self, view_layout: &ViewLayout, ) -> FlowyResult<Arc<dyn FolderOperationHandler + Send + Sync>> { match self.operation_handlers.get(view_layout) { None => Err(FlowyError::internal().with_context(format!( "Get data processor failed. Unknown layout type: {:?}", view_layout ))), Some(processor) => Ok(processor.clone()), } } fn get_folder_collab_params( &self, object_id: String, collab_type: CollabType, encoded_collab: EncodedCollab, ) -> FlowyResult<FolderCollabParams> { // Try to encode the collaboration data to bytes let encoded_collab_v1: Result<Vec<u8>, FlowyError> = encoded_collab.encode_to_bytes().map_err(internal_error);|encoded_collab_v1| FolderCollabParams { object_id, encoded_collab_v1, collab_type, }) } /// Returns the relation of the view. The relation is a tuple of (is_workspace, parent_view_id, /// child_view_ids). If the view is a workspace, then the parent_view_id is the workspace id. /// Otherwise, the parent_view_id is the parent view id of the view. The child_view_ids is the /// child view ids of the view. async fn get_view_relation(&self, view_id: &str) -> Option<(bool, String, Vec<String>)> { let workspace_id = self.user.workspace_id().ok()?; let lock = self.mutex_folder.load_full()?; let folder =; let view = folder.get_view(view_id)?; match folder.get_view(&view.parent_view_id) { None => folder.get_workspace_info(&workspace_id).map(|workspace| { ( true,, workspace .child_views .items .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<String>>(), ) }), Some(parent_view) => Some(( false,, parent_view .children .items .clone() .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<String>>(), )), } } pub async fn get_folder_snapshots( &self, workspace_id: &str, limit: usize, ) -> FlowyResult<Vec<FolderSnapshotPB>> { let snapshots = self .cloud_service .get_folder_snapshots(workspace_id, limit) .await? .into_iter() .map(|snapshot| FolderSnapshotPB { snapshot_id: snapshot.snapshot_id, snapshot_desc: "".to_string(), created_at: snapshot.created_at, data:, }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); Ok(snapshots) } pub async fn set_views_visibility(&self, view_ids: Vec<String>, is_public: bool) { if let Some(lock) = self.mutex_folder.load_full() { let mut folder = lock.write().await; if is_public { folder.delete_private_view_ids(view_ids); } else { folder.add_private_view_ids(view_ids); } } } /// Only support getting the Favorite and Recent sections. async fn get_sections(&self, section_type: Section) -> Vec<SectionItem> { match self.mutex_folder.load_full() { None => Vec::default(), Some(lock) => { let folder =; let views = match section_type { Section::Favorite => folder.get_my_favorite_sections(), Section::Recent => folder.get_my_recent_sections(), _ => vec![], }; let view_ids_should_be_filtered = Self::get_view_ids_should_be_filtered(&folder); views .into_iter() .filter(|view| !view_ids_should_be_filtered.contains(& .collect() }, } } /// Get all the view that are in the trash, including the child views of the child views. /// For example, if A view which is in the trash has a child view B, this function will return /// both A and B. fn get_all_trash_ids(folder: &Folder) -> Vec<String> { let trash_ids = folder .get_all_trash_sections() .into_iter() .map(|trash| .collect::<Vec<String>>(); let mut all_trash_ids = trash_ids.clone(); for trash_id in trash_ids { all_trash_ids.extend(get_all_child_view_ids(folder, &trash_id)); } all_trash_ids } /// Filter the views that are in the trash and belong to the other private sections. fn get_view_ids_should_be_filtered(folder: &Folder) -> Vec<String> { let trash_ids = Self::get_all_trash_ids(folder); let other_private_view_ids = Self::get_other_private_view_ids(folder); [trash_ids, other_private_view_ids].concat() } fn get_other_private_view_ids(folder: &Folder) -> Vec<String> { let my_private_view_ids = folder .get_my_private_sections() .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<String>>(); let all_private_view_ids = folder .get_all_private_sections() .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<String>>(); all_private_view_ids .into_iter() .filter(|id| !my_private_view_ids.contains(id)) .collect() } pub fn remove_indices_for_workspace(&self, workspace_id: String) -> FlowyResult<()> { self .folder_indexer .remove_indices_for_workspace(workspace_id)?; Ok(()) } } /// Return the views that belong to the workspace. The views are filtered by the trash and all the private views. pub(crate) fn get_workspace_public_view_pbs(workspace_id: &str, folder: &Folder) -> Vec<ViewPB> { // get the trash ids let trash_ids = folder .get_all_trash_sections() .into_iter() .map(|trash| .collect::<Vec<String>>(); // get the private view ids let private_view_ids = folder .get_all_private_sections() .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<String>>(); let mut views = folder.get_views_belong_to(workspace_id); // filter the views that are in the trash and all the private views views.retain(|view| !trash_ids.contains(& && !private_view_ids.contains(&; views .into_iter() .map(|view| { // Get child views let mut child_views: Vec<Arc<View>> = folder.get_views_belong_to(&; child_views.retain(|view| !trash_ids.contains(&; view_pb_with_child_views(view, child_views) }) .collect() } /// Get all the child views belong to the view id, including the child views of the child views. fn get_all_child_view_ids(folder: &Folder, view_id: &str) -> Vec<String> { let child_view_ids = folder .get_views_belong_to(view_id) .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<String>>(); let mut all_child_view_ids = child_view_ids.clone(); for child_view_id in child_view_ids { all_child_view_ids.extend(get_all_child_view_ids(folder, &child_view_id)); } all_child_view_ids } /// Get the current private views of the user. pub(crate) fn get_workspace_private_view_pbs(workspace_id: &str, folder: &Folder) -> Vec<ViewPB> { // get the trash ids let trash_ids = folder .get_all_trash_sections() .into_iter() .map(|trash| .collect::<Vec<String>>(); // get the private view ids let private_view_ids = folder .get_my_private_sections() .into_iter() .map(|view| .collect::<Vec<String>>(); let mut views = folder.get_views_belong_to(workspace_id); // filter the views that are in the trash and not in the private view ids views.retain(|view| !trash_ids.contains(& && private_view_ids.contains(&; views .into_iter() .map(|view| { // Get child views let mut child_views: Vec<Arc<View>> = folder.get_views_belong_to(&; child_views.retain(|view| !trash_ids.contains(&; view_pb_with_child_views(view, child_views) }) .collect() } #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] pub enum FolderInitDataSource { /// It means using the data stored on local disk to initialize the folder LocalDisk { create_if_not_exist: bool }, /// If there is no data stored on local disk, we will use the data from the server to initialize the folder Cloud(Vec<u8>), } impl Display for FolderInitDataSource { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { FolderInitDataSource::LocalDisk { .. } => f.write_fmt(format_args!("LocalDisk")), FolderInitDataSource::Cloud(_) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("Cloud")), } } }