import 'dart:io'; part 'tool.dart'; const excludeTagBegin = 'BEGIN: EXCLUDE_IN_RELEASE'; const excludeTagEnd = 'END: EXCLUDE_IN_RELEASE'; Future main(List args) async { const help = ''' A build script that modifies build assets before building the release version of AppFlowy. args[0]: The directory that contains the AppFlowy git repository. Should be the parent to appflowy_flutter. (absolute path) args[1]: The appflowy version to be built (github ref_name). '''; const numArgs = 2; assert(args.length == numArgs, 'Expected ${numArgs}, got ${args.length}. Read the following for instructions about how to use this script.\n\n$help'); if (args[0] == '-h' || args[0] == '--help') { stdout.write(help); stdout.flush(); } final repositoryRoot = Directory(args[0]); assert(await repositoryRoot.exists(), '$repositoryRoot is an invalid directory. Please try again with a valid directory.\n\n$help'); final appVersion = args[1]; await _BuildTool(repositoryRoot: repositoryRoot.path, appVersion: appVersion) .run(); }