#!/bin/sh #!/usr/bin/env fish echo 'Start building rust sdk' rustup show #Env check #1. rustc --version will be the same as cargo --version #2. override the toolchain if the current toolchain not equal to the rust-toolchain file specified. # rustup override set nightly-2021-04-24 #3. Check your cargo env using the same source by: which cargo # 1. ~/.bash_profile, # 2. ~/.bashrc # 3. ~/.profile # 4. ~/.zshrc # TODO: Automatically exec the script base on the current system # for macos cargo make --profile development-mac flowy-sdk-dev # for window #cargo make --profile development-windows flowy-sdk-dev # for linux aarch64 #cargo make --profile development-linux-x86 flowy-sdk-dev # for linux aarch64 #cargo make --profile development-linux-aarch64 flowy-sdk-dev