Nathan.fooo 069519589e
Fix/grid group (#1787)
* ci: config rust log

* chore: rename flowy-sdk to appflowy-core

* fix: create group after editing the url

* fix: start listen on new group

* chore: add tests

* refactor: mock data

* ci: update command
2023-02-02 23:02:49 +08:00

114 lines
3.4 KiB

mod c;
mod model;
mod notification;
mod protobuf;
mod util;
use crate::notification::DartNotificationSender;
use crate::{
c::{extend_front_four_bytes_into_bytes, forget_rust},
model::{FFIRequest, FFIResponse},
use flowy_core::get_client_server_configuration;
use flowy_core::*;
use flowy_notification::register_notification_sender;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use lib_dispatch::prelude::ToBytes;
use lib_dispatch::prelude::*;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use std::{ffi::CStr, os::raw::c_char};
lazy_static! {
static ref APPFLOWY_CORE: RwLock<Option<AppFlowyCore>> = RwLock::new(None);
pub extern "C" fn init_sdk(path: *mut c_char) -> i64 {
let c_str: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(path) };
let path: &str = c_str.to_str().unwrap();
let server_config = get_client_server_configuration().unwrap();
let log_crates = vec!["flowy-ffi".to_string()];
let config = AppFlowyCoreConfig::new(path, "appflowy".to_string(), server_config).log_filter("info", log_crates);
*APPFLOWY_CORE.write() = Some(AppFlowyCore::new(config));
pub extern "C" fn async_event(port: i64, input: *const u8, len: usize) {
let request: AFPluginRequest = FFIRequest::from_u8_pointer(input, len).into();
"[FFI]: {} Async Event: {:?} with {} port",
let dispatcher = match {
None => {
log::error!("sdk not init yet.");
Some(e) => e.event_dispatcher.clone(),
let _ = AFPluginDispatcher::async_send_with_callback(dispatcher, request, move |resp: AFPluginEventResponse| {
log::trace!("[FFI]: Post data to dart through {} port", port);
Box::pin(post_to_flutter(resp, port))
pub extern "C" fn sync_event(input: *const u8, len: usize) -> *const u8 {
let request: AFPluginRequest = FFIRequest::from_u8_pointer(input, len).into();
log::trace!("[FFI]: {} Sync Event: {:?}", &, &request.event,);
let dispatcher = match {
None => {
log::error!("sdk not init yet.");
return forget_rust(Vec::default());
Some(e) => e.event_dispatcher.clone(),
let _response = AFPluginDispatcher::sync_send(dispatcher, request);
// FFIResponse { }
let response_bytes = vec![];
let result = extend_front_four_bytes_into_bytes(&response_bytes);
pub extern "C" fn set_stream_port(port: i64) -> i32 {
pub extern "C" fn link_me_please() {}
async fn post_to_flutter(response: AFPluginEventResponse, port: i64) {
let isolate = allo_isolate::Isolate::new(port);
match isolate
.catch_unwind(async {
let ffi_resp = FFIResponse::from(response);
Ok(_success) => {
log::trace!("[FFI]: Post data to dart success");
Err(e) => {
if let Some(msg) = e.downcast_ref::<&str>() {
log::error!("[FFI]: {:?}", msg);
} else {
log::error!("[FFI]: allo_isolate post panic");