2021-11-20 08:35:04 +08:00

357 lines
12 KiB

use backend::{
application::{get_connection_pool, init_app_context, Application},
config::{get_configuration, DatabaseSettings},
use backend_service::{errors::ServerError, user_request::*, workspace_request::*};
use flowy_document::services::server::read_doc_request;
use flowy_document_infra::entities::doc::{Doc, DocIdentifier};
use flowy_user_infra::entities::*;
use flowy_workspace_infra::entities::prelude::*;
use sqlx::{Connection, Executor, PgConnection, PgPool};
use uuid::Uuid;
pub struct TestUserServer {
pub host: String,
pub port: u16,
pub pg_pool: PgPool,
pub user_token: Option<String>,
pub user_id: Option<String>,
impl TestUserServer {
pub async fn new() -> Self {
let mut server: TestUserServer = spawn_server().await.into();
let response = server.register_user().await;
server.user_token = Some(response.token);
server.user_id = Some(response.user_id);
pub async fn sign_in(&self, params: SignInParams) -> Result<SignInResponse, ServerError> {
let url = format!("{}/api/auth", self.http_addr());
let resp = user_sign_in_request(params, &url).await?;
pub async fn sign_out(&self) {
let url = format!("{}/api/auth", self.http_addr());
let _ = user_sign_out_request(self.user_token(), &url).await.unwrap();
pub fn user_token(&self) -> &str { self.user_token.as_ref().expect("must call register_user first ") }
pub fn user_id(&self) -> &str { self.user_id.as_ref().expect("must call register_user first ") }
pub async fn get_user_profile(&self) -> UserProfile {
let url = format!("{}/api/user", self.http_addr());
let user_profile = get_user_profile_request(self.user_token(), &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn update_user_profile(&self, params: UpdateUserParams) -> Result<(), ServerError> {
let url = format!("{}/api/user", self.http_addr());
let _ = update_user_profile_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await?;
pub async fn create_workspace(&self, params: CreateWorkspaceParams) -> Workspace {
let url = format!("{}/api/workspace", self.http_addr());
let workspace = create_workspace_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn read_workspaces(&self, params: WorkspaceIdentifier) -> RepeatedWorkspace {
let url = format!("{}/api/workspace", self.http_addr());
let workspaces = read_workspaces_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn update_workspace(&self, params: UpdateWorkspaceParams) {
let url = format!("{}/api/workspace", self.http_addr());
update_workspace_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn delete_workspace(&self, params: WorkspaceIdentifier) {
let url = format!("{}/api/workspace", self.http_addr());
delete_workspace_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn create_app(&self, params: CreateAppParams) -> App {
let url = format!("{}/api/app", self.http_addr());
let app = create_app_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn read_app(&self, params: AppIdentifier) -> Option<App> {
let url = format!("{}/api/app", self.http_addr());
let app = read_app_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn update_app(&self, params: UpdateAppParams) {
let url = format!("{}/api/app", self.http_addr());
update_app_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn delete_app(&self, params: AppIdentifier) {
let url = format!("{}/api/app", self.http_addr());
delete_app_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn create_view(&self, params: CreateViewParams) -> View {
let url = format!("{}/api/view", self.http_addr());
let view = create_view_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn read_view(&self, params: ViewIdentifier) -> Option<View> {
let url = format!("{}/api/view", self.http_addr());
let view = read_view_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn update_view(&self, params: UpdateViewParams) {
let url = format!("{}/api/view", self.http_addr());
update_view_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn delete_view(&self, params: ViewIdentifiers) {
let url = format!("{}/api/view", self.http_addr());
delete_view_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn create_view_trash(&self, view_id: &str) {
let identifier = TrashIdentifier {
id: view_id.to_string(),
ty: TrashType::View,
let url = format!("{}/api/trash", self.http_addr());
create_trash_request(self.user_token(), vec![identifier].into(), &url)
pub async fn delete_view_trash(&self, trash_identifiers: TrashIdentifiers) {
let url = format!("{}/api/trash", self.http_addr());
delete_trash_request(self.user_token(), trash_identifiers, &url)
pub async fn read_trash(&self) -> RepeatedTrash {
let url = format!("{}/api/trash", self.http_addr());
read_trash_request(self.user_token(), &url).await.unwrap()
pub async fn read_doc(&self, params: DocIdentifier) -> Option<Doc> {
let url = format!("{}/api/doc", self.http_addr());
let doc = read_doc_request(self.user_token(), params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub async fn register_user(&self) -> SignUpResponse {
let params = SignUpParams {
email: "".to_string(),
name: "annie".to_string(),
password: "HelloAppFlowy123!".to_string(),
pub async fn register(&self, params: SignUpParams) -> SignUpResponse {
let url = format!("{}/api/register", self.http_addr());
let response = user_sign_up_request(params, &url).await.unwrap();
pub fn http_addr(&self) -> String { format!("http://{}", }
pub fn ws_addr(&self) -> String { format!("ws://{}/ws/{}",, self.user_token.as_ref().unwrap()) }
impl std::convert::From<TestServer> for TestUserServer {
fn from(server: TestServer) -> Self {
TestUserServer {
port: server.port,
pg_pool: server.pg_pool,
user_token: None,
user_id: None,
pub async fn spawn_user_server() -> TestUserServer {
let server: TestUserServer = spawn_server().await.into();
pub struct TestServer {
pub host: String,
pub port: u16,
pub pg_pool: PgPool,
pub app_ctx: AppContext,
pub async fn spawn_server() -> TestServer {
let database_name = format!("{}", Uuid::new_v4().to_string());
let configuration = {
let mut c = get_configuration().expect("Failed to read configuration.");
c.database.database_name = database_name.clone();
// Use a random OS port
c.application.port = 0;
let _ = configure_database(&configuration.database).await;
let app_ctx = init_app_context(&configuration).await;
let application = Application::build(configuration.clone(), app_ctx.clone())
.expect("Failed to build application.");
let application_port = application.port();
let _ = tokio::spawn(async {
let _ = application.run_until_stopped();
// drop_test_database(database_name).await;
TestServer {
host: format!("localhost:{}", application_port),
port: application_port,
pg_pool: get_connection_pool(&configuration.database)
.expect("Failed to connect to the database"),
async fn configure_database(config: &DatabaseSettings) -> PgPool {
// Create database
let mut connection = PgConnection::connect_with(&config.without_db())
.expect("Failed to connect to Postgres");
.execute(&*format!(r#"CREATE DATABASE "{}";"#, config.database_name))
.expect("Failed to create database.");
// Migrate database
let connection_pool = PgPool::connect_with(config.with_db())
.expect("Failed to connect to Postgres.");
.expect("Failed to migrate the database");
async fn drop_test_database(database_name: String) {
let configuration = {
let mut c = get_configuration().expect("Failed to read configuration.");
c.database.database_name = "flowy".to_owned();
c.application.port = 0;
let mut connection = PgConnection::connect_with(&configuration.database.without_db())
.expect("Failed to connect to Postgres");
.execute(&*format!(r#"Drop DATABASE "{}";"#, database_name))
.expect("Failed to drop database.");
pub async fn create_test_workspace(server: &TestUserServer) -> Workspace {
let params = CreateWorkspaceParams {
name: "My first workspace".to_string(),
desc: "This is my first workspace".to_string(),
let workspace = server.create_workspace(params).await;
pub async fn create_test_app(server: &TestUserServer, workspace_id: &str) -> App {
let params = CreateAppParams {
workspace_id: workspace_id.to_owned(),
name: "My first app".to_string(),
desc: "This is my first app".to_string(),
color_style: ColorStyle::default(),
let app = server.create_app(params).await;
pub async fn create_test_view(application: &TestUserServer, app_id: &str) -> View {
let name = "My first view".to_string();
let desc = "This is my first view".to_string();
let thumbnail = "http://1.png".to_string();
let params = CreateViewParams::new(app_id.to_owned(), name, desc, ViewType::Doc, thumbnail);
let app = application.create_view(params).await;
pub struct WorkspaceTest {
pub server: TestUserServer,
pub workspace: Workspace,
impl WorkspaceTest {
pub async fn new() -> Self {
let server = TestUserServer::new().await;
let workspace = create_test_workspace(&server).await;
Self { server, workspace }
pub async fn create_app(&self) -> App { create_test_app(&self.server, & }
pub struct AppTest {
pub server: TestUserServer,
pub workspace: Workspace,
pub app: App,
impl AppTest {
pub async fn new() -> Self {
let server = TestUserServer::new().await;
let workspace = create_test_workspace(&server).await;
let app = create_test_app(&server, &;
Self { server, workspace, app }
pub struct ViewTest {
pub server: TestUserServer,
pub workspace: Workspace,
pub app: App,
pub view: View,
impl ViewTest {
pub async fn new() -> Self {
let server = TestUserServer::new().await;
let workspace = create_test_workspace(&server).await;
let app = create_test_app(&server, &;
let view = create_test_view(&server, &;
Self {