Nathan.fooo 61fd608200
Feat/view map database ()
* refactor: rename structs

* chore: read database id from view

* chore: fix open database error because of create a database view for database id

* chore: fix tests

* chore: rename datbase id to view id in flutter

* refactor: move grid and board to database view folder

* refactor: rename functions

* refactor: move calender to datbase view folder

* refactor: rename app_flowy to appflowy_flutter

* chore: reanming

* chore: fix freeze gen

* chore: remove todos

* refactor: view process events

* chore: add link database test

* chore: just open view if there is opened database
2023-02-26 16:27:17 +08:00
Contents.json Feat/view map database () 2023-02-26 16:27:17 +08:00
LaunchImage.png Feat/view map database () 2023-02-26 16:27:17 +08:00
LaunchImage@2x.png Feat/view map database () 2023-02-26 16:27:17 +08:00
LaunchImage@3x.png Feat/view map database () 2023-02-26 16:27:17 +08:00 Feat/view map database () 2023-02-26 16:27:17 +08:00

Launch Screen Assets

You can customize the launch screen with your own desired assets by replacing the image files in this directory.

You can also do it by opening your Flutter project's Xcode project with open ios/Runner.xcworkspace, selecting Runner/Assets.xcassets in the Project Navigator and dropping in the desired images.