Richard Shiue 442dfe7ef8
feat: switch between light and dark theme based on system settings (#1523)
* feat: allow listening to system for light/dark theme

* chore: implement UI for theme mode setting

* chore: fix translations
2022-12-08 14:21:11 +08:00

226 lines
6.3 KiB

"appName": "AppFlowy",
"defaultUsername": "我",
"welcomeText": "歡迎使用 @:appName",
"githubStarText": "在 GitHub 點星",
"subscribeNewsletterText": "訂閱電子報",
"letsGoButtonText": "出發吧",
"title": "標題",
"signUp": {
"buttonText": "註冊",
"title": "註冊 @:appName",
"getStartedText": "開始使用",
"emptyPasswordError": "密碼不能為空",
"repeatPasswordEmptyError": "確認密碼不能為空",
"unmatchedPasswordError": "確認密碼與密碼不符",
"alreadyHaveAnAccount": "已經有帳號了嗎?",
"emailHint": "電子郵件地址",
"passwordHint": "密碼",
"repeatPasswordHint": "確認密碼"
"signIn": {
"loginTitle": "登入 @:appName",
"loginButtonText": "登入",
"buttonText": "登入",
"forgotPassword": "忘記密碼?",
"emailHint": "電子郵件地址",
"passwordHint": "密碼",
"dontHaveAnAccount": "沒有帳號?",
"repeatPasswordEmptyError": "確認密碼不能為空",
"unmatchedPasswordError": "確認密碼與密碼不符"
"workspace": {
"create": "建立工作區",
"hint": "工作區",
"notFoundError": "找不到工作區"
"shareAction": {
"buttonText": "分享",
"workInProgress": "即將推出",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"copyLink": "複製連結"
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"rename": "重新命名",
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"restore": "復原頁面",
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"whatsNew": "新功能",
"help": "幫助 & 支援",
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"name": "除錯資訊",
"success": "已將除錯資訊複製至剪貼簿!",
"fail": "無法將除錯資訊複製至剪貼簿"
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"addPageTooltip": "快速新增頁面",
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"header": "標題",
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"tooltip": {
"lightMode": "切換至亮色模式",
"darkMode": "切換至暗色模式"
"notifications": {
"export": {
"markdown": "已將筆記匯出成 Markdown",
"path": "Documents/flowy"
"contactsPage": {
"title": "聯絡人",
"whatsHappening": "這周有甚麼新鮮事?",
"addContact": "新增聯絡人",
"editContact": "編輯聯絡人"
"button": {
"OK": "OK",
"Cancel": "取消",
"signIn": "登入",
"signOut": "登出",
"complete": "完成",
"save": "儲存"
"label": {
"welcome": "歡迎!",
"firstName": "名",
"middleName": "中間名",
"lastName": "姓",
"stepX": "步驟 {X}"
"oAuth": {
"err": {
"failedTitle": "無法連接至您的帳號。",
"failedMsg": "請確認您已在瀏覽器中完成登入程序:"
"google": {
"title": "GOOGLE 登入",
"instruction1": "若要匯入您的 Google 聯絡人,您必須透過瀏覽器授權此應用程式:",
"instruction2": "點擊圖示或選取文字以複製代碼:",
"instruction3": "前往下列網址,並輸入上述代碼:",
"instruction4": "完成註冊後,請點擊下方按鈕:"
"settings": {
"title": "設定",
"menu": {
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"user": "使用者",
"open": "開啟設定"
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"label": "Theme Mode",
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"dark": "暗色模式",
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"timeFormatTwentyFourHour": "24 小時",
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"delete": "刪除",
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"create": "建立",
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"timeHintTextInTwelveHour": "01:00 PM",
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"openSidebar": "Open sidebar",
"closeSidebar": "Close sidebar"