Askarbek Zadauly 6fc8072459
feat: tauri grid changes and fixes (#2995)
* (feat) implement row drag and drop functionality

* (feat) implement grid row actions options ui

* (feat) add delete row function

* (feat) implemet grid filter and sort popup layout

* chore: move row methods to database controller

* (feat) integrate delete and duplicate row functions

* chore: add option on field popup

* chore: padding on edit row

* fix: change option color

* chore: stick to corner on resize

* fix: stick to corner

* chore: grid row popup changes

* chore: grid title

* chore: add field width

* chore: replace table layout with fixed column size

* chore: resize column WIP

* chore: save column width and draggable WIP

* chore: nav panel resize fix

* chore: database filter store

* chore: filter popups

* chore: filter value options

* chore: remove console

* chore: database filter refactor

* chore: prevent jitter and dont include used fields

* chore: checked field type

* chore: reset operator

* chore: filter icon

* chore: database sort popup

* chore: add icons into ref page

* chore: sort icon in column header

* chore: grid title fix

* chore: change text and border colors

* chore: grid rows dnd and optimise components

* chore: select option color change fix

* chore: filter service and controller

* chore: wire filter UI to service WIP

* chore: show only fields/cells with visiblity set to true

* fix: grid visible column exception

* chore: add update text filter backend

* chore: select option filter save modify get

* fix: filter reload and new filter

* fix: new filter order

* chore: sort backend service

* chore: database sort UI

* chore: field select popover component

* chore: operator select popover

* chore: select options popover

* chore: change text color

* chore: post merge

* chore: sort popover

* chore: bg body

* chore: grid row actions popover

* chore: dragging row change

* chore: new field column fix

* chore: field actions popover and field type popover

* chore: hide and delete field actions

* chore: duplicate field

* fix: pnpm lock file has error and button color update

* fix: tsc error

* chore: add field to left and right


Co-authored-by: Mikias Tilahun Abebe <>
Co-authored-by: qinluhe <>
2023-08-14 17:06:27 +08:00

99 lines
3.1 KiB

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